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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the west is moving towards political terror, this is how the russian foreign intelligence service comments on the assassination attempt on the slovak prime minister. that’s right, the totalitarian-liberal elites cannot maintain their hegemony and go to extreme measures. we analyze the svr’s comprehensive assessment of the geopolitical confrontation. palestine is a sovereign state. the urgent decision was announced by the authorities of norway and spain. not ireland and are confident that this is a step towards peace in the region. russia has been talking about this for a long time, but why are a number of western countries still not recognize this country as independent. in iran , a farewell ceremony is being held for the president of the islamic republic, ibrahim resi, with thousands of people on the streets. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin arrived at the ceremony. how is the funeral event going? and in russia, a new variant of coronavirus has been identified with... a name, but serious in
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essence, flirting. how can such flirting be dangerous, or is it just a simple, fleeting cliche? we are waiting for an answer from epidemiologists. so, the main thing is that by this hour, the russian military had taken control of the village of kleshcheevka in the donetsk people’s republic republic, our ministry of defense reported this. the battles for the settlement had been going on since last year; there was a large enemy fortified area there. where the ukrainian armed forces retreated after the defeat in artyomovsk. our correspondent denis alekseev has the latest data during the special operation; he joins live. yes, denis, welcome, this is what is known at this moment, and most importantly, what is the significance of the liberation of kleshcheevka? yes, greetings, well, from the artyomovsky direction, in fact, two good news came at once in one: the village of kleshcheevka came under the russian control, our military made a huge amount of effort to make this happen, together with... the squad occupied
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a strategic height, south of the settlement, a fortified area into which the armed forces of ukraine bit into, staging meat assaults there. and here’s why: kleshcheevka is located south of artyomovsk, when the bakhmud meat grinder did not lead to results, and the city was abandoned by kiev troops, the ukrokomdirs needed kleshcheevka for possible counter-maneuvers, but our southern group began to develop an offensive towards chaseviar, covering yourself. leaving which the kiev army retreated beyond the seversky donets donbass canal, giving room for the russian military to advance. as a result of active operations, units of the southern group of troops liberated the settlement of kleshcheevka of the donetsk people's republic. in addition, manpower and equipment were damaged. 33rd mechanized, 79th air assault. in
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the armed forces of ukraine and the 116th tiroborona brigade in the areas of the settlements of georgievka, ostrae and konstantinovka of the donetsk people's republic. the ssu lost more than 365 servicemen. a that in other directions in the kharkov region the north group is advancing into the depths of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense. all clashes are now tied to volchansky and leptsy. the militants hold this area until the last, because they know the loss will cost them. and it ’s not even about image and morale, that’s what syrsky’s soldiers have to deal with now , and such arrivals in this direction are commonplace, our pilots actively use one and a half, or even three-ton air bombs, three ukrainian counterattacks were repelled in a day, losses the armed forces of ukraine during attempts to recapture lost positions of 300 people, well, because when leaving , leave, and hysterical body movements in the hope of rectifying the situation do not lead to good things or... who knows, this
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is happening everywhere, take the avdiivka direction, which month there is a total retreat , zelensky’s formation is fleeing, but does not miss the opportunity to counterattack, seven times over the past 24 hours, here is the result: ours have again improved the situation along the front line, in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there are more than 400 people in the minus. now to the left bank of the dnieper, there is our group of the same name holds the defense along the river, not giving a chance to the ukrainian dergs even on the islands. attached to the right bank, ukrainian drone operators launch drones for reconnaissance, including in combat, but regularly give themselves away. here in these frames, the crew of the t-90m tank, breaking through from closed positions, eliminated the temporary deployment and control point of an enemy uav on the right bank of the dnieper. fighters from the same group destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' support unit under work. it is already from the remnants of the formation of the kiev regime in that area that expansion continues in this direction. tehran
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today , tens of thousands of people, primarily iranians, are taking part in the funeral ceremony for ibrahim rasii. however, high-ranking delegations arrived today from all over the world, including from our country. the topic will be continued by anna voronina. there are hundreds of thousands of people on the streets of tehran. neither women nor men can hold back their emotions. following the hearse, many scream in grief and sob. in the hands are the flag of iran and portraits of the victims of the tragedy, but most of all photographs of president ibrahim raisi. i was. truly shocked, i have lost loved ones in my life people, when i learned about the death of president reisi, i felt as if i had lost my father again, it really shocked me. those who died are called martyrs by those gathered at the ceremony, who gave their lives fighting for the sovereignty of the country and the good
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of the iranian people. everyone prays for their repose together; the spiritual leader of iran, ayatollah ali khamenei, pronounces sacred words over their bodies. on behalf of the president, it is represented by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan, head of the the government of iraq, mohamed shia az-sudani, the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, as well as hezbollah deputy secretary general naim kassem. in india and turkey in cuba the sign. flags were lowered for those killed in the plane crash, tribute was paid to the united nations, and the un flag was also lowered in memory of president risia. the conference on disarmament in geneva, currently chaired by iran, began with a minute of silence. however, to show even basic
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respect for the deceased president of a foreign not all states were able to do it; official representatives of the leader in the issue of global tolerance showed miracles of tact and diplomacy and... and speaking, in fact, a boorish statement regarding an entire people. the people, however, despite their grief, do not leave attacks on the deceased president unanswered, debunking all the american myths that washington so loves to invent. he was a very popular figure, he was a very humble
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man, not at all like the description you gave, he worked very hard for the dispossessed working class, the disenfranchised, he traveled from city to city, from village to village, he visited constantly.
