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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a farewell ceremony for president ibrahim rasi is taking place in tehran. many foreign politicians will take part in the commemorative events. on behalf of vladimir putin, russia is represented by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. he has already arrived in tehran. also in iran are expected visits from the deputy premier of the state council of china , the prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan. now there are tens of thousands of people in the revolution square in the capital of the islamic republic. the procession is headed by the personal leader and spiritual leader of iran, ayatallah ali khaminii. to bid farewell to the deceased politician, people spend long hours waiting outside under the scorching sun. many people are feeling ill; several hundred people have already required medical assistance. the funeral itself
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will take place tomorrow. with details from our own correspondent in the middle east , alexander belibov. despite the sun rising over tehran this morning, its streets remained dark. countless crowds of mourners dressed in black filled the avenues of the iranian capital, along which the mourning line began to move at dawn. processions. the funeral truck slowly moves through a crowd of thousands of people
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wishing to say goodbye. i am the president and couldn't be more involved, yes, the iranian people probably got better. today the un flag was lowered to half-mast as a sign of mourning. do you agree that it is an absolute disgrace for the united states to mourn the death of a butcher and a tyrant? of course, we will not offend him in connection with his death. do you agree that the un has disgraced itself? i'll see what they did there, we definitely wouldn't do it. what they did, they lowered the flags, it’s a shame. done, i want note that this indicates a lack of us leadership. meanwhile, more and more details are emerging about the crash of the presidential helicopter last sunday. the head of the presidential administration, galam hassein ismaili, who was flying in another helicopter accompanying air force one, said that weather conditions during the flight were favorable and there was only slight cloud cover. the pilot of the helicopter on board of which the president was, as commander, gave us instructions to gain altitude and continue
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moving. helicopters increased their altitude and after about 30 seconds our pilot realized that the president's helicopter was missing, our pilot turned around and came back to look for the helicopter, i was told that the helicopter could have crashed because we had no contact for a minute and a half, our helicopter circled several times and failed establish radio communication, i don't know what the weather conditions are for a helicopter flight, but from what i saw with my own eyes, the conditions during the flight were normal, whereas previously most aviation experts and even puxi officials were not... formal considered the main cause of the disaster to be weather conditions, then after the words of the head of the presidential administration , more questions about what happened only appear, and the circumstances of the tragedy themselves become more and more mysterious. it is clear that the investigation into this disaster will be as scrupulous as possible, the truth will be reached in any case, and if it turns out that it was an assassination attempt, then the answer to it, without a doubt, will not take long. alexander bilibov and dmitry
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cherbakov, lead the middle east. norway, ireland and spain decided to officially recognize palestine as a sovereign state. the prime ministers of the three countries stated this and called this day, quotes, historic. for a middle eastern state, the corresponding decision will come into force a week later on may 28, and as they expressed hope in oslo, dublin and madrid, during this time similar decisions may be adopted in other european countries. so far, the independence of palestine in the eu is recognized by bulgaria, hungary, cyprus, malta, poland, romania, slovakia, the czech republic and sweden. in total, palestine is recognized in the world by over 140 countries out of 193 that are members of the un, including russia. talyavi's reaction. already followed, israel recalled diplomats from oslo and dublin. a decision on spain is expected to be made soon. in russia, the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is taking place in the southern military district.
