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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in so, zelensky’s formations lost another 1,700 soldiers, mercenary officers, three tanks and 13 other armored vehicles were destroyed, including american bradleys, liquidated... 18
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self-propelled guns, howitzers and other weapons, mainly from nato countries. air defense forces shot down 45 combat drones, 14 atacoms, harm and scalpa missiles and five french hamer guided bombs. about the progress in the kharkov direction, our war correspondent evgeniy podobny. the militants of the kiev regime are doing everything possible to slow down the advance of our units and subdivisions in the kharkov direction for this purpose, here for liberation. not only additional reserve units and units of the ukrainian armed forces are being transferred, but also the most modern western-made equipment, which is at the disposal of the militants of the kiev regime, primarily we are talking about reconnaissance and fire weapons; in the last 24 hours alone, more than a dozen different western weapons systems have been destroyed by our fighters in the kharkov direction, these are counter-battery stations, self-propelled artillery installations, rocket system.
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salvo fire, as well as ground reconnaissance equipment. the most fierce fighting is now taking place in the city of volchansk, as well as in the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy. here in volchansk, half of the city is controlled by units of the russian army. the southern part of the city has since been under the control of militants of the kiev regime. in order to weaken resistance and destroy the temporary deployment point of ukrainian armed forces militants, russian aviation used aviation. this is a volume-detonating fire bomb defeat, the high-rise building, which the militants of the kiev regime actually turned into a stronghold, was destroyed by a russian aerial bomb in order to reduce the resistance of the militants of the kiev regime and facilitate the advance of the assault units of the northern group of the russian army, but it is worth noting that fierce battles continue in other directions, the enemy is moving up to
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in a difficult moment, the russian armed forces will try to advance in the coming weeks in an attempt to create a buffer zone along ukrainian border, this is a difficult dangerous fight. apparently, they are trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for the failures of the ukrainian troops, although vladimir putin warned back in march that due to the ukrainian armed forces’ strikes on russian territory , a sanitary buffer zone would have to be created, but neither the united states, nor europe, nor nato responded in any way to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces.
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civilians, and vladimir putin, during his visit to china, once again very specifically indicated that a buffer zone would be created. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because they they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod. well, civilians are dying there, but obviously they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas. and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so that’s what we’re doing. ukrainian terrorists continue attacks on civilians in the belgorod region. a komikaze drone struck a car in the village of oktyabrsky. a passenger died, three more people were injured serious injuries. the village of rzhevka was shelled, there were casualties. about senseless cruelty
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margarita semenyuk, my child was very afraid, that is, he asked us to leave, he screamed, well, he was very scared when all these explosions with... alarm siren several times per hour missile aviation danger drone raids kamikaze . today in the ssu they have already attacked shibake on rzhevka, new tavolzhanka, in voznesenovka a drone fell on an agricultural enterprise, and a fuel container caught fire. governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov in his telegram channel wrote about another blow to civilians. a kamikaze drone attacked a moving car with a driver and three passengers. the incident occurred near the village checkpoint. in the belgorod region. unfortunately, there is a dead one. as a result of the explosion , the woman died on the spot from her wounds. more often there are drones in the sky over the belgorod region. according to radio miroshnik, ambassador at large of mitrossia, who specially came to the belgorod region to see the situation with his own eyes, from more than 2,500
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ammunition that flew to the cities and towns of the region, one and a half. drones, and this is from the beginning of the year, no less than attacks by artillery shells and missiles.
