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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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of course with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, and this is from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, it’s cool, wonderful , that’s it, love, romance, what right now, yes i’m now for... what are these tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ahead, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country gas station, take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does color help? you are
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incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with the production of raw materials and exports, what is our product? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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to communicate with you, briefly about the main thing, to this moment. tankers from the dnepr group of troops destroyed temporary deployment points for controlling uav drones in the kherson region. the fire was fired from a closed position with tank t-90m breakthrough. american congressmen demanded that the head of the pentagon allow kiev to use american missiles to attack russian territory. the letter addressed to louis austin was signed by 13 politicians. only the pentagon is against it and is talking about the consequences of such a step. in the namsky district of yakutia , more than 200 houses were freed from water within 24 hours, and electricity was restored in flood-affected villages. in the coming days, a strong rise in water is also expected in the kabyaisky and zhigansky districts. the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov will today conduct region operational meeting on flooding. fbi agents planned to assassinate donald trump in 2022, shocking claim. was
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a member of the house of representatives. earlier it became known that during a search of the ex-president's estate in florida, some employees had firearms with them with permission to use them. russia is ready to provide tehran with expert assistance and support in the investigation of the plane crash involving president ibrahim rasi. a farewell ceremony for the president is taking place in iran. the residents of tabriz have already said goodbye and the city of qom, hundreds of thousands of people came, then the body was transported to tehran. iran's spiritual leader ayatollah ali khaminii will hold a special ceremony, and on may 23, raisiya's body will be sent to his hometown of shikhmet, where the funeral will take place. and news from telegram channels from estonia, dozens of soviet graves. soldiers
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will be removed from the military cemetery in tallinn, estonian media report. it is clarified that the burial of the heroes of the great patriotic war is allegedly obstructing the passage to the monument to the knights of the order of the cross of liberty. and for understanding, the cross of freedom is a reward for those who have distinguished themselves in the so-called liberation war, during which the estonian armed forces opposed the red army. now there is a short advertisement, then westinet and the main technological programs. events in russia and in the world, you owe the bank, i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valders on the yandex market, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, i need costumes, save it, dad, our internet has run out. and minutes too, and dad will now
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activate the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers and get bonus gigabytes for free every month, only in a megaphone. catching a firebird pyro is not easy. anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, why are men silent, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. assalamu alaikum. biz gas karamaldaryn tekshireg.
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thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles , vtb, together everything will work out, creaky top, top return only to the magnet for every 500 rubles in the check. this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement to replace the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to
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win, sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. just grow with us! this is hosted by the studio philip trofimov. the question of who is to blame for an accident involving an unmanned vehicle has been resolved, well, at least for one individual
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state. the uk has adopted a law on autonomous transport, which, among other things, regulates this extremely important point. the fact is that the legal aspect of the interaction of robotic cars with the outside world is considered to be perhaps the main one. limiting factor on the path to full-fledged the introduction of unmanned transport, that is , in fact, taxis without drivers have been driving on the roads of many countries for several years now, but as an exception to the rule in russia, for example, this is called an experimental legal regime, which allows testing the unmanned yandex taxi and the same autonomous kamaz trucks on strictly limited territories with a set of additional conditions, this is solved in a similar way in other countries, now a sample of universal legislation has appeared after 2 years. discussion of the bill, the british authorities decided the person who activated the autopilot in the car is not responsible for its further behavior; if anything happens, the insurance company, software developer, car manufacturer will be responsible, but not the person who gave control to the computer, and it is assumed that the car should be available by
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2026 certified as an autonomous vehicle. in theory, this should eliminate situations like what regularly happens around tesla cars. its driver assistance system is truly one of the best on the market, manufacturers call it complete autopilot and at least does not interfere with the spread of the story about how tesla itself took a seriously ill owner to the hospital by... or voice command, and if this autopilot suddenly makes a mistake and causes an accident, then in court tesla's lawyers remind that according to the rules you still need to keep your hands on the steering wheel and watch the road; according to british law, you either have autopilot or keep your eyes on the road. which, by the way, overlaps with the idea that john krawczyk expressed 6.5 years ago at the web summit conference in lisbon, at that time ceo weima is actually google's unmanned division, the company that has the most experience in creating testing. so krawczyk actually advocated skipping all the stages and levels of driver assistants and
