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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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for this case, it will be an honest detective. now footage from the presidential press service.
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new national projects and programs are being prepared for launch, i want to emphasize once again that in order to implement the plans and successfully respond to external challenges, coordinated actions of all levels of government are needed, of course the participation of the entire society, the contribution to the development of the country, of almost every citizen. he emphasized that we will, of course, solve the most ambitious tasks.
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in their activities, the axes closely and substantively interact with regional authorities, with business community and development institutions. in this regard, i would like to thank web of russia, vigor ivanovich, you, your colleagues , your predecessors in this place, for your positive contribution to the work of the agency’s expert council, for the formation of mechanisms for the selection and implementation of public projects within the forum. strong ideas for new times. on
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this platform, the initiative of citizens, businesses, and the non-profit sector becomes part of the state agenda. so, following the results of the february forum, many specific the proposals were included in the message to the federal assembly for which i want to thank you. into a strategic program of action that received the support of almost the entire people. i think that leaders of projects that have high significance and value for the country and for society are worthy. special encouragement, so there is a proposal to annually present them with a special agency award, i would ask you to think about how to do this in the most solemn atmosphere, so as to attract public attention to this and so that it finds an appropriate reaction, while i am confident that the main reward, a powerful inspiring incentive for active, active people, is real participation in the development of russia and our regions.
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supported by the agency must necessarily be reflected in national projects, in any case, this is exactly what we absolutely need to strive for, i also ask the government, ministries and departments to synchronize efforts, act in close conjunction, in partnership with the agency in all the most important areas of its activities, this concerns personnel training, environmental well-being, issues of improving... the business climate, which we will, of course, hope to talk about today, and of course, social spheres where the agency has significant developments, including within the framework of the national social initiative . the agency helps the constituent entities of the federation formulate regional plans for increasing the birth rate, based on real life situations, and forms measures to support large families. further, joint steps on issues are extremely important. technological development, experience
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agencies are also in demand here, especially since the first national project of technological sovereignty on unmanned aircraft systems was launched in... largely thanks to the contribution of private companies, university teams within the framework of the national technology initiative, i consider it right to involve nti participants in the development of all national projects of technological sovereignty, it is mandatory to take into account the opinions of innovators and entrepreneurs when forming plans for the development of advanced industries, mechanisms for advanced preparation personnel and assistance to technology business, and of course we need to follow the path of development.
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for the future, in general, i ask the agency to more actively develop international - international partnerships, areas of its activities, to participate in promoting the best russian practices, brands, projects in the world, and i think that you yourself
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understand this, the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill-wishers, uh , something limits us in some way, on the contrary, if effective solutions are offered, they will be taken no matter what what restrictions are 100%, the market will arrange everything, the market, of course, must be fought, while, of course, the issue of our internal agenda, participation in the implementation of national projects must remain the center of unconditional attention, it is in this logic, taking into account the provisions of the decrees on national goals development, please develop and approve an updated one.
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did it and it actually worked out well, we launched a national rating of the investment climate in the constituent federation, we will constantly move forward, increase our efforts, because the private initiative, entrepreneurial talent, further and further, of course, are called upon to be the engine of the economy, the development of the country as a whole, of course, i would like to hear how your joint work with leading business associations is progressing on... a national model to create a national model of target conditions for conducting business, we are talking here about a system of guidelines for a comfortable business environment, which should be joined by all levels of government, from municipalities to federal ministries and departments. another important topic
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that i propose to discuss today is business social capital standard. we agreed from the very beginning that there would be no redundancy here. bureaucracy, formal reporting, on the contrary, i think it is fundamentally important that a system of really working incentives and support tools should be created for companies that make an effective contribution to strengthening technological and industrial sovereignty, create new jobs, take care of employees, implement social and environmental programs that support participants in special military operations, they arrange and sometimes build new modern cities and towns. i know that you have such examples, if you consider it possible, it would be good to present them. what i would like to note in conclusion is that all our plans,
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economic, technological and especially social, have the most important dimensions. and the most important criteria for evaluating all our work is the well-being of people. i think it would be right if... the integral mechanism for assessing the actions of regional governments to achieve national goals will serve national rating of the quality of life in the constituent entities of the federation, which... is formed annually by the agency, in fact, it affects all key areas: family support, education, healthcare, environmental well-being, creating a living environment in our regions, and i propose today to earn the results of the rating for 2023 by tradition, i would like to ask you to pay special attention to the subjects of the federation that have shown high positive dynamics and are striving to create and expand.
