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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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which was hit by a powerful group strike by russian high-precision weapons, but for some reason the actual video or at least a photo of the supposedly destroyed or damaged civilian infrastructure has not yet been published anywhere, there are only short footage of the fire, and even in conditions of total censorship it is unlikely that fake guns managed to hide that the fire was too strong for an explosion at a banal gas station, and gooulter of the city of terekhov complemented the picture by letting slip about detonations in the shevchenko district, where the largest gas station is located an industrial zone where several factories at once perform clearly non-peaceful tasks are systematically hit by russian troops. well, in particular, the lost armor resource provides data from objective monitoring, confirming the success of one of these recent attacks, the target of which was a plant of special machines. evgenia teshkovets will tell you what its employees were doing and why the enterprise simply had to be destroyed. we hit ukrainian terrorists where they hurt. another
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ukroboronprom enterprise is forced to suspend its work, this is in the official language. and if to put it simply, it was destroyed by russian high-precision weapons and flew into the kharkov plant of special vehicles. it is located in the north of the city and occupies a fairly large area. objective control data confirms that the largest and main workshop of khazsm was destroyed. these locations were not chosen at random, with the help of objective control. firstly, equipment, and secondly, qualified, which means qualified repairmen, among whom there may be foreign specialists. the goal, as they say, is bold. kharkov plant of special machines, the company is legendary, it was founded in 1943 to repair equipment that fought against the nazis and was initially based in cherkessk, but then. moved to ukraine,
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unlike many other enterprises of this scale, this plant managed to survive the years of independence. it is known that by the beginning of 2022, khzssm produced military equipment based on the btr-3, in particular self-propelled mortars, which kiev even exported to other countries and sanitary evacuation vehicles. but much more important is repair capacity enterprises, the plant specialized in wheeled vehicles, considering how many.
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should be destroyed by our armed forces there without regard to all the other surroundings from the outside, well, another nice bonus: after the destruction of the workshops of the kharkov special machines plant, the skies will become clearer over the svo zone; according to the latest information, the company has allocated part of its space for the production of uavs. it specializes in manufacturing assembly of components for drones, primarily. these are medium- and long-range drones, aircraft drones type. returning to the loss of repair capacity, this is an extremely painful blow for the ukrainian armed forces. the west has long lost faith in its proxy army and is not as generous as before, so ukrainians have to take care of every combat vehicle. as a result, the load on remtsykh increases, scattered throughout large cities and, as a rule, hidden among residential areas. not everything can be repaired. an officer. the armed forces of ukraine complain about a catastrophic
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shortage of spare parts for western hardware, because of this, at most half of the entire nato vehicle fleet is on the move. in such a situation, loss a repair shop with equipment warehouses is a disaster. a little more, each damaged car will have to be taken to europe for maintenance. in order to repair such equipment, they, firstly, need qualified personnel on site who understand it, and secondly, they need specific conveyor chains, yes. which should actually be in poland, most likely either or in other regions adjacent to ukraine, that is, they will be forced to export equipment. it is possible to find repairs from the vsushnik workshop regularly, usually with with the help of human intelligence. the nazis are willingly surrendered by ordinary ukrainians, and high-precision parcels are immediately sent to the addresses. in the current realities, repair shops are one of the priority targets for the russian military.
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the fighters of the eastern group of the russian armed forces successfully repelled a counterattack by the ukrainian armed forces assault forces and improved their own position along the front line on the southern donetsk front of the special operation. the enemy's daily losses exceeded 120 personal casualties. composition, and to protect against enemy drones, our military personnel use automated air defense systems. eduard punigov saw how their calculations work. the ukrainian armed forces unit endures the stinging blows of this combat vehicle extremely painfully. the asa anti-aircraft missile system covers our infantry, artillery and armored vehicles. this is one of the most common air defense systems on the front line. it is extremely difficult to fly past it unnoticed, and even more so to dodge missiles. anti-aircraft missile system. the bolt is capable of hitting targets at a distance of about 10 km at an altitude of about 5 km. the machine is usually located in close proximity to line of combat contact, providing air cover for the forward assault unit. this crew has just returned from the front line. the factory workers are carrying out maintenance, reloading
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ammunition, so that they can soon go to the front line again. combat missions and crews are received in 24x7 mode. the asa complex can demolish six rafets at the same time, but as a rule, only two crews are used. is no longer necessary, because near the combat line you need to launch as quickly as possible and immediately leave the danger zone so as not to get counter attack. the osa complex is the development of soviet engineers, this particular machine is already more than 40 years old, despite such a respectable age, the equipment still shows its effectiveness, for example, recently a crew shot down a drone at night, took the white costo 100 at a range of eight, hit at a range of 2 km, what did you experience at this moment when you were successful? mm, pride in the calculation, we did a good job, we are proud of the car. the commander of this crew has been serving in the army under contract since 2018; he came here from the first days of the special operation and never i have never regretted my decision, although he admits that, of course, he misses his family. i think, who is waiting, maybe there is a wife there,
