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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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we are developing legislation in the field of national highways together with the ministry of economy, maxim gennadivich helps us a lot here, and also the web team, and today you noted vladimir vladimirovich, international cooperation, the potential for international cooperation, here with the eac countries, with similar organizations, how we created a development consortium , we see the main tasks on the general agenda, this is improving the investment climate of the regions. e eu countries, improving the quality of life through the formation of joint regional rating standards and best practices. last year, the first international green eurasia competition was held for climate change projects in the field of ecology. we are also holding a competition for advanced solutions from the brics countries. it will also be held this year; we have about a year there. 300 applications from all countries and
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we select the best solutions, which can then be replicated and used both on the brix and eac platforms, and we also discussed today together with maxim stanislavovich oreshkin, went on a delegation to uzbekistan, met with the president of uzbekistan, and also presented the projects of the agency for strategic initiatives, and an agreement was reached and an agreement on the implementation of the project was already signed. in the field of unmanned aircraft, the development of unmanned aircraft systems, and also the launch of the forum, strong ideas for the new time in uzbekistan, support for creative industries and the development of inclusive education and the creation of an inclusive environment for people with disabilities, also based on those practices and solutions that are implemented in our country. we hope that this same experience will be transferred to friendly countries.
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the most open to cooperation. vladimirovich, regarding the results of the work for the twenty-fourth year, that’s it, if you allow me, then i’ll move on to the projects on the agenda. i would like to present the results of the rating of the quality of life of regions, which we have been conducting for the third year now, it really helps us to present it as objectively as possible every year. picture in the areas of quality of living environment, these are issues related to housing, infrastructure, security, healthcare, education, social protection, ecology, each of the areas is measured using citizen surveys, last year we surveyed 463 people across the country, statistical data and geoanalytics data are also used, we carry out this work together with
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the state council commission of state and municipal management under the chairmanship of sobyanin, and also helps us with surveys of the company dialogue; when analyzing the rating, we certainly look at which regions demonstrate the best performance in terms of each of the areas, we form here , study experience, and create a set of best practices that is available for the regions. i would like to note that in the twenty-third year a positive trend was recorded; in the country as a whole, such areas as education, in general , satisfaction with the process of registering a child in kindergarten increased by 17.5%, satisfaction with enrollment in school increased by 11%, almost by 20% in the circle and section, in terms of housing and infrastructure, satisfaction with housing conditions across the country increased by five. a
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satisfaction with the presence and equipment of park areas is almost 8%, in the medical field there have been improvements in most objective indicators, and this is reflected in the increase in satisfaction of the population, here the average indicator in terms of medical services has increased by 24%. and there questions are asked, vladimir vladimirovich, how long did it take you to make an appointment with a therapist, to make an appointment with a specialist, how long are you waiting? call an ambulance, and are you satisfied with the medical care received there in the clinic or in the hospital? transformation? i want to say that, for example, in the novgorod region last year, polite registries were created, mfc employees were involved in work in hospitals and polyclinics in the region, who meet and accompany patients at the entrance to a medical facility, and thereby do non-core work... medical
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specialists, and i want to say that satisfaction with receiving outpatient medical care in the region increased by 46.5%, and inpatient care by 17.5%. initially, this is a practice in moscow, which is also actively other regions use it. as for social protection in our country, satisfaction with receiving social services is 80%, an increase of 20%. and the level of awareness of the population about social services also increased by almost 20%. and i would like to talk about an indicator such as inclusion and equality, and this is the attitude of society towards people with disabilities, towards children with disabilities, that is, here we also record growth. the level of public goodwill towards people with disabilities, and also increases accessibility services for people with disabilities. public transport also increased the national average assessment of the quality of public transport and satisfaction with trips to another
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locality. for example, in moscow there is a ticket system for all types of urban and suburban commuter rail transport, which has seriously simplified daily travel today, and this. the system has been implemented today in the moscow region, plus 25 regions of our country, including lugansk and donetsk, these are regions where more than 40 million people live. the screen presented, as you have already noted, the top five leaders of the rating: moscow, st. petersburg, tyumen region, khantemantsiysky autonomous okrug, and the republic of tatarstan. and this year , the moscow region, sakhalin and nizhny novgorod regions made it into the top ten, you especially, of course, noted...