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regions have something to do, and if they show such a good pace, then this inspires confidence that further development will follow the right path and will achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, well, let’s start, please, svetlana vitalievna, i ask you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, members of the supervisory board, vladimir vladimevich, before i begin my report on the results of the twenty-third year and plans for the twenty-fourth. thank you personally, everyone sitting here, members of the supervisory board, because for 13
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years of work of the agency of strategic initiatives, all that has happened is thanks to your personal support, and thanks to the personal involvement of each of those present, because take any project, we implement it in partnership with the heads of organizations that our members represent.. . the format of the award, you didn’t say, is to annually present people, each person with
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the results of their activities, how a project is born from an idea, and how this project affects the lives of people, the life of the city and the region. we have there is such a format, vladimovich, people change the country, when we, in our media, thanks to partnerships with federal tv channels and their resources, also talk about such creative people, both in the social sphere, in the field of entrepreneurship, and how their projects influence for the development of our country, so we will be happy to make a proposal for organizing such an award on an annual basis. vladimir vladimirovich, at the exhibition i presented a model of the agency’s work until 2030, and once again i want to note that it is certainly important for us to remain here... such a platform where anyone can come and propose an idea
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or project, it is very important that thanks to the mechanism of the agency’s work, and this and thanks to our expert council headed by igor ivaovich shuvalov, we manage to really carry out every idea through such an accelerator, through expert vision, and how any idea can be turned, once again, into a strategic initiative or project is important. for the country, and you have no idea how important it is for the people who work with the agency, who hear us today, but because you know, many people there don’t believe, they say, well , how come we present our ideas there, and who needs them, you won’t even read or see them there, and or you have all the already selected, specially selected ideas there, and how important it is to really see this reaction of people who have the opportunity to communicate with you - when they see support, your personal, their initiatives, and most importantly,
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you know, after some time they hear it in your specific instructions or in your appeal to the federal embassy in his message to the federal assembly, this is very expensive, and i think that we have a lot of caring people in our country who are ready to work here to achieve national goals and tasks that are important for our country and for our residents. and i would like to say a few words on each of the areas, vladimir vladimirovich, then talk about the new projects that you also outlined, for which they were given.
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the most widespread, most common events that people encounter are the birth of a child, the search for a job, loss of health, retirement, when it is not the quantity that is important for us there are certificates or the number of services that a person receives, and for us what is important is really the result for a person in solving his specific life situation, and you know, this is the principle on which work is organized today. in all constituent entities of the russian federation, all regions are implementing a national social initiative, we are introducing the principles of human-centeredness and a value-oriented approach, when for us it really is the result of solving problems, issues with which a person appeals, as a result of this work , new new
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infrastructure is opening in the regions, such as day care centers for children with disabilities. these are multifunctional centers for large families, where you can quickly and conveniently receive all government services in one window, and friendly organizations open, such as friendly schools, friendly clinics, hospitals, social coordinators appear in the regions who accompany a person at all stages of his journey when receiving a particular service in government organizations. and last time we presented to you and the members of the supervisory board the regional social standard as a collection of the best solutions, the best effective practices, and i want to say that today 75 regions are implementing this social standard; it is fully implemented in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, in the khabarovsk territory, today, in 34 regions
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, quality of life councils have been created under the leadership of the heads of constituent entities, it is very important... we also select the best effective solutions from the regions and post them on the platform smarttech so that this experience is in demand in other regions of the russian federation. i would like to say that we are also actively working with the regions, as you noted, to fine-tune regional plans to increase the birth rate and support
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large families. we held such sessions in the khabarovsk territory, primorsky territory, lipetsk region,
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and here we do not discredit, just as we do not discriminate against a woman based on her income, she gave birth to a child, she decided to have another one. child, and here regional authorities support this birth, and not only with financial instruments, but also organizational ones,
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including those related to improving living conditions, you know, such a question, everything related to demography, we have also repeatedly discussed this with the government of the russian federation, with maxim stanislavovich oreshkin, met with experts, such a complex task is beyond the power of a specific department or ministry, i would really like that this goal, the key one, yes, which was also broadcast by you in the may decrees, is increasing the birth rate, increasing the birth rate in our country by the year thirtieth, so that this kpi is for every minister, for every governor, for every head of an organization, but because only through such an integrated approach can we really provide conditions for supporting families,
