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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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these are the very meanings, yes, the sense of hatred, in some sense and the sense of neo-nazism, hatred of russians, crusophobia, calls, accordingly, yes, to incite hatred of everything russian to russians, of course, this is a 100% hybrid war, this song creativity, including, well , a fairly effective tool, yes, that our enemy uses against our country. roskomnadzor has already begun to block tracks of ukrainian artists, and the grandmaster himself... with the help of listeners, promises to expand the stop chart in order to play alien for us, creativity is checkmate. boris ivanin enemy music.
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the more effective russia is, the more difficult it will be for ill-wishers to limit our country in any way, so the best russian ideas, brands and projects should be promoted in the world, vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. the president emphasized that it is on the asi platform that the ideas of citizens and companies become part of the state agenda, but what tasks does the agency face today? alexey golovko will tell you. the president will introduce the developments of the strategic agency. initiatives with a concept for its development for the future, created 13 years ago, asi has become a locomotive, pulling behind it ideas that improve the russian economy and regional governance. the agency for strategic initiatives is always there where fresh and non-standard solutions are needed, here is one of the latest projects of the axis - the strategy for sustainable development of the azov region until 2040. 17 million citizens of our country live in this territory. recently, the sea of ​​azov - this is an inland sea.
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it includes ministers of the economic bloc and business representatives at all levels. it is on asya’s platform that they can hear each other, and the best ideas become part of the development program for the entire country. to implement the plans and successfully respond to external challenges, coordinated actions of all levels of government are needed. and of course the participation of the entire society, the contribution to the development of the country of almost every citizen. on this site. initiatives of citizens, businesses, and
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the non-profit sector become part of state agenda. so, following the results of the february forum, many specific proposals were included in the message to the federal assembly, for which i want to thank you, in the strategic program of action, which received the support of almost the entire people. particular attention to solutions to demographic problems, including fair calculation of social payments for the birth of children. together with regional authorities, the agency is developing new measures to support motherhood; they have removed the criterion of need, that is, this is not a social support measure, but this it is a demographic measure, and here we do not discriminate, but a woman based on her income, she gave birth to a child, she decided to have another child, and here regional authorities support this birth, not only with financial instruments, but also with improved living conditions, and of course, strategic initiatives are not least the development of new ones...
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our internal agenda, participation in the implementation of national projects must remain the center of unconditional attention. national cyberphysical platform den, just the development of an axis for engineers and programmers of the future. built in the form of a game. if you want a more powerful drone to win, you must first design it in reality and the equipment will be added to your virtual account. this is how a new generation of designers is growing and they will have a place to apply their skills. axis and the state transport and leasing company are being created.
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soldiers of the dnepr group of troops today carried out a series of successful attacks against ukrainian armed forces units in the zaporozhye region, as well as on the right bank of the kherson region. the count of killed militants continues there are dozens of them, and among them there are also elite marines of the thirty-fifth brigade of the kiev regime, who are stopped by russian volunteers. report by leonidav.
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sight 205. soldiers of the margelov volunteer detachment are preparing a gun for battle. according to the positions of a neighboring unit, a few minutes ago. he worked as a mine for the armed forces of ukraine, with this he gave himself away, now the answer will fly. our reconnaissance drone on the right bank of the dnieper discovered an enemy firing position, and now the crew of the d-30 howitzer is preparing a high-explosive fragmentation projectile. chalk up there have long been no more targets hit here. during the year that the volunteer detachment has existed, its artillerymen have been systematically destroying enemy forces concentrated on the right bank of the dnieper. someone came 2 months ago, someone came 3 months ago. and so basically there is a team, here are the platoon commanders, batteries, he’s been with them for a year now. ukrainian kamikaze drone flew in to take revenge for being destroyed by a mine, circling around the howitzer, you can even hear the noise of the propellers, the crew takes up a perimeter defense, but it is not the artillerymen who will shoot it down, there is a professional in the squad
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drone fighter, fighter with the call sign moss, today he personally recorded the thirty-second shot down of an enemy quadcopter, komikazas, reconnaissance drones and even two women egi on... each ukrainian uav has its own method of hunting, taking tails, communication antennas as trophies, he carries the most memorable of them with him, the one with the red tip almost became the last in the collection, they were knocked out, already at the end they began to fall, they began to run away, the wound was almost flying out, legs, calf muscles, these were bearings, there is how there would be photos there the drones that had already been shot down, by us, by our comrades, where were the... he, a nizhny novgorod doctor with the call sign tokha, provided first medical aid to all the fighters of the margelov volunteer detachment, he ended up in the special operation zone in the summer of twenty-two,
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came to donetsk with humanitarian aid, yes , he stayed like that, in the world he was a traumatologist, here he became a general doctor, it’s an old truth that a doctor of any specialty during the war becomes a little...
