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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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this is all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon, iran is saying goodbye to president raisiya, hundreds of thousands of people on the streets in tehran , state duma speaker volodin has already arrived, what is known about the mourning events. and the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons involved iskanders , the main striking force of the russian army, as well as kinzhal hypersonic systems. what tasks do the military face? norway, ireland and spain decided to officially recognize palestine as a sovereign state. israel is already recalling diplomats, what other steps can we expect from it? the head of the ministry of emergency situations kurenkov flew to yakutia, where floods continue. 3,000 people were injured. the damage is growing, what
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help do rescuers provide on the spot? a loud statement by the russian foreign intelligence service, an attempt on the life of a fitz, essentially an element of open political terror, on the black list of globalists and other names, why the version of a lone criminal does not stand up to criticism. and macron went to new caledonia, where a completely cool place awaits him. we won't give up until they withdraw the text they voted on. we won't give up. there is a shortage of medicine and food on the island, neighboring countries are evacuating their citizens, will the elysee palace be able to calm the unrest? well, big international news: norway, ireland and spain have decided to officially recognize palestine as a sovereign state. this was stated by the prime ministers of the three countries, who called this day a historical quote for the middle eastern state. the decision will come into force a week later on may 28, however. vosla,
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dublin and madrid hope that during this time similar regulations may be adopted in other european countries. while the independence of palestine in the eu is recognized by bulgaria, hungary, cyprus, malta, poland, romania, slovakia, the czech republic and sweden, in total over 140 countries in the world out of 193 that are members of the un consider palestine a sovereign state, including russia. well, tel aviv’s reaction has already followed; israel recalled diplomats from oslo and dublin. a decision on spain is expected to be made in... the west is moving to open political terror against opponents, evidence of this assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz. this was stated by the russian foreign intelligence service. there are already calls from globalist supporters for the removal of other nationally oriented leaders, in particular hungarian prime minister viktor orban and serbian president aleksandar vucic. the message from bp also states that the united states and its european allies are persistently trying to impose the version of the criminal.
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alone, allegedly dissatisfied with the decline in the level of democracy in slovakia. supporting small businesses is important in unprecedented times sanctions - said mikhail mishustin. the prime minister discussed assistance programs with the head of the corporation for the development of small medium enterprises , alexander isaevich, and discussed, among other things, support for business in the border and new regions of russia. a very important issue is small and medium-sized businesses in new regions, in lugansk and donetsk. people's republics in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, it is very important that there also in the legal field there are those companies that comply with russian standards, criteria for small medium-sized enterprises, and of course it is important to provide them with all the support tools that are available in the russian federation in any region. last year, a long-term program for the development of new territories was adopted, and we also adapted our tools for them. if we talk about financial instruments, there are several of them, the first is... the
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preferential lending program of the ministry of economic development, preferential leasing of industrial equipment to the sme corporation at 6.8%. a separate area is support for cross-border smes regions. in addition, together with the central bank, we are currently working on a separate program of preferential lending for entrepreneurs in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. the rate on them will be below the market with a simultaneous guarantee from the corporation. additionally, for border regions we are launching a program of preferential leasing for purchase.
