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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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front-line luck, heroism, resourcefulness and courage, this is the mosaic from which the picture of the front line and the path to victory are formed. and after advertising sports news, stay tuned. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool. well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, it left me, that’s adventure, this is a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, in general they were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it. love, romance, right
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now, yes, i’m going to cry now, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to... new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly digital helps, you its incomparably original questions, what is happening with production in general, export raw materials, what is our product like?
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we will take on this matter, it will be an honest detective story. and now let’s talk about sports, alexander, the winner of the europa league will be known today, tell us what intrigues this final has. tatyana, good morning, the intrigue is whether atalanta will be able to interrupt the bayer's unique unbeaten streak and inflict the germans their first defeat of the season. we start with basketball, today the opponent will be determined.
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cska moscow in the final of the vtb united league. in kazan will host the decisive seventh match of the semi-final series between unix and lokomotiv-kuban. the favorites of the seventh game are considered to be the home team, the unix basketball players, who are defending the championship title. however, in this semi-final series the locomotive already defeated kazantsev once on their floor. the result of today's match will also affect the schedule of the final series. if cska plays against unix in the final of the vtb united league, then the first two matches of the final will be held in kazan. if there is a finale. lawsuit lokomotiv kubain, then the final series will begin in moscow, and the muscovites will already have the advantage of their own site. the first russian medal at the world judo championships. timur arbuzov, at his debut world championship , won silver in the weight category up to 81 kg. in the final, twenty-year-old timur arbuzov lost to the current world champion tato grigalashvili from georgia. for the third year in a row , grigalashvili won the world championship. the tournament, let me remind you, is taking place in abu dhabi for...
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today the europa league final will be held in dublin; the germans will play in the match for the second most important trophy in european club football bayar italian atalanta. the main intrigue of the upcoming final is whether atalanta can become the first club this season to beat bayern. the newly crowned german champions, let me remind you, are on a unique unbeaten streak. xabi alonso's team has not lost for 51 matches in a row, which is a record in the history of european football. in this season. claims the treble, the german championship has already been won and the finals of the europa league and german cup are ahead. in the europa league final against atalanta, bayar is considered the favorite, of course, the bookmaker estimates the probability of a german club winning with a coefficient of 1.4. and let me also remind you that atalanta’s russian midfielder alexey miranchuk is vying for victory in the europa league. he will probably play in today's final. real madrid's german midfielder tony cross has announced his retirement. the last tournament in... will be the home
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european championship for the german national team, which will be held next summer. on his social media page, tony cross wrote about what he always wanted for... a career at the peak of his powers. the midfielder is 34 years old, for he won more than three dozen trophies throughout his career. tony cross has played for real madrid for 10 seasons. during this time, he became the champion of spain four times and won the champions league four times. next saturday will be the opportunity to do this for the fifth time. real madrid will play against borussia in the final. as part of the german national team, tony cross became the 2014 world champion. london chelsea will have a new head coach. the chelsea press service officially announced the termination of the current contract with argentine specialist mauricio pochetino. the day before. the decision to terminate the contract was made by mutual consent. mauricio pochetino has worked at chelsea since may last year, under his leadership of the english premier league, chelsea only finished sixth this season
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. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. let me talk to you briefly about the main thing. so-25 attack aircraft destroyed special equipment and infantry of the militants of the kiev regime. the strike was carried out with unguided aircraft missiles, which ultimately
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successfully hit all targets. in the omsk region, the water level in the irtysh and shim rivers is decreasing. the ustishimsky district suffered the most from the flood. they remain flooded there. there are 600 houses, volunteer doctors patrol these territories, deliver food and medicine there, and the air ambulance works. europe will have to return stolen russian assets, moscow’s permanent mission to the european union made such a statement, warning of unpredictable consequences for the old world if the eu really decides to send proceeds from illegally frozen funds to the kiev regime. new attacks on energy facilities in ukraine. city authorities sumy reports massive power outages after the event that night; reports of explosions also come from the poltava region and a number of other regions. and now about the weather, a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the south of the central federal district due to thunderstorms.
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a cold atmospheric front continues to move across european russia. ksenia levitskaya will tell you which regions will be hit by salvo showers today. this time, may will not be able to drive summer away from the russian plain. another round of thunderstorms it will just freshen up the atmosphere a little. which regions can expect the heaviest downpours today and where precipitation will still fall in the form of snow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and fobys centers. i'm ksenia levitskaya. hello. the cold front will continue to move across the european part of the country today. the day before it had already brought bad weather to the region. thunderstorms thundered from kalinin.
