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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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iran says goodbye to the russian president, hundreds of thousands of people are on the streets. state duma speaker volodin arrived in tehranush to see how the mourning events are going. the first stage of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in russia, involving iskanders, the main striking force of the russian army, as well as kinzhal hypersonic systems. what tasks are the military facing, and how is the west reacting? norway, ireland and spain decided to recognize palestine as a sovereign state. against this background, israel is already recalling diplomats. what other steps can we expect from tel aviv and will anyone else recognize palestine? the head of the ministry of emergency situations kurenkov flew to yakutia,
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where floods continue. 300 people were injured and the damage is growing. what assistance do rescuers provide on site? the loud statement of the russian foreign intelligence service, the attempt on the life of the fitz, in fact, is an element of open political terror. there are other names on the blacklist of globalists. what forces are behind the version of a lone criminal. and macron went to new caledonia, where he is waiting. we won't give up until they call it off the text on which we voted, we will not give up. there are shortages of medicine and food on the island, neighboring countries are evacuating their citizens, will the elysee palace be able to calm the unrest? the village of klishcheevka in the donetsk people's republic has been completely liberated by the russian military, our ministry of defense reported. subdivision in the kharkov region.
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the western and central groupings of troops improved the position along the front line. in different directions during the day, the enemy lost over 1,300 militants and two ammunition depots. 34 ukrainian drones were shot down, as well as two french hammer bombs and us-made hymer missiles. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, on behalf of vladimir putin, arrived in tagers.
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at the farewell ceremony for president raisiya, the entire military-political leadership of iran, the spiritual leaders of the islamic republic, and the military leaders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, also arrived in tehran. for the deceased leader of iran, the independence of palestine and the support of its people in the fight against israel were one of the priorities in foreign policy. in tehran representatives of many other friendly states are also expected today. the russian delegation at the mourning events is headed by the chairman. but who definitely won’t be there are envoys from overseas, but in the usa again they couldn’t even tactfully remain silent, and the deceased were either well or not at all, unwritten rules of good manners, unfamiliar to the american secretary of state anthony blinken, remembering the horrific acts, to in which he was involved as a judge and president, and cannot be more involved, yes, the iranian people probably got better. today at the un
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the flag was lowered as a sign of grief. do you agree that it is an absolute disgrace for the united states to mourn the death of a butcher and a tyrant? of course, we will not offend him in connection with his death. and they agree that... “i’ll look at what they did there, we definitely wouldn’t have done this, what they did, they lowered the flags, it’s a shame, but we would n’t have done that, i want to note that this indicates a lack of leadership usa. meanwhile , new details are emerging about the crash of the presidential helicopter last sunday. the head of the presidential administration, galam hassein ismaili. flew in another helicopter accompanying air force one, said that the weather conditions during the flight were "and there was only slight cloud cover. the pilot of the helicopter on board which the president was, as commander, gave us instructions to gain altitude and continue moving above the clouds. helicopters increased the altitude and after about 30 seconds our pilot realized that the president's helicopter was missing, our pilot turned around and returned to look for the helicopter.
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i was told that the helicopter could have crashed because we had no contact for a while. one and a half minutes. our helicopter circled several times and was unable to establish radio contact. i don't know what the weather conditions are for... a helicopter flight, but from what i saw with my own eyes, the conditions during the flight were normal. if earlier the majority of aviation experts and even russian officials informally considered weather conditions to be the main cause of the disaster, then after the words of the head of the presidential administration , only more questions about what happened appear, and the circumstances of the tragedies themselves become more and more mysterious. it is clear that the investigation into this disaster will be as meticulous as possible, and in any case they will get to the truth. the kremlin commented on the european union’s decision to transfer proceeds from
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russia’s frozen assets to ukraine, this is what presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said on this matter. we see that they are, of course, cautious, but they still understand the potential danger.
