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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the power of technology, our tank overwhelmed the position of the ukrainian armed forces and easily withstood the attack of a suicide drone, we will show you unique footage filmed right during the battle. they want us to stop the olympic games, we will do it. massive strike of railway workers in paris, protest on. in the metro at stations, what
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are they unhappy with and what do they demand? weather anomalies in europe are drowning spain, france, the netherlands, russia, the water still does not go away in yakutia, the omsk region, what to expect from the elements? and we will start with the progress of the special military operation, unique footage of the capture strong point of the armed forces of ukraine, published by the ministry of defense. the t-90a tank of the west group of troops took part in the destruction of the enemy position, introducing continuous fire on the enemy, the crew itself came under fire from cannon artillery and grenade launchers from drones. one of the fpv drones hit the hull of a combat vehicle, and this moment was recorded by an action camera installed on the tank’s turret, but this did not put it out of action and, with the support of tankers , the strong point... was taken by the assault group,
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and artillery fire began immediately on us strikes, plus fpv strikes immediately began drone this vehicle was hit by three drones at once, but it did not receive any particular damage, it withstood the blow, we continued our movement and fired more than 15 shots at the enemy, while covering our artillery. infantry and tanks are engaged in the calculations of asa anti-aircraft missile systems. the vehicles are located near the line of combat contact and most often cover the assault squads. the main thing is to act quickly so as not to get caught in return fire. our war correspondent eduard punigov will talk about the work of the zenitchikovs. stinging blows the ukrainian armed forces unit endures this combat vehicle extremely painfully. the osa anti-aircraft missile system covers our infantry and artery.
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armored vehicles are one of the most common air defense systems on the front line; it is extremely difficult to fly past them unnoticed, and even more so to dodge missiles. the asa anti-aircraft missile system is capable of hitting targets at a distance of about 10 km at an altitude of about 5 km. the vehicle, as a rule, is located in close proximity to the line of combat contact, providing air cover to the forward assault division. this crew has just returned from the front line. the plant workers carry out maintenance, reload ammunition in order to... go to the front line again, and crews receive combat missions in 24x7 mode. the afa complex can demolish six rofets at the same time, but as a rule, the crew uses only two; more is not needed, because near the line of combat resistance it is necessary to launch as quickly as possible and immediately leave the danger zone so as not to receive a retaliatory strike. osa complex - soviet development engineers, this particular machine is already more than 40 years old, despite such a considerable age, the equipment still shows its effectiveness. for example, recently a crew was shot down by
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a drone at night. leleka 100, took eight at a range, hit at a range of 2 km, what did you experience at that moment when you were successful? we are proud of the calculation, we did a good job, we are proud of the car. the commander of this crew has been serving in the army under a contract since 2018. he came here from the first days of the special operation and never regretted his decision, although they admit that of course he misses his family. at home, who is waiting, maybe there is a wife and children there? yes, wife, daughter. how did they let you go? ok, i’m a military man, i knew who i was marrying, but why did you decide to sign the contract? protection, protection for people, the anti-aircraft gunners of the eastern group have hundreds of downed targets, soldiers have long stopped counting hit targets, there was once too much combat work, we work mainly with a drone, since the speed of the missile does not allow us to chase aircraft. flies a lot, as if
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just a week ago it was calmer than now, now there are more of them, what measures are you taking precautions to ensure that you get hit hard? changing positions after duty, each time changing the garage, each new place, when an order is received, the crew is ready to move to the specified position instantly, training takes only 5 minutes, the crew can have up to ten combat missions per day, the sky over the donbass is always under reliable protection . eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. plenipotentiary representative to the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev presented. government khabarovsk territory, acting governor of the region dmitry demeshin. his entire professional career is connected with work in the prosecutor's office. since 2019 , he has served as deputy prosecutor general of russia. he is a graduate of governors school. this is a presidential program for training a personnel
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management reserve for the position of head of the khabarovsk territory. demeshin was appointed by vladimir putin on may 15. the new head of the region noted that he does not plan personnel changes to give the previous team an opportunity. we must reset the constitutional agreements, ensure the timing and quality of construction of the most important social and residential facilities. we need to develop industrial clusters, we need to create collective businesses next to the locomotives of our industry, as one. is it local forces, i think it would be advisable to create an industrial cluster that is aimed at developing technology in the khaborovsk territory and ensuring the technological re-equipment of enterprises? if europe refuses to import uranium from
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russia, its so-called green policy has every chance of failure. at the same time, on the first the plan will address the problem of ensuring reactor safety. this opinion was expressed by the russian foreign ministry after statements by the belgian ministry of energy. and they previously reported that they could refuse new contracts with moscow at the pan-european level. our diplomats summed up that the old world is still so obsessed with the idea of ​​harming russia that it is ready to harm itself. now footage from telegram channels claims that this video was filmed on wednesday night and supposedly it recorded massive strikes by the israeli defense army on residential areas of the central part. at the tyumen airport, the plane was forced to land, which was following the route ufa, new urengoy. this was reported to the regional transport prosecutor's office. and they are checking. according to preliminary data, the crew requested landing due to an automatic failure. no urgency was announced.
