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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
why this reaction? because some kind of mongrel opened his mouth, we will decide how we will remove it, what the procedure is, moreover, you are both hamas and these, do you understand what you said? you said that the olympian god is equal to the christian, they were sleeping, you actually understood that you understood that death is required for this in our society, here... he says: but i liked that the funniest thing about the french, normal idea, normal and belgium too, by the way, this indoctrination and belonging to this very elite, which liberals are allowed what all other pigs are not allowed to do, they took over hollywood in america due to this, they took over education all over the world, with great difficulty, step by step today we are winning back our education from them here, because they did what they wanted and really it was like that.
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there is an opinion that time heals; 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit. for contacting the partisans, they burned down the village of all the inhabitants.
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a thoughtful offensive in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the liberal did something completely indecent, but they scolded him, they scolded him at most, and then some.
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to get rid of him there is to build a world without them in general in principle, but on the other hand, this also speaks about one more thing, about the internal affairs of america itself, because in america there were also people who said: no, guys, you that, are you serious, you are like, and we are slaves, they will not put up with this either, because for them it is tantamount to death, because unlike the liberal elite, who are citizens of the world, who are even the masters of the world, of the liberal world order , they’ll head off to australia, no, not because that they have a nuclear war, but they just...
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there will be a civil war, because, because they will make peace, that is, once again, this is not a fact, maybe they will bomb it, both of them can win, i i just want to say that this is an inevitable conflict, one of them must be trampled by someone, and for the entire twenty-fifth year they will walk along this edge, it is impossible to get rid of this in any way, well, it is impossible, you know, in the situation , when, relatively speaking, some are judged, others are not judged. and one was the president there, the other one didn’t seem to be there, but they still won’t agree with it, the elephant is scrapped, but it’s not even scrapped, they don’t have a two-party system in that sense, it turns out very differently every time, there are the whigs with these, then the north with south, they always have a two-party system, by the way, a unique
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political system, where there really are always two internal fields, now , of course, these are representatives of these national counter-lites and, so to speak , left-liberal globalists, to their own, they are absolutely, absolutely openly they act like this in the russian way, you are nobody, they will put you in jail, are you crazy, biden will be judged, the stalin strait will have to be cooled, okay, well, i want to turn a little to another topic, really to the real tragedy that is happening today, this another tragedy that we are facing is the tragedy that is happening in new caledonia, they talk about it very little, but we just talked about it there. there is no colonialism, classic colonialism, we said that this is now some kind of new policy, as if flirting with indigenous peoples, nothing like that, when people are simply put under pressure, when a state of emergency was first introduced, then there was territory, this is on the territory of new
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caledonia, no, that is, i just let people know, the new one is an overseas territory, an overseas territory of france, yes, that’s where a state of emergency was first introduced. then there was martial law, now there are practically military operations going on there, there are skirmishes, according to some reports, about 80 barricades have been destroyed there, there are battles going on, well, like this, the french are trying to break through a sixty-kilometer road from the capital of nomiya to the aviation base , where planes can actually land to the airport, and there this road is blocked by konak, by the way, konak very often say that this is... one idea that this is their country , people, there are 26 different tribes, and they speak different languages, but they united around and that they have the right, a greater right to
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what comes from the hawaiian language, it’s just to receive, so to speak, both from nickel and from everything that gives this country is for france, everything that is exported to france, everything that the french use. because the situation in this country, here again we are talking about colonialism, classic colonialism, and without any, so to speak, reservations, you know, the konaki are the lowest stratum, have practically no rights, because even in other countries, remember malaysia there too, but there is still a law on the putra boom, yes, that is, it says that the local population has certain rights, they are given certain quotas, they are given certain quotas in education, certain quotas - in business, by the way, this is also given, that is, it is as if the rights of the local population are recognized, that, so to speak, they have certain rights, great rights to their own country, because they have other countries in in general, no, this simply does not exist here, here the french commissioner general said that republican order will be
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established in the new calebonia at any cost, and it is imposed at the cost of no compromises, no negotiations, no search for some kind of compromise with a certain kanaga. if you can call it that, this is the kanak faction that was in the local legislative assembly, no, it is simply carried out by introducing armed forces, searching for these same kanaks, arresting them, now according to some sources there are already 230, but in reality much more, little is said about the killed, the konak people are going to mountains, that is, they literally made it so that the french walked this sixty-kilometer road, it is very important, because now it is very difficult there... the food situation, lack of blood, by the way, which indicates a large number of wounded and suffering people, so they passed, the konak went into the jungle, a french military column passed, they returned again, the kanak again began to set up their checkpoints, that is, in fact, we can talk about a real guerrilla