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to be here, this is the second helmet in my life, the first one remained under the bridge, disassembled, in a destroyed state, it saved my life, and in general i would like to appeal to all soldiers, body armor, helmets and personal protective equipment in general, this is at least some kind of guarantee of our survival on the battlefield. tokha is preparing for the next combat mission, checking her backpack with medications, tourniquets, hemostatic agents, painkillers, everything she needs is here. together with the assault squad. he goes to the front line of the dnieper defense, where he will fight his battle,
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fight with death, saving our guys. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, vesti, kherson region. she arrived empty-handed and did not promise anything specific. this is exactly how the german media today describe the visit to kiev of the german foreign minister. this time , anna lena burbock really did not offer anything to ukraine, except perhaps a new portion of words of sympathy, which naturally was not left. unnoticed, the head of the german foreign ministry does not hide her disappointment, in an interview with the media, she justifies that there is still no agreement in the ruling coalition regarding new supplies to ukraine, will it be possible to reach an agreement, thought the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. the wemer triangle, which consists of germany, france and poland, in european politics for a long time was similar to the geographical bermuda triangle, which everyone tried to avoid in the country as a cursed place. however, after the removal of polish nationalists from power.
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germany’s european hegemony, in connection with which both paris and berlin hope to situationally take advantage of warsaw, which, of course, also counts on bonuses from both sides. it is difficult to say how this scheme will work in the future, but now there is a powerful cementing factor in the form of a common enemy.
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title of immediate action on air defense, but attempts by the two ministers to convince nato partners to provide air defense systems have so far been largely unsuccessful. maybe the disappointment would not have been so acute if the german media had learned in advance the fact that the meaning of bärbock’s appearance on the bank was one thing: to support zelensky as president of ukraine after the expiration of the constitutional his term of office. for the same purpose , she was awarded the order of yaroslav.
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for military assistance to ukraine. lindner agreed to allocate funds for kiev. but the german army will have to wait until better times. there is no money for it in the german budget.
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last week a shopping center burned down in warsaw, so it looks like the russians set it on fire. today we also have reason to assume. we are checking the versions and they are quite likely that russian services had something to do with the loud fire on marivilskaya street. work is underway on this issue. the accumulation of speculation about spies, saboteurs and other covert operations of russia should divert the attention of europeans from the fact that the green agenda turns out to be a scam, all dividends. it is unknown when, but already now it will lighten europe’s pocket by 60 billion euros due to the loss of excise taxes on fossil fuels or, for example, the dots, they probably will not notice that their country’s gdp has suddenly collapsed by almost 2%. however, there is a well-known european wisdom, authored by the german minister of economics habik. the industry does not go bankrupt, it simply
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stops working. and the fourteenth package of anti-russian sanctions hangs over europe, which... are rushing to accept before the hungarian eu presidency in the second half of this year. this package plans to include restrictions on the import of russian liquefied natural gas. and perhaps the most amazing news of the day is that to analyze the consequences of such a step, belgium, germany and france turned not to independent experts, but to the european commission itself. michael antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. in the capital of iran , tehran , tens of thousands of people said goodbye to ibrahim reisi, who died in a plane crash, today, these are not only citizens of the republic, but also numerous foreign delegations that arrived there from all over the world, including russia, represented by the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, about the funeral ceremony anna voronina .
