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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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did aristotle describe democracy not based on the assembly, that it is the power of the people? no, he proceeded from the fact that this is a format of degradation, yes, of course, this is like one of the degenerate forms of government, but here it was precisely the form of government of the majority, that is, if you don’t deceive yourself, then democracy today is first and foremost one man.
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simply, just before the salon, democracy was when the poor killed the rich, divided everything up, made the salon more decent, that is, it was the power of the crowd, when they swooped in , beat everyone, ran away, well, both of those things are nothing good, well, in fact, we really need to go into this theoretical space, because in fact, when we deal with this, it turns out that there are no clothes, the king is naked, a democratic king, and the power is of three people. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would i didn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is absolutely independent, uh, moved away from me?
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let's meet in the future 100 years ago, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you have incomparably original questions, and that in general with production, raw materials and...
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. and the last one, yes, that is, the vastly deserted ukrainian streets of ukrainian cities, yes, that is - that is, you didn’t like the idea of ​​africa on the emptyest ukrainian cities? and they
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didn’t like it, i remembered, this is what is called foucault’s paradox, when he discovered that, in general, when they talk about freedom, freedom will disappear, when they talk about humanization, humanization will disappear and not a word about ukraine without ukraine, for ukraine to disappear, in essence it turns out like this, there was a revolution of dignity, and dignity, dignity disappeared completely, it was completely crowded out from everywhere, it doesn’t exist, it’s lost, we remember the proud phrases, we... since we changed power, we want to, we’ll change it, more, change, change, make, here you go, another collapse of the same world, they forgot the main definition that there are no greater stranglers of freedoms than yesterday's democrats, of course, of course, in this regard it is all degenerating, in fact, into such a rather gloomy , actually a cult, and speaking of what gives rise to power, my friend is closer to me, it’s true, a rifle gives birth to power. but if we talk about maryana bezuglaya
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and her wonderful statement, wonderful in quotes, that we will probably lose, we will all die, but our mission... to fight russia, that is, the very cult of ukraine that demands only dead heroes, you see, this is essentially a pagan cult, that is, it is no coincidence that the rada raised the issue of banning the orthodox church, they need to make a request for the ban on death, the whole identity is built on this, so they should ban dying on the radio, it is considered that this is a form of philandering, well, they have already done this a long time ago, everyone...
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squeezing helps to adopt this already this is probably already burned at the airfield after the dead pilot this is hags rather the question of psychiatry, how it is implemented, as it should be, but in general yes, but it fell on quite fertile soil, well, of course they are strange people, well, what can i do with him as a classic child, i want to tell you as a greek, don’t argue regarding democracy, there are many types of democracy, from socialist to slaveholding, choose which one you want. everything else is tactics and strategy, yes, which you, which you talked about, you know, today throughout the day i always end up somehow like this, either by accident, or it turns out that way this information, about how zelensky, in this psychosis, shouts at the generals who do not give him reliable information, when i
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read this, i thought how subtly they all work, well, well done, the administration of president zelensky works very subtly, is this how the average person should perceive it? and they don’t give this money for ukraine, in fact they invest money in pilots, soldiers, officers who will be used by them in the future, we don’t know where these pilots will fly in 3-5 years, we we say, yes, they flew there for about 10
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sorties, and tomorrow they will fly 100, and where they will appear, i don’t know, but i’m convinced, i said in your studio, these people who live in war and nothing. except for war, they don’t know how to do it, they will be used in other conflicts all over the world, wherever they are, these are ready-made mercenaries who will work, and the west doesn’t mind spending money on this, they won’t need to send their soldier, there are people ready to go and fight, they are motivated, these people will motivated by money, the opportunity to earn money, they are, if not the majority, then... well, a very large part of those soldiers after the end of the conflict will become simply mercenaries, i don’t know, a foreign legion, i don’t know, some private military companies how they will be used, but i know for sure that these people will not return to peaceful life,
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just as i know for sure that the zelensky regime, which has learned to live with war, cannot, this is fear, this is horror, the end war is a disaster for him, what to do with this country, can you even imagine? 90% of thermal energy has been lost, industrial potential has been lost, this is what he can offer to people in peace, this is what he can offer, he has a plan, he has no plan, he has no plan to end this war, the west really they are of little interest in zelensky’s legitimacy, they can wave, shake their hand, say, yes, yes, yes, they are legitimate, they are interested in something else, if earlier zelensky’s promise to inflict a strategic defeat.
