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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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spain recognize palestine as a sovereign state. will there be non -diplomatic consequences of such a step? iskander missile systems and hypersonic daggers are used. the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is taking place in russia. training is carried out on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief. how to stimulate the digital economy and support companies that are already investing. into new technological solutions, about this in the middle of the hour in an interview with vladimir potanin and alexey mordashov. norway, ireland and spain decided to officially recognize palestine as a sovereign state. the prime ministers of the three countries announced this and called this day, quote: historical for the middle eastern state. the corresponding decision will come into force a week later on may 28. and as they expressed hope in oslo, dublin and
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madrid, during this time similar resolutions may be adopted in other european countries. so far, the independence of palestine in the eu is recognized by bulgaria, hungary, cyprus, malta, poland, romania, slovakia, the czech republic and sweden. in total, palestine is recognized by over 140 countries out of 193 that are members of the un, including russia. tel aviv's reaction has already followed. israel recalled diplomats from oslo and dublin. a decision on spain is expected. may be accepted soon. and now about the flood situation. the most difficult situation is in yakutia; a state of emergency has been introduced there. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region today. the minister will meet with local residents, visit a temporary accommodation center and hold an operational meeting. the amount of damage from the flood in yakutia, according to preliminary estimates, is 124 million rubles. about 3.000 people were injured. near the village of zhigansk on the leni river they sank during ice drift. two ships,
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another one was pushed ashore, an mi-8 helicopter was sent to the scene. the crews evacuated in time and no one was injured. rescue operations are currently underway there, and specialists have taken water samples. in russia, the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is taking place in the southern military district. under the guidance of the general staff , personnel are practicing equipping iskander complexes with special ammunition. combat units are equipped air missiles, including hypersonic daggers. the training is carried out on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief in response to the aggressive rhetoric of the west. in the special operation zone , military personnel of the dnepr group of troops occupy advantageous positions. artillery helps move forward. the calculation of the self-propelled gaubstas is in effect. footage of combat work in the report of our special correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. the mstas self-propelled howitzer rushes at full speed to the firing point. the area is open. it could appear in the sky at any minute. ukrainian
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drone, so the slightest delay could cost the lives of the entire crew. having arrived at the point, the howitzer takes up a combat position ; the gunner prepares to receive the target coordinates, which are reported by spotters. for the greatest accuracy, fighters record the speed and direction of the wind. the goal is known. the crew needs to destroy the enemy dugout and the artillery gun installed next to it. fires rapidly at the enemy position. they are leaving. three high-explosive fragmentation weapons with a caliber of 152 mm, this is enough to completely destroy targets. last time self-propelled artillery installations are a primary target for the enemy, and the enemy is in no hurry to destroy them right away. first, the drones track the gun, then accompany it to the artillerymen’s deployment point; they can open fire at these coordinates, so the crew moves the guns away from the firing point as quickly as possible. the main advantage of a self-propelled gun is its mobility, unlike a towed installation, it can change positions after each. combat work, which increases
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the crew’s chances of not getting hit by return fire. behind there can be at least five such trips per day, and each time the crew changes firing positions, confusing the enemy. this weapon does not require constant reloading; the msta ammunition capacity is s-50 shells. there is no difficulty, uh, everything works automatically, the gunner aims, also in automatic mode, he receives a sight and a protractor from me. level, the greatest convenience is caused by the dispensing mechanism, that is, the reconciliator, which allows you to avoid manually removing ammunition and shells from the ammunition rack, that is, efficiency has appeared, of course, today the dnepr group of troops is conducting active hostilities in the areas of stepnoy, stepnogorsk, rabotin and novopokrovka. russian troops repel enemy attacks and occupy advantageous positions; our artillery clears the way for the soldiers and helps them move forward. stanislav vasilchenko, valery.
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support for small businesses is needed, but they do not need hyper-custody, these are the words of mikhail mishustin. business assistance programs. spoke with the head of the corporation for the development of small medium enterprises, alexander isaevich, and talked, among other things, about business support in border and new regions russia. a very important issue is small medium-sized businesses in new regions, in the lugansk, donetsk people's republics, in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. it is very important that the legal framework also includes those companies that meet russian standards and criteria. small medium-sized enterprises, and of course, it is important to provide them with all the support tools that are available in the russian federation in any region. last year , a long-term program for the development of new territories was adopted, and we also adapted our tools. if we talk about financial instruments, there are several of them. the first
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is a program of preferential lending specifically for development, preferential leasing of industrial equipment, sme corporation at 6.8%. a separate area is support for smes in border regions. in addition, together with the central bank, we are now working on a separate program of preferential lending for entrepreneurs in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions, the rate on them will be lower than the market with a simultaneous guarantee from the corporation. additionally for cross-border regions, we are launching a preferential leasing program for the purchase of equipment and the purchase of domestic transport and cargo vehicles. new caledonia's digital networks suffered a major cyber attack ahead of the visit.
