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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in yakutia to assess the flood situation. the minister met with the population, will also visit a temporary accommodation center and hold an operational meeting. due to the difficult flood situation in the region, a state of emergency was introduced; about 650 territories in 16 settlements are in the flood zone. in the coming days, a strong rise in water is expected in the kabyaisky and zhigansky districts. meanwhile, five villages in the namsky district are experiencing the most difficult situations. the situation was completely freed from water. now to the situation in zone of the northern military district, units of the 42nd motorized rifle division of the russian dnepr group of troops destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces north of rabotin. this is in the zaporozhye region. according to the ministry of defense, the enemy's armored vehicle was also damaged. the target was discovered by reconnaissance drone operators and attacked by attack drones. the enemy is resisting, but...
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he has little success in his resistance, he suffers heavy losses and is constantly, one might say, running, in the southern direction the enemy is being pushed back by the artillerymen of the dnieper group of troops, they destroyed the dugout in which the ukrainian armed forces fighters took cover and hid their guns, the enemy was hit by a crew of self-propelled howitzers 100, this allowed the assault troops to move forward, stanislav vasilchenko will tell you all the details, the mstas self-propelled howitzer rushes to the firing point at... full speed, the area is open , a ukrainian drone could appear in the sky at any minute, so the slightest delay could cost the lives of the entire crew. having arrived at the point, the howitzer takes up a combat position; the gunner prepares accept target coordinates, they are reported by spotters. for the greatest accuracy , fighters record the speed and direction of the wind. the goal is known. the crew needs to destroy the enemy dugout and the artillery gun installed next to it. msta s conducts
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rapid fire at the enemy position, three high-explosive fragmentation shells with a caliber of 152 mm are sent, this is enough to completely destroy the target. recently , self-propelled artillery installations have been a primary target for the enemy, and the enemy is in no hurry to destroy them right away. first, the drones track the gun, then accompany it to the artillery deployment point , and at these coordinates they can open fire. therefore, the crew moves the gun away from the firing point as quickly as possible. the main advantage of a self-propelled gun is its mobility. unlike a towed mount, this can change positions after each combat job, increasing the crew's chances of not being hit by return fire. there can be at least five such trips per day, and each time the crew changes firing positions, confusing the enemy. constant reloading of this weapon is not required, msta s ammunition is 50 shells. there is no difficulty, uh, everything works automatically. the gunner aims, uh, also in automatic mode, receives from me. sight, protractor, level,
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the greatest convenience is caused by the dispensing mechanism, that is, the reconciliator, which allows you not to manually remove ammunition, shells from the ammunition rack, that is, efficiency has appeared, of course, today the dnepr group of troops is conducting active combat operations in the areas of stepnoy, stepnogorsk, rabotin and novopokrovki, russian troops repel enemy attacks and occupy advantageous positions, our artillery is clearing the fighter.
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the formation of government bodies, executive bodies of power, first of all the government of the russian federation, after the presidential elections, this is a very important stage in the work of the state duma, since, as i already said, there should be no failures, interruptions in work, in general there should be no business as usual , and... in today's conditions, this is
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even more important. at the meeting they also talked about vyacheslav volodin’s upcoming trip to iran for the farewell ceremony for ibrahim reisi, who died in a plane crash. putin called the death of russia was a great loss and stressed: moscow is ready to continue cooperation with tehran. on your instructions, vladimirovich, early tomorrow morning i will fly to tehran to take part in the farewell ceremony for the president of iran, raisi. the death of president raisi is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran and the iranian people, so i ask you to convey the words from...
