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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working, install, open, look. russian channels all series. cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the app or on the website.
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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. su-25 storm aircraft destroyed special equipment and infantry of the militants of the kiev regime. the strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles. in the end it was successful amazed.
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the kiev regime receives income from illegally frozen funds. new attacks on energy facilities in ukraine, authorities in the city of sumy report massive power outages after this night's event. reports of explosions also come from the poltava region and a number of other regions. and about the weather, a yellow alert level has been declared in the south of the central federal district due to thunderstorms. the cold atmospheric front continues to move across the european territory of russia. ksenia levitskaya will tell you which regions will be hit by salvo showers today. this time may will not be able to drive summer away from the russian plain. another portion of thunderstorms will only slightly refresh the atmosphere. which regions can expect the heaviest downpours today and where precipitation will still fall in the form of snow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobys center. i'm ksenia. hello, the cold front
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will continue to move across the european part of the country today. the day before, it had already brought bad weather to the region, thunderstorms thundered from kaliningrad to izhevsk. however, they did not bring extreme lines. only in the city of yelnya, smolinskaya region, the amount of precipitation reached 10 mm. and still there were some floods. in vladimir, the historical center floated after the rain. as often happens, the wind increases sharply under thunderclouds. there was even some semblance of a dust storm observed in the embankment boats; it blew heavily in the tver region. well, in the north, winter still doesn’t let us forget about itself. in murmansk, ukhta, and certain areas of the arkhangelsk region , weather stations recorded snow on tuesday. all these weather phenomena are a consequence of the invasion of cold air from the barin sea. and today the ridge. this process takes place against
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the background of increased atmospheric pressure, so the clouds acquire a mosaic structure, so that, like the day before, heavy thunderstorm rains will occur only in certain areas, at the same time in pomorie, the koma republic, yamali, yugra, the north of sverdlovsk and tyumen regions and the perm territory, precipitation may turn to snow. west and south of the russian plain. the cooling will be tangent, so the heat here will only subside a little and the temperature will still be noticeably warmer than the climate, in the afternoon +19:24, in the south in parts of the country, the thermometer will rise to +25 +30, and the main volume of arctic air will move along the middle volga to the spurs of the urals, where the weather will become like april, and during the day it will not be higher than +8 -13. in the future, the area of ​​​​high pressure that covers... the russian plain
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will develop into a full-fledged anticyclone, and the northern flows dominating its eastern periphery will continue to throw more and more portions of cold air into the cis-urals. and in the west of the region, on the contrary, the wind will turn to the southern rumba in this part european russia will breathe warmth from the black sea region. in izhevsk, for example, the abnormal cold will linger until the end of the working week; on thursday the thermometers here will only be able to reach +11, which is 9° below the norm for the end of may. but on saturday there will be a short-term but powerful surge of heat. daytime temperatures in the city will rise to mid-july plus temperatures. 24, summer is not going to leave the central regions, at least until monday sunny, dry weather will reign in the capital, today tomorrow + 20:23, starting on friday in moscow a new wave of warming, on sunday the air
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in the megalopolis may well warm up to +27. that's all for me, goodbye.
