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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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international legislation in the future project of a harmonious mediterranean. in total, together with ireland, norway and spain , the independence of palestine is recognized by 12 eu countries. as the head of european diplomacy, barel, said the day before, malta and slovenia may make such a decision in the near future. un secretary-general antonio guterres stated in may that the conflict can only be prevented by creating an independent palestinian state.
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stand, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i’m behind my brother i’ve arrived, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose , you can, i can, you can sing it somehow, friends, lively, we don’t need names, it’s not a little bit, or what, not a little bit, not yours, okay? rumashka, light
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of god, homer to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, pose as my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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regions for the period from 2025 to 2030, the kremlin press service reports. well , the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to allocate at least 10 billion rubles annually for the development of ten regions, the kremlin reports, the president gave such instructions following a meeting with the government. so, the permanent representatives of the european union countries today agreed on a new project. sanctions in connection with the situation in russia, it could be approved as early as next monday, while in the old world many states have gradually begun change course in words, condemning moscow, gradually reducing arms supplies to kiev. next, natalya goncharova. ukraine is trying with all its might to turn the tide on the battlefield, albeit unsuccessfully; tens of thousands of new soldiers are being sent to the front, but forps writes: they all lack armored vehicles.
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the fighting is so intense that the mechanized brigades are essentially turning into infantry. western countries will not be able to help kiev solve this problem. spiegel in a new material notes that anna lena berbak’s visit to ukraine. empty-handed talking about the failure of berlin's weapons policy. berlin's initiative to search for weapons for ukraine in nato failed; except for germany, not a single country was ready to transfer anything to kiev. they talk a lot, but do little in the european union, like they play with a soccer ball with accusations because of the failure in the ssu. the chairman of the bundestag defense committee in a new interview tried to shift responsibility for the meager aid to paris. we have a problem while poland. being a neighboring country for ukraine does a lot, while germany does a lot, france does relatively little. a difficult summer awaits the ssu, and supplies of western weapons will not be able to save the situation. the founder of pmc blakewater, erik prince, in an interview with tucker carlson, said that western defense
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companies have only one goal: to earn more money, no matter what the cost. in addition, according to him, washington is transferring outdated weapons to kiev. most of this money goes to the five largest american defense contractors to replace the five times more expensive weapons we have already sent to the ukrainians, that is, if we send them something that was made 10 years ago, now it will cost four to five times more, so again, this is a massive scam, paid for by the pentagon, which does not know how to buy things at minimal cost, it will not change the outcome battles. eric prince predicts a worsening situation for the ukrainian army this summer. at the same time, he noted that he fully understands moscow’s reaction to the actions of the west. according to the founder of pmc, forty-sixth, the american leader could immediately abandon senseless military actions. with this scenarios ukraine would retain more of its territories. biden could do one very
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simple thing, he could announce: “okay, there is no need for a war in ukraine, they will never join nato, but at least they will have an air force. i don’t understand how they could send.” kamala haris to the munich security conference and say at a press briefing with cameras on zelensky: “we want you to join nato.” this can only be said if you want war, if you want the russians to invade. why do they need this need to? maybe they're just that stupid. meanwhile, in the west they are analyzing russian weapons with which our army defeats the ukrainian armed forces. the national interest writes that the new s-500 prometheus air defense systems, which will be put into service with the russian army this year. will be able to shoot down the most difficult targets from the nato arsenal. according to the publication, with their help, moscow will increase its advantage on the battlefield. natalya goncharova, lead. the west is moving towards political terror, this is the conclusion drawn by the foreign intelligence service
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russia. and, as the department stated, this is clearly demonstrated by the attempt on the life of slovak prime minister robert fitz. the svr press bureau notes: quote: adherents of the globalist sect. in the west they are switching to open political terror against their opponents, they say, when civilized methods no longer work, the west does not hesitate to change power, and according to the svr, such reprisals are intended to intimidate dissidents? the crime against fitz unwittingly brings to mind an analogy with the high-profile murders of martin luther king and olaf palms who tried to go against the mainstream. fortunately, the head of the government of slovakia remained alive, behind the official ones sounded in the west. its adherents, in numerous comments on social networks, approve of the crimes and call for the elimination of other nationally oriented leaders, in particular prime minister of hungary orban and president of serbia vucic. the svr
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also recalled that the investigation into the assassination attempt continues, but it is already clear how the united states and the eec are persistently trying to impose on the world the version of no one. a lone criminal who just was dissatisfied with the decline in the level of democracy in slovakia, so he committed a crime. the department also has information that us government agencies intend to join the investigation in the near future, of course, in order to direct it in the right direction. the task is simple - to exclude the promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and, moreover , the possible external trace in the terrorist attack, the svr stated. well, now about the weather, weather forecasters warn about worsening weather in siberia. at the same time, in the country the appearance of dust devils is becoming increasingly common. we’ll talk about everything in more detail with the leading specialist of the foba center, vadim zavodchenkov. yes, vadim, hello, it turns out that one cataclysm is replacing
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another. good evening, that’s absolutely right, overheating of the surface and drought helped the mini-tornado swirl, and now they are being replaced in some regions by thunderstorms and squalls. increased wind. the geography of the rampant elements today is truly amazing. thunderstorm showers with pea-sized hail were observed only in the first half of the day in belgorod, kursk.