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the west is moving to an open political quote that the adherents of the globalist sect are on a reign of terror against their opponents. they say that when civilized methods no longer work, the west does not hesitate to use force. according to the foreign intelligence service, such reprisals are intended to intimidate dissidents? the crime against fitso involuntarily brings to mind an analogy with the high-profile murders of martin luther. its adherents in numerous comments in social networks approve of the crime and call for
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the removal of other nationally oriented leaders, in particular hungarian prime minister orban and serbian president vucic. the svr also recalled that the investigation into the assassination attempt is ongoing, but it is already clear that the united states and the european union are persistently trying to impose on the world the version of a certain lone criminal who was simply allegedly dissatisfied with the reduction. level of democracy in slovakia, that’s why he committed this crime. the department also has data that us government agencies they intend to join the investigation in the near future, of course, in order to direct it in the direction they need. the task is simple: to exclude the promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe, and especially the possible external trace in the terrorist attack, this is stated to the foreign intelligence service. our media called it a false accusation.
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rebkov also commented on us policy towards brix. in the context of growing pressure from western countries and their application of illegal sanctions measures, it is obvious the need to move away from the monopoly of the american dollar, the current situation in the global economy is generating waves of instability, provoking new crises, and delaying the prospects for achieving sustainable development goals. the sme development corporation, together with the bank of russia, is working on a separate program of preferential lending for entrepreneurs in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. mikhail umishu talks about this. said the head of the corporation, alexander isaevich. maria slobodyanskaya will talk about the main topics of the meeting.
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supporting small medium-sized enterprises is especially important in the context of unprecedented sanctions; by increasing efficiency, they can fill the niche of departed foreign companies. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the general director of the sme corporation alexander isaevich. development is facilitated by an increase to 25% of the volume of purchases that large businesses must make. debt financing, the process has now been simplified, thanks to this, last year
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the volume of state support increased by 27% and exceeded 1.5 trillion rubles, at the same time by 20% the number of loans issued has also increased; last year, 162 thousand companies received them, while government support stimulates the lending market as a whole in a number of industries that make a greater contribution to employment creation and industrial development; almost every third ruble is covered by state support. for example, last year smes in the manufacturing industry attracted more than 530 billion rubles. high-tech companies more than 170 billion rubles. hotel business - 25 billion rubles. smes with the assistance of a corporation with using the umbrella guarantee mechanism, entrepreneurs were also able to attract more than 50 thousand loans amounting to half a trillion rubles. and yet there remain those who were forced to take out a consumer loan at high rates. in this regard there was. a special preferential lending program has been launched with a focus on industry, logistics and tourism. the business receives money only for
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investment purposes, the rate is 3-4 times lower than the market rate. with the help of the program, almost 1,500 entrepreneurs were able to raise more than 150 billion rubles. special attention to regions where there was a drawdown in the issuance of loans. the corporation analyzed such entities and helped businesses structure transactions. the provision of additional state support helped to almost double loans. no less important, as mikhail mishustin noted, is the development of smes in new territories. they should have all the support tools that exist in any region of the country. the first is a program of preferential lending for mineral development. entrepreneurs from new regions can attract mutual money at 10% with simultaneous coverage of guarantees from corporations. this has already made it possible to receive almost 600 million rubles; by the end of the year , another 2 billion rubles will be provided to entrepreneurs. this work is being carried out together with banks. these are psb, sme and tsmr banks. preferential leasing of industrial
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equipment by sme corporation at 6.8%. allowed seven projects to raise money worth 119 million. another area is support for smes in border areas for seven regions. the corporation launched a separate element of umbrella guarantees, with a volume of 20 billion rubles. in 3 months, entrepreneurs have already attracted 8 and a half. on the second another 20 billion have been reserved for the first half of the year. also , an additional program of preferential lending is being developed for businesses in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions ; a preferential leasing program is being launched for the purchase of used equipment. domestic transport and cargo vehicles, we have approved the special economic zone regime and the corresponding benefits and elements of preferential regimes will also work there, it is important to pair them with the tools that you offer, here you need to do everything to help them have everything they need tools to develop your business or at least maintain it. the main thing, as