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the landing went smoothly and there were no casualties. and in international news, several hundred railway workers went on strike in paris. they demand higher wages and better working conditions ahead of the olympic games. protesters march on streets of the french capital with flags and banners. the protest is taking place in the subway at suburban stations. because of this, according to local reports , traffic movement is difficult. workers also complain that they are not given vacation in august; with the launch of additional trains, the load increases. as stated.
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in the near future, so they report, citing sources in the pentagon, the american media, but residents of the usa and europe are tired of helping, protesters accuse the authorities of stealing money , literally disrupt important meetings, like this passes, mariyalka will tell you in detail. these are
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war crimes, crimes. i didn’t have time to agree on support for those countries in which the united states is persistently fomenting wars when activists with red palms, as if bleeding, interrupted everyone’s meeting. against world conflicts with american money , the police are dragging forces from the senate to continue. blinken was allowed to be in a different mood. european officials are coming one by one to kiev before, to give nothing now to kiev on schedule like this, without an expensive hairstyle , literally from the ship to the ball minister foreign affairs of germany descends on ukrainian soil in the hands of no gifts, which means something must be promised. the best defense against missile attacks is to strengthen air defense. ukraine, so this is currently an absolute priority for us. it is said beautifully, but
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germany has no money for the armed forces of ukraine. and this senseless visit of berbeck to the ukrainian capital will cost germany a lot, the germans write on social networks. due to a lack of funds in the regular budget , the german army will have to break contracts or not enter into additional agreements, stated in the local ministry of defense. in the medium term, there is even a threat of a collapse of the material equipment of the bundwehr. weapon system whose service life. is coming to an end and will not be replaced with new ones, military officials are quoted as saying, and journalists are routinely promising such long-outdated weapons that do not change the situation in the conflict to ukraine, said the founder of black water, eric prince. this is a huge scam, paid for by the pentagon. playing against russia, the west has already lost, experts emphasize. the russian army is a very harsh, a disciplined and well-controlled force. we have the opposite situation, we have a lot of people in the pentagon who have never
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done anything, but pretend to be great figures, they are not, and i think their public attacks on the russians are stupid. the ukrainian armed forces do not have a sufficient amount of heavy equipment and cannot provide it to those who have recently been mobilized, forbes writes. zelensky himself practically underlined the weaknesses of his own army in an interview with american journalists; he demands weapons. there are a lot, hundreds of fighters, but kiev’s main desire now is for nato to protect it, while the eu countries are not seriously discussing the possibility of shooting down russian missiles over ukraine, they said in berlin. military experts openly state, putting forward demands to the west, that kiev dreams of nato solving its problems. absolutely obvious, in recent days we have seen more and more signs that zelensky wants to directly involve nato. he understands perfectly well that this is the only way for him. not only win, but remain president of ukraine, and even survive at all. support for ukraine has become a political
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issue causing controversy in the united states, but a sober analysis shows that kiev will have to talk to moscow to give in, newspapers write. but while the kiev regime is on fire, it is trying to drag more of its own people into this conflict. tcc is desperately trying to fulfill the mobilization plan, all this has turned the country into a real concentration camp, ukrainians say. videos of a popular flash mob appear on social networks, in which people... he served in the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of public security of vietnam.