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there are hundreds of thousands of people on the streets of tehran, neither women nor men can restrain their emotions. all the sacred ones pray for their repose together iran's spiritual leader, ayatollah ali khamenei, pronounces the words over the bodies. today people from abroad also arrived at the funeral ceremony to say goodbye to president risi. the russian delegation, on behalf of the president , is represented by state duma chairman vyacheslav
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the people, however, despite their grief, do not leave attacks on the deceased president unanswered, debunking all the american myths that washington so loves to invent. he was a very popular figure, he was a very humble man, not at all like the description you given. he worked very hard for the disadvantaged working class, the disenfranchised. he traveled from city to city, from village to village. he constantly visited various provinces and that is why. was so popular among iranians, especially, as i said, among the disenfranchised middle class, lower middle class. obviously, what you are saying is, to put it mildly, not accurate. i would say that the butchers
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are in london, in washington, the people who destroyed iraq, afghanistan, yemen, during the shameful genocide there, the dirty war in syria, the destruction of libya, sanctions against venezuela and cuba. i think the real monsters are much closer to home. it is not surprising that, against the backdrop of such a reaction, from americans abroad it is not... and that the president of iran could have died as a result of sabotage, as the leader of the turkish vatan party, dogunichek, said, iran is one of the leading countries fighting against american imperialism, and therefore an ideal target for attacks. anna voronina, matvey popov, news. early parliamentary elections will be held in the uk on july 4. this was announced today by prime minister rishi sunok, who actually had the right to schedule the vote at a much later time, up to the beginning of the twenty-fifth. year, however, apparently, he decided not to delay it, perhaps because otherwise he could simply be removed from office by his fellow party members, the conservatives. these uncertain
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times require a clear plan and courage to chart a course towards a secure future. you must choose someone who has this plan, who is willing to act boldly for a better future for our country and our children. i don't i can and will not say that we did everything right, no government would do that, but... i am proud of what we have achieved together, i am confident in what we can do next, but i cannot say the same about the laborists, they have no plan, they are not capable of courage, so the future with them will become uncertain. however, the tories’ chances of retaining a majority in the next parliamentary convocation seem doubtful. following the results of regional elections, the conservatives lost almost half of the seats. we won in only one race for the posts of city mayors, and the laborites are not missing out.
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we propose to restart the economy and policies so that they again serve the interests of working people. the european union is preparing anti-georgian sanctions in response to the parliament's adoption of the law on foreign agents, as it writes.
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to express protest and i want to use it, we continue to fight against russian legislation because our government does not listen to us, so we must, we must fight, we must be there, in the georgian protest more and more familiar, tbilisi, today is like kiev 10 years ago, now with the hands of these young patriots , overseas puppeteers are ready to turn the square into a new maidan, it’s a shame that this... young people who sat down at their desks with falsified textbooks were given these on their desks falsified
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textbooks that are written like comics. georgian too, but the opposition continues to interpret it as an obstacle to european integration. the venice commission asks parliament to withdraw the document. attacks on the venice commission from outside representatives of ivanishvili’s party are proof that they declared war on an international institution, the international friends of georgia. and boneshvili refuses the benefits that are reflected in the american friendship law, namely the visa-free regime, the us free trade regime and military assistance.
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irakli kabakhidze objects to the law specifically about european values, ensuring transparency and accountability, which, of course, is a huge problem for politically affiliated structures, and it is they who are responsible for attempts at color revolutions in the country. more than 80% of the population supports the very idea of ​​transparency and openness of non-governmental organizations. as for the law, more than 60% of the population supports it. hence, common sense. the majority of the population should prevail, this is my personal opinion, the importance of all this is evidenced by the fact that opponents avoid discussion as much as possible, but those who promote the interests of a foreign state on the streets and squares of dbilisi are desperately against being called foreign agents. the netherlands, czech republic, sweden, estonia, as he writes european press, next week they will discuss the abolition of visa-free travel for georgian citizens, targeted sanctions and the freezing of
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eu funds. the us is ready to get it. god, the us is threatening georgia with sanctions if they do this, even though we have exactly the same law on registering foreign agents, the british are all just going crazy in the european union. and one more thing, the president of georgia is a french citizen, she was born in france, her parents are from georgia, but she grew up in france, went to school there.
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review the presidential decision of course, there will be, according to the procedure, parliament can override the head of state’s veto if it gets enough votes, but a simple majority is needed, which the party in power already has. natalya solovyova, irina zaborskaya, matvey popov, news. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 1,500 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer.
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