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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the russian army liberated the settlement of kleshcheevka, the most important stage in taking control of the entire territory of the dpr, since it is one of the main strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. now our army can ensure control over most of the access roads to artyomovsk, which opens up another road to chasov yar, behind which lies a serious one. fortified the area in
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kramatorsk and slavyansk. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,300 more soldiers and mercenary officers. seven armored vehicles, 24 self-propelled guns, a missile system and howitzers. the air defense system shot down 34 combat drones. units of the center group were actively defending, repelling seven breakthrough attempts and, through their actions, were able to improve the situation along the front line in the area of ​​several settlements at once. the germans would have been destroyed there.
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over the past few weeks, since the russians began their offensive, our job has become much more difficult, we are forced to use many different places, secret positions, we have to hide all the time. unfortunately, the areas where our bases are located throughout ukraine regularly come under attack from the russians. vladimir putin listened via videoconference to a report from the governor of the lipetsk region, igor artamonov, on the situation in the region.
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for elderly people, that is , it is progressing successfully, we are already forming a fifth nominal division, four have been formed, and we made a decision taking into account the fact that the police, well, there is a problem with staffing precinct officers, to introduce regional surcharges, now we are discussing the same things with the russian guard, because well, public safety is very important to us is important, but i understand that not everything has been done in the region, much remains to be done, developed, i ask you to support my nomination:
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shumkov’s powers as governor expire this year, and vladimir putin supported the plans of the head of the region to run for a new term in september. what is the state of your interaction with the federal authorities in this regard, with the ministry of emergency situations, and with the government? clearly, absolutely substantively, specifically, literally within days after the video conferencing , the issue of allocating an over-limit subsidy to the region for determining consequences of the flood. moreover, almost every 2-3 days a government commission is held under the leadership of the minister of emergency situations, in which i take direct part. dear, this year the almost six-year cycle of my work in the kurgan region ends, i remain at your disposal, because if the population of the region trusts you, i will continue to lead the region further along the path of active sustainable development. first of all, of course, we need to achieve the support of citizens, people who live in the territory. but it
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seems to me that this is quite achievable for you task and goal, keeping in mind that you have worked hard in the previous time, hope that people do too. noticed, paid attention, nevertheless, you need, of course, to go directly to people to show what has been done and talk about what you are planning, and for my part i wish you all the best and success. russia must export not only goods, but successful ideas and solutions. vladimir putin set this task for the agency for strategic initiatives. there will also be a special prize for authors of significant projects. the president held a meeting supervisory board. organizations. elizaveta khramtsova has all the details. people make conclusions about the effectiveness of government based on their level of well-being. about what is needed to solve the most ambitious tasks. president vladimir putin spoke today with members of the supervisory board of the agency
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for strategic initiatives. the programs promoted by the agency cover all areas of our lives; over 11 years , 10 million people have taken part in their implementation. speaking about the challenges the country faces, the president today emphasized that all the most ambitious tasks can be achieved if opportunities for scientific and industrial teams, engineers, entrepreneurial creative teams, volunteers and representatives of the non-profit sector are expanded. civil and entrepreneurial initiatives supported by the agency must necessarily be reflected in national projects. anyway, to this. it is absolutely necessary to strive, i also ask the government, ministries and departments to synchronize efforts to act in close cooperation with the agency in all the most important areas of its activities. solidary steps in matters of technological development are extremely important. the agency’s experience
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is also in demand here, especially since the first national project of technological sovereignty on unmanned aircraft systems has been launched in many ways. thanks to the contribution of private companies, university teams as part of the national technology initiative. i think it is right to involve anti participants in the development of all national projects of technological sovereignty, in it is mandatory to take into account the opinions of innovators and entrepreneurs when forming plans for the development of advanced industries, mechanisms for advanced training of personnel and assistance to technology business. for those who implement programs that make life.
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social surveys and a number of other indicators, this analytical work allows us to determine in which regions the best experience is being formed, which can then be applied in other parts of the country. at the end of last year , 48 regions of russia were able to improve their performance within this rating, i would like to present the results of the rating of the quality of life of regions, which we have been conducting for the third year, and it really helps. we must annually present the most objective picture in the areas of quality of living environment, and these are issues related to housing, infrastructure, safety, healthcare, education, social protection, and ecology.