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the official visit of the french president to new caledonia will begin on may 23. this was reported by the french media with reference to the eliseev palace. emmanuel macron is expected to answer questions from residents of caledonia. let me remind you that strikes broke out there in mid-may. protesters opposed a bill to expand voter lists for local elections. according to the new law, only citizens who reside will be able to vote. in the territory for more than 10 years. it is noted that many minors took part in the riots, they shops, pharmacies and gas stations were robbed and set on fire. in addition, a state of emergency was declared, which expires on may 27. french analysts emphasize that in this situation, the visit of the leader of the fifth republic is necessary to establish a political dialogue. and now there is footage from spain, where a severe flood hit one of the regions from the gulf. damaged. many houses, eyewitnesses filmed how a local cafe was flooded, furniture was literally demolished by a stormy stream
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of water, the damage from the disaster has yet to be assessed. and in kuban they began to produce tanks for the food industry; they used to use foreign equipment, but now they use ours. the main customers of the products are wineries, ekaterina kanavalova will tell you in detail. this is one of the initial stages of collection. cylindrical containers, on a special machine huge sheets of metal are welded together in the longitudinal direction, quite complex work, but not for this enterprise. new equipment was installed at the plant, which... we assemble from increased the assembly of the shells of the sheet material of the card, in order to then roll them up and from them these shells are obtained, with this machine our production and sheet materials have become easier and simpler to work with. tanks are made of stainless steel for the needs of the food industry, pharmaceutical and
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cosmetic industries, but still receive greater attention from the wine industry. previously , factories purchased equipment for... tabs means it is necessary to increase the speed of production without losing quality. for these purposes, the enterprise has recently the machines have been updated for several years; for example, this laser cutting machine has helped speed up metal cutting by 32 times compared to manual work. it is very expensive to buy such a machine at your own expense, but with the support of the regional
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ministry of industry, there was no need to postpone the upgrade. the company received a preferential loan at 4% per annum. and deferred payment for 2 years, it is difficult for business, private business to develop with their own funds, or it takes a long time, with the support of the ministry you can receive preferential loans, contributing to the rapid turnover of equipment purchases, but this is not the only thing in which the business has found support, an engineering and technical center has been created at the enterprise, this is the center of the heart of our enterprise, due to the right...
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has not yet happened. now about 450 different types of products are produced here, so that there is an opportunity to expand further, the company annually participates in regional, federal and international exhibitions, this helps to develop new supply regions. ekaterina kanovalova, dmitry rogalev, lead. and now let's talk about the economy. alexandra, belgium, france and germany are asking the european commission to assess the risks of abandoning lng from russia. tell me. what are they afraid of? tatyana, the fact that the anti-russian sanctions that are being discussed in brussels will hit the european economy too hard, for now let’s move on to other topics. the eu plans to carry out the first withdrawal of income from russia's frozen assets in july; european financial institutions will have to return 90% of the funds received through reinvestment twice a year.
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thus, brussels expects to receive about 3 billion euros per year to support ukraine, primarily for supplies. according to the acting permanent representative of russia to the eu, kiril logvinov, the european union has firmly embarked on the path of self-destruction and has made theft an instrument of foreign policy. the consequences of the created precedent will definitely be unpredictable , including for the eurozone, the economies of the bloc’s member countries, and the investment climate. only one thing is predictable: sooner or later the ec will be forced to return what was stolen to our country. belgium, france and germany asked the european commission to assess the consequences of restrictions on the import of liquefied natural gas from russia. we are talking about the fourteenth package of sanctions that the eu is currently preparing. reuters , citing european diplomats, reports that these countries are worried whether their economies will suffer more than russia's as a result. let me remind you that 2 years ago europe
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announced its refusal from our gas. this affected pipeline supplies, but demand for... lng increased rapidly. for example, greece, according to the kepler agency, by the beginning of this year increased purchases by 4 and a half times. and the political publication wrote that france increased imports by 75% from january to april. therefore, in the new package, russian lng issues will be key. brussels wants to approve it before hungary becomes chairman of the eu council, which means they will try to get it done before july 1. companies that invest. funds are not for purchase, but for the development of our own technological solutions should receive additional benefits, the president of nor told us about this at the conference digital industry of industrial russia
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watch the version of the interview with norilsk nickel president vladimir potanin on our channel today after 11:00 moscow time. at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rates for today: dollar 90 rubles. 40 kopecks, euro 98.29. that's all i have for now. tatiana. alexander, thank you, my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news. vladimir putyan thanked the state duma for the work on forming the executive authorities and noted the importance of this stage. parliament received additional powers after the renewal constitution. vyacheslav volodin told how this discussion took place. during the discussion, you proposed transferring part of
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the presidential powers to our citizens so that they, through their deputies, could participate in the formation of the government. and of course, this was a very important period for us.