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under the guidance of the general staff, personnel are practicing equipping iskander complexes with special ammunition, and they are equipping aircraft missiles with warheads, including hypersonic daggers. training is carried out on behalf of the supreme. commander in response to aggressive rhetoric of the west. our media called the pentagon’s accusations of russia’s launch of an anti-satellite device a hoax. deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia sergei rebkov told reporters about this. he noted that moscow opposes the deployment of strike weapons in low-earth orbit. rebkov also commented on us policy towards brix. we
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continue to strengthen. sustainable development goals. historic mansions, woodworking factories and factories. these objects of cultural heritage of russia in our time need restoration. how they are brought back to life and why this is important, including for the country’s economy. about this in a special report by anna lazareva, immediately after a short advertisement. legend. returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country fell in love with. baltika 3
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is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will come to finish first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, come to the island, book, all inclusive, lunch and clouds, among millions of hotels, apartments, relaxation starts with oh, this is sasha, it is important for him that... his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you
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subscription gazprom bonus with benefits for life. ancient estate houses, factories, bridges, boulevards, parks, bell towers and memorials. there are more than 155,000 cultural heritage sites in russia, but... historical buildings are destroyed instead of decorating cities and benefiting people. the president drew attention to the problem and proposed a solution. we will try such mechanisms this year in a pilot project of the domf 2030 development institute throughout russia. at least a thousand cultural heritage sites need to be put in order. regions, the pilot project included transbaikalia, novgorod, ryazan, smolensk and
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tver regions. the regions have already approved lists of objects that will be restored under the new federal program. in close contact with the domrf, now we are already working on specific projects. an ancient 19th-century estate in the zakharovsky district in the village of old zemeno definitely falls into this program. a very beautiful place, a beautiful publication, but unfortunately, completely neglected, abandoned, but the potential is very, very great. specific pilots. objects have been identified by the regions, and future ones are being worked on. there is a great demand from people to update cultural heritage sites; public organizations and enterprising citizens are getting involved in the work. we need to understand the property, the condition, how it can be used, we develop solutions together, define priorities, and then we will jointly implement them. polivanov's estate. this is a wooden house in the center of moscow, which is
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more than 200 years old. this is one of 89 cultural heritage sites for which the house of the russian federation has held auctions in recent years. buyers undergo a strict selection process and the main requirement is to restore the building and give it a new life. since 2016, such work has been carried out in 25 regions: estates, estates, palaces, ancient factories, new owners. either they have already been restored, or actively doing so they are working to restore a derelict abandoned historical building to its original appearance and cultural value. among them there are especially unique ones, for example, the building complex of the former liviz distillery in st. petersburg, which was transferred to an investor for more than a billion rubles. the pravda newspaper complex in moscow was built in the constructivist style according to the design of the architect golosov, bringing 625 million rubles to the treasury. libki alekseevskaya estate in the moscow region. for almost 60 years there was
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a government dacha here, where he lived, including stalin. the object was sold for 400 million. in astrakhan, the new owner will restore the apartment building of the fishing merchant ivan vorobyov; in izhevsk, thanks to the house of the russian federation , they will restore the once famous badalev brewery, a building built at the end of the 19th century. the most professional restorers and architects are involved in the restoration of such historical monuments. can be implemented in 5-6 years, there are small mansions that can be adapted with less work, of course, this can be implemented in one and a half to two years, that is fast enough. working with cultural heritage objects is always a very complex, labor-intensive process, says anastasia nadeeva. there are always many opinions, demands and restrictions. this is always such a very
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delicate, very capacious, very subtle approach, such a jewelry approach to working with objects, thus, the cost of restoration can be many times greater than the income from use, and the restoration process can drag on for years, making such lots attractive is a task above which they work in the house of the russian federation. an important area will be the involvement of extra-budgetary resources in the creation of a civilized market for financing this area. following another lot, when a financial and economic model is calculated,
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the payback period there may be very long, or the overall model for such a project may be negative, the model can be balanced when a conditionally good land plot is included in the lot, on which it is possible build a hotel there nearby, combining such a financially complex facility with the facility, which is investment-capacious, investment -attractive, it is just... 3% per annum for the restoration of cultural heritage sites, well , in our opinion, this is such a good preference that it is possible that it will help the investor make a choice in favor of restoring the monument. the organization hopes that the emergence of a long-term program for the preservation of cultural heritage sites will make cooperation between the state and the public more effective, because ultimately
