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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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we must calm the unrest, we will not give up until they withdraw the text they voted on, we will not give up, even if we have to die, we will remain on the barricades. there are shortages of medicine and food on the island, there are queues in shops, people are stocking up on essentials, the airport will be closed until saturday, australia and new zealand are helping their citizens get out. it's very sad what's happening there, it's quite terrible and senseless at the same time. the economic damage is also serious; the damage for the week was estimated at billion euros. about 200 enterprises were completely destroyed, and a carbonated drink factory burned to the ground. another 400 companies report pogroms. the list of those killed during the unrest includes six people. during a meeting of the lower house of the french parliament, a minute of silence is announced. in the last few years , political issues have the original inhabitants of these
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lands, who were outraged by paris's attempt to expand voting rights for the french who came from the continent, he sent about 300 policemen and gendarmes there to suppression of unrest. i can tell you that there are now enough law enforcement officers, since four more planes are expected to arrive in new caledonia in the near future, this explains it. the mayor of the capital is preparing an appeal to macron to cancel the controversial electoral reform, which caused the pogroms. the history of the confrontation between the original inhabitants fighting for the independence of the french lasts for decades, not in favor of the former. this time macron will probably play for time and offer negotiations, because there is a new calidonia. for france it is not only
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the land is rich in mineral resources, nickel reserves here are the fourth in the world, but the most important strategic point is access to the pacific ocean. anastasia popova, polina fedorova, european news bureau. new projects for the development of the azov territories in the donetsk people's republic. the embankments there are already being improved and the infrastructure is being prepared. additional business support measures and investments should also have an effect. a special report by vadim topalov about how the region will change. what is azov primarily associated with? sea? naturally, this is relaxation, recreation, fishing and, of course, more recently, this is the inland sea of ​​russia. it washes several regions of the country: rostov region, krasnodar region, crimea, kherson, zaporozhye regions and, of course, the southern part of the donetsk people's republic.
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settlements stretched here on the donbass coast; they were founded by the greeks who moved from the crimea. this water surface is still called myotida. the ancient greeks called the sea of ​​azov myatis in honor of the local maeotian tribes. according to one version, this word comes from the term meuthyok, which translated means a sea that becomes cloudy. maybe, if we take it literally , nothing fundamental has changed in 3.0 years, but what is known... is that these waves and waters have every chance of becoming the main tourist attraction not only for the entire donbass, but for all of russia. this is our special report. the coastal zone of the azov sea has always been a popular holiday destination for residents of donbass. it’s not far to go, there are only fair roads, and you’re on the shore. to understand, there are several resort villages nearby. even at
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the beginning of the special military operation, for ukrainian militants this was the definition of an alien. now the village is literally a time capsule. over the years of ukraine , nothing has been done here. the recreation centers were chosen by representatives of nazi military units. behind bars with barbed wire rise the buildings of what was once a children's building. health camp, abandoned, there is a lot here, all these 8 years there hasn’t really been a season, but there is faith in a bright future, everything will be fine, everything gradually, everything will get better, i think that there will be a resort here and we will count the stars, so to speak, alexander dolgikh, one of the first, already as part of russia, began his work, he says, if last year tourists were still looking closely, then this year they are already booking rooms until august, funds have appeared in order to... do
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a small construction project, by the end of may he hopes to be in time, the price tag is different, a luxury two-room suite with a sea view will cost up to 5,000 rubles per day, he himself is from crimea, but in his heart ...
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free economic zone, task set by the president - to increase tourism revenues to 5% of the country's gdp. this year we are planning to update the modernization of a number of our beaches on the ozov coast and plan to create new modular hotels, so-called glampings. the need for the hotel fund is very high, no new hotel complexes were built in the holiday resorts in ukraine, and the existing ones cannot cope with the load. andrey polyakov has arrived. from nizhny novgorod in august '22, his sense worked, as he says, he always tries for it rely. i found an old administrative building, coordinated everything with the construction headquarters and began to work. wasn’t it risky to invest at that moment? well, everyone told me that you are crazy. and now
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they are saying how did you guess such a topic, because the occupancy rate is one hundred percent, well, there are not enough rooms, in general people book there a month in advance. in fact, his brainchild, so far the only operating hotel in mariupol, plans to build more, tries to do everything for the people, there is a traditional barrel bath on the street, on the ground floor vacationers will receive spa treatments, i think this city will be no worse than sochi, the prospect is simply colossal, and yes, it needs to be built, enlarged, received tourists, the sea here is cool, there are all the conditions for entrepreneurs, the long-term goal is to organize: in donbass not only a resort, but also business tourism. such a private initiative fits well into the general plans. so, if the republic received 117,000 tourists last year, this year it plans 134. by the thirtieth year their number should reach 1 million. the conditions are preferential, for
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hotels there is a zero vat rate, insurance premiums have been reduced. at the moment , we and our investors have formed an investment portfolio worth more than 60 billion rubles. as part of these investment projects, we plan not only to reconstruct and improve the hotels that we have, in donetsk, mariupol, novoazovsk in the madgush region, but also to create new sports and fitness centers, centers and children's camps. the work ahead is enormous. the russian inland sea plans to be ringed with a high-quality four-lane tracks. the federal road will be called p-280 navorosiya, 635. asphalt will be sewn into one rostov region. the high-speed route is a transport hub for new regions of crimea and will provide logistics to all ports of the azov and black seas, which means it will have a positive impact on the economy. in addition to being a resort,
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the sea of ​​azov is also a promising fishing base. traditionally, vedovo fishermen go fishing early in the morning. the tractor pushes the skiff into the sea. we are with them. there is in this. a share of romance, oh sea-sea, it has become devoted, you will give it for a while the instrument, on the boat for the installer - this is the place where the nets are located, we go together with evgenievich, vladimir is 66 years old, 40 of which he dedicated to the sea, he sailed on ships for 8 years, then he wrote off for health reasons, there was a bad ulcer, he wrote off there, for the process although fishing seems simple, it requires sufficient effort, now... mentors and fishermen are cutting donbass sprat with nets. already on the shore, fishermen sort the catch into boxes, standing knee-deep in sprat, they distribute it in buckets, the catch is average. what season will it be?