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the damage is also serious, the damage in a week was estimated at a billion euros, about 200 enterprises were completely destroyed, a carbonated drink factory burned to the ground, another 400 companies reported pogroms, six people were on the list of those killed during the unrest, during a meeting of the lower house of the french
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parliament announces a minute of silence. in the last few years, issues of political settlement. in new caledonia, the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald dermanan, was involved. having little success in dialogue with the konak, the original inhabitants of these lands, who were outraged by paris's attempt to expand voting rights for the french who came from the continent, he sent about 3,000 police and gendarmes there to quell the unrest. i can tell you that there are now enough law enforcement officers, since more are expected to arrive in the near future four planes to new caledonia, this explains the partial return. calm in the city of nomia, but unrest continues, at night two schools were set on fire and about 300 cars of the french manufacturer were burned. the mayor of the capital is preparing an appeal to macron to cancel the controversial electoral reform, which caused the pogroms. the history of the confrontation
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between the original inhabitants and the french fighting for independence has lasted for decades, not in favor of the former. this time macron will probably play for time and offer negotiations, after all, new caledonia for france. this is not only a land rich in mineral resources. nickel reserves here are the fourth largest in the world, but the most important strategic point is access to the pacific ocean. anastasia popova, polina fedorova, european news bureau. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit with gazprombank. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just growing up with us, when you're
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russian lotto, we will draw a golden barrel in country houses in honor of the anniversary - this is an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. buy tickets on the stoloto website and company stores. meet free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. american congressmen demanded that the head of the pentagon allow kiev to use american missiles to attack russian territory. the letter addressed to loyd austin was signed by 13 politicians. but the pentagon is against it and is talking about the consequences of such a step. moreover, minister.
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but the mood is no longer the same. we provided ukraine with the now vital american assistance, thereby paying the international community. but the international community rallied only in search of justification. how can kiev, having promised so much before, not give anything now? european officials arrive in kiev one by one on schedule, and like this, without an expensive hairstyle, literally from a ship to a ball, the german foreign minister descends on ukrainian soil. there are no gifts in hands, which means... you have to promise something. the best defense against missile attacks is strengthening
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ukraine's air defense, so for us at present this is an absolute a priority. it is said beautifully, but germany has no money for the armed forces of ukraine. and this senseless visit of bervok to the ukrainian capital will cost germany a lot, the germans write on social networks. due to a lack of funds in the regular budget , the german army will have to break contracts or not enter into additional agreements, the local ministry of defense said. the plan is even threatened with the collapse of the material equipment of the bundesfer, a weapon system whose service life is coming to an end, and military officials will inevitably be cited with new ones, and journalists, and such long-outdated... weapons that does not change the situation in the conflict, the united states and europe routinely promise ukraine, said black water founder erik prince. this is a huge scam, paid for by the pentagon. playing against russia, the west has already lost, experts emphasize. the russian army is a very tough, disciplined and well -managed force. we have the opposite
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situation. we have a lot of people in the pentagon who never do anything. they did, but they pretend to be great figures, they are not, and i think their public attacks on russians are stupid. the ssu does not have it a sufficient amount of heavy equipment and cannot provide it to those who were recently mobilized, writes forbes. zelensky himself practically underlined the weaknesses of his own army in an interview with american journalists. it requires a lot of weapons, hundreds of fighters, but kiev’s main desire now is for nato to protect it, at the same time.
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an issue that causes disagreement in the united states, but a sober analysis shows that kiev will have to talk to moscow to give in - newspapers write, but for now the kiev regime is trying to drag more of its own people into this conflict people, tsk is desperately trying to fulfill the mobilization plan, all this has turned the country into a real concentration camp, ukrainians say, videos of a popular flash mob appear on social networks, in which people tell how they fled to russia, show their passports, no longer jump, dance for joy. joe biden was again let down by the teleprompter while speaking to the americans, the us president said something incomprehensible, defiantly stumbled, and then couldn’t remember what he wanted to say. it has already been suggested on social networks that
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biden wanted to explain such an obscenity why did he sign the law on the next aid package to ukraine. after i signed the package, the package, the law, tens of thousands of tehran residents today came to the central square to pray for the fallen president ibrahim rasi. the funeral itself will take place tomorrow. raisi will rest in his native mishkhid, and foreign minister abdalakhian in the city of ray. new details of the crash have also emerged.