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spain decided to officially recognize palestine as a... the prime ministers of the three countries announced this and called this day quote: historic for the middle east states. the decisions will come into force a week later on may 28, while oslo, dublin and madrid hope that similar regulations may be adopted in other european countries during this time. while the independence of palestine is recognized in the eu by bulgaria, hungary, cyprus, malta, poland, romania, slovakia, the czech republic and sweden, in total over 140 countries in the world out of 193 that are members of the un consider palestine a sovereign state. including russia, well, tel aviv’s reaction has already followed, israel recalled diplomats from oslo and dublin, the decision on spain, how expected, may be adopted soon. the west is moving to open political terror against opponents, evidence of this is the assassination attempt on
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slovak prime minister robert fitz. this was stated by the russian foreign intelligence service. there are already calls from supporters of globalists for the elimination of other nationally oriented leaders, in particular the prime minister of hungary, victor. orban and serbian president aleksandar vucic. the svr message also states that the united states and its european allies are persistently trying to impose the version of a lone criminal, allegedly dissatisfied with the decline in the level of democracy in slovakia. our media called the pentagon’s accusation of russia’s launch of an anti-satellite device a hoax. deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia sergei rebkov told reporters about this. rebkov noted that moscow opposes the deployment of impact vehicles in low-earth orbit.
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american congressmen demanded that the head of the pentagon allow kiev to use american missiles to attack the territory. the us is preparing an additional aid package according to american media, it may be announced to ukraine in the near future by maria skorodilka with details. these are war crimes, crimes. i didn’t have time to agree on support for those countries in which the united states is persistently inciting violence. how activists with red palms, as if bleeding, interrupted the meeting of everyone who is against world conflicts
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with american money , the police are dragging forces from the senate, blinkin was allowed to continue, but the mood was no longer the same. we provided vital american aid to ukraine, thereby uniting the international community. but the international community rallied only in search of an excuse for how, having promised so much to kiev earlier, they would not give anything now. european officials are coming to kiev. one by one on schedule, like this, without an expensive hairstyle, literally from the ship to the ball , the german foreign minister descends onto ukrainian soil, there are no gifts in his hands, which means something must be promised. the best defense against missile attacks is strengthening against ukrainian air defenses, so this is an absolute priority for us at this time. it’s said beautifully, but i don’t have money there is no germany for the armed forces of ukraine. and this senseless visit of berbak to the ukrainian capital will cost germany a lot, they write. on social networks, due to a lack of funds in the regular budget of the german army, the german army will have to break contracts
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or not enter into additional agreements, the local ministry of defense said. in the medium term, there is even a threat of a collapse of the military's material equipment; weapons systems whose service life is coming to an end will not be replaced with new ones, military officials are quoted as saying, and journalists, and such long-outdated weapons, which does not change the situation in the conflict, the united states and europe routinely promise ukraine, said the founder of black water. the russian army is a very tough, disciplined and well-managed force. we have the opposite situation, we have a lot of people in the pentagon who have never done anything but pretend to be great figures, they are not, and i consider their public attacks. the ssu does not have a sufficient amount of heavy equipment and
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cannot provide it to those who have recently been mobilized, writes forbes, due to their own weaknesses zelensky himself practically signed the army in an interview with american journalists, he demands weapons and a lot, hundreds of fighters, but the main desire of kiev now is for nato to protect, while the possibility of shooting down russian missiles over ukraine is not seriously discussed by the eu countries, the military said in berlin experts are openly for... newspapers, but while the kiev regime is in its throes , it is trying to drag more of
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its own people into this conflict. tcc is desperately trying to fulfill the mobilization plan. all this turned the country into a real concentration camp, ukrainians say. videos of a popular flash mob appear on social networks. in it, people tell how they fled to russia, show their passports, no longer jump, and dance for joy. news. joe biden was once again let down by the teleprompter while speaking to the americans, the us president said something incomprehensible, defiantly stumbled, and then couldn’t remember what he wanted to say, but on social networks it was already suggested that with such abocadabra biden wanted to explain why he signed a law on further assistance to ukraine. after i signed the package. plastic bag, law. the situation is increasingly complex in new
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caledonia, where digital networks were hit by a massive cyber attack ahead of president macron's visit. on the french islands in the pacific ocean, the chaos and damage from the protests has exceeded a billion dollars, and now macron expects to personally resolve the crisis on the spot. moreover, official paris has already made many mistakes. what macron is flying with and how our boss is greeting him.