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the five leaders of the rating were presented on the screen, these are moscow, st. petersburg, tyumen region, khantemonsi autonomous okrug, republic tatarstan, this year the moscow region and sakhalin were in the top ten. that this is very important, because the rating promotes such healthy competition and the exchange of best practices. the topic of independence in technology has been raised more than once. the effectiveness of investment projects is traditionally measured by two key indicators: risk and profit. but another criterion is important: does the implementation of the project work to strengthen technological sovereignty? the president was presented with a program that will train personnel for digital professions, starting from school. and we came up with such a cyber-physical berlog platform, what is it? this is a fantasy world, such
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good-natured but high-tech bears, such a distant future, similar to the russian empire, in which there was no revolution, and a child can choose a role for himself in that world, within this role he begins to play games on a smartphone, this is that unique a case when we urge all parents not to ban smartphones, but to allow them to play these games on a smartphone, because in the process of playing they learn to program, learn to solve engineering tasks, cooperate with other children, then when they come to school, to clubs, they develop these skills, gradually, gradually the tasks become more and more complicated, more complicated, and we offer them a dream, then they can join the company, set their own goals for them, hunt them on this platform, for each one we see his potential and offer him more and more complex and interesting tasks. before the meeting begins. supervisory board, the president visited an exhibition dedicated to the work of the agency for strategic initiatives throughout the country, and
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the head of the organization, svetlana chubsheva, paid special attention to seven regions that were included in the development strategy of the azov region. the program, designed until 2040, provides for large-scale work in the krasnodar territory, rostov region, the republic of crimea, dpr and lpr, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. industrial enterprises are concentrated in this part of russia, and strategic initiatives from year to year manage to prove the effectiveness of their programs, and the more effectively the work is structured , according to the president, the agency in russia, the more difficult it will be for those who want to limit it in some way. in germany, an unknown person in a car tried to ram the gates of the russian consulate general in bon. diplomatic mission. confirmed by posting these photos on her page on social networks. according to preliminary data,
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the driver was drunk or may have been under the influence of drugs, and he was detained. the consulate general expects a professional investigation into the incident. in great britain, the prime minister suddenly announced early parliamentary elections on july 4, although the conservative party could remain in power for another year and a half. some experts consider this a strange decision. we showed the country that only the conservative party can provide economic
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stability, the basis for our national success, the economy is again growing faster than germany, france and the united states, wages have risen faster than prices for 10 months in a row, the economy has turned around, friends, our plans are working.
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will change, we propose to restart the economy and politics so that they serve again interests of working people. the head of the russian foreign ministry visited the moscow residence of the iranian ambassador to honor the memory of those killed in both disasters, the president and foreign minister of the islamic republic. sergei lavrov
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met with the head of the department, then left an entry in the book of condolences. tehran said goodbye to president ibrahim raisi. hundreds of thousands of people took part in the funeral ceremony. delegations from all over the world, including russia, also arrived. the topic will be continued by anna voronina. on the streets of tehran hundreds of thousands of people. neither women nor men can hold back their emotions. following the hearse, many scream in grief and sob in their hands holding iranian flags and portraits of the victims of the tragedy. but most of all there are photographs of president ibrahim raisi. i was truly shocked. in my life i have lost loved ones, when i learned about the death of president reisi, i felt as if i had lost my father again. this really shocked me. those gathered at the ceremony are called martyrs who gave their lives fighting for the country's sovereignty and good
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iranian people. everyone prays together for their repose; the spiritual leader pronounces sacred words over the bodies.
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the people, however, despite their grief, do not leave attacks on the deceased president unanswered, debunking all the american myths that washington so loves to invent. he was a very popular figure, he was a very humble man,
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not at all like the description you gave, he worked very hard for the disadvantaged, the working class, the disenfranchised, he... traveled from city to city, from town to town, he constantly visited various provinces, which is why he was so popular among iranians, especially, as i said, among the disenfranchised middle class, lower middle class. obviously, what you say is, to put it mildly, not accurate, i would say that the butchers are in london in washington, the people who destroyed iraq, afghanistan, yemen during the shameful genocide there, the dirty war in syria, the destruction of libya, sanctions against venezuela and cuba, i think that the real...
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three european states at once - spain, ireland and... announced that they recognize the state of palestine, how they explained it, how israel reacted, varvara nevskaya will tell. this chain reaction began with a speech by irish prime minister haris, 36 years after the declaration of palestinian independence, official dublin finally agreed to recognize it. last month i stood on the same step with spanish prime minister sanchez and we said that this is the point of recognition. state of palestine is approaching. this point has now arrived. today ireland, norway and spain announce that we recognize state of palestine. each of us will now take all necessary national steps for...
