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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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there are no atheists, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. the russian army liberated the village of kreshcheevka, the most important stage in taking control of the entire territory of the dpr, since it is one of
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the main strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. now our army can ensure control over most of the access roads to artyomovsk. which opens up another road to chasov yar, behind which lies the serious fortified area in kramatorsk and slavyansk. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,300 more soldiers, mercenary officers. seven armored vehicles and 24 self-propelled guns, missile systems and howitzers were destroyed. air defense systems shot down 34 combat drones.
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the targets here have long ceased, in the year that the volunteer detachment has existed, its artillerymen are systematically destroying enemy forces concentrated on the right bank of the dnieper, some came 2 months ago, some came 3 months ago, but basically there is a collective, here is the commander of the brigade, the batteries, he’s been with them for a year now, the ukrainian kamikaze drone flew in to take revenge for the destroyed mortar, circling around the howitzer, you can even hear the noise of the propellers, the crew takes up an all-round defense, but they won’t shoot him down... for each ukrainian he has his own method of hunting, as trophies he takes tails, communication antennas, the most memorable of them he carries with him, the one with the red tip barely did not become the last in the collection, it was knocked out, and already at the end it began to decline. they began to scatter, the wound
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was almost to the point of being taken out, the legs were cranial muscles, these were bearings and there are, as it were, photographs there of drones shot down by us, our comrades, where elastite was filled, a two-liter bottle with the same bearings that wounded and injured me and my friend. first medical aid is provided to all fighters of the margelov volunteer detachment by him, a nizhny novgorod doctor with the call sign tokha, who ended up in the special operation zone in the summer of twenty-two, came to donetsk with humanitarian aid, and stayed that way, in the world he was a traumatologist, and here he became a general practitioner , it’s an old truth that a doctor of any specialty during a war becomes a little bit of a surgeon or a multi-surgeon, that’s how it was with my ancestors, everything is the same, one was a gynecologist, her husband was an otto-reningologist, both became surgeons in 1939 and until the end of the second world war. footage of the battles near the antonovsky
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bridge last fall, attack aircraft of the margelov detachment, like other units, knocked out the airborne group of the ukrainian armed forces from there. tokha was also there in the thick of things; he no longer remembers how many fighters he helped. how is your leg? the group commander, call sign zarya, was pierced by a shrapnel in his knee, and timely qualified medical care saved his leg. after several months in a hospital bed, he is back in action. of course, doc, handsome. quickly provided assistance, precisely in the conditions that were there, conditions, as you yourself understand, that is, shelling and all that, that is, difficult conditions. for their heroism , doctor tokha, as well as the stormtroopers of the margelov volunteer detachment , were awarded the order of courage. the volunteer’s contract expires in a month, but tokha has already decided that he will remain in the detachment. he, the father of four children, understands all the risks, but considers it his duty to be here. this is the second helmet in my life. the first one remained under
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the bridge, in a disassembled, destroyed state, it saved my life, and in general i would like to appeal to all soldiers, body armor, helmets and personal armor protection equipment in general. tokha is preparing for the next combat mission, checking his backpack with medicines, tourniquets, hemostatic agents, painkillers, everything he needs is here, together with the assault squad he is sent to the front line of the defense of the dnieper, where he will fight his battle, fight with death, saving our guys. leonid moraviev and andrey potapov, news kherson region. british american. ukraine, this is reported by the british building san. posted a report that was filmed at a secret base in the kharkov region. there the british are training kiev militants. at the same time , english instructors complained that recently it has become
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too dangerous to work with ukrainians. over the past few weeks, since the russians began their offensive, our job has become much more difficult. we are forced to use many different places, secret positions, we have to hide all the time. unfortunately, the districts where our bases are located throughout ukraine regularly come under attack from the russians. vladimir putin listened via videoconference to a report from the governor of the lipetsk region, igor artamonov, on the situation in the region. artamonov has headed the region since 2018 ; his term of office expires this year. the president supported the nomination of the current head of the region for...
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a decision taking into account the fact that in the police, well, there is a problem with the recruitment of precinct officers, to introduce regional additional payments, now we are discussing the same things with the russian guard, because well public safety is very important for us, i understand that not everything has been done in the region, much remains to be done and developed, i ask you to support my nomination for the post of governor of the lipetsk region for a second term. igor igorevich, i want to wish you success, but i hope you are an experienced person; you need to work with people directly in this. you know this, so especially during this pre-election period, so i wish you good luck moving forward, thank you for your trust, vladimirovich, we will justify it, vladimir putin also held a meeting via video link with the head of the kurgan region, vadim
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shumkov reported to the president on the elimination of floods in the region, shumkov’s powers as governor expire this year, and vladimir putin supported the plans of the region’s leaders to run for office in september... you can rejoice at the state of interaction with the federal authorities in this regard in september... the ministry of emergency situations there with the government was clear, absolutely substantive and specific, literally within days after the videoconferencing , the issue of allocating an excess subsidy to the region to determine the consequences of the flood was resolved. moreover, practically every 2-3 days a government commission is held under the leadership of the minister of emergency situations, in which i take direct part. dear vladimirovich, this year the almost six-year cycle of my work in the kurgan region ends, i remain at your disposal, because if the population of the region trusts you, i will continue to lead the region further along the path of active sustainable development. first of all, of course, it is necessary to achieve the support of citizens,
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people who live in the territory, but it seems to me that this is quite achievable for you have a task and a goal, keeping in mind that you have worked hard. in the past, i hope that people also noticed this and paid attention, however, you need, of course , to go directly to people and show what has been done and talk about what you are planning, and for my part i wish you all the best, success, the more effective russia is in technological solutions, the more difficult it will be for ill-wishers to interfere with the country, vladimir putin said at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. the president instructed. the agency is more active promote products from russia abroad. vera moroz will tell you what else was discussed. russia will be able to solve ambitious tasks to ensure growth if there are opportunities for the scientific and industrial community, vladimir putin noted at a meeting
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of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. the president instructed asya to more actively strengthen international partnerships to promote products from russia abroad. you can follow the path. and development of cooperation with friendly states, with those who want to work together with us, create products and innovations that are needed by citizens and the economies of our countries. implement social projects and contribute to strengthening technological sovereignty.