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now about the situation with floods, the most difficult situation is in yakutia, a state of emergency has been introduced there. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region today. the minister will meet with locals residents, will visit the temporary accommodation center and hold an operational meeting. there are about 650
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courtyard areas in 16 settlements in the flood zone in the region. the amount of damage from the flood, according to preliminary estimates, is 124 million rubles. about 300 people were injured. speaker of the state duma. on behalf of vladimir putin, he arrived in tehran to take part in a mourning ceremony of forgiveness with iranian president ibrahim reisi, who died in a plane crash. today , tens of thousands of people gathered at revolution square in the capital of the islamic republic, including spiritual director and spiritual leader ayatallah ali khaminiya to pray for the dead. the funeral itself will take place tomorrow. alexander belibov will continue. despite the sun rising over tehran this morning, its streets remained dark. countless crowds. a funeral truck slowly moves through a crowd of thousands of people who want to say goodbye and touch
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the coffins of martyrs, as the victims of the plane crash in iran have already been called. the day before, a forgiveness ceremony took place in tabriz and qom, the spiritual center of iranian shiites. today president ibrahim raisiya died. iran, spiritual leaders of the islamic republic, military commanders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, also arrived in tehran. for the deceased leader of iran, the independence of palestine and the support of its
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people in the fight against israel were one of the priorities in foreign policy. representatives of many other friendly states are also expected in tehran today. but who definitely won’t be there are messengers from behind. but in the usa again they couldn’t even tactfully remain silent, oh the deceased either well or not at all, unwritten rules of good manners, unknown to the american secretary of state antony blinken, mindful of the horrific acts in which he was involved as a judge and president, and cannot be involved anymore, yes, the iranian people probably felt better, today at the un lowered the flag as a sign of grief, do you agree that this is an absolute disgrace for the usa? mourn the death of the butcher and the tyrant, we, of course, do not mourn his death, we agree that the un has disgraced itself, i’ll see what they did there, we definitely wouldn’t agree to that, what they they did, they lowered the flags, it’s a shame, but we wouldn’t have done that, i want to note that this
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speaks to the lack of us leadership. meanwhile, more and more details are emerging about the crash of the presidential helicopter last sunday. head of the presidential administration, galam hassein ismaili. who was flying in another helicopter accompanying air force one, said that the weather conditions during the flight were favorable and there was only slight cloud cover, the pilot of the helicopter carrying the president, as commander, gave us instructions gain altitude continue to move above the clouds, the helicopters increased altitude and after about 30 seconds our pilot realized that the president’s helicopter was missing, our pilot turned around and returned to look for the helicopter, they told me that the helicopter could have crashed because we had no contact with.. within a minute and a half, our helicopter circled several times and was unable to establish radio contact. i don't know what the weather conditions are for a helicopter flight, but from what i saw with my own eyes, the conditions during the flight were normal. if before the majority aviation experts and even officials, even if they informally considered the main cause
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of the disaster to be weather conditions, after the words of the head of the presidential administration, questions about what happened only appear more, and the circumstances of the tragedies themselves become more and more mysterious. toufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth
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just grow with us, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim is always he tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. the eu is thinking about abolishing visa-free travel with georgia due to the law on foreign agents. previously, georgian politicians were threatened with sanctions in the united states for the same reason. well, there are protests in the country by those who do not agree with this law. we’ll talk more about this with the editor-in-chief of gruzinform arno. arno albertovich, hello, first of all here i would like to note that, as we
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know, the law is opposed by the usa, eu, un, nato, osce, and council of europe. well, european leaders say that the law is contrary to european values, the leaders of the ruling party in georgia say that it only serves the purpose of ensuring transparency of foreign funding of the non-governmental sector and the media. and what, in fact, the enlightened west does not like about this law is what specific provisions , in the west’s opinion, are contradictory. satisfied, they don’t go deeper, they say that it should just be canceled, because it’s a step back in democracy, because this is russian law, that is, such simplicity that is worse than theft, but the situation is quite simple, today everyone understood that the united states and the european union will not be offended,
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will not leave georgia, will never leave us alone, because they will not the european union and nato, which means georgia needs them, and we need them, they need us, but for completely different reasons, and as for the european union, these are ordinary foreign agents, because they receive money from the united states. georgia is a geopolitically strategic territory, as you know, in on the southern flank of russia, along which transnational, transport, and energy routes pass, we have, we have the richest for...
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a simple majority in parliament of 150 deputies, and the ruling party has, therefore, 804 mandates, only 76 mandates are enough to override a veto, it’s worth noting that at the same time, the united states prepared a bill on the possible provision of
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military and economic assistance to georgia in exchange for tbilisi’s renunciation of its, in quotes , anti-democratic course. that is, this is what it is carrot from washington, how do georgian elites view it? you understand, today it is difficult to deceive us with cheese in a mishel, practically the americans are at odds with logic, they say that if we abandon the law and let them calmly hold elections, that is, prepare a replacement for the current government, which does not suit them, which has not opened the second front is against russia, because we...