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the results and practices of implementing the national social initiative of the quality of life rating, i note that such a program has proven to be effective, we launched the same program for managers in terms of investment policy, and we see that it works in great demand, but on this issue, that’s it, i’m moving on, yes, comment, okay, colleagues, do you have any questions, comments, no, please, but the standard of public business capital, you also noted, you gave the corresponding instructions to the agency, together with business associations, to develop a standard that would mark the contribution of business, the contribution of entrepreneurs, in the development of our country, in
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the development of regions, cities of presence, support and development of issues related to ecology, environmental protection, as well as the development of their own... recommendations of the central bank on sustainable development on corporate governance, the ministry of economic development has developed a standard for sustainable development for business, and therefore we simply created the mechanics of possible motivations,
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incentives for companies join in the implementation of these tasks. what is the standard today? the standard today is the five directions that are collected. in indicators in statistical indicators, or the presence of one or another reporting accepted by companies. the first is a domain or direction associated with the implementation of companies' contribution to the implementation of the country's national development goals. the second area is everything the company does to develop its employees and for its employees. the third direction is everything that the company does in terms of development, regions, cities of presence of social policy, social projects, and the fourth is as a business strategy, company strategy again correlates with the strategic plans of the country, the fifth direction is exactly everything that the company does to protect the environment and for issues related to
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ecology, for each of these areas the ministry of economy has determined a list of company reporting indicators, and we propose within the framework of the public standard capital. in fact, this is a declarative nature, voluntary, that is, it is not mandatory for business, it is not necessarily a requirement for entrepreneurs, companies that form this reporting within the framework. recommendations of the central bank and the ministry of economic development can simply submit the same reporting to the operator’s platform, which is the holder of this standard, where this reporting is checked, verified, how many points, for example, have been implemented by the business, in achieving certain indicators there, and next, too, the operator’s task is to formulate a floor of support measures at the regional level, both administrative and financial at the federal level, that is, what society and
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the state are ready today as a sign thanks too, well, mark this business , well, this concerns, for example, i don’t know the relationship there in terms of inspections or government procurement, but moscow already this year also launched its own register of socially responsible businesses, and we are also doing this work with moscow, and i want to say: as for the operator, here the agency for strategic initiatives, together with the moscow government, is ready to establish such a non-profit organization; financial and organizational resources here are provided by the moscow government. that is, we are already ready this year we will deploy this platform and any business, including small
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businesses, because a minimum set of such requirements is predetermined for it, can take part and implement this standard, we hope that this will really become such a common practice for our business, because there are a lot of such companies, you know very well and note that many today help the participants of the northern military district, and the regions, and they do. indeed, this principle is reflected today in the actions of the government, in decisions that
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are adopted by the government, the regulation of foreign trade has been radically simplified, and you recently noted in china how foreign trade turnover with friendly countries is growing, including china, and of course this also helps us achieve the national goal that you outlined, this is an increase in 2030 and the volume of investment in fixed assets, which should be no less than 60% compared to the level of the twentieth year, due to the constant improvement of the investment climate. you also noted that the assessment of investment climate change should take place taking into account world experience, that is, we should not just measure ourselves and calm down, yes, how good and wonderful we are, but here it is important to have these international metrics, to have access to the best world ones... so that constantly improve work, the legislative framework and be competitive in a market
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economy, and for us one of such assessment criteria used to be the world bank rating, and indeed our country has made serious progress here, this was noted, among other things international community, russia has become a leader in the dynamics of improvements in the investment climate, from 120th place russia entered the top thirty, into the top 30, taking twenty-eighth place. we have a lot of improvements in terms of , again, access to obtaining a construction permit has been reduced significantly, and today registering property takes less than one day, here are a number of other points, today we are implementing a national investment rating, an investment standard, which also allows regions here based on best practices to move and develop, what kind of development do we want to offer today? model, a new model, including based, again, on the best international
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experience, we have studied, i want to say that the world bank stopped rating business there and published it in the twentieth year, there were questions and there were some in terms of methodology, they will launch this year already a rating using a new methodology, we have studied vladimi, including the new methodology of the world bank and other international ratings that assess the investment climate of countries today, and we propose the following approach, and for our countries, ah, it should be implemented in four stages: and first, we - i repeat once again, studied the methodologies of international ratings, and we grouped 10 areas that are rated in the world today: this is the registration of enterprises, this is the receipt of real estate, connection to utilities, labor relations, financial services, international trade, taxation, dispute resolution, corporate disputes,
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market competition and bankruptcy insolvency, also each of these areas.
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for each of the rating directions to form target indicators for our regions and for our country, well, in fact, this will be a target model, then we will, based on the best practices and decisions, change the federal legislative framework, again create better conditions for investors, for business at the regions, including we assume that we will then need to make appropriate adjustments. to the investment rating of regions to the investment standard, in order to ensure the deployment of this work, i want to say that we have already implemented the first stage, vladimir vladimirovich, we conducted such a pilot calculation in four regions, these are moscow, the republic of tatarstan, the sakhalin and nizhny novgorod regions, the first results indicate the good positions of our regions in the areas of starting a business, registering
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enterprises, obtaining real estate, connecting to utility networks, problematic indicators in business assessment in the direction. bankruptcy, if we compare, for example, the data from 2121, 222, international ones, then we would be somewhere 18th there, and the countries are leaders in this indicator: ireland, japan, hong kong, if our average bankruptcy procedure today takes on average 2 years, and in some places 5 years or more, and the financial costs of liquidation are about 1 million rubles. this is also, as it were, in the best examples and practices. 110-250,000 rub. and i want to say that bankruptcy issues are purely federal legislation, i know that the ministry of economic development has prepared a new bankruptcy law, it is being considered in the duma today, and we would also ask here somehow
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i ask you to speed up this work, and for this law to be adopted, because we looked, and all the decisions that will allow us to move this issue forward are noted there. approve the approach presented to the development of a national model of target business conditions; on its basis, implement the updating of action plans to change the legal regulation of business activities, transform the business climate, this is a mechanism that today is the holder of this mechanism of the ministry of economic development, this is how since everything related to changes in federal legislation, we will be ready to make changes at the regional level together with business associations.