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it's very sad what's happening there, it's quite terrible and senseless at the same time. the economic damage is also serious, damage for the week was estimated at a billion euros. about 200 enterprises were completely destroyed. a carbonated drink factory burned to the ground. another 400 companies report pogroms. the list of those killed during the unrest includes six people. during a meeting of the lower house of the french parliament, a minute of silence is announced. in the last few years , the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald dermanan, has been dealing with issues of political settlement in new caledonia, having little success in dialogue with the konak, the original inhabitants of these lands, who were outraged by paris’s attempt to expand voting rights for the french who came from the continent, he sent about 300 policemen and gendarmes there to quell
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the unrest. i can tell you that there are enough law enforcement officers now, because... four more planes are expected to arrive in new caledonia in the near future, this explains the partial return of calm in the city of nomia, but unrest continues; at night two schools were set on fire and about 300 cars of the french manufacturer renault were burned. the mayor of the capital is preparing an appeal to macron to cancel the controversial electoral reform due to which started the pogroms. the history of the confrontation between the original inhabitants fighting for the independence of the french lasts for decades, not in favor of the former, but in this case. macron will probably play for time and offer negotiations, because the new calidonia for france is not only a land rich in mineral resources, the nikkeli reserves here are the fourth in the world, but the most important strategic point is access to the pacific ocean. anastasia popova, polina fedorova, european news bureau. small medium enterprise development corporation together with a bank
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russia is working on a separate program of preferential lending for entrepreneurs in belgorod, bryansk and kursk. supporting small medium-sized enterprises is especially important in the context of unprecedented sanctions; by increasing efficiency, they can fill the niche of departed foreign companies. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the general director of the sme corporation alexander isaevich. development is facilitated by an increase to 25% of the volume of purchases that large businesses owe.
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the recipient in receiving the loan financing, the process has now been simplified, thanks to this, last year the volume of state support increased by 27% and exceeded 1.5 trillion rubles. at the same time , the number of loans issued increased by 20%. last year, 162,000 companies received them. moreover, government support stimulates the lending market as a whole. in a number of industries that have a greater contribution to employment creation, industrial development. almost every third ruble is covered by state support. for example, last year smes in the manufacturing industry attracted more rub 530 billion high-tech companies more than 170 billion rubles, hotel business - 25 billion rubles. smes, with the assistance of the corporation using the umbrella guarantee mechanism, entrepreneurs were also able to attract more than 50 thousand loans amounting to half a trillion rubles.
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and yet there remain those who were forced to take out a consumer loan at high rates. in this regard. a special preferential lending program has been launched with a focus on industry, logistics and tourism. the business receives money only for investment goals, the rate is 3-4 times lower than the market rate. with the help of the program, almost 1,500 entrepreneurs were able to raise more than 150 billion rubles. special attention to regions where there was a drawdown in the issuance of loans. the corporation analyzed such entities and helped businesses structure transactions. the provision of additional state support helped to almost double loans. no less important, as mikhail mishustin noted, is the development of smes in new territories; they must have all the support tools that exist in any region of the country. the first is the program preferential development lending.