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moving straight to fully autonomous cars, in which a driver or an insurance engineer is not needed at all. the idea is that no matter what rules you write and i don’t check how they are observed, but if the car drives itself 99% of the time and does it well, no one will watch the road, as proof of this john krawczyk then brought in the recordings from the surveillance cameras in the cars. eima, where trained company employees who are paid money to test robotic cars and who probably realize that they are being watched are still busy with anything but monitoring the traffic situation. microsoft strikes back and returns the title of the most productive laptops to windows computers, at least that’s what was announced at a rather unusual presentation, a whole bunch of announcements, including reformatting in windows itself. guineas, almost the beginning of a new era of personal computing, all this was presented at a very modest event that was not even
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broadcast, and this was a few hours before the start of the largest traditional microsoft build conference with its huge audience. what they wanted to say with this format is unknown, but the promised changes in the market could indeed be significant; in fact, they announced a new laptop specification primarily with requirements for the performance of the neural coprocessor, which was called "pc. let me remind you that microsoft initially called copylot, which helped programmers create moves. later this name spread to other tools based on large language models. in general, now we are talking about the numerous specialized generative neural networks built into windows 11, for example , the recall service allows you to use voice or text to search for anything on your previous computer, even a sweater that the user saw a month ago somewhere in an online store, but never... bought it it searches for information in mail, chats and documents, and works locally,
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without transferring user data anywhere. actually, copilot is now actually a personal assistant, much like what was announced the other day for the android operating system, gemene. it runs on top of any application and uses its data as context for answering questions. even the simple drawing app paint now also has a built-in generative neural network. and the second most important point. all this, at least at the start, runs on processors from qualcom, that is, the arm architecture was more common for smartphones until recently, but apple released its arm processors m1, 2, 3, and now four, showed that such systems can be more productive and more economical than traditional intel x86, now after 4 years , after the appearance of the apple m1, qualcom and microsoft claim that they have caught up and surpassed the copallet plus pc. as much as 50% 8 58% faster than the macbook sm3 and battery life is as much as an hour
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longer; not only microsoft with its surface, but also half a dozen first-rate brands, and later intel will also appear. versions of neuronotebooks, the creator of the processor market itself assures that he has also caught up with the taste of productivity with efficiency, but this will only be verified by the beginning of autumn. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you won’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank , alfabank, the best. bank for business. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but
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anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamark sellers change the world. megamarket - just grow with us. this. it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya. will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15.00 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. selfish, that means i’m already getting heartburn from it. it's burning, we'll put it out. and your
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a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. and now let's talk about economy. alexander, in april trade turnover between russia and japan decreased by 16% in annual terms. tell us, what dynamics may exist in specific positions? tatyana, for example, the supply of our grains has decreased to almost zero, and our vegetables have doubled. i'll start with another topic. first deputy prime minister. denis manturov visited nizhny novgorod enterprises to assess their industrial potential. they ensure the technological sovereignty and defense of the country. the inspection was also attended by the head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alekhanov and the plenipotentiary president in the volga federal district igor komarov. the rumo plant produces oil and gas equipment. in addition, serial production
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of engines for river-sea class vessels will be launched there in the near future. the company's products will help the russian fuel sector and shipbuilding. not to depend on foreign technologies; the deputy prime minister was also shown an automated line at one of the factories of the military-industrial complex. the eu plans to carry out the first withdrawal of income from frozen assets of russia in july: to give away 90% of the funds received through european financial structures will have to reinvest twice a year. thus, brussels expects to receive about 3 billion euros a year to support ukraine, primarily for supplies. weapons, in turn, the united states proposes to use the proceeds as collateral for loans to kiev. such a scheme is being discussed at the g7 level. and at the same time , washington is trying to push brussels towards complete confiscation of assets. i'm not benkir, but when interest income is earned, in my opinion, it becomes part of the principal amount. and i don't understand why they can use
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interest but can't use the assets themselves, but whatever the solution is, i'm just. in relation to this, i think there are other possibilities that we are moving towards, including exploring ways to use the principal as collateral to secure the debt, to use it as the basis for a loan, to get a lot more resources for ukraine. russia's trade turnover with japan in april decreased by 16% compared to the same month a year earlier, amounting to 85.5 billion euros. this is about 50 billion rub. tas provides such calculations with reference to data from the ministry of finance and japan. purchases of russian lng fell by 18.5% during this period. grain production has practically ceased, here. the supply of vegetables from our country has doubled; japan purchased 10% more fish products than in april last year.