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participation in the farewell ceremony for iranian president raisi. the death of president raisi is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran and the iranian people, so i ask you to convey my words sincerely. sincere condolences on this tragedy, indeed, he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward person,
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self-confident, first of all, a person who was guided by national interests, but - of course, he was a man of his word, it was a pleasure to work with him, keeping in mind that if we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be fulfilled, we and ours... is there any intrigue to this ending? tatyana, the intrigue is whether atalanta will be able to break the unique unbeaten streak german bayer to inflict the germans their first defeat of the season. let's start with basketball.
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today the opponent of cska moscow in the vtb united league final will be determined. the decisive seventh match of the semi-final series between unix and lokomotiv-kuban will take place today in kazan. the home team, unix basketball players, who are defending the championship title, are considered the favorites of the seventh game. however. in this semi-final series, lokomotiv kuban has already defeated kazan once on their floor. the result of today's match will also affect the schedule of the final series. if in the final in the vtb united league, cska will play against unix, then the first two matches of the final will be held in kazan. if the final is sska lokomotiv kubain, then the final series will begin in moscow, and the muscovites will have the home-court advantage. the final series starts next sunday. the first russian medal at the world championships. judo timur arbuzov won silver in the weight category up to 81 kg at his debut world championship. in the final, twenty-year-old timur arbuzov lost to the current world champion tato. from
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georgia. for the third year in a row grigalashvili won the world championship. the world judo championship tournament is taking place in abu dhabi and will end tomorrow. the europa league final will take place today in dublin. in the match for the second most important trophy in european club football , the german bayer and the italian atalanta will play. the main intrigue of today's final is whether atalanta can become the first club of the season to beat bayern. the newly crowned german champions, let me remind you, are on a unique unbeaten streak. xabi alonso's team has not lost for 51 matches in a row, this is a record in the history of european football. in that this season, bayern claims the treble, the german championship has already been won, the europa league final and the german cup final are ahead. in the europa league final against atalanta, bayar is, of course, considered the favorite; bookmakers estimate the probability of victory for the german club at odds of 1.4. and let me also remind you that atalanta’s russian midfielder alexey miranchuk is vying for victory in the europa league.
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he will definitely be in today's match. will play. real madrid's german midfielder tony cross has announced his retirement. in the last tournament in the career of one of the most the european championship, which will be held next summer, will be the home of the german national team. on his social media page, tony cross wrote that he always wanted to end his career at the peak of his capabilities. the midfielder is 34 years old, he spent his playing career at bayer, bayern and real madrid, and won more than three dozen trophies. tony cross has been playing for real madrid for 10 years, during which time he became the champion of spain four times and also won the champions league four times. next saturday will be opportunity to win the champions league for the fifth time. real madrid will play against borussia in the final. as part of the german national team, tony cross became the world champion in the fourteenth year. london chelsea will have a new head coach.
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the chelsea press service has officially announced the termination of the current contract with argentine specialist mauricio pochitina. the day before, the decision to terminate the contract was made by mutual consent. mauricio pochetino has been at chelsea since may last year, under his leadership in the english premier league. last season chelsea finished only sixth place. the day before , the russian athletics team championship started in sochi. the competition takes place at the stadium named after the glory of metriveli. many leaders of the russian national team, winners of world championships and olympics, take part in the championship. russian team championship. sochi is traditionally the first major start of the season and also this year this tournament is a qualifying tournament for the brics games, which will be held in kazan in june. the program of the russian team championship includes jumping and running disciplines, as well as shot put and discus, javelin and hammer the two-day tournament ends today. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive.
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such a film, it’s rich, these sounds , this whole look, many analogies, of course, with soviet films, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s very interesting comedy, you don't stand a chance, absolutely delighted stayed, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, that right now yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we will meet in the future 100 years from now, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there is a prospect.
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even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more.


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