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the prime minister noted, is to monitor the investment climate in the country, and it should be assessed by independent associations of entrepreneurs. at the same time, private initiative needs to be developed more strongly so that the ruble of state support accounts for more and more of business’s own investments. in the zone of a special military operation, military personnel of the dnepr group of troops occupy advantageous positions. of course, artillery helps to move forward, crews are in action self-propelled howitzer mstas. footage of combat work. in the report of our special correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. the mstas self-propelled howitzer rushes to the firing point at all costs. the terrain is open at speed, a ukrainian drone could appear in the sky at any minute, so the slightest delay could cost the lives of the entire crew. having arrived at the point, the howitzer takes up a combat position ; the gunner prepares to receive the target coordinates, which are reported by spotters. for greatest accuracy, fighters record speed and direction wind. the target is known, the crew needs to
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destroy the enemy dugout and the artillery piece installed next to it. stas conducts rapid fire at the enemy position, three high-explosive fragmentation shells with a caliber of 152 mm are sent, this is enough to completely destroy the target. recently , self-propelled artillery installations have been a primary target for the enemy, and the enemy is in no hurry to destroy them right away. first, the drones track the gun, then they accompany the artillerymen to the point of deployment, using these coordinates they can open fire. therefore, the crew moves the gun away from the firing point as quickly as possible. the main advantage of a self-propelled gun is its mobility. from a towed installation, this can change positions after each combat operation, which increases the crew’s chances of not getting under return fire; there can be at least five such trips per day, and each time the crew changes firing positions , confusing the enemy; constant recharging of this weapon is not required , msta s ammunition is 50 shells. there is no difficulty, everything works
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automatically, the gunner aims, also in automatic accepts me. sight, protractor, level, the greatest convenience is caused by the dispensing mechanism, that is, the matcher, which allows you to avoid manually removing ammunition and shells from the ammunition rack, that is, efficiency has appeared, of course, today the dnepr group of troops is conducting active combat operations in the areas of stepnoy, stepnogorsk, rabotin and novopokrovka . russian troops repulse enemy attacks and occupy advantageous positions; our artillery clears the way for the fighters. and iran, where the farewell ceremony continues with the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, vyacheslav volodin during a visit to iran, where vyacheslav volodin also arrived to participate in
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this farewell ceremony, met with the acting head. president, of course, he was a man of his words , it was a pleasure to work with him, and for our part we will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue to develop in the key of reliable partnerships, and it was vladimir putin who asked vyacheslav to convey to volodin that these words to the leadership of iran, if our colleagues have a need, then of course, russia is ready to do everything to provide all
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the expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true cause of this disaster. we will return to news from iran, but european countries, as well as the united states, are threatening georgia with sanctions and demanding that official tbilisi abandon the law on transparency of foreign influence. let me remind you that the initiative belongs to the ruling party, according to the document, local media and ngos with foreign funding will be obliged register as inaagts. about the discussion around this law, natalya solovyova. vlishvili with a megaphone at the ready hurries to the car. she is studying political science at the university of georgia, but for a month now she has hardly attended lectures; together with hundreds of other students and schoolchildren, they are participating in protests. i really don’t want to become one of those women who left the country because of the regime, i have a way to protest and i want to use it. we continue to fight
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against russian legislation because that our government is not listening to us, so we must, we must fight, we must be there. everything about the georgian protest is more familiar. tbilisi, today is like kiev 10 years ago, now with the hands of these young people. who sat down at their desks with falsified textbooks, they were given these falsified textbooks on their desks, which are written like comics: good, bad, evil, russia is the enemy, yes, now she has raised her voice and taken to the streets, that is, the barricades are now being held. not according to physical maps, america, georgia, russia, but according to our families. cause mass protests - the law on foreign agents, which has already been adopted by parliament in final reading. opponents of the document