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will still show, as it were, volumes, but the estimated ones, well, somewhere sprat 250 tons of perengas, somewhere 20 tons. last year , the fishery gave the republic up to 1000 tons of fish, in addition to sprat, bearing gas, goby, volumes... period myatis was considered one of the most productive seas in the world. 275 thousand tons of catch in the thirty-sixth year, 760,000 tons in the early sixties, now not only the numbers, but the inhabitants seem surprising. here beluga and sturgeon were bred and caught on an industrial scale, all this was explained by the high reproduction of fish, large due to the influx of press water, after the collapse of the soviet union the industry began to collapse. in ukraine, no one allocated money; previously, collective farms had 150 seiners. launched, during the hostilities the remaining flotilla in mariupol was virtually destroyed; out of
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about 26 ships in winter mooring, only three retained their buoyancy, and even then they are in a damaged condition. it must be admitted that the fishing industry in the republic is currently experiencing difficult times, which is affected by the weak influx of press water into the sea, the lack of workers, within development strategies for the azov waters plan to revive the fishing industry. by 2040, the catch of sturgeon will be 1,500 tons, and the production of black caviar will be 80 tons. there are environmental problems, they also require attention. the sea of ​​azov, inhabited by jellyfish and mussels, is a litmus test; the reservoir becomes more salty, and this, in turn, is not liked by commercial fish. why is this happening? one of the reasons is that 500 km of the azov basin are not sufficiently saturated with fresh water. 80% of the inflow is
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the don and kuban rivers. water is taken as moisture-loving agricultural crops, the beds of donbass rivers, overgrown during the war years, impede the flow of press water. we will clean out all areas where there are blockages that are blocking the device, and we will restore the water flow. work is now being carried out in areas up to 50 km, the kalmius river is being cleaned and... we will try to finish all this in september, again many difficulties arise, you see, well, the state of our river, that is, even the approaches to the riverbed are very difficult. efforts being made to revive myotis
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is by no means a waste of money, on the contrary, it is one of the promising sectors for the development of the donbass economy, for this there are all the conditions, both natural and climatic, and most importantly our sea of ​​azov. its uniqueness, the fact that it warms up well, it was, and we hope will be, one of the most productive reservoirs in the russian federation. there is a serious one ahead. the donbass agrarian academy plans to conduct large-scale scientific work related to research into the inhabitants of rivers and seas and their possible diseases. legulosis, aeromanosis, rubella, carp, these diseases can be contracted by fish. the main problem is that when eaten, these parasites can penetrate, including into human bodies. the task is to determine the habitats of problem fish and study the chemical composition. water since 2014, for obvious reasons, this work has not been carried out properly, scientists will have to
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determine the damage and sources of pollution. i think that other ministries and departments that are also interested in the research will respond to our requests. this is one of projects that fit into the announced development strategy for the ozovo region. it will take place in three stages. by 2040, it is planned to achieve not only the all-russian indicator. in the tourism and fishing sector, but in some aspects to surpass it, to create 650,000 hotel infrastructure facilities and more than 170,000 jobs. although it seems that this is still on paper, initiatives are already actively beginning to be implemented. the mariupol embankment is being transformed, where just yesterday there was a vacant lot, not far from railway going to the port, pedestrian zones are laid out, all conditions are created for attraction. an economic
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springboard for donbass, to make the region attractive for tourists again, the task is quite feasible, fortunately, everything for this is there, resources, talented, hardworking people, as well as the warm azov sea. the state canceled the commission. for transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive immediately transfer your salary from one bank to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive super cash in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any
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division of the southern group of russians troops liberated kleshcheevka in the donetsk people's republic. new information about the planned special operation was announced by the ministry of defense. the message from the military department also talks about the actions of the north group of troops in the kharkov region. it is noted that our
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military has made significant progress in the defense of the ukrainian armed forces. in the area near volchansk and leptsov, three counterattacks were repelled. strength. in the federal military district , more than thirty enemy drones were shot down in one day, and two french hammer bombs and a us-made haimers missile were also destroyed. social studies and computer science is the most popular among elective subjects on the unified state exam this year. this was announced by the head of rosoportnadzor anzor muzaev. he also spoke about how the exams for the new russian ones will be held.