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his categorical no negotiations, his will be forced to do it, but we don’t care, you don’t care, for russia, no, a second, for russia the question of zelensky’s legitimacy is of the greatest importance, he can sign, he can be persuaded to sign, he will be ready for any capitulation, anything, question in another, we, we will not put under his signature the promise of the west, we will not put it, a new government will come, it, unlike the old government, will follow an absolutely legal path, it will recognize it. that decisions taken in the period from such and such a time to such and such a time are illegitimate, they
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they will put anything there, a decision of the constitutional court and so on, and then what is this paper worth, well, that’s what it ’s worth, it’s worth nothing, so negotiate with him, negotiate with him, and zelensky, who signed any document, including surrender , it costs absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing, well , that’s what they talked about, the fact is that...
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he didn’t hold elections, allowed the usurpation of power and turned ukraine into a legal collapse, that is
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, a situation was created that is very right many people say i am there for a reason i read victor, because what’s next, what tomorrow, when you discuss the topic with whom to conclude a peace agreement, with whom to make peace, yes, i drowned for peace, i talked about peace agreements, but now it’s generally who drowned the world, you’re not , no, i drowned, well, they drowned the world, they drowned, and therefore this is what is called legal collapse. it’s not just like that in britain, it’s not just like that that the us press starts writing, it’s not just like that they ask questions to the same zelensky, and the further they go, they will ask him, including in the ukrainian, in the ukrainian parliament and ukrainian society. but this is not the most terrible event on the territory of ukraine. i want to tell and explain to the audience what happened now, it’s been happening for just a few days. for all that, all the people who live in the current territory of ukraine cannot sleep peacefully.
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in all big cities, companies that manage housing, yes, either housing estates, former old ones, or management companies, and so the government of ukraine determined, gave the right to the managers of the housing estate or the heads of the management company, either personally or in composition of the commission 24x7, 24x7, that is, around the clock. come to any apartment and check: first, whether the person who is registered there has updated his data with the military registration and enlistment office, if he has not updated, an act is drawn up for the court, the court makes a decision within seven days, there can be no appeal, it doesn’t matter whether the person lived there, not lived, did not update, now the second function, the second option, more terrible, if he updated, but they gave him, they gave him a summons, that is, he... this chairman of the management company himself can come with a summons and say: here you go,
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sign, at 2:00 in the morning they can wake you up, at 5:00 in the morning they can dissuade you, moreover, listen further, i carefully read the changes in the permanent cabin, and i don’t see there, how many times during the day this manager or commission can appear , once, twice, three times, there is no limit , that’s all in the cities. he’s away visiting, doesn’t spend the night at home, doesn’t care, a fact happened, a representative came or a commission came, they recorded what they handed over, then the court, then this, and people, you understand, a lot of people who are hiding, now what, what’s wrong they hide in them, the building managers come, as they used to say, or the housing managers there, they begin to
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pick them out, pick them out, through the court, through this, first fines, first fines, then anyway to the war, hence the quantity, hence the number of numbers , starting there with the military commissar of kiev, the military commissar of dnepropetrovsk, he begins to say, we caught so many hilyants, we caught so many hilyants, of course, if a person went to bed, they came to you in the commission, you are taken by the hands of a white hand to the war, you know, vladimirovich, to what extent, this is just the beginning, this is only two, the third day, the third day, how this new normal of the cabinet of ministers works, and i’m right. i said that guys, go, go into the forests, listen, here’s the information, in the lviv region a policeman caught a man who had been hiding in the forest since volyn, caught him, found him and wanted to arrest him, a fight started, well, the policeman called for police, which means their colleagues, they caught this guy, and now he’s in prison, they’re dragging him even in the forests, because
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someone is knocking, you know, this is the most terrible thing i want. it’s not just that, that it’s not just that they gave the right, this is a legal right, this is a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, please, and now every person, and if a small child, and if an elderly person does not care who lives in the apartment, don’t care, it ’s millions that should flow, these millions should flow, but maybe it’s better to think about it,
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okay, then think about it, go, overthrow the government, just, well, i... you know, when you for now, yes, let me have a strategy and, because the topic is serious, it means that the official, i am the same, the new minister comes and says: listen, what did he tell you, what did you do, what, what instructions did that previous one give you? the minister, well, as he gave, he said to develop a concept, and after the concept a strategy, so make a concept, just not the one that was, redo something, because the new government, there are no questions, each of us who had five those who have six concepts, because they changed quickly.