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call it russian, although the practice was introduced almost 100 years ago in the united states. the russian version of the document is much softer, the american and georgian too, but the opposition continues to interpret it as an obstacle to european integration. the venice commission asks parliament to withdraw the document. venetian commission. attacks on the venice commission by representatives of ivanishvili’s party are proof that they have declared war international institute, international friends of georgia. ivanishvili refuses the benefits that are reflected in the american friendship act, namely the visa-free regime, the us free trade regime and military assistance. prime minister irakli kabakhidze opposes the law specifically about european values, ensuring transparency and accountability, which, of course, is a huge problem for those who are politically affiliated. structures, and it is they who are responsible for attempts at color revolutions in the country. more than 80% of the population support the very idea
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of ​​transparency and openness of non-governmental organizations. as for the law, more than 60% of the population supports it. therefore, the common sense of the majority of the population should prevail, this is my personal opinion. the importance of all this is evidenced by the fact that opponents avoid discussions as much as possible. but those who promote the interests of a foreign state on the streets and squares of tbilisi are desperately against being called foreign agents. the netherlands, czech republic, sweden and estonia, as the european press writes, will discuss the abolition of visa-free travel for citizens next week georgia, targeted sanctions and freezing of eu funds. the united states is ready to get the carrot; congress has already prepared a package of sanctions against georgian politicians, and another one with military and trade assistance. god, the us is threatening georgia with sanctions if they do this, even though we have exactly the same law on registering foreign agents, the british are all
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just going crazy in the european union. and one more thing, the president of georgia, a citizen of france, she was born in france, her parents are from georgia, but she grew up in france, she went to school there and received georgian passport only when she was elected president. think about it, in the usa she would n’t even be allowed to vote. saloma zurbishvili, who came. into georgian politics during saakashvili’s presidency , the french foreign ministry has already exercised its right to veto the document. as for the veto, this is a direct violation of the constitution. the president did not provide an explanation as to why it was imposed. in any case, we will be able to overcome it. of course, the presidential decision will be reviewed, according to the procedure parliament can override the veto of the head of state if it gets enough votes, which is necessary.
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how to continue to behave in life, many of our colleagues are afraid to film their performances because they think it will have a negative impact on the box office, but i can tell you for sure, it’s just the opposite, the viewer goes to the theater because he saw it and he wants to see this again, where we feel good, we always return. dmitry bertman's version is the result of archival searches, in which the verdi foundation helped, they unearthed an overture performed only once longing, but never staged as a performance. gilikon became the first, it turns out,
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a composer. wanted to call the opera amneris, giving the main role to the king's daughter, and not to the slave. i have staged aida many times, i love it , i really want to see dmitry bertman’s version. in italy, interest in opera is declining; the situation in russia is much better. the theatrical film season will close with another unconditional hit - i have samples where the famous puppeteer is played by a distant relative, evgeny tsyganov. gulya boltaeva, artur nurmukhometov, vitaly marchenko, dmitry manyshev. news. vladimir putin toured the exhibition of the agency for strategic initiatives, where axis projects were presented, including the agency’s stand-strategic initiatives. direction three: new business, young professionals, social projects, presentation for the president, introduced by the general director of russia svetlana chubsheva.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a film, rich, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy. you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, that right now yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole movie was in one breath, we'll meet in the future. 100 years
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ahead, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country gas station, russian digital solutions to take to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is it like for us? we will take on this matter, it will happen.
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now footage from the presidential press service, please, please. good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues, meeting, somehow you are already quite far from one: the meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives is taking place, as we we understand that this is a rather important moment, as you know, national development goals have been defined, but long-term ones.


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