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a funeral truck slowly moves through a crowd of thousands of people wishing to say goodbye and touch the coffins of the martyrs, as the victims of the plane crash in iran have already been called. the day before, a forgiveness ceremony took place in tabriz and qom, the spiritual center of iranian shiites. today, president ibrahim raisiya is literally mourned by the capitals who died with him. neither women nor men can hold back their tears.
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iran, spiritual leaders of the islamic republic, military leaders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, also arrived in tigeran. the independence of palestine for the deceased leader of iran and the support of its people in the fight against israel were one of priorities in foreign policy. representatives of many other friendly states are also expected in tehran today. but who definitely won’t be there are envoys from overseas, but in the usa again they couldn’t even tactfully remain silent, and the deceased were either well or not at all, unwritten rules of good manners unfamiliar to the american secretary of state.
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more and more details about the crash of the presidential helicopter last sunday. the head of the presidential administration, galam hassein ismaili, who was flying in another helicopter accompanying air force one, said: that the weather conditions during the flight were favorable and there was only slight cloud cover. the pilot of the helicopter, on board of which the president was, as commander, gave us instructions to gain altitude and continue moving on the same blocks. the helicopters increased their altitude and after about 30 seconds our pilot realized that the helicopter was the president.
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a number of foreign politicians will participate, russia will be represented by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, he has already arrived in tehran, and the visit of the deputy prime minister of the state council of china and the prime minister of armenia is also expected
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nikol pashinyan. chairman of the state council amana abdulmalik al-khalili spoke at the plenary meeting of the federation council today. he stated that the sultanate seeks to open up prospects for cooperation with russia in various fields. alkhali is in moscow on an official visit at the invitation of the speaker. sheikh al-khalili is a principled supporter of the development of friendly relations between russia and oman. next year we will celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations. during the detailed negotiations that took place, we expressed mutual interest in deepening interparliamentary relations, as well. the entire complex of relations between russia and oman. interaction is based on mutual respect, coordination and joint cooperation in various fields, be it on
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a bilateral basis or in a multilateral format, or in the international arena. the real indicator that this relationship is special is that both parties are very happy with how it's going. the assassination attempt on slovakian prime minister robert fitz shows that the west is moving towards an openness. terrorism against opponents, this was stated by the russian foreign intelligence service. there are already calls from supporters and globalists for the removal of other nationally -minded leaders, including hungarian prime minister viktor orbán and serbian president aleksandar vucic. the svr report also states that the united states and its european allies are persistently trying to impose the version of the criminal loner, allegedly dissatisfied with the decline in the level of democracy in slovakia. you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste,
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sberpay, great. things, thank you, one of my friends came into the wrong area, but i ’m just getting used to it, i’ll be there soon, uh, kid, there’s something to call, but i myself have zero account, and if i find it, but he will find it, you have megaphone, you can call in instant messengers even without money, mega-power communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, it’s on a megaphone, it’s with mega-power, if anything happens, call. megaphone word. beetles, new in the fight against beetles on potatoes. three active substances. instant effect, triple hit on the beetle. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive immediately transfer your salary from one bank to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to
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free. by card, receive supercake in rubles for free, withdraw cash from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. dear friends, i would like to bring to your attention our next original besagon tv program. she will be called an atheist in the trenches. i’m looking forward to seeing you at our meeting, now economic news, briefly: it doesn’t happen in europe, i hope it will be interesting, with you thinking about the consequences of limiting lng supplies from russia. belgium, germany and france turned to the european commission with a request
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to evaluate. reuters writes about this. countries fear that their economies will suffer more than russia's. europe plans to implement sanctions against liquefied gas as part of the fourteenth package. its development will take several more weeks, the agency notes. the eu has been increasing purchases of russian fertilizers for the fourth month in a row. in march, supplies reached 174 million euros, one and a half times more than a year earlier. news reports are written about this with reference to european statistics. the largest. became buyers poland, romania and france purchased western countries almost the entire range of fertilizers, mineral and phosphorus, track and nitrogen. wealthy russians already hold assets worth 13 trillion rubles in banks. the growth in 2023 will immediately increase by one and a half times. this is stated in the study by frank rg. the agency cites the reason for this dynamics as a reduction in capital outflow from russia, as well as difficulties with servicing in foreign
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banks. vip clients include citizens with assets of 100 million rubles. in the twenty-third year their number reached 22,000. and volume the issuance of russian bonds in chinese currency in less than 5 months approached 27 billion yuan. this is more than for the entire last year, the businessman reports. new issuers continue to enter the market, primarily suppliers from the oil and metallurgical industries. bonds help them reduce risk because the currency of the debt is pegged. it was economic news, briefly.
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who are these new guys? this is a passenger, a reporter, a director with me.


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