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activities, yes, a wife, a daughter, how they were released, it’s normal, i’m a military man, i knew who i was marrying, and why did you decide to sign the contract? protection, a shield for people, the anti-aircraft gunners of the eastern group have hundreds of downed targets, soldiers have long stopped counting hit targets, there was once too much combat work, we work mainly on drones, since the speed of the missile does not allow us to chase by plane, there are a lot of birds flying around, as if just a week ago it was calmer than now, now there are more of them, what precautions are you taking to avoid getting caught? retaliatory strike, change of positions, after duty, each time a change of garage, each new place, when an order is received, the crew is ready to move to the specified position instantly, training is allotted only 5 minutes, per day the crew can have up to ten
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combat missions, the sky over donbass is always under reliable protection, eduard punigov, alexander botkin, to lead the south donetsk direction, three people were asked. are they going to protest, received an answer that no one is ready to take to the streets, they concluded that all ukrainians support zelensky, a clumsy job and an agent of radio liberty, whose media published a report on the action of disobedience to the kiev authorities. the new maidan, according to the cia information dump for a minute , was supposed to start on may 21, but since mass protests never began anywhere, the ukrainian and not only the press hastened to celebrate the victory, and i will overcome russia, because according to the version... it is the notorious hand of moscow that is behind reports of some kind of revolution, the local center for combating disinformation has been trumpeting for quite a long time that there really are no dissatisfied people in square, this is all an information operation, although some the media still admit that the fear of a new maidan for the kiev
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leaders is not just useful, even healing, well, who is really dispelling such rumors, why did evgenia petrukhina look into it. and to the agent of radio liberty. blows the propaganda bubble is trying to convince at least someone that kiev is humbly reacting to zelensky’s illegitimacy, they even sent a correspondent to walk along the central streets of the city, it turned out to be some kind of naive report, there is no mass protest here, and not here, and not here either, and of course an agent of radio liberty says that provocations were being prepared on social networks of ukrainians, allegedly calling for mass...
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again, this is spelled out in many russian sources on information operations. why is this being discussed? they are discussing because this is compounded by people's dissatisfaction. i’ll say it again, talk about the russian tsypsoo, but the situation in ukraine is such that the question of legitimacy is in doubt not only in russia, but in many of russia’s opponents, the situation at the front is not in zelensky’s favor, in the near future there will be zelensky’s failures on international arena, that is, the process of delegitimizing zelensky has already been launched; by the fall of this year, his rating, relatively speaking, will approach the level of low-fat kefir. and in order to somehow smooth out the situation, the obedient agent of radio liberty went overboard,
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so they ask pocket experts why the thesis about zelensky’s illegitimacy is supposedly not viable? according to constitutional law experts , president zelensky remains legitimate even after may 20. we still have martial law, we are obliged to fulfill these obligations, because there cannot be power in a vacuum. and part one of article 108 of the constitution. it certainly needs to be read in such a way that it speaks of the continuity of presidential power, that is they present the argument that during martial law, presidential elections in ukraine supposedly cannot be held, well, that’s a lie, that is, in fact, the constitution of ukraine has a provision that during martial law it is prohibited to hold elections to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this is clearly stated , not a word about...
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11:00 am, deribas, people, as it were, well, no, i
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think that for a tourist city, yes, this is, well, you can say that of course there are no people at all, no one, in one of the chain stores in the city, it’s 80 pm, why? radio liberty does not ask the question, where are the ukrainians in general, why don’t they leave their apartments again, or do these facts in themselves refute the propaganda plan. at least once somewhere i don’t please the west, at least once somewhere i cross the road, and he knows how to do this,
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i’ll instantly hook this hook, which means that ultimately the same question to zelensky, who are you, the western masters will sooner or later ask and the bubble of pro-ukrainian propaganda will burst, then we may see a completely different report on the radio liberty agent, about overdue president. independent candidate. us president kennady jr. proposed making the upcoming debate between donald trump and joe biden more sharp and modern by appointing elon musk as moderator. the entrepreneur, by the way, has already agreed, although the management of the cnn television channel, where the verbal duel will take place, has not yet given any comments on this matter. well, however, the participants in the election race themselves clearly have no time for such details, because both are right now settling the latest scandals related to their public activities. about what the speech will be told by our correspondent in the united states, valentin bogdanov. donald trump’s thirty-send video with made-up
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newspaper headlines about how much america has changed for the better after his victory did not hang on the republican website for a day. it's all because of this fragment. the complaints are not about what is said behind the scenes, the questions are about the video sequence; if you look closely at this blurry subtitle, you can make out the words: industrial strength has increased significantly. driven by the creation of a unified reich. biden certainly doesn't. he read it carefully, his assistants did it for him, but already in this response video reprise from the american president, everything looked like. believable, that is, rehearsed. was this posted on his official account? wow, united reich, this is the language of hitler and not america. so it turned out that in terms of world history , the person who has been involved in world politics for the last 60 years is not doing very well. biden is not aware that the word reich itself, from time immemorial in
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german, has been used to designate lands subordinate to one power, and... until hitler's third reich there were two more: the ancient one, the holy roman empire, it is sometimes called the first, and the german empire created by chancellor bismarck, this is reich ii. this is what the scandalous headline in the trump video refers to, essentially just a quote migrated from wikipedia, which they hastened to edit. germany's industrial manufacturing power increased significantly after 1871, thanks to. the creation of a unified reich, of course, after forty-fifth the word reich was abandoned, it was replaced by the word federal, so the reichstack became the bundestag, but in some places it remained in use: railways, for example, continued to be called the reiksbahn, and not in western germany, in the pro-soviet gdr, but for kamela haris it’s all like higher mathematics, she was told to distribute, so she
