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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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today, in the southern military district, under the leadership of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, the first stage of exercises began... to work out the preparation and
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use of non-strategic and nuclear weapons. as part of this stage, the missile formation is working on the task of obtaining special ammunition for the iskander complex. equipment of missiles and covert movement to the position area in preparation for launches. at the same time, x personnel practice equipping with special combat units of aviation weapons, including including aeroballistic hypersonic ones. i think that it would also be very positive for our enemy to see how tactical nuclear weapons work. some hotheads are proposing a test site for this on the new earth. i believe that there is no need to conduct any tests on our new earth, there is something for that. testing ground, i’m a person with a low
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heart rate, so i’m not worried at all, you ’re not against the yavrsky testing ground, really, why do we need to pollute our land, you, as a true humanist, of course, will support my proposal. by the way, i note that much more humane than the proposal of vladimir iyovich zhirinovsky, who proposed to burn some island in the north sea, in my opinion, yes, that’s what it sounded like to him, yeah. and if we are not joking at all, then this is all absolutely no coincidence, because the west still believes that our government is bluffing, that we are not using what we have, and that they can try to drag us into hostilities, thus gradually heating up water in the boiler to boiling point, no, don’t get your hopes up, we see right through you, and the degree of your meanness and stupidity begins to evoke in us
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, well, from the french to the vikings, everyone has gone through them, well, that means it was a long time ago, but it was who remained there, people in whose languages ​​this defeat is still felt, well, when the pig is alive, she's a peak when she's already a pork, that's what they're talking about, they can't even decide, the game is called peak pork, yes, the game is called ping-pong, yes, that is the same. trying to explain to us about
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the international criminal court, i actually have the feeling that at some point in time so, we all began to live in such a marvel universe, that is, just some evil animators and artists drew a crowd of freaks, brought them to life so that they controlled reality, all this in the united states, well, listen, well, a real person cannot look like matthew miller, he just can’t, well, look at him. and at the same time he is trying to say something. the difference between russia and israel is that israel is a democracy with accountability mechanisms and investigations that are currently underway there. this is not about russia. we are not aware of any investigation into war crimes in russia. there is a fundamental difference here, it lies in
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the fact that israel stated that it was going to cooperate with the investigation. russia did not do this. that's why the trip to israel was so important. israel stated that it was going to cooperate with the investigation and discuss with them the charges that were not being prepared. give him a herring already, shut him up, well, well, look, well , this is some kind of monster, crazy, illiterate, unable to formulate anything, not understanding that he trying to say whether it’s just simple republican senators, here are 12 guys who are so purely specific, they still signed their fingers on the fax and tell this international court, well, the gagorsky court is really a bunch of cretins, there is no doubt about it. but they say, who are you anyway? they say, you are a judge, who are you, you ran into the boys, aim at israel, we will target you, i just remember the nineties, who did you run into, well, that’s, well,
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you need to ask twelve respected citizens, gangway, authoritative or so, attached are they being stupid, is the ending good? have you looked in the mirror at all, do you understand what you are talking about, how you look in the eyes of the world, i really liked the prosecutor. mus karim khan da told me, some elected leaders spoke to me and were, you know, very straightforward, this court was created for africa and for thugs like putin, as one senior leader told me, we don’t think so,
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what do you think? , what kind of court is this, who is it... thought when we said that they were a bunch of cretins, they said, no, no, no, should we listen, or is everyone saying, this is a bunch of cretins, netanyahu has come, we need to write some more word for him, it’s just a word from him, all the hitlers, where didn’t tanyahu get so many hitlers, listen, karim khan creates a false symmetry between israel's democratic elected leaders and the terrorist leaders, which is the same as saying after 9/11, well, i'm issuing arrest warrants for george bush, but also for ben ladon. or after the second world war, well, i hand radir over for arrest roosevelt, but also hitler, it's a brilliant job, it's not serious, it seeks to denigrate israel, and also adds fuel to the fire of anti-semitism that is spreading throughout the world because it attacks the only jewish state and tries
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to handcuff us by preventing us from responsibly to act in accordance with the laws of war, to which we obey, and he says that this is not so, he creates false symmetry, false facts and commits a gross...
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remind how joyfully he was greeted by representatives of all delegations at the olympics, remind you how joyfully the british football players yawned, remind you how joyful it was.
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a well-educated person understands perfectly well that , of course, now hitler is constantly remembered everywhere, by the way, and the only russian state is completely absent, and the state where russians live is russia, and jews live in very many states and feel great, so i’m a jew, i feel great i feel in russia, unfortunately, the jew zelensky feels great in ukraine, so when he speaks the only jew.