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the restoration of cultural heritage sites - this is always the result of the application of various forces there, this is both business and the state, always public organizations. “the ministry of culture and the house of the russian federation, together with regions and public organizations, are analyzing legislation in order to eliminate excessive requirements for work to preserve such objects and involve them in economic circulation. this is a task, our common task together with the ministry of economic development with ours on behalf of the president, with our colleagues from the house of the russian federation, when such a unique offer is created for investors the opportunity is to take a cultural heritage object for use and, having restored it, make it attractive to many people for many years. objects of cultural heritage are not just national pride, but also important points of attraction for tourists, a powerful incentive for the development of russian industry and hospitality, and therefore related industries, and
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the many years of experience of the domrf will allow the regions not only to preserve their heritage, but also to become more attractive to travelers and... i didn’t sign up for this, but i did. for gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses and discounts are at hand, subscribing to gazprom bonus with benefits for life, a smile will make everyone
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about purchases. part of russia is making its way beyond the urals, in yakutia spring processes are developing more and more actively in the republic. floods during the ice drift crushed several ships, in the russian level they are afraid of the return of frosts. let's talk more about all this with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, let's start with forecasts for the european part of russia, how large and long will the cold snap be? a significant drop in temperature will affect only the north and northeast of the european part of russia, as well as northwestern siberia. let's start with the situation in yakutia: ice movements began even in the lower reaches of the yakut rivers, ice drift in the lower reaches of the lena river caused an emergency
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in zhigansky uluis. several ships that left their winter quarters on the river were first carried away by the current and then covered with ice. two tugboats sank. their crew - 18 people - had to be evacuated. the crews of the surviving ships remained to prepare the transport for navigation. under the oil depot, kurchatova was squeezed onto the shore. kurchatov, in my opinion. these vom in heap, but squeezed it out on a stone and not bad, the main thing is that it would not have broken through, the fire department of the amur region, while extinguishing a fire in the forest of the city of svobodny, witnessed the appearance of a fire whirlwind, it rose to a height of several tens of meters, the air above the burning area began to become very hot rise, cold air masses from the periphery of combustion are drawn into this process, they fan the flame even more and create stable upward flows. in the south of russia there is an invasion of aureli jellyfish, these shots from the black sea coast of vanape, earlier similar videos were shared by residents and tourists
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of novorossiysk and sochi. the jellyfish washed ashore after a steady south wind, while the sea bloomed nearby. in vanape it has already warmed up to 18°. at the same time, thermometers in the city rose to +25 for the second day in a row. at the same time, it got colder beyond the urals. it’s rainy in kurgan, after yesterday’s +24 at 11 o’clock. in the morning it was only +7. cloudy in the south of siberia in novosibirsk. in northern siberia , snowfalls resumed 9 days before summer. earth footage is now being posted on residents’ social networks republic of komiy, yamalo-ninets autonomous okrug and khanta-mansiysk autonomous okrug. moreover , a temporary snow cover even formed in nyagan. it is from here that cold air will spread across the northeast of the russian plain. you can see how the cold moves south in a neat arc. from the kola peninsula to the lower reaches of fabia, and the southern half of the country is covered in heat. in the middle volga, the present summer and spring have covered almost all of
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siberia and the far east. in eastern siberia in the far east, southern winds predominate. the flow of heat is facilitated by an extensive cyclone; in the south, the air is warmed by an anticyclone during the daytime. the european territory of the country is on the other side of a large cyclone and northern air currents predominate here. a cold front is moving through the line today. samara-bryansk, it is shifting under the pressure of the scandinavian anticyclone. on the other hand, an increase in pressure contributes to the destruction of clouds, while the other one still increases the influx of cold. this means it contributes to the expansion of the frost zone. today, negative temperatures were observed only in the most northern regions of european russia, and tomorrow the cold will move another 500 km to the south. zamularsky will be average, the middle urals and the volgovyat region will come. in perm, until the end of the week, light showers are expected at night and in the morning in the vicinity of the megapolis, possibly with snow, and the daytime temperature will drop to
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+8 +1. on saturday the weather will improve for a while, the sun will come out and it will sharply warm up to +21, but on sunday it will rain again and it will get colder. in the center of the country, summer continues, until monday the capital will be sunny, today tomorrow + 20:23, from friday, when the influence of the anticyclone intensifies even more, it will become. even warmer on sunday the air in the metropolis may well warm up to +27°. at the beginning of may they complained about the cold, now they have to hide from the sun. well, i think that after such a cold, snowy start to may, muscovites will still welcome the warmth of the sun. thank you, tatyana belova, i told you about the weather in russian regions. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy. if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn't be such a nerd. alexander's star combo
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