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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] air missiles, including hypersonic daggers, are also equipped with special warheads. the training is carried out on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief in response to the aggressive rhetoric of the west. another wave of may frosts. minus at night is promised to residents of perm, kirov, kurgan, tyumen and omsk regions. it also became noticeably colder in the central regions, in some areas of the yaroslavl and kostroma
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regions this night. with clammy palms, as if covered in blood, they interrupted the meeting of all those who are against world conflicts the police are dragging forces from the senate with american money, let’s continue blinkin, they allowed it, but the mood is no longer the same. we provided vital american aid to ukraine, thereby uniting the international community. but the international community rallied only in search of excuses for how, having promised so much to kiev earlier, it would not give anything now. european officials are coming to kiev one by one. according to schedule, like this, without an expensive hairstyle , literally from the ship to the ball, the german foreign minister descends on ukrainian land, there are no gifts in your hands, which means you have to promise something. the best defense against missile attacks is strengthening ukraine's air defense, so this is currently an absolute priority for us. it is said beautifully, but germany has no money for the armed forces of ukraine, and this senseless visit of berbak to the ukrainian capital will
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cost germany a lot, the germans write on social networks. due to a lack of funds in the regular budget , the german army will have to break contracts or not enter into additional agreements, the local ministry of defense said. in the medium term the plan even threatens the collapse of the material equipment of the bundeswehr; weapons systems whose service life is coming to an end will not be replaced with new ones, they quote. the russian army represents the west has already lost, experts emphasize. a stern, disciplined and well -controlled force. we have the opposite situation. we have a lot of people in the pentagon who have never done anything but pretend to be great people. they are not, and i think their public
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attacks on russians are stupid. the ukrainian armed forces do not have enough heavy weapons equipment and cannot provide it to those who have recently been mobilized, writes forbes. zelensky himself practically underlined the weaknesses of his own army in an interview with american journalists. he requires a lot of weapons, hundreds of fighters, but kiev’s main desire now is for nato to protect him. at the same time , the eu countries are not seriously discussing the possibility of shooting down russian missiles over ukraine, they said in berlin. military experts openly declare, putting forward demands to the west, kiev. dreams of nato solving his problems. quite obvious, in recent days we we are seeing more and more signs that zelensky wants to directly involve nato. he understands perfectly well that for him this is the only way not only to win, but also to remain president of ukraine, and to survive in general. support for ukraine has become a political issue causing controversy in the united states, but a sober analysis shows that kiev will have to talk to moscow to give in, newspapers write. but
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for now the kiev regime. in the throes of trying to drag more of his own people into this conflict. tcc is desperately trying to fulfill the mobilization plan, all this has turned the country into a real concentration camp, the ukrainians say. videos of a popular flash mob appear on social networks. in it, people tell how they fled to russia, show their passports, no longer jump, and dance for joy. god again, weather forecasters talk about overseas in the european part of the country. meanwhile, the development of floods on the rivers of yakutia continues. let's discuss the situation with our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she will join me. katya, greetings. first, how widespread the cold snap will be and where. and secondly, you and i the day before they were talking about moscow being flooded. in general, there were some conversations. what's the matter? well, this is one of those weather tricks typical of very large cities. there are times when the air above a metropolis is much drier than in the surrounding area and it is
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simply cloudy. is crumbling, there was heavy rain in volokolamsk, and moscow didn’t get a drop, literally. well, we’ll start the issue with the situation on the rivers: ice drift in the lower reaches of the lena river caused an emergency in the zhigansky ulus of yakutia. a few ships that remained. then it was covered with ice, two tugboats sank, their crews are 18 people, they had to be evacuated, the crews of the surviving ships spent the winter on the river, at first they were carried away by the current, but they remained to prepare the transport for navigation, under the oil depot kurchatova squeezed onto the shore, the kulchata are already in a heap, in my opinion, but squeezed out on a stone and it’s not bad, the main thing is that a firefighter would not have gotten through... in the amur region , while extinguishing a fire in the forest near the city of svobodny, they witnessed the appearance of a fiery whirlwind, it rose to a height of several tens of meters. the air above the burning area becomes very hot and begins to rise upward, this process draws in cold air located at the periphery
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of combustion, it inflates the flame even more and creates stable upward currents. in the north of western siberia , snowfalls resumed 9 days before summer. winter footage is now being posted on social networks by residents of the republic. koma, yamalo, nenets autonomous okrug, khantemansky autonomous okrug, and in negan a temporary snow cover has even formed, it is from here that cold air will spread across the northeast of russian plains. you can see how the cold moves south in a neat arc, outlining the territory from the kola peninsula to the lower ob. and the southern half of the country is covered in heat. on the middle volga, this summer and spring have covered almost all of siberia and the far east. in eastern siberia, in the far east, southern winds predominate; heat advection is also facilitated by a vast cyclone; in the south, the air is warmed by an anticyclone during the daytime hours; the european territory of the country is on the other side of a large cyclone, and winds from northern directions predominate here. today
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the cold front passes along the kurgan, samara-bryansk line. it is interesting that the frontal section is shifting under the pressure of the scandinavian anticyclone. on the one hand, an increase in pressure contributes to the destruction of frontal clouds, on the other hand, while... it increases the influx of cold, and therefore contributes to the expansion of the frost zone. today , negative temperatures were observed only in the northernmost regions of the european part of the country, and tomorrow the cold will advance another 500 kilometers to the south, the zamoruski will come to the middle urals, the volgovyat region. in perm, up to light showers are expected at the end of the week; possible at night and in the morning in the vicinity of the megapolis.