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the ceremony, and on may 23, raisi’s body will be delivered to his hometown of mishkhet, where he will be buried. the european union has agreed to the seizure of proceeds from russia's frozen assets, it will be take place twice a year. we will learn more about the mechanism and its consequences from alexandra nazarovo, she joins me. sasha, good morning, well, 10% of what is already known will be used to support the ukrainian economy. where are the remaining 90? sasha, good morning, first of all. for the purchase of weapons. in july, the eu plans to carry out its first seizure of proceeds from russia's frozen assets. the mechanism has already been agreed upon, and the european commission has promised to do everything possible to launch it as soon as possible . financial structures came under attack
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europe, whose accounts have had more than a million euros of russian funds blocked. now they are required to give back 90% of what they receive from their reinvestment every 2 years. this, in principle , creates a very dangerous situation when the central bank of the world, anyone, can doubt the safety of its reserves. now many other central banks of the world, having looked at this, will think whether they should actively reduce the share of holdings abroad in the countries issuing world reserve currencies, without increasing the amount of gold in their reserves, so that nothing happens, this is a very dangerous thing that countries probably have the resources to do. euros per year, 90% want to be sent to the so-called european peace fund, in order to then finance the supply of weapons to kiev, and
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another 10% will go through the eu budget for economic support for ukraine and restoration funds will be used to purchase the most. the necessary, most important items, well , the first on the list is still artillery shells, despite the long- standing european assistance program for the production of these artillery shells, the promised volumes were not produced, and it does not seem that now this injection of 3 billion or slightly less than 3 billion can significantly turn the situation around, that is, the question here is not what to buy for, but what to buy? they want to review the allocation order by the beginning of next year, by which time they expect to adopt a defense industry program that will be aimed at accelerating the militarization of the european economy, and fixed assets can be invested in it. next, redistribution seized income will be carried out annually.
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meanwhile, the united states is seeking to confiscate not the income, but the frozen assets themselves, which is about $280 billion. the american congress granted it to their country. opportunity, and a group of legislators recommended that the biden administration take immediate action, but the risks are too great and washington is in no hurry to act; it wants this step to be taken first. some senators admit that income is an integral part of assets and are surprised at brussels’ strange logic of confiscating everything at once it’s not possible, but a little bit is still possible. i'm not a banker, but once interest income is earned, in my opinion it becomes part of the principal and i don't understand why they can use the interest but not the assets themselves, but whatever the solution, i'm all for it. in relation to this, i think there are other possibilities that
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we are moving towards, including exploring ways to use the principal as collateral to secure the debt, to use it as the basis for a loan, to get a lot more resources for ukraine. but for now the american plan to secure loans for ukraine with russian assets must be calculated only on the basis of income from them. germany supported this initiative, but they want to approve it. we are successfully moving forward, frankly speaking, we would probably prefer measures closer to the maximum, we would try to use frozen assets directly, but the idea is to use income from assets so that ukraine can use it to repay interest on a large loan that could be in order 50 billion dollars, such a proposal.
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logvino the european union today has firmly taken the path of self-destruction and has made theft an instrument of foreign policy. the consequences of fraud with the income of illegally blocked assets are unpredictable, but sooner or later the stolen property will have to be returned. the fact that free handling of other people's sovereign assets creates risks for the international financial system, especially for the eurozone, has also been repeatedly said by the imf and the european central bank. sasha, lawsuits cannot be avoided. thank you sasha, it was alexandra nazarov with a story about
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the west's plans to use the proceeds from russia's frozen assets. plenipotentiary representative in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnik introduced the acting governor of the region, dmitry demeshin, to the government of the khabarovsk territory. his entire professional career is connected with work in the prosecutor's office. since 1919, he served as deputy prosecutor general of russia. a graduate of the school of governors is a presidential program for training a personnel management reserve. dimeshna for the post of head of the khabarovsk territory appointed by vladimir putin on may 15. the new head of the region noted that he does not plan personnel changes in order to give the previous team the opportunity to prove themselves. we are obliged to reset constitutional agreements, ensure the timing and quality of construction of the most important social and residential facilities.
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exhibition russia. was all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, on exhibition russia, broadcast, the pentagon refused to comment on russian exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. the first stage in the southern district started the day before in response to constant threats from the west. at the second stage , belarus will join the training. evgeniy has all the details. the first stage of the exercise has started, during which the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is being worked out; a column of equipment from the southern military district, under the cover of combat security units, is heading to the launch site. we have a special combat unit so miniature that we can fit it into an artillery shell, it can , in principle, be added to any modern
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missile that we use, including sea-based ones, supersonic onyxes, these are all those types. armored missiles that we launch air-launched, these calibers can also actually contain a special warhead, so while the exercises are being practiced, probably the most common ones can be used. soldiers of crews of iskander operational tactical missile systems remove the launcher. the complex can target targets within a radius of five thousand kilometers with ballistic and cruise missiles with various warheads, including, of course, special ones, that is, nuclear ones. charge power may vary. the movement of the military, honed by years of service, acts harmoniously, fulfilling the task set by the commander-in-chief. the general staff is conducting the exercise on instructions from the president, and the first stage will follow.