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spreads it. yesterday, a former us president who praises dictators. went on social media and used the language of nazi germany. trump has already stated that there was a mistake; the video was edited by a person who does not work at their headquarters. who knows, maybe it's in general, artificial intelligence, but liberals have their neural networks that react with lightning speed. the good news is trump wants to unite the country. the bad one is the country germany, 1933. if he looks like hitler, then why stand on ceremony with him? the message is clear. for something like this, it’s not that a prison term wouldn’t be a shame, but what’s worse? through this prism, the words of the eccentric marjarie taylor greene are certainly not perceived as political hype. biden's doj and fbi planned to assassinate president trump and gave the green light. everyone has already understood that what are the republicans going to do about this? taylor greene, like many in america,
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has reviewed internal fbi documents that became available thanks to trump's legal team. they are about preparing a search of his maralaga estate in august 2022 as part of the case of protecting secret documents. shocking details are contained in the so-called operation order; at home, to the former president of the united states, the feds gathered like calcapones, with weapons, and not only with them. joe biden sent people with guns to the house of his political opponent, such. the former head of the white house, as if a criminal would be broken into and searched. the residence was besieged from sea and land. if they were looking for sera's killer, that would be a different matter. and they were looking for a box of documents. boxes with secret
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documents, by the way, were also in biden’s house in della veri; he dumped them in the garage next to his corvette. this is what we warned you about, this is the weaponization of justice in america. meanwhile, even people who were once loyal to the democrats, like bis, are turning away from the head of the white house. biden is not old the tv presenter is sure that he is a superstar. we're not young either, but we don't look old. i saw biden yesterday when he gave a speech, he looks like a corpse.
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we'll come back after a short advertisement, that's what the audience is about, and then they'll donate to the apu. we’ll tell you the songs: they make money from russian ukrainian artists who oppose moscow on the stage at the front, they propose to ban them, who is on this stop chart? children are growing up and we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card. design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, complete control of my expenses, payment
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for heptral in pharmacies has been adjusted. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases, withdraw cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. burn out all this abomination with a knee iron, a call to action from chess player sergei koryakin, who sent an official appeal to roskomnadzor asks the department to take a closer look at the ukrainian content that is publicly available on russian platforms, we are talking primarily about the work of various musical groups and performers, as koryakin writes, many songs, videos from... ukrainian authors, well, simply violate russian laws, even without examinations, they contain extremism and discrediting of the russian armed forces, as well as calls for violence against
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russians and anti-constitutional statements, well, in general, a complete set, with which, in the opinion it’s high time for the patriotic public to figure out how to put things in order, especially since artists who were once popular in russia are now not only broadcasting undisguised russophobia, but are engaged in financial support of ukrainian militants, a list for potential... this is solely about limiting access to their songs on domestic platforms, here is a list of names, here everyone distinguished themselves with their political speeches, and not only on stage. for example, vidoplyasov’s rock band used to dance on tour in russia, and now.
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the situation is outrageous, those musicians who support the armed forces of ukraine will donate to our opponents, at the same time they are represented on russian portals, earn money here, and for the same money sponsor our opponents, i am not calling for a ban on everything ukrainian, there are simply people who profit in our country then they are openly hostile to...
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the duplicity of ukrainian artists is amazing, here is the singer max barskikh, aka foreign agent mikola bortnik, who did not hold anything heavier than a microphone in his hands, at first suddenly took up weapons, insulted the russians, but later he returned to the stage and returned his tracks to russian venues. but the leader boomboxand with a machine gun pulled out a chervona on sofiyskaya square in kiev, a ukrainian march.
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they made their choice regarding the ukrainian authorities, but at the same time did not abandon russian-language works, which still bring them a certain monetization, this is hypocrisy to oneself. why are you making content for russians then if you hate them so much? at the same time, the kiev regime is carrying out real political repressions in in relation to russian artists, the soloist of the marinsky theater vasily gerell, he comes from western ukraine, you can’t blame him for anything.
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you just need to capitulate, that’s when the persecution began, the ukrainian artists themselves do not hesitate to openly call even for a change of power in russia, such as the frontman of the group okean elzy, the notorious nationalist svyatoslav vakarchuk. for this phrase alone, it is quite possible to charge him under russian laws. however, instead they only propose to limit access to his songs, because given this the political position of the performer, who back in 2013 performed with a yellow flag around
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his neck, and now has signed up for... an instrument, yes, that our enemy uses against our country. roskomnadzor has already begun to block tracks of ukrainian artists, and the grandmaster himself, with the help of listeners , promises to expand the stop chart in order to checkmate the creativity that is alien to us. the russian army liberated the village of kleshcheevka. this is the most important stage of taking control of the entire territory.


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