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another area is support for smes in border areas for seven regions. the corporation launched a separate element of umbrella guarantees. of the volumes of 20 billion rubles. in 3 months, entrepreneurs have already attracted 8 and a half. another 20 billion has been reserved for the second half of the year. an additional preferential lending program is also being developed for businesses in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. and a preferential leasing program is launched for the purchase of used equipment and
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a ukrainian drone could appear in the sky at any moment, so the slightest delay could cost the lives of the entire crew. having arrived at the point, the howitzer takes up
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a combat position; the gunner prepares to receive the target coordinates. they are reported by spotters. for the greatest accuracy, fighters record the speed and direction of the wind. the target is known, the crew needs to destroy the enemy dugout and the artillery piece installed next to it. msta s leads. 152 mm caliber, this is enough to completely destroy targets. in lately, self-propelled artillery installations have been a primary target for the enemy, and the enemy is in no hurry to destroy them right away. first, the drones track the gun, then accompany the artillerymen to the point of deployment, and at these coordinates they can open fire. therefore, the crew moves the gun away from the firing point as quickly as possible. the main advantage of a self-propelled gun is its mobility, unlike a towed one. this can change positions after each combat job, which increases the crew's chances of not getting hit,
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the gunner aims - also in automatic mode, takes aim from me. protractor, level, the greatest convenience is caused by the dispensing mechanism, that is, the reconciliator, which allows you to avoid manually removing ammunition and shells from the ammunition rack, that is, efficiency has appeared, of course, today the dnepr group of troops is conducting active combat operations in the areas of stepnoy, stepnogorsk, rabotin and novopokrovka. russian troops repel enemy attacks and occupy advantageous positions; our artillery clears the way for the soldiers and helps them move forward. stanislav posilchenko, valery vinakurov, lead yuzhny sector, military special operations. the production of tanks for the food industry has been established in kuban. previously they used
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foreign equipment, now they use russian equipment. the main customers of the products are wineries. report by ekaterina konovalova. this is one of the initial stages of collecting cylindrical containers. on a special machine, huge sheets of metal are welded together in the longitudinal direction. quite a difficult job, but not for this enterprise. new equipment was installed at the plant, which increased the speed and quality of work are exponential. we assemble cards from sheet material so that we can then roll them up to make shells like these. with this machine, our production has increased the assembly of shells and sheet material and it has become easier and more efficient to work. the tanks are made of stainless steel for the needs of the food and pharmaceutical industries. cosmetic production, but still more attention to the wine industry. previously, factories purchased equipment abroad, but now there is no such opportunity, and kuban businessmen decided to take this niche into our own hands. now we
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have fully designed it, mastered production and launched the production of this equipment, i can probably say with confidence that approximately 60-65% of wineries not only in the krasnodar region, but also in the republic of crimea, and indeed they, in one way or another , work on equipment produced by our company. the scale is growing, which means it is necessary to increase the speed of production without losing quality. for these purposes , the company... has updated its machines over the past few years, for example, this installation laser cutting helped speed up metal cutting by 32 times compared to manual work. it is very expensive to buy such a machine at your own expense, but with the support of the regional ministry of industry there was no need to postpone the upgrade. the company received a preferential loan at 4% per annum and deferred payment for 2 years.
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it’s hard for businesses and private businesses to pay for their money. develop or it takes a long time, with the support of the ministry you can receive preferential loans that facilitate rapid turnover in the purchase of equipment, but this is not the only thing the business found support at the enterprise, we created an engineering and technical center, this is the center of the heart of our enterprise, due to correct, clear and reasonable design, we manufacture equipment with the correct...
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about the opportunity to expand further, the company annually participates in regional, federal and international exhibitions , this helps to develop new supply regions. ekaterina kanovalova, dmitry ragalev, lead.
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wait, who are they, the new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i’m behind my brother i’ve arrived, i’m a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, white roses , you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusley, zhila, we don’t need names, she’s not a trosh, or what, not a trosh, not yours, well, you, homework, light of god, homer to the bullet gun. there is something to do,
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commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russya, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, now economic news, briefly: europe will not transfer income from its assets to russia even after the lifting of sanctions, this is stated in...


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