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dust storm, it was very windy in the tver region, well, in the north, winter still does not let us forget about itself. in murmansk ukhta, certain areas of the arkhangelsk region, weather stations in snow was recorded on tuesday. all these weather phenomena are a consequence of the invasion of cold air from the barintse sea. and today the ridge of frontal clouds, bringing cooling, will already shift to the southern parts of the middle zone. this process occurs against the background of increased atmospheric pressure. therefore, the clouds acquire a mosaic structure, so that, like the day before, heavy thunderstorm rains will occur only in certain areas. at the same time, in pomorie, the koma republic, yamal, ugra, in the north of sverdlovsk, tyumen regions and the perm territory, precipitation may turn to snow. the west and south of the russian plain
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will be tangentially cold, so the heat here will only subside slightly and the temperature regime will continue to be noticeably warmer than the climate. in the afternoon + in the southern part of the country the thermometers will rise to +25 +30, and the main volume of arctic air will move along the middle volga to the spurs of the urals, where... it will become april, during the day it will not be higher than +8, +13. in the future, the area of ​​​​high pressure that covers the russian plain will develop into a full-fledged anticyclone, and the northern currents dominant on its eastern periphery will continue to throw more and more portions of cold air into the urals; in the west of the region, on the contrary, the wind will turn to the southern rumba, and warmth will blow into this part of european russia from the black sea region. in izhevsk, for example, the abnormal cold will linger until the end of the working week; on thursday the thermometers here will
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only be able to reach +11, which is 9° below the norm for the end of may. but on saturday there will be a short-term but powerful surge of heat. daytime temperatures in the city will rise to quite july +24. but summer is not going to leave the central regions. sunny, dry weather will reign in the capital at least until monday. today tomorrow +20:23, a new wave of warming starts in moscow on friday, on sunday the air in the metropolis may well warm up to +27. that's all for me, goodbye.
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what is needed? shish kebab mirarator 3199. thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. what unites us? vivid emotions, good traditions and your favorite lottery. in the russian lotto we will play for country houses. and in honor of the anniversary, a golden barrel is an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. buy tickets
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on the website, company stores, what? what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. motorized rifles and groupings of dnepr troops destroyed an enemy stronghold north of the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region's crews distinguished themselves. pilot aircraft, one identified the target during aerial reconnaissance, the second hit it with a strike drone, and also managed to knock out an enemy infantry fighting vehicle. as the fighters said, the enemy is less prepared than last year and makes more mistakes. the enemy resists, but he has little success in his resistance, he suffers heavy losses and constantly, one might say, runs. and then, about
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the most significant events of this day in history in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 22, 1856, pavel tretyakov bought the first painting that was included in the future collection of the famous tretyakov gallery. it was a painting called skirmish with finnish smugglers, by russian artist vasily khudyakov. tretyakov himself called the beginning of his collection another picture of the temptations of nikolai schilder, but according to the time of the work. later, researchers proved that pavel mikhailovich was indeed mistaken; the artist’s receipt of money with the date 450 rubles was preserved. the painting is almost a meter in size one and a half now the date of the smugglers’ purchase is considered the day the tretyakov gallery was founded. in 1892 he transferred his entire collection
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to moscow. it contained 1,750 paintings and 10 sculptures by russian artists, as well as 80 exhibits, this is the main museum of national art of russia, reflecting the unique contribution of our country to world culture. 80 years ago, on this day, aviation jet engine construction began in our country. on may 22, 1944, the state defense committee adopted two at once. on the creation of aviation jets engines about the creation of aircraft with jet engines. the decision was made after successful tests of a single-chamber liquid jet engine designed by valentin glushkom. the goal was to create the same three-chamber one by the end of the year. at that time, jet engines were already being developed in many countries. the internal
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combustion piston engines with which airplanes had been flying for 40 years were becoming obsolete. now they have started working on this in several institutes at once. ussr: serial production of jet engines began in 1946 with the engine the rd-10, created on the basis of the captured german jumo from the junkers company, in 1947 the completely domestic turbojet engine tr1 , designed by arkhip lyulka, went into production, and in testing it surpassed the junkers analogue in all important indicators; at the may 1 parade , 47 domestic jet aircraft were produced for the first time flew over red square. on may 22 , 1967, egyptian president gamal abdel-nasir, having placed a military garrison in the now resort sharmelsh, declared a blockade of the strait of tiran, thereby closing the israeli port elad. this was one of the reasons for the so
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-called six-day war. arab countries have long wanted to eliminate israel, which is alien to them. the effort, undertaken in the middle of the 20th century, immediately after the creation of this state, failed. israel has only strengthened, expanding its territory. in '67, a week and a half after egypt's actions, the israeli army launched a powerful pre-emptive strike on egyptian airfields, almost destroying the egyptian air force. then israel defeated military aircraft, its allies jordan, and syria. having achieved air supremacy, sahal was able to easily.