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in the same graivaran, a local hospital, that is, one of the district hospitals, was damaged, a psychiatric clinic was damaged, and schools, multi-storey buildings, a huge number of private houses were shelled, which were literally just destroyed. over
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the past 24 hours alone, 112 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces have been recorded in the region, including missiles, artillery and mortar shells, kamikaze drones , and aircraft-type drones. because of the dangerous situation in the region 90. children were transferred to distance learning, temporary temporary accommodation centers were deployed for those whose homes were destroyed. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, news. to return the west to a sense of reality , the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in the southern district. this was done by order of vladimir putin in response to direct threats and russophobic attacks, including from american, british, german and french politicians. how moscow can respond - evgeniy found out. nipod started the first stage of the exercise, in which are working out the use of non -strategic nuclear weapons, a column of equipment from the southern military district, under the cover of combat security units, is heading to the launch site. our special warhead is so miniature that we can fit it into an artillery shell, it
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can be added, in principle, to any modern missile that we use, these include sea-based supersonic onyxes, these are all the types of cruise missiles that we have. .. let’s let them be air-launched, these are calibers too may, in fact, contain a special warhead, so while the exercises are being worked out, this is probably the most common and can be used. soldiers from the crews of the iskander operational-tactical missile systems are equipping the launcher. the complex can target targets within a radius of five thousand kilometers with ballistic and cruise missiles with various warheads, including, of course, special ones, that is, nuclear ones. the charge power can vary from two to 50. the movement of the military is perfected years of service, acts harmoniously, fulfilling the task set by the commander-in-chief: the general staff conducts the exercise on instructions from the president, the first stage will be followed by two more, belarus will join in, vladimir putin discussed the conduct of the exercise with alexander lukashenko on may 9 after the end of the parade on red square,
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since the deployment is located on the territory of belarus not strategic nuclear weapons, then this time we... invited our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked for this, to take part in one of the stages of this exercises, we conduct them regularly this... as the russian minister of defense told me, they have begun to carry out these exercises, the
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russian ministry of defense noted that the maneuvers are being carried out in response to provocative statements by western politicians macron about the introduction of troops into ukraine and the head of the foreign ministry -britain cameron, who calls for the ukrainian armed forces to give permission to strike with western long-range weapons throughout russia. units of the aerospace forces, aircraft crews and engineering personnel are also involved in the exercises. composition, for example, of tu-22 strategic bombers. and mig thirty also equip hypersonic kinzhal missiles with special warheads; they are capable of hitting targets at a range exceeding 2.0 km, maneuvering in all parts of the trajectory. evgenia nipot, olga olvukhina, lead. apparently, it has already been partially achieved to sober up the west. germany and nato do not intend to shoot down russian air defense missiles installed outside ukraine. this was stated by the head of the german ministry of defense. but, since such intervention is at the request of kiev means. he again demanded that the west
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attack russian targets, wants nato countries to send troops into the independent zone, admitted that ukrainians are tired of the conflict, but said that he will continue to fight, when asked about his legitimacy, he stated: elections are not needed, war is there is a version of ukrainian democracy, into the furnace of which he is ready to throw the happiness of the people. victoria supports him in this, too. calls on the united states to allow the armed forces of ukraine to strike russia, but she has already been fired from the state department. founder of the american pmc bvoter erik prince in an interview journalist tucker carlson said that kiev was fluttering in vain. the situation for the zelensky regime is getting worse and worse, he noted, washington is spinning money and doesn’t care about ukraine itself. the money will largely go to america's five largest defense contractors. to replace the weapons that we sent to the ukrainians at a price five times higher, this is a huge scam, paid for by
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the pentagon, and these weapons will not affect the outcome of the conflict in any way. six months ago, ukraine should have frozen the confrontation, but the biden administration believed that american weapons can save the situation, this did not happen. the battle line of the ukrainians is very thin, they have too much corruption, all the defensive fortifications turned out to be insufficient. or simply non-existent, it will be a terrible summer for ukraine. the united states is facing difficulties due to the mistakes of the country's leadership, erik prince emphasized. he noted that any sane expert knows that kiev will never win, so the white house needs to change its advisers, and not continue to follow the policy of eternal wars, based on the belief that the united states can do whatever it wants as long as it brings in a lot of money. money, as they say, has no smell; all the american administration does is dispose of ukrainian men and
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future generations. how many people died? i asked the congressmen who are funding this horror. hundreds of thousands. this is what is important to understand, if you are paying for this war, as the united states, the us congress, mike johnson are doing, shouldn't you have a moral obligation about its consequences. doesn't seem to shock anyone how many ukrainians died. they don't even care. on how many american soldiers die. authorities in russia must work without failures or interruptions, especially in the current conditions. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. the president thanked the speaker and deputies for the fact that parliament approved the composition of the government, guided by national interests and the personal qualities of the candidates. during the discussion of the constitution, you proposed.