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the us national debt will continue to grow in the coming decades and will break all records. this year it will approach 100% of gdp, and in 30 years it will be 166%, according to the congressional budget office. and this is not the darkest scenario yet. if government revenues and spending will continue, and private investment. the american national debt will decrease by 54, and may even exceed 250% of gdp. let me remind you that in january, us obligations exceeded $34 trillion for the first time in history. that’s all i have for now, tatyana. alexander, thank you, alexandra nazarova was with economic news. and briefly about the main thing for this hour. su-25 attack aircraft destroyed special equipment and infantry of kiev militants. regime, the strike was carried out with unguided aircraft missiles, which ultimately successfully hit all targets. heavy showers hit the north of france, powerful streams
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are washing away roads, landslides have begun, traffic is difficult, residential buildings are damaged, local residents are urged to be as careful as possible. in the us state of iowa, a powerful tornado destroyed wind turbines, tore out the structures and threw them to the ground. plumes of smoke spread hundreds of meters. the tornado killed several people and injured dozens. europe will have to return stolen russian assets. this statement was made by the permanent mission of moscow to the european union. there warned of unpredictable consequences for the old world if the eu really decides to send proceeds from illegally frozen russian funds to the kiev regime. and now about the weather, a yellow alert level has been announced in the south. in the central federal district, due to thunderstorms , a cold atmospheric front continues to move across the european territory of russia, which regions will be hit by salvo showers today,
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ksenia levitskaya will talk about this. this time , may will not be able to drive summer away from the russian plain. another round of thunderstorms it will just freshen up the atmosphere a little. which regions can expect the heaviest downpours today and where precipitation will still fall in the form of snow. it's the weather. a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobys center. i'm ksenia levitskaya. hello. the cold front will continue to move across the european part of the country today. the day before, he had already brought misfortune to the region. thunderstorms thundered from kaliningrad to izhevsk. however, they did not bring extreme downpours. only in the city of yelnya, smolinsk region, the amount of precipitation reached 10 mm. and still, there were some floods. in vladimir, the historical center floated after the rain. as often happens under thunderclouds, the wind increases sharply.
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there was even some semblance of a dust storm observed in the embankment boats; it blew heavily in the tver region. well, in the north, winter still doesn’t let us forget about itself. in murmansk, ukhta, and certain areas of the arkhangelsk region , weather stations recorded snow on tuesday. all these weather phenomena are a consequence of the invasion. and the cooling will already shift to the southern parts of the middle zone. this process takes place today there is a ridge of frontal clouds, carrying against the background of increased atmospheric pressure, so the clouds acquire a mosaic structure. so, like the day before, heavy thunderstorm rains will occur only in certain areas. at the same time, in pomorie, the koma republic, yamal, ugra, in the north of the sverdlovsk, tyumen regions and the perm territory. may turn into snow. the west and south of the russian plain will be hit by a tangential cooling, so the heat here will only subside slightly and the temperature regime will continue to be noticeably warmer than the climate.
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afternoon +19:24. in the southern part of the country , the thermometer will rise to +25 -30. and the main volume of arctic air will go from the middle volga to the spurs of the urals, where the weather will become like april, and during the day it will not be higher than +8. from thirteen. in the future, the area of ​​​​high pressure that covers the russian plain will develop into a full-fledged anticyclone, and the northern flows dominating its eastern periphery will continue to throw more and more portions of cold air into the urals. and in the west of the region, on the contrary, the wind will turn to the southern points, in this part european russia will feel the warmth of the black sea fumes. in izhevsk, for example, the abnormal cold will linger until the end of the working week on thursday. the thermometers here will only be able to reach +11, which is 9° below the norm at the end of may. but on saturday there will be a short-term but powerful surge of heat.
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daytime temperatures in the city will rise to quite july +24, but summer is not going to leave the central regions, at least until monday sunny, dry weather will reign in the capital, today tomorrow +20-23, starting on friday in moscow a new wave of warming, on sunday the air in the megalopolis may well warm up to +27. that's all for me, goodbye.
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" on the eve of the forgiveness ceremony with the president of iran, vladimir putin held a meeting with the speaker of the state duma, where he called the death of ibrahim raisi a great loss. in yakutia, flood. in the coming days, a strong rise in water is expected in two areas at once. what is the situation at this time? in july, the european union is planning to carry out the first seizure of income from frozen assets of russia. our economic editorial team
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will tell you all the details. french president to new caledonia. strikes broke out there in mid-may. all the details are in our material. in kuban they began to make ussrs for the food industry. most often they are used in winemaking. what are the features of production? meteorologists are talking about the expansion of the frost zone. heavy rainfall in some regions. we'll give you our weather forecast. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, arrived in yakutia to assess the flood situation. the minister met with the population, will also visit a temporary accommodation center and conduct operational meeting. due to the difficult flood situation in the region, a state of emergency was introduced; about 650 territories in 16 settlements are in the flood zone.
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strong in the coming days. a rise in water is expected in the kabyaisky and zhigansky districts. meanwhile, five villages in the namsky district, where the most difficult situation is observed, have been completely freed from water. now to the situation in the svo area. a unit of the 42nd motorized rifle division of the russian dnepr group of troops destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold north of rabotin. this is in zaporozhye region. according to the ministry of defense, the armor of the enemy vehicle was also damaged. the target was discovered by operators. the reconnaissance drones were hit by attack drones.


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