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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we support this new initiative of the agency for strategic initiatives, thank you, so please, someone else, that's it, the discussion is over, thank you, apparently i ate all the time, okay, okay, but it seems to me that everyone will agree that agency of strategic initiatives
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has become over the 10 years of its existence and operation. this was a meeting of the asi supervisory board with the participation of vladimir putin. three european states at once: spain, ireland and norway today announced that they recognize the state of palestine. like europeans varvara
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nevskaya will tell you how they responded to this step and how they reacted to it in israel. this chain reaction began with a speech by irish prime minister harris, 36 years after the declaration of palestinian independence, official dublin finally agreed to recognize it. last month i stood on the same step as spanish prime minister sánchez and we said that the point of recognition of the state of palestine was approaching. this point has now arrived. today ireland, norway and spain announce that we recognize
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state. is simple: support from the may participating countries, the stake of the eu states that recognized palestine, in theory should de-escalate the israeli-palestinian conflict, is recognized in practice. on the part of dublin and oslo, israel took it seriously, promising that there would be dire consequences. i have ordered the immediate recall of israel's ambassadors to ireland and norway for consultations in light of those countries' decision to recognize a palestinian state. i am sending a clear and unequivocal message to ireland and norway. israel will not remain silent in the face of those who undermine its sovereignty and threaten its security. the head of the israeli foreign ministry also
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noted that similar measures will be taken. of the soviet union, and the soviet union is already , in fact, at the final stage of its existence, it just recognized the state of palestine, and this absolutely fits into the relevant un security council resolutions in the approach based on a two-state settlement, therefore we are the legal successors of the soviet union and continue our consistent transparent position in this area. the palestinian state is recognized by more than 140
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countries from... the enemy area, where the ukrainian armed forces retreated after the defeat in artyomovsk. our correspondent denis alekseev has the latest data during the special operation; he joins live . yes, denis, welcome, this is what is known at this moment, and most importantly, what is the significance of the liberation of kleshcheevka? yes, greetings, well, from the artyomovsky direction, in fact, two good news came at once in one: the village of kleshcheevka came under russian control, our military put a huge amount of effort into making this happen. together with kleshcheevka , a strategic height was occupied, south of the settlement, a fortified area, into which the vssu officers bit into, staging meat assaults there. and here's why: kleshcheevka is located south of artyomovsk, when the bakhmud meat grinder
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did not lead to results, and the city was abandoned by kiev troops, the ukrokomdirs needed kleshcheevka for possible counter-maneuvers, but our southern group began to develop an offensive towards chaseviar. obscuring artyomovsk, here now kleshcheevka is a strategic fortified area, leaving which the kiev army retreated beyond the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, giving room for the russian military to attack. a unit of the southern group of troops, as a result of active actions, liberated the village of kleshcheevka. they defeated manpower and equipment, the 33rd mechanized 79th air assault brigade, and the 116th
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territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the regions. during the day, three ukrainian counterattacks were repelled, the ukrainian armed forces were lost during attempts to recapture the lost positions of 300 people, well, because when you leave , leave and hysterical body movements in the hope of correcting the situation do not lead to good things, shouldn’t they know, this is happening everywhere, take the avdeevsky direction, which month there is a total retreat in the formation. we have again improved the situation along the front line, seven times over the past 24 hours, here is the result: ours are fleeing, but do not miss the opportunity to counterattack, the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces are more than 400 people down. now to the left bank of the dnieper, where our
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group of the same name is holding defenses along the river, not giving the ukrainian derge a chance to gain a foothold even on the islands. from the right bank , ukrainian drone operators launch drones for reconnaissance, including in combat,
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but they regularly give themselves away to these ones. gets armored vehicles. the shortage is so severe that mechanized brigades are essentially being reduced to infantry. western countries will not be able to help kiev solve this problem. spiegel notes in a new material that... berlin’s initiative to search for weapons for ukraine in nato failed, except for germany, not a single country was ready to transfer anything to kyiv. they talk a lot, but do little in the european union, like they play with a soccer ball with accusations because of the failure in the ssu. the chairman of the bundestag defense committee in a new interview tried to shift responsibility for the meager aid to paris. we have. here is the problem, while poland, being a neighboring country to ukraine, does
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a lot, while germany does a lot, france does relatively little. a difficult summer awaits the ssu, and supplies of western weapons will not be able to save the situation. founder of pmc black water erik prince, in an interview with tucker carlson , said that western defense companies have only one goal: to earn more money, no matter what the cost. in addition, according to him, washington is transferring outdated weapons to kiev. most of this money goes to the five largest american defense contractors to replace the five times more expensive weapons we already sent to the ukrainians, meaning if we send them something that was made 10 years ago, it will now cost four times more. five times more expensive, so again, this is massive a scam paid for by the pentagon, which doesn't know how to buy things