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it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. some will create comfort in their apartment,
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others will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. maybe a neighbor has an appetite anywhere, only dad will reduce it, he has a beastly appetite, there’s no snack will hurt, a beastly appetite, sausages will help, tecno - a series of common 30 smartphones, photos of amazing clarity and video in 4k resolution. new series of smartphones common 30 from teekna. history in every frame. techno. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any
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minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career. at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. in russian lato we will play out-of-town games at home in honor of the anniversary a golden barrel, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. pairs of roman burger and roman burger with chicken at a bargain price in italian, delicious and full stop, i didn’t sign up for this, but i signed up for gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses and discounts are at hand, gazprom bonus subscription with
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benefits for life, get a loan from sberp and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive: rates are more profitable with sberp prime. in kuban they began to produce tanks for the food industry; previously they used foreign equipment, but now they use ours. the main customers of the products are wineries. report by ekaterina kanovalova. this is one of the initial stages of collecting cylindrical containers. on a special machine, huge sheets of metal are welded together in the longitudinal direction. quite complex work, but not for this enterprise. new equipment was installed at the plant, which increased the speed and quality of work significantly. we collect cards from sheet material
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so that we can then roll them up and make these little characters like this. with this machine, our production has increased the assembly of shells and sheet material and it has become easier and simpler to work. tanks are made of stainless steel for the needs of the food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, but still receive greater attention from the wine industry. factories purchased equipment abroad, but now there is no such opportunity, and kuban businessmen decided to take this niche into their own hands. now we have fully designed it, mastered production and launched the production of this equipment, i can probably say with confidence that approximately 60-65% of wineries not only in the krasnodar territory, but also in the republic of crimea, and indeed they, in one way or another , work on equipment produced. our company, its scale is growing, which means it is necessary to increase the speed of production without losing
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at the same time quality. for these purposes, the company has updated its machines over the past few years; for example, this laser cutting installation has helped speed up metal cutting by 32 times compared to manual work. it is very expensive to buy such a machine at your own expense, but with the support of the regional ministry of industry there was no need to postpone the upgrade. the company received. due to correct, clear and reasonable design, we produce equipment
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with the correct characteristics, thermal, strength, and so on, allowing us to save on metal, on labor intensity, and also take on individual orders, on the screen are containers for receiving storage of wine products, their volume is 200 tons, yup, in the russian federation. there have been no analogues of these containers yet. now about 450 different types of products are produced here, so that there is an opportunity to expand further, the company annually participates in regional, federal and international exhibitions, this helps to develop new supply regions. ekaterina kanovalova, dmitry rogalev, news. and now the news from lenformagent, which comes with the note urgently. the plane was flying at fa. novy urengoy made an emergency landing in tyumen due to an automatic failure,
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the ural transport prosecutor's office reports. we will return to this topic as soon as details become available. and now economic news, alexandra, those affected by the flood in the orenburg region were provided with credit holidays of more than 5 billion rubles. tell us how long and during what period you can take advantage of this preferential treatment. tatyana, from 6 to 12. nizhny novgorod, in order to assess their industrial potential, they ensure technological sovereignty and defense of the country. the inspection was also attended by the head of the ministry of industry and trade, anton alikhanov, and the apple president in the volga federal district , igor komarov. the rumo plant produces oil and gas equipment. in addition, serial production of engines for river-sea class vessels will be launched there in the near future. the enterprise will allow the russian fuel sector and shipbuilding not to depend on
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foreign technologies. also to the deputy prime minister showed an automated line at one of the factories of the military-industrial complex. the eu plans to carry out the first seizure of income from frozen russian assets in july. european financial institutions will have to repay 90% of the funds received through reinvestment twice a year. thus , brussels expects to receive about 3 billion euros a year to support ukraine, primarily for the supply of weapons. in turn, the united states proposes to use the income as collateral for loans to kiev. such a scheme discussed at group level.
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to secure the debt, use it like use the principal amount as collateral as the basis for the loan to get a lot more resources for ukraine. credit holidays in the amount of more than 5 billion rubles were provided to those affected by the flood in the orenburg region, it reports this with reference to the leadership of the region. you can use the benefit for a period of six to 12 months, and in case of significant damage , partial or complete write-off is possible. debt. it is noted that all local banks supported this initiative. in addition, the region will allocate about 100 million rubles. for a program to support gardening partnerships. the possibility of fixed payments for cleaning up non-residential dacha buildings is also being studied. the us national debt will continue to grow in the coming decades and will break all records. this year it will approach 100% of gdp, and in
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30 years it will be 166%. according to the congressional budget office, and this is not the darkest scenario: if government revenues and expenditures continue, and private investment will decrease, the american national debt by the year fifty-four may even exceed 250% of gdp. let me remind you that in january, us obligations exceeded $34 trillion for the first time in history. that's all i have for now. more news in the next hour. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you won’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account at alfabank , alfabank is the best bank for