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us president richard nixon's visit to moscow. this was the first official trip of an american leader to the ussr, if you don’t count franklin roosevelt’s participation in the yalta conference in 1945. nixon flew to vnukovo with his wife and a large delegation. his advisor at the time was henry kissinger. the americans were settled right in the kremlin, in apartments next to the armory. in fact, nixon's visit marked the beginning of the policy, as it was then said, of international détente tension. negotiations with brezhnev. went successfully, they lasted 4 days, every day they signed something, it was during that visit that the most important documents of the era were signed, start-1 and the popro treaty. and washington agreed not to build new launchers for intercontinental missiles in the next 5 years, and also to seriously limit their missile defense system, protecting no more than
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two areas in each country. unfortunately, in 2001, the united states unilaterally withdrew from the pro-missile treaty in order to create a national pro-system. taking a course towards dismantling the entire strategic arms control system and destroying the international security architecture. this is what this day in history was like. and now economic news alexander, those affected by the flood in the orenburg region, were provided with credit holidays of more than 5 billion rubles. tell us how long you can use this preferential treatment. tatyana, from 6 to 12 months, for now on to other topics. the eu plans to carry out the first withdrawal of income from frozen assets of russia in july, giving back 90% funds. received through reinvestment, european financial institutions will have to do so twice a year. thus, brussels expects to receive about 3 billion euros a year to support ukraine, primarily for
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the supply of weapons. in turn, the united states proposes to use the income as collateral for loans to kiev. such a scheme is being discussed at the g7 level. and at the same time , washington is trying to push brussels towards complete confiscation of assets. i'm not a banker. but when the interest income is received, in my opinion, it becomes part of the principal amount, and i don't understand why they can use interest but not the assets themselves, but whatever the solution, i'm all for it. in relation to that, i think there are other possibilities that we're moving towards, including exploring ways to use the principal as collateral to secure the debt, to use it as the basis for a loan, to get... more resources for ukraine. companies that invest significant funds not in purchasing, but in developing their own technological solutions, should receive
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fringe benefits. about this at the conference digital industry of industrial russia. norilsk nickel president vladimir potanin told us in an interview. a serious incentive could be deductions or legitimization of those payments that are supposed to be introduced for compulsory licensing. that is, those companies that are already investing in development, they should receive benefits from this kind of payments, as far as i understand, the government is hearing this kind of initiative, perhaps we will find support here. full watch the version of the interview with nurnickel president vladimir potanin on our channel today after 11 o’clock moscow time. credit holidays amounting to more than 5 billion rubles. from floods in the orenburg region, it is reported with reference to the regional leadership: you can take advantage of the benefit for a period of six to 12 months, and in case of significant
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damage, partial or complete write-off of the debt is possible. it is noted that all local banks supported this initiative. in addition, the region will allocate about 100 million rubles for program to support gardening non-profit partnerships. the possibility of fixed payments to clean up non-residential properties is also being explored. successful buildings. that's all for now, more news in the next hour. the official city tourist portal "visit petersburg" invites you to st. petersburg. city of history and romance. architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services. a creative space and unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can. feel petersburger, this is a unique journey of impressions with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. let me tell you briefly about
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the main thing for this hour. our artillery hit new targets during a special military operation in ukraine. the southern group of troops, fire was conducted from closed positions by the crew of a self-propelled carnation installation, the shooting was adjusted using drones. heavy downpours hit the north of france, powerful streams are washing away roads, landslides have begun, and traffic is difficult transport, residential buildings were damaged, local residents are urged to be as careful as possible. in the us state of iowa, a powerful tornado destroyed wind generators and tore out structures. to the ground, clouds of smoke spread hundreds of meters, several people died because of the tornado, and dozens were injured. a new variant of coronavirus has been identified in russia, according to
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experts. the strain called flirt is not so much dangerous as it is contagious. rospotrebnadzor urges you to follow preventive measures, wash your hands, ventilate the room, disinfect, the predominant option is still the amicron option.
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when we went to mariupol, we didn’t just go to fight. we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, got off, for the first time they wounded me there, all the bullets were out, one was a root, there was no more strength to fight, i thought that was it, that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful
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to the unfamiliar palny. we watch russian cartoons and children's programs to spend time with children, look, in the application or on the website, dear friends, i want to bring to your attention our
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next author's work. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing: tankers of the dnepr group of troops destroyed the temporary deployment points for controlling uav drones in the kherson region, the fire was fired from closed positions from a t-90 tank.


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