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vladimir putin called the death of ibrahim resi a great loss and stressed that moscow is ready to continue cooperation with tehran. on your instructions, vladimirovich, early tomorrow morning i will fly to tehran to take part in the farewell ceremony for the president of iran, rice. the death of president raisi is a great loss, first of all, of course , for...
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one could be sure that the agreements will be implemented, we, for our part, will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in exactly this vein, please tell these words to the leadership of iran, and if our colleagues have a need, then we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true causes of this disaster. is ready to provide tehran with expert assistance and support in the investigation of the plane crash involving president ibrahim reisi. a farewell ceremony is taking place in iran. the residents of tabriz and the city of qom have already said goodbye. hundreds of thousands of people came, then the body
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was transported to tehran. the spiritual leader of iran, ayitla ali khamini, will hold a special maleben. a on may 23, raisiya's body will be sent to his hometown of meshhet, where the funeral will take place. thai authorities have denied information about a second death as a result of an emergency with a singapura airlines airliner. according to updated data, one person was killed and 71 were injured, seven wounded in critical condition. a boeing 777-300 flying from london to singapore suddenly encountered turbulence. they were on board for about 250
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days. the humanitarian crisis in the gas sector has reached catastrophic proportions, the hospital is on the verge of collapse, beds, medicines have run out, not working, medical equipment. these devices are completely dependent on electricity, which means we need fuel, which was supplied to the hospital through the border crossings. i emphasize that stopping the supply of fuel means stopping the operation of generators, therefore stopping incubators and breathing apparatus, which in fact means. issuing a death certificate for these newborns. rafah, on the border with egypt, is the last refuge for hundreds of thousands of refugees. these people have no water, gas, or food. social networks flew around video of an egyptian handing food to palestinian children through a hole he made in the border wall. with american-made aircraft ammunition, the idf is actually erasing the palestinian enclave from the face
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of the earth. this is israel's response to last fall's brutal hamas attack and hostage taking. the number of victims in the gas sector has already exceeded 35,000 victims, twice as much. the united states considers the deaths of civilians acceptable damage and rejects any accusations against the israeli leadership. let me to be clear, contrary to the international court's accusations against israel, what is happening does not constitute genocide. we reject this. the day before, the international criminal court demanded an arrest warrant for the prime minister and minister of defense of israel, as well as three hamas leaders. the prosecutor said in a statement that he has reason to consider all of them involved in war crimes. the state department called this identification shameful. between israel and hamas. there must be an equal sign. no. hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that committed the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust. and it still holds dozens of innocent people hostage, including
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americans. moreover, long before the current conflict, the united states made it clear that the international criminal court had no jurisdiction in this matter. until recently , the us authorities considered the decision of the gaga court to be justified and legitimate. and today the house of representatives called for sanctions. against mus and is even ready to consider them urgently this week, about that his jurisdiction extends only to enemies of the west, similar prosecutor karim khan himself learned with surprise. some elected leaders of countries without lunch have told me that this court was created only for africa and for thugs like putin, that's what one of the big leaders told me, but we see it differently. the us position was supported in the czech republic, hungary, austria and germany, as the body writes.
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hamas, this is the same as after september 11 creating a moral equality between president bush and osama benladen or during the second world war between. netanyahu is on his territory, but there is no unity in europe. some countries have already demanded accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity. france supports the international criminal court, its independence and the fight against impunity in any situation.