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supporting women, which is in making reproductive decisions, and we already see the best, again such corporate practices exist, again, returning to the experience of the central federal district, igor olegovich and his colleagues developed a corporate demographic standard there. we continue to implement the program of motivational questioning and support
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for pregnant women in the situation of reproductive infertility and will prepare appropriate analytical reports, we are participating in the development of a strategy for family and demographic policy of the russian federation until 2030, we hope that we will also receive our support here, well, our proposals will be supported by the government. in terms of regional development, you have already noted such tools, as an investment rating, which really helps to create the foundations, the foundation for working with investors, creating a favorable environment for business, we are actively carrying out this work with business associations, i would like to note, especially the contribution of alexey, repik of business russia, because the investment standard... today , essentially on their shoulders and with their support , it is being implemented in the regions of the country, and it is business russia that provides objective
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monitoring of the decisions that the regions are implementing, and this is an investment declaration, this is an investment map, these are the support measures that regions today provide to investors depending on the volume of their investments, and i want to say that as a result... we have 57 regions that have improved their results in the investment rating and 83 rating indicators have shown positive dynamics. and another important area is the development of the regional economy, this is also reflected in the national goals, this is the creative economy. here, on your instructions, we are also working with the government, and the russian federation, together with state duma deputies, with the ministry of economic development has prepared a law on the development of creative industries of the creative economy, it has already passed the first reading, we hope that at the next meeting of the duma it will be adopted in the second reading, and last
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year the agency became part of the founders of the universal university, this is the first private university for training personnel for the creative economy, we have been training for 20 years now in twenty areas of creative industries, i would like to thank you. german oskarovich kref, who agreed to head the supervisory board of the university, and today, together with sberbank, we are preparing a strategy for the development of the university; essentially, the role of the university is also in solving the problem and training of personnel to increase the share of the creative economy in our country’s gdp. together with the ministry of economic development, we helped regions develop their regional climate adaptation plans last year. four regions have developed such comprehensive plans, this year we are going to formulate targeted recommendations for adaptation of key sectors of critical infrastructure in such
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areas as agriculture, energy, industrial transport, as well as social infrastructure, at the exhibition we also showed you our developments on the strategy for the azov region, which we prepared as part of your instructions together with the wprf and under the leadership of maxim stanislavovich oreshkin, here too vladimir vladimirovich , we ask that the strategy be accepted by the government of the russian federation, and most importantly, integrated. into strategy territorial planning, as well as strategic documents of territorial planning into sectoral strategies. it is important that this document becomes operational and really brings the effects that exist today, the unique opportunities of the sea of ​​azov, the country’s inland sea, and indeed a very huge potential today for this macro-region. last year, this year we held regional on-site sessions together with
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maxim stanislavovich...
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our companies, well, they grew from 50 to 200%. companies enter new markets, companies enter our digital trading platforms, for export, companies enter store shelves, become available to consumers, the russian consumer learns about them, and most importantly, the quality of our russian products does not fail across a wide range from food to high technology, it really is here there is... to be proud, there are leaders in these areas, and young people are increasingly showing interest in starting their own business, and this year they also held, together with the sme corporation, a federal youth competition entrepreneurship create ours, the participants were up to 204 years old, the guys proposed their own projects, their business plans, and the winners were selected this year recently, the winners received grants from the
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alexey repik foundation for youth initiatives, and... the opportunity to go through ours together with the sme corporation acceleration program, we hope the guys will take their first step in entrepreneurship, and even if something doesn’t work out, it will be a serious experience for them, it will provide the basis for the next project, together with business we are developing the tourism industry, this direction of industrial tourism, here thanks to the support of denis manturov, today we have more than a thousand enterprises that opened their doors and presented. our new excursion routes, we are developing legislation in the field of national highways together with the ministry of economy, maxim gennadyvich helps us a lot here, and also the web team. today you noted, vladimir vladimirovich, international cooperation , the potential of international cooperation, here with the eac countries, with similar organizations, how we created a consortium development, we see the main tasks on
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the general agenda. this is improving the investment climate in the regions of the eu countries, improving the quality of life through the formation of joint standards, regional ratings and best practices. last year , the first international green eurasia competition was held for climate change projects in the field of ecology. we are also holding a competition for advanced solutions from the practices of the brics countries, this year it will also be held - well, every year there are about 300 applications from all countries and we choose the best.


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