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must accept them for entrance examinations, participants in a special military operation, if they also decide... to take exams, enter a higher educational institution, they also have the same preferences. in kuban they launched the production of tanks for... industry. previously they used foreign equipment, now russian ones are used. the main customers of the products are wineries. report by ekaterina kanovalova. this is one of
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the initial stages of collecting cylindrical containers. on a special machine, huge sheets of metal are welded together in the longitudinal direction. quite a difficult job, but not for this enterprise. new equipment was installed at the plant, which increased the speed and quality of work. expressions, we assemble cards from sheet material so that we can then roll them up, and from them we get shells like this, with this machine our production has increased the assembly of shells and sheet material and it has become easier and simpler to work. tanks are made of stainless steel for the needs of the food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, but still receive greater attention from the wine industry. previously, factories purchased equipment abroad, but now this is no longer possible. and kuban businessmen decided to take this niche into their own hands. now we have completely designed it, mastered production and launched the production of this equipment. i can, probably with confidence
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to say that approximately 60-65% of wineries not only in the krasnodar territory, but also in the republic of crimea, and indeed they one way or another work on equipment produced by our company. the scale is growing, which means it needs to be increased. production without losing quality. for these purposes, the company has updated its machines over the past few years; for example, this laser cutting installation helped speed up metal cutting by 32 times compared to manual work. buying such a machine at your own expense is very expensive, but support from the regional ministry of industry did not have to postpone the update. the company received a preferential loan at 4% per annum and deferred payment for 2 years. it is difficult for business, private business to develop at their own expense, or it takes a long time; with the support of the ministry, you can
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receive preferential loans that facilitate rapid turnover, purchase equipment, but this is not the only thing in which business has found support, an engineering and technical center has been created at the enterprise, this is the center of the heart of our enterprise, due to the correct, clear and reasonable... design, we manufacture equipment with the correct characteristics, thermal, strength, and so on, allowing us to save on metal, on labor intensity, and also take on individual orders, on the screen containers for receiving storage of wine products, their volume is 200 tons , yeah, in the russian federation there have not yet been analogues of these containers, now they produce... about 450 different types of products, in order to be able to expand further, the company annually participates in regional, federal and international exhibitions, this
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helps to develop new supply regions. ekaterina kanovalova, dmitry rogalev, lead. a film version of the play aida was shown in moscow. the helkon opera's production is an original interpretation of giuseppe verde's masterpiece. according to the creators and the viewer , a complete immersion in the mysterious awaits. peace of egypt. report by guli boltaeva. it looks like gilikon opera will compete with itself. the queen of spades, with which the theater -in-cinema project opened in november, is still in theaters. for that time, 40,000 residents in sixty russian cities saw seven of the capital’s best performances on big screens, for which it is difficult to get a ticket, even if you live in moscow. and two ballets from st. petersburg and kazan. they were left dissatisfied. we are already receiving comments about why there are so few sessions. in different cities there is only one show or two in yekaterinburg, where, how, when again, when next time, in cinemas in the regions where people cannot pay 15,000 to come and watch
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an opera, ballet or something else there , see in cinemas, this is wonderful, giuseppe verdi’s aida, which not everyone has seen, but many have heard, the opera has long been dismantled into concert quotes. the most exotic and monumental opera. by the famous italian was written for the opening ceremony of the cairo theater in 1871 : pharaohs, war, unhappy love. the plot itself, it seems to me, is so necessary, it is so vital that many people, probably even for themselves, will perhaps see some templates for how to behave further in life. many of our colleagues are afraid to film their performances because they think it will have an effect. archival searches,
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in which the verdi foundation helped, unearthed an overture performed only once by toscone, but never staged in a video of the performance. gilikon was the first; it turns out that the composer wanted to call the opera amneris, giving the main role to the king's daughter, and not to the slave. i have staged aida many times, i love it, i really want to see dmitry bertman’s version. in italy , interest in copying is declining; the situation in russia is much better. the theatrical film season is another unconditional hit of examples where the famous puppeteer is played by a distant relative, evgeniy tsyganov. gulya boltaeva, artur nurmukhometov, vitaly marchenko, dmitry manyshev. news.
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dear friends, i want to bring to your attention our next original program of besagon tv, it’s called there are no atheists in the trenches, i hope. it will be interesting,
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i look forward to seeing you at our meeting.
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iran says goodbye to president risi, hundreds of thousands of people are on the streets, state duma speaker volodin has arrived in tehranush, how the mourning events are going, the first stage of the exercise. by the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in russia, involving iskanders, the main striking force of the russian army, as well as kinzhal hypersonic systems. what tasks are the military facing, and how is the west reacting? norway, ireland and spain decided to recognize palestine as a sovereign state. against this background, israel is already recalling diplomats, what other steps can we expect from tel aviv and will anyone else recognize palestine?


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