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finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed
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with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, we will tell you what this day in history is memorable for right now, hello, 22nd. in may 1856, pavel tretyakov bought the first painting that was included in the future collection of the famous tretyakov gallery. it was a painting called skirmish with finnish smugglers, by russian artist vasily khudyakov. tretyakov himself called another painting the beginning of his collection: the temptations of nikolai schilder, but in terms of time, khudyakov’s work was still bought by him earlier. later, researchers proved that pavel mikhailovich was indeed mistaken and survived. artist's receipt for receipt of money from date 450 rub. the painting is almost a meter by one and a half meters in size. now the date of the smugglers’ purchase is considered the day the tretyakov
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gallery was founded. in 1892 he transferred his entire collection to moscow. it contained 1,750 paintings and 10 sculptures by russian artists, as well as 84 paintings by foreign masters. today the tretyakov collection contains almost 200,000 exhibits. this is the main museum. national art of russia, reflecting the unique contribution of our country to world culture. 80 years ago, on this day , aviation jet engine construction began in our country. 22 in may 1944, the state defense committee adopted two resolutions at once: on the creation of aircraft jet engines and on the creation of aircraft with jet engines. the decision was made after successful tests of a single-chamber liquid jet engine designed by valentin glushkom. the goal was to create the same three-chamber one by the end of the year. at that time jet engines
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were being developed. in many countries, piston internal combustion engines, with which planes flew for 40 years, were becoming obsolete, now work on this began immediately in several institutes in the ussr. serial production of jet engines began already in 1946, with the rd-10 engine created on the basis of the captured german jumo from junkers; in 1947 , the completely domestic turbojet engine tr1, designed by archipolyuk, went into production, and in tests it surpassed junkers's. according to all important indicators, and at the parade on may 1 , 1947, domestic jet aircraft flew over red square for the first time. jet planes. may 22, 1967, egyptian president gamal abdel-nasr, having placed a military garrison in the now resort sharmelsh, he declared a blockade of the strait of tiran, thereby closing the israeli port.
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elat. this was one of the reasons for the so -called six-day war. arab countries have long wanted to eliminate israel, which is alien to them. the first attempt, made in the middle of the 20th century, immediately after the creation of this state, failed. israel has only strengthened, expanding its territory. in sixty-seven, a week and a half after egypt’s actions, the israeli army launched a powerful preemptive strike on the egyptian airfields, almost destroying the air force. then israel defeated the combat aircraft of its allies jordan and syria, having achieved air supremacy, sahal was able to easily bomb arab columns, which greatly demoralized the armies of all three countries. and then israel captured the sinai peninsula, the gaza strip, the west bank of the artan river, east jerusalem and the dutch heights. and in 6 days he gained control over a territory 3 and a half times larger than its pre-war area.
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significant portion. lands are still controlled by israel, contrary to un resolutions. on may 22, 1972 , us president richard nixon began his historic visit to moscow. this was the first official trip of an american leader to the ussr, if you don’t count franklin roosevelt’s participation in the yalta conference in 1945. nixon flew to vnukovo with his wife with a large delegation. his advisor at the time was henry kissinger. the americans were settled right in the kremlin. negotiations with brezhnev were successful. they lasted 4 days , every day they signed something. it was during that visit that the most important documents were signed era - start-1 and the popro treaty. moscow and washington have agreed not to build new launchers for intercontinental missiles in the next 5 years.
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where are you from 11 b? no hello, am i from the eleventh b? we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b? in the eleventh b. i only need one boy, here he is, i had to fake this way to watch this good film. why are you so lucky? i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions were there, it’s very
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it was cool. this was the first film that i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, wait, i’m hey, it was funny, yes, here’s the rating like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how you could even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, great, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is it. situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, because there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 the child was found by search engines when they came across this shot hole, for connection. with
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the partisans they burned down the village of all the inhabitants, an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be destroyed, why is recognition important? genocide specifically against the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important.


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