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in the capital from today to tomorrow it will be 2-23°, from friday, when the influence of the anticyclone will intensify even more, it will become even warmer, on sunday the air in the metropolis may well warm up to 27° above zero, we will still have to hide. from the sun, thank you, katya, it was ekaterina grigorova, with a story about the weather in russian regions. now let's get used to short advertising. apply for a loan at sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive monthly cashback at 2% interest rate. more profitable with... hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out
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friends and get 15.00 rub. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. dear friends, i want to bring to your attention our next author’s program "besagon tv". it will be called “ an atheist in the trenches.” does not happen, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to meeting you at our meeting. in kuban they established the production of tanks for the food industry; they used to use foreign equipment and now use russian equipment. the main customers of wine products. economy, followed by a report
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by ekaterina kanovalova. this is one of the initial stages of collecting cylindrical containers. on a special machine, huge sheets of metal are welded together in the longitudinal direction. quite a difficult job, but not for this enterprise. new equipment was installed at the plant, which increased the speed and quality of work significantly. we assemble cards from sheet material so that we can then roll them up. these are the shells we get, with this machine our production has increased the assembly of shells and sheet material and it has become easier and simpler to work with. tanks are made of stainless steel for the needs of the food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, but still receive greater attention from the wine industry. previously, factories were acquired equipment abroad, but now there is no such possibility. and kuban businessmen decided to take this niche into their own hands. now we have completely designed it. we have mastered production and launched the production of this
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equipment, i can probably say with confidence that approximately 60-65% of wineries not only in the krasnodar territory, but also in the republic of crimea, and indeed they, in one way or another , work on equipment produced by our company. the scale is growing, which means it is necessary to increase the speed of production without losing quality. for these purposes, on the company has updated its machines over the past few years. for example, this laser cutting machine helped speed up metal cutting by 32 times compared to manual work. it is very expensive to buy such a machine at your own expense, but with the support of the regional ministry of industry, there was no need to postpone the upgrade; the company received a preferential loan at 4% per annum and deferred payment for 2 years. is it difficult for businesses or private businesses to develop at their own expense, or does it take a long time? time, with support
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the business found support, at the enterprise facilitating the rapid turnover of equipment purchases, but this is not the only thing in which ministries can receive soft loans, we have created an engineering and technical center, this is the center of the heart of our enterprise, due to correct, clear and reasonable design, we manufacture equipment with the correct characteristics, thermal, in there have not yet been any analogues of these guests in the russian federation. now about 450 different types of products are produced here, in order to be able to expand further, the company annually participates in regional, federal and international
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exhibitions, this helps to develop new supply regions. ekaterina kanovalova, dmitry rogalev, lead. now let's talk about sports. in the vtbs united league today the opponent of cska in the final will be known, at the world judo championship the russian team has its first medal and also today is the final of the europa league. bayern and atalanta are competing for the second most important trophy in european football. alexander abramov joins me in the studio. sash, good morning. tell us more about the vtb united league. sash, good morning. today unix-lokomotiv will play the decisive seventh match of the semi-finals. so, if the final is cska unique, then kazan will have the advantage of the home court, and if. lokomotiv kuban is with the muscovites. so, today the opponent of cska moscow in the vtb united league final will be determined. the decisive seventh match of the semi-final series between unix and lokomotiv kuban will take place in kazan. the favorite of the seventh game is considered to be the home team, the unix basketball players, who, let me remind you, are defending the championship title. however, in this
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semi-nal series lokomotiv kuban once already defeated kazantsev on their floor. the result of today's match will also affect the schedule of the final series. if. in the final of the vtb united league, cska will play against unix, then the first two matches of the final will be held in kazan. if the final is cska lokomotiv-k kuban, then the final series will begin in moscow, and csk will have the home-court advantage. the final series of the vtb united league starts next sunday. the first russian medal at the world judo championships. timur arbuzov at his debut world championships won a silver medal in the weight category up to 81 kg. twenty-year-old timur is in the final. lost to the current world champion tato grigalashvili from georgia. for the third year in a row, grigolashvili won the world championship. the tournament is taking place in abu dhabi and will end tomorrow. the europa league final will take place today in dublin. in the match for the second most important trophy in european club football