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your brother! there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign is a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i
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came for my brother, i have to find him, according to surveys, more than half of russians want to live in their own house, only a third in apartments, the main advantage of a private house, of course, is the area , fresh air, silence, about a new service that helps make this dream come true, we will tell you in... minutes in the program instructions: choose a suitable project, find a reliable developer and even find money for a new home. all this can be done on portal stroim.dom.rf, developer operator superservice institute for development in the housing sphere, state company domrf together with the ministry of construction and the ministry of digital development of russia. the legal construction superservice was created jointly with the russian ministry of construction and the russian ministry of digital development. last year we integrated it with the state services portal. therefore, in essence , a single customer path is drawn there, both for obtaining government services and for obtaining commercial services. government services are of course, but obtaining
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construction permits, connecting technical conditions, connection, infrastructure connection and other services. from the point of view of commercial services, the most popular are choosing a private house project, checking a contractor, receiving recommendations for building a private house, and of course, choosing a mortgage loan portal can be viewed. without authorization, but in order to fully use it, you need to log in using your government services account, then the site will be able to select a project taking into account the region in which you want to build and what support measures you need available. the selection on the portal is large, more than a thousand projects and almost 900 contractors. all contractors undergo reliability checks, so you can be sure that they will complete the work within the agreed time frame. in addition, the portal has the opportunity to build your house using spark plugs, that is, you transfer money to a special bank account, and the contractor will receive it only when he completes all the work. this year
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, the first projects appeared on the domrf portal that can be built using spark accounts, and out of more than a thousand projects that are presented on the portal, we already have 173 such projects, their number is replenished every day, this allows citizens to transfer money to... in the bank and the contractor will receive it only after the construction of the house is completed, thereby the construction becomes even more transparent and safe, both for the contractor and, of course, for our main client, this is for the citizen. superservice is closely related to government services. a special page on the state portal contains everything that may be useful in selecting and registering a plot of land for putting a house into operation, including concluding agreements with electricity suppliers. public services, and you
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can, in fact, either from our portal or from the public services portal, start that very client journey of building your own home, so that it is as clear and transparent as possible, on the public services portal you can get the key services that the state provides , we will set up a house in the russian federation, accordingly you can receive services for the construction of your own house, at your choice contractor, for obtaining mowing services, for choosing a mortgage loan, and so on. the portal stroim.dom.rrf is worth adding to bookmarks, its functionality will be constantly expanded. there you will find not only builders, but also those who will help with repairs, landscaping the site, installing fences, gates, and so on. that is, gradually the portal will have everything to make life in your own home your own. the land was as comfortable and pleasant as possible. now our task, well , besides, of course, is to increase the number of participants in the super service itself as suppliers, and not only limited
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to contractors, banks, but also those who may be architects, develop projects, atypical projects hurt the system. in addition, we want to create within the system, we are already completing this functionality, an opportunity for the user to increase the controllability of the process, that is, from the moment the loan is received. before the completion of construction, he must clearly understand what is happening with his house, that is , at what stage the developer is, how the materials were delivered, not connected networks are connected, for this purpose a special control panel will be created in his personal account, which will allow him to see this. so, let’s repeat the main thing: 13,000 people have already taken advantage of the personal recommendations of the portal stroim.dom.rrф, with its help you can find well-thought-out house designs, reliable contractors, find out about current support measures... in your region, the site will even teach you how to talk to developers on one language, it has a glossary of construction terms. the portal will also be useful for those who already live in their own
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home. there will be services related to home ownership. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how you can get land for construction or what support measures are currently in place for those who want to build a house for their family, write to us on telegram, we will find out everything from the experts and tell you in the next issues of our instructions .
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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, we went there, for the first time they got tired of me to wound, all the bullets were about to fly out, one was a root, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment...
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a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i was completely i will be grateful to the unfamiliar palm.
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5:00 am
the russian army repelled 17 attacks in so, zelensky’s formation lost another 1,700 soldiers and mercenary officers, three tanks and 13 other armored vehicles were destroyed, including american bradleys, 18 self-propelled guns, howitzers and other weapons, mostly from nato countries, were destroyed.


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