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cheaply, it won't change the outcome of the battle. the quality of life in the regions, the promotion of russian brands abroad, the development of the lake region and even the involvement of children in technical creativity. all these topics were discussed at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives chaired by vladimir putin. the russian leader noted that the meetings of the supervisory board are taking place at a rather crucial moment. national development goals defined for the long term. to achieve them , new national projects and programs are being formed and prepared for launch. project leader, in order to implement
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the plans and successfully respond to external challenges, coordinated actions of all levels of government are needed, of course the participation of the entire society, the contribution of almost every citizen to the development of the country. let me emphasize that we will, of course, solve the most ambitious tasks, ensure economic growth, and therefore the well-being of russian families. if we continue to expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative teams, for volunteers and representatives of non-profit organizations, the non-profit sector. vladimir putin asked the government and authorities to support the axes in the implementation of initiatives. in addition, the president proposed holding an annual national award for the country. people change, the prize will be awarded to those whose projects were successfully
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implemented and made a significant contribution to achieving the country's national development goals. at the same time, as the russian emphasized leader, the main reward for people who change the country is, of course, the implementation of their initiatives. the main reward, a powerful, inspiring incentive for active, productive people, is real participation in the development of russia and our regions, cities, towns, and therefore civic participation. entrepreneurial initiatives supported by the agency must necessarily be reflected in national projects. in any case,
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this is definitely something we should strive for. there is such a format: people change the country when we are in our media, thanks to in partnership with federal television channels and their resources, we also talk about such creative people, so we will be happy to give proposals for organizing such an award on an annual basis. the activities of the agency for strategic initiatives are implemented through four main roles: voice of the community, accelerator, catalyst. regional growth, exporter of best practices. the agency's assets include more than 10 million citizens involved in the development of the country. to promote civic and entrepreneurial initiatives , a forum of strong ideas for new time. every resident of russia can share their idea or project on a special platform, receive the necessary expertise and
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support in implementation. every year the agency supports more than 500 projects through various educational programs, passing over 2.0. to which any person can come and propose an idea or project, it is very important that thanks to the agency’s work mechanism, and this and thanks to our expert council headed by igor ivanovich shovalov, we manage to really put every idea through such accelerator, through expert vision. special presidential representative for digital and technological development dmitry peskov spoke about supporting technological projects, so we already understand that
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we have to pay for technological sovereignty, that it costs money, when we look at investment projects, we usually measure them by two factors in the classics : risk and profit. so we are now learning to measure them not only by risk and profit, but to introduce a third investment factor, which is what drives this project to achieve technological sovereignty or not, then the models look different, and the companies also look different, but we have learned not only to support them, but to create them, in addition, the agency annually holds brand competitions, so vladimir putin called on losii to promote russian brands abroad. in general, i ask the agency to more actively develop international - international partnerships, areas of its activities, to participate in promoting the best russian practices, brands, projects in the world, and i think that you yourself understand this, the more effective we are, the
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it will be more difficult for our ill-wishers to limit us in some way, well, the axes are important ratings, at the meeting... chupsheva presented the results of the quality of life rating for 2023. the top five rankings included moscow, st. petersburg, tyumen region, khantamatsi autonomous okrug and tatarstan. the leaders in terms of growth dynamics in the ranking were the volgograd region, north ossetia, kemerovo region, primorsky territory and ryazan region. all the new, the most, well, how can i say, bold ideas, they just pass its testing, just on russian sites. lifts people up, acts as a kind of elevator for them, a social elevator from the regions from municipalities to the federal level, develops best practices, hones and accordingly scales up everything that helps to achieve the president’s goal, improving
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the quality of life of citizens. 72% of the rating indicators in 2023 are positive. dynamics: satisfaction with receiving social services is 80%, and the level of awareness about social service increased by almost 20%. positive dynamics are recorded in the field of education, creating opportunities for child development. satisfaction with the process of enrolling in kindergarten increased by 17%, in school by 11%, and in section clubs by almost 20%. in the medical field , improvements are also observed in most
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indicators. satisfaction with receiving outpatient care according to the results of last year's rating , medical care increased by more than 46%, and inpatient care by almost 18. well, before the meeting of the supervisory board, vladimir putin toured the exhibition of the agency for strategic initiatives, where projects were presented. axis, including the cyber-physical platform berloga, which brings together a series of free, useful, mobile and video games, a network of technology clubs, as well as face-to-face and online events, participation in which helps schoolchildren learn, and program programming and other competencies to receive additional points for the unified state examination admission to universities. the platform was launched in 2023 in bashkartastan, in the twenty- fourth with the support of the government the implementation of the project began. all regions, the application has already been downloaded by more than 24,000 people,