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headquarters have already, as the russian minister of defense told me, begun execution on these since then, the russian ministry of defense noted that the maneuvers are being carried out in response to
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provocative statements by western politicians macron about the introduction of troops into ukraine and british foreign minister cameron, who is calling for the armed forces of ukraine to give permission to strike with western long-range weapons throughout russia; air units are also involved in the exercises -space forces, aircraft crews and engineering personnel, for example, tu-22 strategic bombers. and the mig-31 also equips hypersonic dagger missiles with special warheads, they capable of hitting targets at a range exceeding 2.0 km, maneuvering in all parts of the trajectory. evgenia nipot, olga olvukhina, lead. the french president decided to come to protest-ridden new caledonia. emmanuel macron has already departed from paris and will spend almost 30 hours on the road. on such a long journey, the french leader flies to organize, i quote:
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the airport will be closed until saturday, australia and new zealand are helping their citizens get out. it's very sad what 's happening there, it's quite terrible and at the same time meaningless. the economic damage is also serious. the damage in a week was estimated at a billion euros, about 200 enterprises... were completely destroyed, a carbonated drink factory burned to the ground. another 400 companies report pogroms. the list of those killed during the unrest includes six people.
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during a meeting of the lower house of the french parliament, a minute of silence is announced. in the last few years , the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald dermanan, has been involved in issues of political settlement in new caledonia. having little success in dialogue with kanakami. the original inhabitants of these lands, who were outraged by paris's attempt to expand voting rights for the french who came from the continent, he sent about 3,000 police and gendarmes there to quell the unrest. i can tell you that there are now enough law enforcement officers, since four more planes are expected to arrive in new caledonia in the near future, this explains the partial return of calm in the city of nomia. but the unrest continues, at night two schools were set on fire and about 300 cars of the french manufacturer renault were burned. mayor the capital is preparing an appeal to macron to cancel the controversial electoral reform, which caused the pogroms. the history
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of the confrontation between the original inhabitants fighting for independence and the french lasts four decades, not in favor of the former. this time macron will probably play for time again to propose negotiations, because new caledonia for france is not only a land rich in mineral resources. nickel reserves here are the fourth largest in the world, but another important strategic point is the gateway to the pacific ocean. anastasia popova, european news bureau. and let's continue talking about international topics. hundreds of railway workers took to the streets of paris. the protesters are demanding higher wages and better working conditions before the olympic games. activists are marching around the french capital with posters and torches, demonstrations are taking place in the metro at suburban stations, because of this , traffic is difficult, with the launch
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of additional trains in the midst of... pour les jeux olympiques, voilà.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we they were storming, they entered, for the first time they rose up there , they wounded me, all the bullets. i was about to take off, one
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was rooting, i had no more strength, forgive me, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy. in moscow 9:28 and further briefly. iran says goodbye
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to ibrahim raisi, the day before the residents of tabriz and the city of qom saw him off on his last journey, then the body was transported to segiran, where the spiritual leader of the iranian republic ayatallah ali khamini will hold a special ceremony and will be buried tomorrow in his hometown. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in yakutia to assess the flood situation. a regime has been introduced in the region. in russia, the first stage of the exercise with non-strategic nuclear weapons, under the leadership of the general staff, the personnel of the southern military district are practicing equipping iskander complexes with special ammunition, and aircraft missiles, including
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hypersonic daggers, are also equipped with special combat units. the training is carried out on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief in response to the aggressive rhetoric of the west. more one wave of may frosts: minus at night is promised to residents of perm, kirov, kurgan, tyumen and omsk regions. it became noticeably colder in the central regions; in some areas of the yaroslavl and kostroma regions it was just below zero that night. warm temperatures are forecast to return by the weekend. the us department of defense is preparing an additional aid package for ukraine; according to american media, it will be announced in the near future. maria skorodilka has all the details. these are war crimes, crimes. didn't have time to agree on support those countries in which the united states persistently foments wars as activists.


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