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war beginning, when the kanak or, let’s say, the konak minority actually do not leave any opportunities either for participation in management or for... and 30% of world production, and what do these kanakas get from this? nothing, all this has this french, the so -called koldoshi, and a huge amount the people who moved there are the vietnamese, and people from the nearest islands, french polynesia, there from wallis, natuna, a lot of people moved there, they all actually form two camps, there is one camp kanaga, and the other camp is french, everyone else ... who, so to speak, actually live there, and it must be said that the french have been deceiving these konak people for a very long time and
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the konak movement in general for a very long time, as if they were constantly deceiving us, because at one time the canadian socialist front was created national liberation, then it turned out, it was the eighties, there was this jean-marie djebao, he even wrote letters to us, and we kind of welcomed him somehow, he was such a graduate of the catholic university of leon, such a local intellectual.. . who, so to speak, in the traditions of old colonialism, could have been installed as a kind of compromise figure, so to speak, that is, he is a konak, he rules, but in reality there is something behind him, but this option did not work out, because there were kanaks among them. naturally there were two radicals and there were those people like jean-marie jibau, when the radicals started a guerrilla war there and almost 19 konak were killed, after that there were agreements and jibau agreed to... in order to extend the period of gaining independence, it was decided that after 20 years it will be possible to hold a referendum
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on independence, and thus the konak dream, then the konak people were actually the majority then, but time passed, there were the matine agreements, the noumea agreements, everything was deceived, everything was deceived, nothing were given to the konak, ultimately in 208 they held one referendum, where 56% were against independence. in the twentieth year there were already 53% only against, in the twenty-first year they passed this third last law and the fact that they seemed to promise a referendum, the kanaks did not participate, 95% voted for preserving france and now in fact , why did the kanaks not participate, but because they initially believed that this referendum was completely unprepared, and this referendum was being carried out very quickly, that is, on 18, 20, 21, they believed that they needed to unite for some more time, so to speak, and... there was an idea among the konak people, so to speak, to enter into an agreement with some
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polynesian people, so to speak, there are quite a lot of them there now, the total population of new caledonia is now somewhere 275,000 konak approximately now, about 1,112 thousand people, everything else is the french and arabs, vietnamese and all sorts of other people who all form this front for france, why yes , because they all came there to exclude. from the point of view of exploitation of all those riches, which the kanaks lay claim to, it seems to me that today we talked a lot about colonialism, about the bestial, so we need to help the brotherly kanak people, about the general essence, absolutely correct, about the essence that this modern political western order, who is doing this there now, the french, where is this egalite, liberté, fraternite, there is none of this. it’s just that these are second-class people, these are the people who should serve them there and the people with whom they should agree, but in
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in the best case, maybe some leaders of some tribes, they will be allowed into the legislative assembly so that they can shine a light there in some way, that’s all, this is the decision, which is why the kanakas understand everything perfectly, because this is the decision about so that more than 40 thousand people receive voting rights, they put an end to any attempts by the konak people to legally regain their country. or at least take a worthy place in this country, like people who simply have no other country, that’s all, that’s why there’s such bitterness, that’s why there’s such despair, because in fact, if this law is not repealed, by the way, the heads of this french polynesia, martinique, they met there, they proposed to macron, they said that, well, well, it should be repealed, because since 1998, everyone who came there, they everyone gets voting rights.
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and the last thing i want to say, the last thing i want to say is that this is an example of what we were talking about just now, this is just before our eyes, this is harsh western colonialism, right here. ism and colonialism and absolutely disregard for the rights of local population, its suppression, just the scale - so to speak, a small island is far away, and they don’t write much, so to speak, that... now in general about this, that’s why i’m quoting the proclamation, france should lose its last colonial war, on small pretty champagnes, so no, so no illusions, as everyone here correctly said, no illusions regarding at least some elements, so to speak, what they can do there , something good, something altruistic, nothing, it’s really
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like me i want to say, in due time to say, bestial ascal, he’s absolutely visible there, now there’s an advertisement. let us not continue with a new composition, when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, got off, for the first time there they wounded me, there were all the bullets to fly, one there were roots, already more strength. there was almost no, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful to the stranger guy, i need
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it seems that from the other side and... moreover , deaf, well, vladimir vladimirovich explained to them several times that, why, how just several times the election headquarters, gostiny dvor, during a press conference, march 18, 2024, did not i’m ready to talk about what and how we should join when, but i don’t rule out that keeping in mind the tragic events taking place today. we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in today's territories subordinate to the kiev regime means creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the means of destruction that the enemy
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uses, primarily, of course, foreign-made, what depth could such a zone have. a separate question, well, clearly and clearly, they didn’t understand the first time, okay, a visit to china, following the visit, a press conference, the question arises again, as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and continue to unfortunately, shelling residential areas of border territories, including belgorod. well , civilians are dying there, it ’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we’re doing that, but what as for
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kharkov, there are no such plans today, well, at the time when they said, no, so... for some reason today , kiev terrorists took and again attacked our territory under the fire of donetsk, belgorod region a kamikaze drone attacked a passenger car with civilians, alas, in one other case the victim comes to kiev, to berbuk, and take the creature to kharkov, there it will befall her , teaches all the german invaders who are trying to trample our holy land, at the same time.. .