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through such a system we involve children not only in computer programming, but in solving technological problems in physical circles, for example, in the republic of bashkarattastan there are already more than a hundred technology circles open to children who have played they wanted more into the game, they wanted to come to the circle, assemble their own drone, robot. solder the board, in essence we are creating a language of conversation with the younger generation about a technological breakthrough. and even bigger, more important history: the president was presented with a strategy for the development of prizes until 2040. the main goals are to increase the incomes of citizens, increase the level of accessibility of health care and education services, and also increase the life expectancy of the population. it includes both environmental restrictions to
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solve problems in coal. good evening, it’s absolutely true that overheating of the surface and drought helped the mini-tornado spin, and now they are being replaced in some regions by thunderstorms and squally wind increases. geography, the elements, today really amazing. thunderstorms with hail the size of peas were observed in the belgorod, kursk, ryazan, and ivanovo regions only in the first half of the day; similar videos were also posted on social networks by
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residents of the republic. mansi districts, and a temporary snow cover even formed in negan. at the same time, in the middle and southern latitudes , dust devils have begun to spin up one after another in recent days. the appearance of such minismerchs was noted in altai, transbaikalia, volgograd, rostov, moscow and yaroslavl regions, and in in the latter case, the upward flow of air was transferred to several. with a pensioner working in it, fortunately she did not receive
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serious injuries. vigor, that's it! there the aunt flew away, there the aunt flew away, there the grandmother flew out of the greenhouse, on thursday, due to sharp temperature contrasts in russia , the wind will increase again, during the day the storm zone will stretch from the verkhovidon to the south of the ob region and further along the yenisei bush. in most areas, gusts are expected to be quite moderate, the background... value is 15-20 m/s, but in taimyr it will rise a real storm, in some places the flow can accelerate to 20-25 m/s or more. the collision of warm and cold air will, as usual , provoke the development of rain clouds. during the day, in the livni zone, there will be the south of the middle zone, the urals, most of siberia, and
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the middle urals in the northern half of the west siberian plain. precipitation may turn to snow again. kusbas and altai will be at the epicenter of ne nastya. here, in some places , about a quarter of the may volume of moisture may fall in one day. for example, in kemerovo, only on sunday the chance of rain is expected small, by the beginning of the new week more than half of the monthly rainfall will pour into the city. in the first days the temperature will be slightly warmer than usual. during the day +19:20. and then vice versa, the thermometer readings will become lower than long-term values, in the afternoon +16:19, more comfortable sunny weather is expected in central russia, in this situation the air will again warm up well, for example, in moscow the daytime temperature will increase from +20 on thursday to + 207 on
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sunday, but by the evening scattered massifs will begin to appear over the metropolis. in russia has identified a new variant of coronavirus, flirting. the name, of course, well, let’s just say, is interesting and comes from the name of a mutation in the genetic code, but in the virus itself, of course, there is nothing remotely romantic. just like omicron, it is contagious, that is, contagious, but their symptoms are similar. flirting in russia and abroad has begun to actively spread. this year. cases of the disease have already been recorded in the usa, israel and fourteen european countries. for example, in the united states, this new strain of covid accounts for more than a quarter of all cases infections in the country. according to experts, the discovered coronavirus mutations do not pose a great danger, although they are quite contagious, as we said. well, because those who have previously had covid have acquired stable immunity to the new variant. our country is also experiencing
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an increase in covid cases, especially after the holidays. as before, as throughout the world, the amikron strain remains predominant. the monitoring carried out allows us to identify even single new genovariants. over the entire monitoring period, 178 new cases were identified variants of flirt, including variants kp-2 - 3 cases, kp-1.1 - 5 cases, ks1 - 170 cases. all of them do not pose any greater danger than its other varieties. symptoms. flirting is similar to amicron, and to any viral infection: chills, cough, fever, pain in the throat, head, muscles, of course, you feel weak, but there is a symptom that is characteristic only of coronavirus, this is loss of taste or smell. infectious disease doctors note another manifestation of the disease, problems with digestion and intestinal disorders, however, for the most part, how severe the disease will be depends not on the strains, but on the general state of health and
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immunity of the person. it gives approximately the same symptoms, a runny nose, a sore throat, but in general the disease is usually quite mild. it is not dangerous and the morbidity that was caused by the previous variants, which were in the twenty -second year, then the morbidity was very strong up to 3.5 million people per day at the peak, now this cannot happen, the morbidity will be low, mortality is also low, the strain is difficult for older people and people with immunodeficiency to tolerate. vladimir putin approved a list of instructions on eliminating the consequences of floods in certain regions of russia; they provide for the allocation of support from the federal budget to the affected regions. the president instructed to pay attention to the task of
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restoring housing and infrastructure before the start of the heating season. and recommended


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