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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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with a substance of plant origin. 242 g of dried cannabis were seized. according to security officials, such a batch costs about a million rubles on the black market. now the boxer faces a considerable sentence. but nothing will happen to the senders of the parcel. in thailand, marijuana is sold completely legally. in addition, the kingdom’s authorities have already announced that they plan to limit its sales again within a year. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock on telegram channels run by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you. projects supported by the agency for strategic initiatives should become part of national projects, the president gave this instruction, details of the supervisory meeting.
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go to extreme measures. we analyze the svr’s comprehensive assessment of the geopolitical confrontation. palestine is a sovereign state. the urgent decision was voiced by the authorities of norway, spain and ireland. we are confident that this is a step towards peace in the region. russia has been talking about this for a long time, but why do a number of western countries still not recognize this country as independent? iran
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says goodbye to the president of the islamic republic , ibrahim raisi, thousands of people on the streets. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin arrived at the ceremony. how are travel events going? and in russia, a new variant of coronavirus has been identified with a romantic name, but serious in essence - flirting. why such flirting can be dangerous, or whether this strain is mild and fleeting, we are waiting for an answer from epidemiologists. vladimir putin approved a list of instructions on eliminating the consequences of floods in certain constituent entities of the russian federation. they provide for the provision of victims regions receive support from the federal budget. the president instructed to pay attention to the task of restoring housing and infrastructure before the start of the heating season and recommended providing time off work to flood victims to restore housing. the head of state also instructed the government.
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consider improving the procedure for receiving applications from citizens who have suffered from emergency situations and report on this before the first of august. in addition, the president gave a week to organize summer holidays for children who live in areas where high water came in the spring. the quality of life in the regions, the promotion of russian brands abroad, the development of the lake region and even the involvement of children in technical creativity. all these topics were discussed at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives
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for the participation of the entire society, the contribution to the development of the country, of almost every citizen. let me emphasize that we will, of course, solve the most ambitious tasks, ensure economic growth, and therefore the well-being of russian families, if we continue to expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative teams, for volunteers. and representatives of non-profit organizations and the non-profit sector. vladimir putin asked the government and authorities to support the axis in implementing initiatives. and besides, the president proposed holding an annual national award. people change the country. the award will be awarded to those whose projects were successfully implemented and made a significant contribution to achieving the country's national development goals. wherein, as the russian leader emphasized, the main reward is for people who change the country.
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present people, each person with the results of their activities, as if from an idea, a project is already born, and how this project affects the lives of people, the life of the city and region, we have this format, people change the country when
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we are in our media, thanks to partnerships with federal tv channels and their resources, we also talk about such creative people, so we will be happy to give a proposal for organizing such an award on an annual basis. agency activities strategic initiatives are implemented through four main roles: voice of the community, accelerator, catalyst for regional growth, exporter of best practices. the agency's assets include more than 10 million citizens involved in the development of the country. to promote civic and entrepreneurial initiatives , a forum of strong ideas for new times is held. how.
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i think you understand this yourself, the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill-wishers, something is limiting us in some way. at the meeting svetlana chubsheva presented the results of the quality of life rating for 2023. the top five rankings included moscow,
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st. petersburg, tyumen region, khentmatiya autonomous okrug and tatarstan. the leaders in terms of growth dynamics in the ranking were the volgograd region, north ossetia, and kemerovo region. helps realize the president’s goal: improving the quality of life of citizens. in general, for most of the rating indicators there is a positive trend: satisfaction with receiving social services is 80%, and the level of awareness about social services
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increased by almost 20. there are noticeable improvements in the field of education, creating opportunities for child development. in the medical field , there is also an improvement in most indicators. the assessment of the quality of emergency outpatient and inpatient care has increased. for example, in the novgorod region , polite registries have been created. employees have been recruited to work in hospitals and clinics in the region. who meet and accompany patients at the entrance to a medical facility. based on the results of last year’s rating, satisfaction with receiving outpatient care medical care increased by more than 46%, and hospital care by almost 18. well, even before the meeting of the supervisory board, vladimir putin toured the exhibition of the agency for strategic initiatives, where projects being implemented by the axis were presented, including the cyber-physical platform berloga. it unites the series free of charge. useful mobile and video games, a network of technology clubs, as well as face-to-face and online events,
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participation in which helps schoolchildren learn the basics of programming and other competencies, and receive additional points towards unified state examination for admission to universities. the platform was launched in the twenty-third year in bashkartastan; in 2024, with the support of the government, the implementation of the project began in all regions. the application has already been downloaded by more than 24 thousand people. with such a system, we involve children not only in computer programming, but in solving technological problems in physical circles, for example, in the republic of bashkarattastan there are already more than a hundred technology circles open to children who played the game, wanted more, wanted to come to the circle, create their own a drone, a robot to solder a circuit board, essentially we are creating a language of conversation with the younger generation, about a technological breakthrough, and an even bigger, important story: the president was presented with
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a strategy for the development of the lake sea region until 2040. the main goals are to increase the incomes of citizens, increase the level of accessibility of health care services and education. the strategy includes both environmental restrictions to solve problems in the coal and metallurgical industries, and the creation of a tourism industry in the region along with the restoration of fishing. on your own. axis provided information on the agency's major programs and projects. direction three is new business, young professionals and social projects. and here are some results of the agency's work. almost one and a half million people attended field trips to industrial enterprises as part of the open industry project. 1,300 people with disabilities are employed thanks to an inclusive project open to everyone. child postoperative mortality in the children's clinical hospital at.