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scoundrel, colonialist, you went against your nature and your nature, lloyd, what are you talking about, we are liberating our land, and what are you? they explained to you, there is no need to shell belgorod, we will create a sanitary zone, they started making a sanitary zone, so they shell, and zelensky is shouting, we are not using foreign weapons, they’ve already conquered the czech republic, they’re killing them like vampires, these are
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czech weapons, that’s not enough, how much they used, including maxpro, there they raving about all the other bullshit when they tried to attack belgorod, the guys there can tell fearlessly, they’re there we've had a lot of fun with this technique. but that’s how it all began, right? it began with the fact that zelensky told the whole truth, this was the eighteenth year, he told the pure truth, so you explain to me why the ukrainians didn’t hear him, zelensky and the first day he told the truth about himself, he didn’t hide anything, here you go, block 95, 2018, live, they want to live better, but just think about how you can survive when i live? have you ever thought about me, have you ever thought about how to make my life better, you didn’t think, but i thought and came up with it,
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i do everything for this, and you don’t fit into this scheme, people don’t fit in, but i do , i fit in the way i want to fit in, but for some reason everyone read that he was joking, yes, he kept talking about... there won’t be enough idiots, there won’t be enough, yes, no that’s enough, therefore, in order not to spoil the paper, let’s go electronically, yes, otherwise there wo n’t be enough carpathian forests to describe all
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the freaks, all the psychiatric deviations that the ukrnazis are famous for, but look at aristofich’s dick, dear viewers, this is a disaster, it can be classified differently than a disaster it’s impossible, just take the election program, what little he said there or what he fed, compare it with what is everything, you will understand that we were deceived, only we deceived ourselves, i have a question, how is it like having full power, a constitutional majority, having cavites state of emergency, then martial law, you could change everything, for me for a month and these, i could change the country in a month so that no one would know, having solved all the key issues, you know, but in 5 years you could have done i don’t know what , but here they are, having all this completeness, and a constitutional majority with the ability to change the constitution in ukraine given our internal tensions and discord. may happen once in a millennium, the last time it was under vladimir manomakh and did not happen again, who, by the way, died on may 19, so we celebrate the date of death almost like this, so here is 1125, and so -
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he still did not have consent, he received a unique chance of biblical significance, everything was flushed down the toilet, paradoxically , they learned nothing by the end of the fifth year, management was worse , than in the first, well, how is this possible, how is a negative increase in experience possible? tell us, they showed us how this is possible, i have a question, when we say that they are the bad greens, that is, i have a question for the whole nation, how did we allow that they are the first they rule us, the second thing is that they imposed on us the essence without intelligence and without responsibility, you know, in one of the key ministries of defense, now one deputy has quit, he recently spent 3 months in the position, quit, and did not put a single signature for 3 months , yes , you said, that is, a general flight from responsibility has become the general style of public administration in our country now, only corrupt decisions are signed, but what is necessary... is not signed, no one wants to bear responsibility, deputies run away and so on, this is all the result style of government of what is happening now, that’s all, i don’t understand at all how you can
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teach a sheep here, a sheep can learn to smoke, a hare can be taught to smoke in 2.5 years, how can one manage after 2.5 years of war worse than at the beginning, stupid it’s not clear at all, but we have made an absolute discovery in the field of human existence, a negative experience, it’s called, that is, an experience that here you get experience, but it gets worse. don't you think this can only be intentional? well, no, a fool is worse than a spy, kolya, believe me, look, spies are professional spies are people who have been systematically preparing for a long time, they are rational, they act in certain directions, they don’t meddle far, and in general they are forced to disguise themselves as effective, otherwise they will drive you away, you understand, yes, there may be more poles than harm, in fact, it is not so easy to do harm, being somewhere in the depths, and the fool climbs everywhere, tries everything.
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wait, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, me, and why adam, and not adam, chechen, i, an artist, white roses, you can, i can, you can sing something, friends, lively, we don’t need names, it’s not a trosh, or something, not a trosh. yours, well , you, daisy, light of god, homer, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. it is interesting that the most interesting conversation was between two english speakers, one scott benet, the second a briton, and the future they paint for ukraine is terrifying. what is the plan for the future of ukraine, it is clearly not about saving the lives of young people so that they can rebuild the country after this is all over. i think their parents understand this,
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so they kick them out of ukraine. look at the president of the second freshness, and one of the ukrainian millionaires, which is not difficult, in ukraine in russia is such that anyone can say a millionaire, some gennady balashov, that’s what ukraine said.
4:01 am
who needs society now, especially...


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