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, the german bayar and the italian atalanta will play. the main intrigue of the upcoming final is whether atalanta can become the first club this season to will beat baer? newly crowned german champions. on a unique unbeaten streak , xabi alons' team has not lost for 51 matches in a row, a record in the history of european football. this season, bayer is claiming the treble, the german championship, they have already won, the europa league final and the german cup final are ahead. in today's final against atalanta, bayern is, of course, considered the favorite. bookmakers estimate the probability of victory for the german club at odds of 1.4. and let me also remind you that the russian team is vying to win the europa league. atalanta midfielder alexey miranchuk. miranchuk will probably play in today's match. real madrid's german midfielder tony cross has announced his retirement. the last tournament in the career of one of the most outstanding football players of our time will be the european championship at home for the german national team, which will be held next summer. on his social media page, tony cross wrote
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that he always wanted to end his career at the peak of his capabilities. the midfielder is 34 years old, he spent his playing career in bayer, bayern and real. won more than three dozen trophies; tony cross has been playing for real madrid for 10 years, during which time he became the champion of spain four times and won the champions league four times. next saturday will be the opportunity to do this with real madrid for the fifth time. real madrid will play against borussia in the final. as part of the german national team , tony cross became the world champion in the fourteenth year. london chelsea will have a new head coach. about the termination of the current contract with the argentine specialist pochitina, chelsea press service
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officially. the fighter deftly dodges enemy drones. our military man was attacked by seven drones at once. anton podkorenko tried to understand how they were deceived. i was hunting for him. a whole swarm of ukrainian drones, and not a single one hit, there was luck and professionalism of our fighter, and also
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nerves of steel, you can imagine what kind of endurance is needed, and training, of course, they also hit him once, hit him again, dodged, then a completely cinematic episode , come on, come on, lie down, that's it, well done, well done, okay, didn't hit, didn't hit, let's repeat it again... recording our reconnaissance drone, look how deftly the fighter dodged, took cover behind a pillar, threw himself on the ground, the enemy drone exploded on a sharp turn, our warrior deceived the land operator, he gave the direction to the drone that he was going that way, he himself jumped in the other direction, this practice works , it’s as if they even go through this, people are trained in this, the sudden appearance of a drone, so that they can make a false maneuver to avoid the explosion, that is, they defended themselves with the help of this pillar, it offended the drone and it just jumped off in a completely different direction, and he saved himself several times simply by normal, competent actions, that is, he
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did not panic. the fighter was attacked seven times; these were fpv drones, experts say, that is , drones that the operator controls while wearing a special helmet. they can be aimed very accurately, the enemies, apparently, tried to hit the fighter himself, not nearby, maybe that’s why he managed to dodge. the warrior makes his way. across a field pitted with craters, carefully, calmly, leaving your hands free so that nothing interferes with the execution combat mission. i would like to note the calm blood with which the fighter performs the assigned task, that is, he acts extremely calmly, carefully, that is, he does not twitch, does not get nervous, it is clear that the person, intuitively, apparently observing such attacks, made a decision for himself how to act , this time he was lucky, that is, he... well done, everything is really at the level, at the level of instincts, in fact, he has a well-developed, let's say, vestibular
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apparatus, so he again did not succumb to panic, he has a good figure, it is clear that he he was tired, he dropped some ammunition there, some things continued to move there, the rules of how to behave when attacking drones are just being developed, say the svo fighters, the weapons are new, so you have to improvise. scratches, he now continues to fight on the front line, his comrades are probably asking him how he is such a drone?
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remember how another fighter, private khattam, from the third battalion of the ninety-first rifle regiment, while saving a wounded comrade, shot down an enemy drone with a bag of potatoes, naturally, he simply brushed the drone away with this bag. bapala detonated, but everyone is alive, this method is also not in any regulations, not in any textbook, of course, but there is military ingenuity, for example, our fighter shoots down a drone with his kalashnikov assault rifle, some kind of absolutely crazy accuracy, and there is also luck, when, for example, an enemy drone got stuck in the windshield and did not detonate, that was scary, thank god, but we were born in a shirt, there is no other way to say it, there are also similar very recent stories, 2 days ago we had an incident with rotation panama. worked in pivid and it wasn’t a break that happened, well, we were just lucky, how to say, under god there were dozens, hundreds
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news, this is what we have learned by this hour: in russia, the first stage of the exercise with non-


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