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the agency has significant potential to help achieve russia’s national goals, the russian president concluded. the king of bahrain arrived in moscow on an official visit. al-khalifa flew to the russian capital at the invitation of vladimir putin. the negotiations will take place tomorrow, the head of state is expected to discuss issues of bilateral cooperation, the regional and international agenda, as well as the results of the thirty-third summit of the league of arab states, which was held in manama a week ago. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends near. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha
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bids farewell to ibrahim resi today. tens of thousands of people, primarily iranians, take part in the funeral ceremony. however, high-ranking delegations arrived today from all over the world, including from our country. the topic will be continued by anna voronina. there are hundreds of thousands of people on the streets of tehran, neither women nor men can restrain their emotions. following the hearse, many scream with grief and sob, holding flags of iran and portraits of the victims of the tragedy, but most of all photographs of president ibrahim lynx. i was truly shocked. in my life i have lost loved ones, when i learned about the death of president raisi, i felt as if i had lost my father again, it really shocked me. those who died are called martyrs by those gathered at the ceremony. who gave their lives fighting for the sovereignty of the country and the welfare of the iranian people. everyone prays for their repose together; the spiritual leader
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of iran, ayatollah ali khemenei, pronounces sacred words over the bodies. today , a russian delegation from abroad, on behalf of the president , was represented by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin at the funeral ceremony to say goodbye to president risi. prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan, head of the iraqi government mohamed shia az-sudani, head of the hamas politburo, ismail also arrived to bid farewell to the victims. haniyeh, as well as hezbollah deputy general naim kassem. in india and turkey in cuba as a sign of mourning for those killed in the plane crash. flags paid tribute to the united nations, also lowering the un flag in memory of president reisia. the conference on disarmament in geneva, currently chaired by iran, began with a minute of silence. however, not everyone was able to show even basic respect for the deceased president of a foreign state.
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official representatives showed miracles of tact and diplomacy a leader in the issue of global tolerance and democracy. the people, however, despite their grief, do not leave attacks on the deceased president unanswered, debunking all the american myths that washington so loves to invent. he was a very popular figure, he was a very modest person, not at all similar to the description that you gave, he worked very hard for the disadvantaged, the working class, the disenfranchised, he
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traveled from city to city, from village to village, he constantly visited various provinces, that’s why he was so popular among iranians, especially, as i said, among the disenfranchised middle class, below the middle class, obviously what you say is, to put it mildly, not accurate, i would say that butchers are in... abroad does not exclude that that the president of iran could have died as a result of sabotage, as stated by the leader of the turkish party vatan dogunichek, iran is one of the leading countries fighting against american imperialism, which means...