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what's going on in canada? what reacts?
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please show the crowd having fun, rejoicing, why do these people expect sympathy for themselves when they show such an attitude towards others, well, i’m just wondering, that’s why they think that... where presidents are not directly elected by democracy, in iran, where presidents are elected by popular vote, no, why do they think that israel is a democratic, accountable country, although political assassinations are legalized there in other countries, an article has been written on this topic, not an article, a book for israeli researchers, the uprising is kill first, the secret history of the israeli intelligence services, and iran, for example, has refused this, in principle it does not use it. israel, which has nuclear weapons, and iran, which issued fitwa,
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prohibiting the development of nuclear weapons in its country, and at the same time spared hell - this is iran, and israel is a model. by the way, there was an interesting phrase, i’ll stop, that musa, it turns out, has no jurisdiction, as the americans believe, because neither israel nor palestine, which is not, as they say, a state. do not recognize mus it is necessary that at least one of the parties sign the rome statute, then they have the right, they say we can be judged on this, so afghanistan signed and ratified, based on this, for a crime on the territory of afghanistan, judging by american logic, the american military can be judged , as i understand it, well, if... what they say, there was an attempt, there was an attempt, and it was said, we are from all these yours, this is it, and well, well,
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vitalitovich, thank you, well, i i understand your pathos, the indignation associated with sarcasm, but somehow on the one hand, you need to demonstrate tactical nuclear weapons. to say in all its dawn somewhere, that is, such a harsh realism, on the other hand, you are outraged by the fact that it is not... so far removed from reality and exists only because we continue to play this game, the play is staged , the first time, a wonderful director, a new play called democracy there, let’s say, the actors were given roles, the actors are talented, they believe in this play, it’s really new, the director
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is talented, brilliant, maybe the first the play, the second, the third, people are pouring out, but the play has been going on for 10 years, 40 years, 100 years, well, any play, even shakespeare, they say, becomes outdated, because in it they begin to change these same ones for others, color, gender , everything else, i said that othella became white, has already become black, yes, but at the same time he did not become white, who told you that?
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then we are indignant, we say, no, you are wrong, we need to be allowed in, we are equal players, this is at least with this very thing, at least with the olympic games, at least with something, you know, we recognize refereeing, because in we don’t recognize any game as sus, just as we don’t recognize refereeing, just as we don’t recognize it, but not mus, well, so many of these muses, institutions have been created, everyone is led, led by the same people, they, they really are. we are not used to leading, as far as we are concerned, we are either good or bad, we are pursuing the right wrong policy, but during the period of perestroika, well , even before that, well, really, in the nineties, we fully recognized all this, well, naturally we are surprised when we begin to get out, get out , as our
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grandparents said, there are two rules: well traitors who fully admitted this got kicked in the ass by history and flew out forever from the pantheon of the gods of democracy, so it’s time to understand, that’s it, this is a shameful page in our history, it’s a shame, but the society is a country-political system, from the fact that you confiscate shatuda or hit the ass with your knee there are one, two three people, or even a dozen, uh, it doesn’t change completely, it doesn’t change, you want to say that we are still going in this shameful direction, i said. that we began to refuse this, they are outraged by this, just as you are outraged the fact that they are outraged will put them in their place, politics is an art, a skill, a science, whatever, to get power to hold it for as long as possible, well, everything goes according to these rules, but i won’t remember
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all sorts of proletarian slogans there, that the chains of imperialism need to be knocked off the planet, and where, we ourselves stood under these chains, considered that they were of color, now this is gone, yes, here, here, well, the one who holds the chains, why should he from that, what did we do here, he must repent or something, of course, you saw there are many who repent, at least one repentant politician, who, for example, are repentant politicians, yes, he says, i say, he was wrong, but i had chubais on the program of kailsazin, they stood and chubais. yes, dude says i was wrong, raguzina almost fell then he says what a jerk, yes he was like that, that is, they stood together on my show, chubas publicly asked for forgiveness, why for this privatization, after that he made further mistakes, that is, this is clear, and no, he asked for forgiveness, or something, from him there there was a lot for that, he didn’t ask, no, well
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, it’s not, he repented on my show, this show, i don’t believe that... to jump out from under this system - there is only one way to really get out of it, than earlier and the more, the more active, the better, another thing is that there is also political tactics, and so on, there is a lot that is connected, therefore... i am not at all surprised by their behavior, absolute power in the world, they are used to it it’s so convenient to live, well, of course they are surprised. they want to leave it, i’m not saying that there is wealth, positions and all that stuff, yesterday, too , about democracy, well, in general , these same political ones, the political system from which
