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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the fifth studio is on the air, my name is anton potkovenko, we are discussing the most pressing issues in the context of russia, the eu, the kiev regime. the council of the european union made an official decision to transfer income from frozen russian assets to kiev, that is, in fact, they are trying to force western countries to work. our money is against our own country, there were a lot of discussions and discussions on this topic, whether they would decide on something like this or not, well, in the end we decided, we will discuss this with the acting permanent representative of russia to the european union, kirill logvinov. kirillo mikhailovich, i greet you, good morning, anton vladievich, hello, so, in your opinion, what is more in this decision of the european union, well...
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income from blocked russian sovereign assets, they will really go for the hybrid war that the european union is currently waging against our country, yesterday the eu members publicly signed up for this, since 90% of the amounts received from the management of state assets will be transferred twice a year to the european peace fund, in order to pay for the purchase of weapons of the armed forces of the armed forces forces of ukraine. that is, the goal
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remains, was and remains the same - this is to inflict a strategic defeat on our country, and hence the fanaticism with which the eu continues to pump kiev with lethal weapons, well, as for your question about that there is more in this decision, you know, i think the answer is simple, in this decision there is more outright theft, i think this is the most important thing, the most.
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integration, they took an unprecedented step: the theft of sovereign assets of a foreign state, that is, this is not a matter of russia, this, in principle, can now operate in relation to, they can behave this way in relation to the assets of any country, that is, by and large, this is such a clear example of , what european values ​​really are and what in fact, the order imposed by westerners is the basis.
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reserves to abandon their obligations to protect private property, capital investments, as for ukraine, you know, the fate of ukraine is here... by and large, no one is interested, yesterday’s decision, again, confirms this, that is, the kiev regime will now i simply have to work off this money, and with the lives of ukrainians in the military confrontation with russia, and it’s correct, as you said, that is, the european union will continue to fight with someone else’s hands, and now it’s also ready spend other people's money on it. this is just moving on to the kiev regime directly. i quote the representative of the eu foreign policy service, peter stana, said: the eu has no doubts about the legitimacy of zelensky as president of ukraine, this was announced at a press conference in brussels, a completely expected, alas, reaction of the european union,
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although it is clear that the five-year term zelensky has come to an end, here are various near-constitutional insinuations. regime they do not stand up to any legal criticism absolutely, but nevertheless in brussels they turn a blind eye to all this, stubbornly turn a blind eye, why is brussels still talking about the legitimacy of the zelensky regime? well, you know, i think that zelensky, he is valuable for the west, he is valuable for the west, probably, first of all, because, contrary to common sense, contrary to the interests of his own people, zelensky turned ukraine into a kind of springboard, an instrument that is completely at the disposal of the west and at the same time aimed at realizing the geopolitical, if you like, non-imperial ambitions of the european union.
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that’s right, this is the statement that you quoted, it was made here yesterday at the daily press briefing, what was said was that the ukrainian society of the country’s political parties supposedly has absolutely no doubt about who their legitimate president is, that is, the european union is for ukrainian voters decide who is the president of the country, i
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think that such a statement was also not made by chance, it indicates that here in brussels they are not only ready to continue to rely on...
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this is your decision, your intention, to accept ukraine into the european union, how high is the probability that this could happen, what is it leading to? you know, well, you started absolutely correctly with the fact that at this stage we are still talking only about the start of preliminary negotiations, and i would like to remind you that the corresponding political decision of the leader of the eu member state was made back in december last year, it was politicized.. . and the nature , by and large, is to expand a trade and economic association, which previously, the european union did not appear in its pure form , that is, once again this very idea of ​​expansion, it has finally taken on such geopolitical colors. well, as for
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the probability, well, let’s try to speculate on the rumor, in principle, the european bureaucracy chose june in order to try to push through a decision by launching negotiations. it’s no coincidence, well, firstly, after the european parliament elections scheduled for june 6-9, the topic of ukraine’s membership in the european union will cease. play any role in the local, well, in general, dull internal political life, but in fact , no one here discussed this topic with the ordinary voter, and now they certainly won’t, which means, secondly, on july 1, hungary will take over the eurowatch, it will begin budapest’s chairmanship of the council of eats, and accordingly, the hungarians will be in this capacity , they... in the next six months they will be able to a certain extent, so to speak, influence,
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a little more influence on the course of the intra-eu discussion about the european perspective of ukraine, that is, but again now it is quite difficult to give any forecasts, since the decision on the european perspective of ukraine is absolutely irrational, many here admit this, you will not find any evidence in the local expert community about what membership of ukraine will bring to the european union, whether there will be any dividends from this decision, there is nothing of this, it is clear that all this is being kept silent on purpose, that is, i think that in the near future the supporters of this forced start of negotiations with kiev will have to seriously mobilize, but we’ll see. because we have repeatedly said that the process of enlargement of the european union itself carries certain risks for
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member countries, it will limit their national sovereignty due to the fact that expansion means reforming the european union, but if the member countries are ready to do this in the current situation, it is their choice. well, i’d really like to hear your opinion about freedom of speech in europe, as they say , the council of europe of the european union has decided to suspend broadcasting on the territory of the eec, russian media, this is lime, this is rionovosti, this is a russian newspaper, journalists, while it is possible to carry out some written statistical research, well, i mean surveys, apparently, that is, you can write interviews, but you can’t broadcast them, they don’t send them, but at the same time it’s impossible to work normally, that’s why, in your opinion, this is...