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the settlement had been going since last year, there was a large fortified enemy area where armed forces of ukraine retreated after the defeat in artyomovsk. our correspondent denis alekseev has the latest information on the progress of the special operation; he joins live. yes, denis, welcome, this is what is known at this moment, and most importantly, what is the significance of the liberation of kleshcheevka? yes, greetings, well, from the artyomovsk direction, in fact, two good news came in one. the village of kleshcheevka came under russian control, our military made an effort. a huge amount of effort was made to make this happen; together with kleshcheevka, a strategic height was occupied south of the settlement, fortified the area into which the armed forces of ukraine bit into, staging
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meat assaults there, here’s why: klishcheevka is located south of artyomovsk, when the bakhmut meat grinder did not lead to results, and the city was abandoned by kiev troops, the ukrkomdirov needed a klishcheevka for possible countermaneuvers, but our southern group... leaving which the kiev army retreated beyond the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, giving room for the russian military to attack. a unit of the southern group of troops was liberated as a result of active operations the settlement of kleshcheevka, they defeated manpower and equipment, the thirty-third mechanized, 79 air assault brigades. the sixteenth territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of georgievka, ostrov and konstantinovka. the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 365 military personnel. what about other directions?
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in the kharkov region, the north group is advancing into the depths of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense. all clashes are now tied to volchansky and leptsy. the militants are holding this area to the last, because they know that the loss will be expensive, it’s not even about image and fighting spirit. this is what syrsky brings to the soldiers. have to deal now, and such arrivals in this direction are commonplace, our pilots are actively using one and a half, or even a ton of air bombs, three ukrainian counterattacks were repelled in a day, the loss of the ukrainian armed forces during attempts to recapture the lost positions of 300 people, well, because when leaving, leave, and hysterical body movements in the hope of rectifying the situation do not lead to good things, should they not know, this happens everywhere, take the avdeevsky direction, which month there is total retreat at zelensky’s formation they flee, but do not miss the opportunity to counterattack, seven times over the past 24 hours, here is the result: ours have again
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improved the situation along the front line. in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there are more than 400 people in the minus. now to the left bank of the dnieper, where our group of the same name holds the defense along the river, not giving the ukrainian drg a chance to gain a foothold even on the islands. from the right bank , ukrainian drone operators launch drones for reconnaissance, including in combat, but regularly give themselves away. these are the shots of the tank crew a t-90m breakthrough from closed positions eliminated a temporary deployment and control point for an enemy uav on... the banks of the dnieper. fighters from the same group destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' support unit under work. this is already from the remnants of the formation of the kiev regime in that area. in this direction, the zone of our control continues to expand. well, now we turn again to the informagentv feeds. post tagged lightning. palestine expects that the next eu countries to recognize it will be slovenia and belgium. this is information. with
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with reference to the ambassador of palestine in vienna, and also let me remind you that today we expect these decisions to be announced, the independence of palestine was recognized by spain, ireland and norway, but how did the europeans and other western countries that still do not recognize palestine react to this? and most importantly, what reaction israel gave, varvara nevskaya will tell you about it. this chain reaction began with the speech of irish prime minister haris. spain announce that we recognize the state of palestine, each of us will now take all necessary national steps to implement this solution.
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recognition of palestine is support for moderate forces who are retreating in a protracted and brutal conflict. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace to the middle east, and it is a strong call to other countries to do the same as we are doing today. recognition of palestine thereby ensures that the process of achieving a two-state solution can finally be restarted and reinvigorated. officially, this decision will come into force on may 28, the rate of the states that recognize palestine is simple: support from eu member states should, in theory, de-escalate the israeli-palestinian conflict. in practice , recognition from dublin and oslo was taken seriously in israel, promising dire
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consequences. i have ordered the immediate recall of israel's ambassadors to ireland and norway for consultations in light of those countries' decision to recognize a palestinian state. i send a clear and unequivocal message to ireland and norway: israel will not remain silent in the face of those who undermine and threaten its sovereignty safety. the head of the israeli foreign ministry also noted that similar measures would be taken against spain if it follows the irish-norwegian example. madrid's position.
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in total, together with ireland, norway and spain, 12 eu countries recognize the independence of palestine, as the head of european diplomacy barel said the day before, malta and slovenia may make such a decision in the near future. un secretary general antonio guterres stated in may that the conflict can only be prevented by creating an independent palestinian state. such a step, i said and... i want to remind you that the russian federation is the legal successor of the soviet union, and the soviet union already, in fact, at the final stage of its existence, it just recognized the state of palestine, and this is absolutely consistent with the relevant resolution of the un security council into a two-state approach, so we are the legal successors of the soviet union and continue.


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