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business. apply for a loan with sberp and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback at a 2% rate, more profitable with sberp. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us! this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank. bring your friends
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and get 15. rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. magnet - the price is right, anniversary cookies with a discount of up to 35%. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now. children's savings card - an adult approach. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer your money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer
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money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles and a bet. 16% on savings, not just profitable, alpha profitable, to talk to you, briefly about the main thing by this hour. new targets, during a special military operation in ukraine, were hit by our artillerymen of the southern group of troops, the fire was conducted from closed positions by the crew of a self-propelled carnation, adjustment. would be carried out using drones. heavy rainfall hit northern france. powerful flows are washing away roads, landslides have begun, traffic has been hampered, and residential buildings have been damaged. local residents. they urge you to be as careful as possible. in the us state of iowa, a powerful tornado destroyed wind turbines, tore out the structure and threw it to the ground. plumes of smoke spread hundreds of meters,
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and the tornado killed several people and injured dozens. a new variant of coronavirus has been identified in russia. according to experts, the stamp called flirting is not it is as dangerous as it is contagious; rospotrebnadzor urged to follow preventive measures, wash your hands, ventilate the room, and carry out disinfection. possessing still remains the amicron variant. transfers between your accounts are now free for citizens of the country if the amount per month does not exceed 30 million rubles. irina matyushenko will tell you about the rules and tariffs in the fast payment system set by the bank of russia in the instructions in the program. you can now transfer money between your accounts in almost any amount without commission. about about what the rules are. the tariffs in the fast payment system were set by the bank of russia, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the instructions. from may 1, you can transfer up to 30 million rubles per month without restrictions without commissions on these transactions,
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how to manage the limit is up to you, there are no daily restrictions on the amount, the only thing is, one operation cannot be more than a million. if you need to collect money in one account, for example, for a large purchase of several million, you will have to make several transfers in a row. by law, banks have no right. for translation. if your the bank has a limit on the daily volume of transfers, even between your accounts via sbp, additional actions may be required. within the framework of current legislation, from may 1, a person can transfer between his accounts completely free of charge. without any restrictions in different banks transactions in the amount of up to 30 million rubles. the bank
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has no right to establish any restrictions on the number, amount of transfers, or frequency of transfers. moreover, banks do not have the right to establish any obligations for clients, ah, in order to take advantage of free transfers to yourself in different banks, buy, connect to some other bank service, for example, biometrics. there are two exceptions to the zero commission rule. first, if the operation takes place in a bank branch, since this is more labor-intensive. second, if you transfer using a card number rather than a phone number. but in this case, it is no longer sbp. before transferring money and confirming the operation in your mobile application, a person should pay attention to this again. and what phone number did he choose, and what system did he chose, for example, if a person wants to transfer money using the fast payment system,
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then he selects a phone number, his or his friend’s, to whom he wants to transfer, be sure to use the option in the transfer by phone number section, which shows the logo of the fast payment system, if the client makes transfer to yourself between different banks in your mobile application within the limit established by law, i repeat, this is up to 30 million rubles, then in the commission section there should be a zero, because these transfers to yourself in different banks in in accordance with the law, free, the limit on transfers to other people is 100,000 rubles per month, if you do not meet the limit, you will need to pay half a percent of the commission from the excess. no more than one and a half thousand for one translation. the history of transfers between relatives is actually now actively developing in russia, many banks are investing in this, positioning their services as
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services for family transactions, and a certain social graph of the family, basically, between relatives and there are no restrictions, these are standard transactions for 100,000 rubles per month transfers rowbank. tries to develop conditions so that these relatives are somehow recorded logically at the level of banking systems. how can increasing the limit and eliminating commissions help you? the main advantage is that it has now become much easier to transfer your savings between banks, and you can choose which financial organizations offer more favorable conditions. by the way, clients should receive a reminder that your deposit is expiring at least 5 days in advance. this is a requirement. is in the very law that established increased limit on free transfers. how can you decide in which account you want to store your money and, in general, how you are going to manage it? in addition to the sites and applications
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themselves. we can now use different instruments that professional market participants offer, and the profitability on them will be comparable and even higher than bank deposits, and the risk is not much higher, for example, money market exchange-traded funds, in general, their profitability is comparable to bank deposits, the risks they are extremely low, you can buy them through a broker, many management companies have such exchange-traded funds in their product line; they are in great demand
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among them. our investors. so, let’s repeat the main thing: you can transfer up to 30 million rubles per month to yourself through the fast payment system without commissions. for other individuals up to 100,000. the number of transfers to yourself is not limited. now it has become easier to manage your money, for example, transfer it to the bank that offers a higher return on your deposit. do you have any questions, would you like to know? for more information on how to choose financing instruments or tax benefits for investors, write to us in telegram. suggest topics, we will ask the experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why
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adam and not adam, i’m a chechen.
8:00 am
the power of technology, our tank smashed positions in the ssu and easily withstood the strike of a suicide drone, we will show unique footage filmed right in time of battle. they want us...


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