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at the same time, in the middle and southern latitudes , dust devils have begun to spin up one after another in recent days. the appearance of such mini-tornadoes was noted in altai, transbaikalia, and the volgograd, rostov, moscow and yaroslavl regions. on thursday, due to sharp temperature contrasts in russia
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, the wind will increase again; during the day, the storm zone will stretch from the verkhovidon to the south of the ob region and further along the yenisei bush. in most areas, gusts are expected to be quite moderate, with background values ​​15-20 m/s. but a real storm will arise in taimyr. in some places the flow can accelerate to 20-25 m/s. and moreover, the collision of warm and cold air, as usual, will provoke the development of rain clouds. during the day, the southern middle zone, the urals and most of siberia will be in the rain zone, and in the middle urals in the northern half of the west siberian plain, precipitation may again turn into snow. kuzbass and altai will be at the epicenter of the bad storm. here, in some places , about a quarter of the may volume can fall in a day. moisture, for example, in kemerovo, only in sunday the probability of rain is expected
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to be small, by the beginning of the new week more than half of the monthly rainfall will fall on the city, in the first days the temperature will be slightly warmer than usual, during the day +19:21, and then vice versa, thermometer readings will become lower than long-term values, in the afternoon + 16:19, in central russia the following is expected: more comfortable sunny weather, in such a situation the air will again begin to warm up well, for example, in moscow the daytime temperature will increase from +20 on thursday to +27 on sunday, but by the evening over the megapoles scattered masses of cumulonimbus clouds will begin to appear, and short showers with thunderstorms will again begin to bring down thermometer readings. the best one was chosen in moscow. social studies teachers. almost 1,500 teachers from all over russia submitted applications for the competition.
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24 reached the finals. maria valeeva knows who won and what prize went to the winner. the final of the knowledge society teachers' competition as an intellectual show. teachers stand behind the stands and promptly answer questions. for what purposes can rights and human freedom in the russian federation. after the first round, six out of ten participants remain, and after the second only. ksenia ivanova took third place, but the most important award for her is not a bouquet of flowers or a certificate, but the fact that her student is present in the hall, a girl whom she was able to captivate with history and social studies, and now diana obavian, a second-year student at the faculty of law to guyu.
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yes, that this is mine, that these are my beloved children, and that they are always with me, supporting me. alexey participates in the competition the second time, the most exciting test for him was to make a video recording of an open lesson. everyone is very sick, very worried, they helped at all stages of the competition, they constantly write, call, support, share
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feedback, without this there is absolutely no way. reaching the finals is not only an opportunity to test your knowledge, but also to meet colleagues from...
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in the uk, early parliamentary elections will be held on july 4. prime minister rishi sunok literally announced this half an hour ago. we’ll find out the details right now from our own correspondent in london, alexander khabarov. he's live. alexander, hello. yes, alexander, hello. according to opinion polls, the ruling conservative party is lagging behind. laborites' main competitors by 20%, tories a few weeks ago they lost the local elections miserably, which is why risha sunok, in such a difficult situation, decided to dissolve parliament. conversations that all general elections would be held ahead of schedule began as early as the morning of this day; in fact, this was moving towards this after the figures on the reduction in inflation in march were announced; it dropped to 2.3%. obviously, this was the turning point, after which the government led by sunak decided to hold early elections,
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set the date for july 4, in fact, already parliament will be dissolved and an active election campaign will begin. it is unclear how stable these numbers are; there is a version that sunok took this step to hold early elections because he does not expect any significant improvements. the fact is that things are far from brilliant, they are now significantly behind the leadership of the conservative party behind the opposition laborists, and they are facing a very serious defeat, in fact, for the ruling conservatives, this is not an easy task in a short period of time, just over a month convince voters to change their attitude towards... the current government, but let's listen to a fragment from the speech of irish sunok, which he delivered today at the threshold of his residence on
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downing street. the question is how and who will you trust to turn the foundations of economic stability you have laid into a secure future for you, your family and our country. the moment has come for britons to choose their future. today i spoke with his majesty the king.
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it is you who are leading the country forward. economic stability is the basis of all our efforts. the country comes first, the party comes second. the problem is that none of the british experts can now predict whether any of these parties will be able to really solve the problems that face the uk, primarily economic problems, the crisis in the healthcare system and the problem with migration. there is no answer to these questions.
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for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 month when opening an account for business, ural siib bank - nothing extra. european countries as well. the united states threatens georgia with sanctions and demands that official tbelisi abandon the law on transparency of foreign influence. and natalya solovyova will talk about the discussions around this law.
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the russian version of the document is much softer, the american one, and the georgian one too, but the opposition continues to interpret it as an obstacle to european integration. the venice commission asks parliament to withdraw the document. attacks on the venice commission from outside representatives of ivanishvili’s party are proof that they declared war on an international institution, on georgia’s international friends. ivanishvili refuses the benefits that are reflected in the american
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friendship law, namely the visa-free regime. the population supports him, therefore, the common sense of the majority of the population should prevail, this is my personal opinion, the importance of all this is evidenced by the fact that opponents avoid discussion as much as possible. but those who promote the interest of foreigners on the streets and squares of tbilisi states are desperately against being called foreign agents. the netherlands, czech republic, sweden, estonia, as the european press writes, next week will discuss the abolition of visa-free travel for georgian citizens, targeted sanctions and
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the freezing of eu funds. the united states is ready to get the carrot; congress has already prepared a package of sanctions against georgian politicians, another one with military and trade assistance. god, the us is threatening georgia with sanctions if they do this, even though we have exactly the same law on registering foreign agents, the british are all just going crazy in the european union. and one more thing, the president of georgia is a french citizen, she was born in france.
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was imposed, in any case we will be able to overcome it. of course, the presidential decision will be reviewed; according to the procedure , parliament can override the veto of the head of state if it gets enough votes, but a simple majority is needed, which the party in power already has. natalya solovyova, irina zaborskaya, matvey popov, news. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. installation template
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hail on sea drones expulsion. kiev.


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