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we took were indignant, there were arguments, i ’ll tell you about this, but we, again, we admit, it means russia adheres to conservative values ​​are bad, but why? no, well, now i’m their thesis, right? but we constantly, we recognize great britain as a democratic state, but they also adhere to conservative values, because there is a monarchy there, but the monarchy is also a conservative institution, conservative values, and what kind of monarchy is it? it was born in the future, it is a bright future, and conservative is what was born in the future, then simply define the term why monarchy is a conservative value. and what value while monarchy is not a value of government at all, it’s just a completely different category series, monarchy is not a value, but for
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me this is - just like green is not a conservative value, well, soft is not necessarily not conservative valuable, although i probably just broke someone’s heart, so, and the note after too, this is one example of the fact that we, even... being a communist country and all that stuff, recognized that in the modern world there can be states, which are called democratic, even if we are monarchies for some reason, in russia there are not such, sorry, in europe there are many of them, by the way, everyone refers to the middle east, where there are solid monarchies, in europe that there are fewer of them, that whether these monarchies, and still for now everything is fine, it is included in a number of democratic countries and so on... they are listed as such, everyone recognizes this game, that’s against it - what am i talking about, that we need to get rid of these illusions, we have started, so i
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propose nuclear weapons, well, get rid of them, so that nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons can destroy the country, but not the political system, isn’t it a fact that it’s not interesting, yes, now they’ll take it, everyone will go to the moon, but corruption will remain? or what, no, corruption exists where people exist, no people, no corruption, here too, there will be no one in small britain, and accordingly there will be no monarchy, the only experiment on this was carried out by heroshima nagasaki, no, japan is an empire or not an official empire, there is an emperor or not an emperor, a head of state, as the emperor was before the nuclear explosions , and after nuclear, proven nuclear. explosion does not destroy the political system of the population, if not, then there is no political system, if there are no people, then there is no political system, this is the point, nuclear
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weapons destroy everyone, you understand that i i understand well what i’m talking about, but there is no political system on the moon, because there are no people there, so nuclear weapons lead to nuclear armageddon, after which there will be no one left on earth, including how you can change the political system of the entire earth for the better?
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secondly, i think that they won’t distinguish a lisginka from a circassian and won’t even be able to say what is one and what is the other, i can’t imagine what they wear and what they dance, yes, i can’t imagine them at the caucasian table, how long can they sit there, here we are russian people, we can sit at the caucasian table as long as we want, or sginkus police, maybe not as cleverly as the ensemble there, i don’t remember which one, that’s what... the tsarist army took over the sand there in addition to the cossacks and others, but again it’s not for anyone surprises, and some georgians say: we want these people
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to govern.
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japan, including the usa, and so on, we took the corresponding formation of parliament, we prove that we have more democracy, we ridicule democracy as an institution, but at the same time we prove that we have more democracy, than in the west, a tactless question, but how will we determine the classes? yes, very simply, i said, class, class, scientific class, military class, spiritual class, there is no need to be shy, this should be included in the appropriate, corresponding class, the medical class, these are those agrarian classes, those large groups of people who determine the at the moment, the life of the state, its viability, is a profession or something, well, roughly speaking, it is a professional one.
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now, now, now, now, now, and how we will weigh them by what quantity there will be votes from the estates, well, of course , the majority from the academic environment, as i understand it, it’s just not necessary, it’s us, we had the academic one hundred, no, i just want to understand how we will weigh, not the estate, the zemstvo model, the zemstvo model of management , this can be further developed, well , it can be developed, that is, we will then do something like yes, that is, we get a mixed class, why a mixed class? i’ll explain right away what the difference is, then you have one vote in the duma representing, say, eight votes of the scientific class, one vote the military will find it unfair that...
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well, then you are indignant at how the masters should be in this model, and you say how dare you, why are you creative in retrograde forms, you pass off as innovation the fact that you have long been an elder, okay whether any innovation is a separate question, retrogressive, yes, but why write new novels when there are such good ones, i hear all these arguments,
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well you are suggesting everyone live in the old way. spiritually, this is one, not only this, which, with each reading, lives in the day of today, this a living book, you claim this, all believers claim this, but then you have balanced representation in parliament from believers and non-believers, you have calculated how fair you are, the point is that


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