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well, that’s why it’s directed primarily against representatives of the domestic media , and yes, this kind of european-style freedom does not bother anyone, that this decision contradicts, well, violates, does not contradict, violates the same international covenant on civil political speech rights, violates the eec charter on fundamental rights, but the goal is clear - to isolate europeans from alternative sources of information. that is, create such an information vacuum and then dispose
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of this vacuum at your own discretion, but what i started with, this concerns not only this freedom of speech in european style, it can now affect absolutely everyone, it is already affecting and will continue to affect everyone in the information space, because tomorrow, under the same fictitious pretext, similar calls for restrictions may be heard in relation to...
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frozen assets in russia. 90% of the funds received so far are going to go to... purchase of weapons for ukraine, but the distribution procedure will be reviewed every year. alexandra nazarova will tell you how the mechanism works and why it is dangerous for europe. with that, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, see you and good news. in july, the eu plans to carry out its first seizure of proceeds from russia's frozen assets. the mechanism has already been agreed upon, and the european commission has promised to do everything possible to launch it as soon as possible . financial structures came under attack. europe, whose accounts have been blocked for more than million euros of russian funds. now they are required to give back 90% of what they receive from their reinvestment every 2 years. that's basically it. creates a very dangerous situation when the central bank of the world, anyone, can doubt the safety of its reserves. now many other central banks of the world,
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having looked at this, will think about whether they should actively reduce the share of holdings abroad in countries that issue world reserve currencies, whether they should increase the physical gold in their reserves, no matter what happens. this a very dangerous thing, which, probably, the eu countries could not help but understand when they made this decision. thus, brussels expects to attract 2.5-3 billion euros per year. they want to send 90% to the so-called european peace fund, in order to then finance arms supplies to kiev, and another 10% will go through the eu budget for economic support for ukraine’s recovery. the funds will be used to purchase the most needed and essential items. well, the first thing on the list is artillery shells. despite it's been a long time the current european assistance program, the production of these artillery shells, the promised volumes were not produced, and it does not
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seem that now this injection of 3 billion or slightly less than 3 billion can significantly turn the situation around, that is, the question here is not what to buy, but what to buy? they want to review the allocation order by the beginning of next year, by which time they expect to adopt an industrial defense program. every year, meanwhile, the united states seeks to confiscate not the income, but the frozen assets, this is about 280 billion dollars. the american congress gave their country this opportunity, and a group of lawmakers recommended that the biden administration take immediate action, but there are risks.
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opportunities that we're moving toward, including exploring ways to use the principal as collateral for collateral . in relation to this, i think there are others for a long time, using it as the basis for a loan to get a lot more resources for ukraine. but for now the american plan securing loans for ukraine with russian assets has to be calculated only on the basis of income from them. germany supported this initiative, but they want to approve it at the group of seven level. it is expected that this will make it possible to provide kiev with a loan of $50 billion in the summer. we
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are moving forward successfully. to be frank, we would probably prefer measures closer to the maximum and would try to use frozen assets directly. however, the idea of ​​using income from assets so that ukraine can use it repaid the interest on a large loan, which could be about 50 billion. today, it has firmly taken the path of self-destruction, and has made theft an instrument of foreign policy. the consequences of fraud with the income of illegally blocked assets
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are unpredictable, but sooner or later the stolen property will have to be returned. the fact that free handling of other people's sovereign assets creates risks for the international financial system, especially for the eurozone, has also been repeatedly said by the imf and the european central bank.
10:56 am
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10:59 am
the water is still in yakutia. in the coming days , a strong rise in water is expected in two areas; the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, came to the republic to assess the situation. israel
11:00 am
is recalling its ambassadors, this. on the decision of norway, ireland, spain to recognize palestine as a sovereign state. will there be any diplomatic consequences of such a step? iskander missile systems and hypersonic daggers are used. russia is undergoing the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. training is carried out on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief. how to stimulate the digital economy and support companies. which is already investing in new technological solutions, about this in the middle of the hour in an interview with vladimir potanin and alexey mordashova. norway, ireland and spain decided to officially recognize palestine as a sovereign state. about it stated the prime ministers of the three countries called this day quote: historic for the middle eastern state. the corresponding
11:01 am
decision will come into force in the 20th week from may 8th and how do you


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