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who sat down at their desks with falsified textbooks, they were given these falsified textbooks on their desks, which are written like comics - good, bad, evil, russia is the enemy, yes, now she has raised her voice and taken to the streets, that is, the barricades are now not based on
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physical maps, america, georgia, russia, but on our families, that is, our children, these uneducated ones, poorly educated children, today they come out and set up barricades, and share them with their parents, they often set up, by the way, literally destroying barricades on rustov avenue. blocking the georgian parliament. albertovich, let’s once again turn to today’s statement by the svr, i note that the foreign service submitted russian intelligence is increasingly irritated by the leadership of the us and the eu, with a truly objective process of changing geopolitical realities and strengthening the position of nationally oriented political forces. and the actual assassination attempt on robert fitz, yes, it clearly shows that the globalist totalitarian liberal elite cannot be called anything else, in conditions where they are civilized. methods of persuasion and action fail, in fact they turn to open political terror against their opponents. how they perceived it in georgia today's statement by the svr is, in principle , an attempt on the life of fitz. here are representatives of the ruling
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party of georgia, they are afraid that they could become a very real target, what do they say in this regard? they don’t say anything about this, they just express condolences, but i openly spoke out several times and said that the assassination of fitz as an example and... the assassination of the president of iran were both well-planned terrorist acts, because there are a lot of coincidences, slovakia and hungary, two countries allies of russia and allies of the current the georgian authorities, the day before this happened, announced to the swedes that they would block the resolution if one appeared, but... the united states and the european union criticized the new
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prime minister of georgia, kobakhidze, for getting closer to iran, china, and turkey , instead of becoming more integrated into the european union. we have visa-free travel with china, with iran, you know, these are such coincidences, one after another, well, not to mention. coincidences of a technical nature, thank you very much, we continue to monitor the situation in georgia, let me remind you that the chief was in direct contact with us georgianforum editor arno khidereshvili. now a short advertisement, more news to come. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection - these are symptoms of prostatitis. lagdaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card,
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any type of housing. that would be a home. is it better to have an apartment in the center and in a suburb, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. now the economic news is short. the eu has been increasing its growth for the fourth month in a row. purchases of russian fertilizers in march, the volume of supplies reached 174 million euros, one and a half times more than a year earlier. news reports are written about this with reference to european statistics. the largest buyers were poland, romania and france. western countries purchased almost the entire range of fertilizers, mineral, phosphorus and nitrogen. europe will not transfer income from its assets to russia even after the lifting of sanctions. this was stated in
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the official journal. the council of the european union came to the conclusion that frozen funds are not sovereign and the corresponding protection rules do not apply to them. the day before, the eu officially approved the transfer of profits from blocked russian assets in ukraine. this year alone, kiev should receive 3 billion euros. wealthy russians keep assets in banks already by 13 trillion rubles. the growth in 2023 will immediately increase by one and a half times. this is stated in the study by frank rg. the agency cites the reason for this dynamics as a reduction in capital outflow from russia. difficulties with service in foreign banks also affected. vip clients include citizens with assets of 100 million rubles or more. in the twenty-third year their number reached 22,000. and the volume of russian bonds issued in chinese currency in less than 5 months approached 27 billion yuan. this is more than for the entire last year, the businessman reports. continue to market
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new ones come out. issuers. these are primarily suppliers from the oil and metallurgical industries. bonds help them reduce risk because the currency of the debt is pegged to the currency of the proceeds. currently , 33 issues of such bonds are traded on the moscow exchange in the amount of 99.5 billion yuan. it was economic news. short.
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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, for the first time there they tried to wound me, there were all the bullets to fly, there was only one roots, i no longer had the strength to fast.


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