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a book, which was also presented today to members of the supervisory board, what the governor needs to do for such a new city to appear in his place, or what an investor needs to do in order to implement such a project,
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and most importantly, what a resident or what the family will receive, what new services, services will be received in this new city, but the first thing is, of course, it is necessary to decide on the concept of the city and its unique offer, determine the type of city, technological, or is it such a family, family-oriented city, build an economic model of the city, think through all the necessary infrastructure, think through the management scheme, all these steps were implemented in dobrograd, and we already see the economic, and the most important thing is such a social effect from the implementation of this project, and we see great interest not only from residents of our country from other regions who are moving there, but also from foreigners, i know that today they are connected to us also the leader of this project, the investor of this project, vladimir sidov, if there are questions, i think that he will also answer and comment on the implementation of this project, and
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i ask you to support the set of described practices and solutions that are presented in our white book, take into account our proposal and when developing a national project for infrastructure for life, thank you very much, that’s it, dear colleagues, any? do you have any questions for svetlana vitalievna? comments? no. dmitry nikolovich, please. yes, dear, dear colleagues, very briefly, the implementation of our national technological initiative is now moving into virtually a new stage. a really big backlog has been created, more than 7,600 different technologies. that is, we have the potential to use these developments, which were created for a large number of industry transformation programs. these are energy drinks. to medicine, we will actively develop them; indeed, there is a huge interest in our technological developments from other countries, so we, in order to
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develop together with other countries technological sovereignty, created a special methodology for this with active assistance and discussion with experts from rosa, sberbank, the moscow government, tv brix, the ministry of economic development helped us a lot... at the final stage and with the help of the chamber of commerce and industry we now want to create a separate working group in within the framework of the brix business council, which would actively support this logic at the level of businessmen. and in terms of our internal tasks, what is the most interesting thing that happened to us over the past year, and we already understand what kind of technological sovereignty has to be paid for, that it costs money, when we look at investment projects, we usually... it is whether this project leads to
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achieving technological sovereignty or not, then the models look different, and the companies also look different, but we have learned not only to support them, but to create them; over the last year we have created several companies, such potential national and international champions. precisely in new markets, the first such company was created on the basis of state transport leasing company, this is oobaz, which this is the largest drone operator in the country today, as we joke, this is the unmanned aeroflot, well, sometimes we call it darnoflot as a joke, which means that by the end of the year there will already be more than 400 aircraft in operation, that is, this is already on a serious scale , already in july we are inviting everyone to sakhalin, we will have exercises on their use. and we will calculate the economy, that is, learn to fly, understand how much a drone earns in each direction, when it helps build, when it puts out fires, when it
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transports cargo, we will issue methodological recommendations for all regions in each direction, together with fc-bus moscow, so that we can already learn here to translate this into commerce, learn how to really make money on it, the second such control company. based on the festekh ecosystem with the most advanced digital developments, the third is being discussed with colleagues from moscow, that is, we are gradually putting them on the conveyor belt. the internal goal that we are discussing, we understand that only government funding it’s not enough, we would like to set ourselves the goal that by the year 1930, up to ten companies of this type should be launched on ipo, attract private money, and begin to grow the next generation of technological champions. well, of course, we know that for all this the main shortage is personnel, we need a new generation of engineers, the shortage is incredible, again, our experience has shown that
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we have learned from advanced... to create such programs, for example, just 3 years ago in our country there were only three teams that created youth student teams underwater robotics at the international level, that is , there were no competitions for more than three teams, we scaled up this practice, took the best, created a competition system, we now have more than 35 teams, and accordingly several hundred talented young guys who know how to create.
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revolution, and a child can choose a role for himself in this world, within the framework of this role he is the russian empire, in which there was no beginning to play games on a smartphone, this is a unique case when we call on all bears, such a distant future, similar to parents should not ban smartphones, but allow them to play these games on smartphones, because in the process of playing they learn to program, learn to solve engineering problems, cooperate with other children, and then when they come to school, to clubs. they develop these skills gradually, gradually the tasks become more and more complicated, more complicated, and we offer them a dream, then they can connect to the company, set their own goals for them, hunt them on this platform, for everyone we see their potential and offer them more and more more complex interesting tasks, that is , once again we invite all parents to install such useful games on their children’s smartphones, the first two are already posted on the rustor platform in russia and we hope that this kind of
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platform will become a fundamentally new type of education for our new children, the new engineering generation, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, so please, colleagues, in general, what comments on the results of work for 23 years on plans for 24, is it possible, yes, of course, i ask you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, well i would like to note that all business associations actively participate in the ratings and regional bodies.
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