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countries to do the same thing that we are doing today. recognition of palestine thereby ensures that the process of achieving a two-state solution can finally be restarted and reinvigorated. officially, this decision will come into force on may 28. the stake of the states that recognize palestine is simple: support from eu member states should, in theory, de-escalate the israeli-palestinian conflict. in practice , recognition from dublin and oslo in israel were taken seriously. having promised, there will be dire consequences. i have ordered the immediate recall of israel's ambassadors to ireland and norway for consultations in light of those countries' decision to recognize a palestinian state. i send
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a clear and unequivocal message to ireland and norway: israel will not remain silent in the face of those who undermine its sovereignty and threaten its security. the head of the israeli foreign ministry also noted that similar measures would be taken against spain if it follows the irish-norwegian one.
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unique documents from soviet security agencies about the situation in germany after the victory over the nazis. in the archives, including evidence of numerous crimes of the american, british and french occupation forces. looting, robbery, murder. other documents talk about the intensification of western intelligence activities against the soviet union. in just a year , soviet counterintelligence agents exposed more than 200 american british agents. western intelligence agencies recruited them, including among former nazis and staunch supporters. hitler. the thirty-third
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international film festival "golden vitez" opened in omsk. awards were also given to war correspondents who cover the special operation. eight routes to the ukrainian route, the earth is like cereal, fluffy, all sifted, artillery has plowed up more than one company of the enemy here. here. gold medals named after yuri levitan for outstanding contribution to television and radio journalism were awarded to our colleagues sergei zenin and grigory vdovin. this year , 159 films from twelve countries are participating in the festival. after painting sessions will be discussed with the audience. golden knight, who is 33 years old. and that means it was the ninety-first, yes, when it began. this.
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but also the earth. a unique operation was carried out at sechinov university. surgeons installed a heart valve from donor tissue. alka komarova found out who became the patient and what significance this experiment has. we decided to call her peppa. and i want to note that these are still very smart animals, and by the evening , after we called her peppa hundreds of times, she was already distracted by her name. this the pig got its chance today. in history , peppa was fitted with a new heart valve at sechenov moscow university; it is made from donor pericardium, a membrane that surrounds the heart. the patient for the operation was selected by weight; according to scientists, the dna of pigs and humans coincides by almost 98%. we have the same structure of internal organs, blood composition and general body mechanisms. we were able to calculate what the ideal native
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sash should be like as a result. we were able to develop a sash size that can be implanted on the frame with subsequent implantation of this valve into the patient. the main problem with valves already on the market is calcium deposits in the artery walls. the human body does not accept foreign transplants, which is why the american experiment with transplanting a pig's heart into a human failed. in sechenovka they work according to the reverse scheme. first, the donor implant is tested on a pig, then on a human. valves and... pericardium is biological tissue, it is not metal, it is not a rag, it is biological tissue. the main problem is conservation, that is it was necessary to make a special solution that would allow this valve to be preserved. the pericardium or pericardial sac is a strong formation of connective tissue that surrounds the heart on all sides. for several years now, sechinov university has been creating valves
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directly from the biological tissue of patients themselves. during surgery, they now want to produce canned food, pre-form valves from the membrane of healthy donors, freeze them in a special solution and transplant them. if everything in an animal experiment works enough time, and we will see the condition of this valve after some time, then the next stage will be to implant this valve in a person. during the three-hour operation, roman nikolaevich was assisted by graduate students from the sixth grade.
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starting from the fourth year, for the third year now, i have been doing scientific work at the department of serechu surgery, from this year i became an intern researcher at the department, and in the future i am building my entire career path in terms of cardiac vascular surgery. now doctors are monitoring the dynamics of the animal’s condition in order to finalize the unique invention. after a series of tests, the donor valve will begin to be implanted in people. in the future, the peppe valve could save millions of lives; only in russia is it born every year. old model, they need to be replaced every 25 years, but the development of seychinovsky university continues to serve the patient for 40 years or more. alika komarova, please take out a loan from sberbank and get a chance to win
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money to repay it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to maintain stability under any operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? the boil diamond engine purrs with pleasure. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. yes, i ’m getting used to it here, i’ll be there soon. hey boy, me!


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