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what must be created is a system of really working incentives and support tools for companies that make an effective contribution to strengthening technological and industrial sovereignty, create new jobs, take care of employees, implement social and environmental programs, and support participants in a special military operation. are satisfied, and sometimes new modern cities and towns are built. at the meeting, the president proposed discussing the standard of social capital for businesses. now the contribution to the development of our country, according to the recommendations of the central bank according to the standards of sustainable development of mineka, can be assessed according to five indicators: the implementation of the national goal, social management, development of the region of presence, the relationship between the business strategy and the country as a whole, and the environmental direction. at the agency for strategic initiatives. invite businesses to voluntarily submit reports for formation of support at the regional and
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federal levels, companies that form this reporting in this way within the framework of the recommendations of the central bank and the ministry of economic development can simply submit the same reporting to the platform of the operator, which is the holder of this standard, where this reporting is, well, checked, then the same the operator’s task is to formulate a floor of support measures for the region... it helps in creating favorable conditions for business. according to asya’s calculations, 55 regions improved their results in this ranking. 83 indicators. one of the key areas is supporting entrepreneurship. with the launch of the competition for national brands, the revenue of companies that produce products made in russia, ranging from gastronomic to... note that companies
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are exporting and are being recognized abroad, in fact, this is the strategic development of international partnerships, promotion abroad the best russian practices, brands and projects. in germany, an unknown person in a car tried to ram the gates of the russian consulate general in bon. in great britain, the prime minister suddenly announced early parliamentary elections on july 4, although the conservative party could remain in power for another year and a half. some experts consider this a strange decision because of the ratings.
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we have shown the country that only the conservative party can provide economic stability, the basis for our national success. the economy is again growing faster than germany, france and the united states. salaries have been growing faster than prices for 10 months in a row. the economy turned around. friends, our plans are working. only sunok seems confident of success. recently, the tories suffered
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a crushing defeat in the regional elections, losing almost half of their seats. the british media are trying to explain the prime minister's sudden decision. according to the guardian, they wanted to resign sunak and so he decided to get out. another version: the tories decided to quickly lose the elections before the economy completely went into a tailspin, then the laborites would be to blame for everything. there is another explanation: conservatives. can not cope with the flow of illegal immigrants and leave the opposition to deal with it, as the leader of the laborists believes, pointing out that the tores plunged the country into chaos. we will stop the chaos. look at our country, the wastewater in our rivers, the airport queues of equipment failures, the criminals who operate with virtual impunity, the sky-high mortgage rates and food prices. all of this, every little detail, is a direct result of the chaos the tories have created in parliament. time after time they pursued
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only for your own benefit, ignoring the problems that affect your family. if you give them another 5 years.
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not really, biden is not aware that the word reich itself from time immemorial in german was used to designate lands subordinate to one power, and before hitler’s third reich there were two more: the ancient, holy roman empire, it is sometimes called the first, and the german empire, created chancellor bismarck, this is the second reich, which is what
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the scandalous headline in the trump video refers to, which in fact simply migrated from... germany's industrial power and production increased significantly after 1871, thanks to the creation of a unified reich. of course, after the forty-fifth, the word reich was abandoned, it was replaced by the word federal, so the reichstag became the bundestag, but in some places it remained in use. railways, for example, continued to call the reich a ban, and not in western germany, in the pro-soviet gdr, but for kamela haris. it’s all like higher mathematics, it’s told to spread, so it spreads. yesterday, the former us president who praises dictators, took to social media and used the language of nazi germany. trump has already stated that there was a mistake; the video was edited by a person who does not work at their headquarters. who knows, maybe it’s even artificial intelligence, but
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the liberals have their own neural networks and react with lightning speed. good news. trump wants to unite the country, bad, this country is germany in 1933. if he looks like hitler, then why stand on ceremony with him, the message is clear for such a person, not that a prison term is not a pity, but something worse. and through this prism, words eccentric margery taylor greene is certainly not perceived as political hype. biden's doj and fbi planned to assassinate president trump and gave the green light. everyone has already understood that... the fbi, which became available thanks to trump's legal team. they are talking about the preparation of a search in his maralaga premises in august 202 as part of the case of protecting secret documents. shocking details are contained in the so-called operation order. the
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feds were going home to the former us president like calcapons. with weapons, and not only with him. joe biden sent men with guns to his political opponent's house. this has never happened in the history of the united states, and we have had crazy presidents. there are no precedents in american history for the former head of the white house to be broken into and searched as if he were a criminal. besieged by sea and land. if they were looking for sirin's killer, it would be...
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superstar. we are not young either, but we are not biden is not old - the tv presenter is sure that he looks old. i saw biden yesterday when he gave a speech, he looks like a corpse, he's dracula. he crossed oceans of time to be here. and he's not going to give it up now. america is ready to abandon biden more than ever. according to a recent survey, only 36% of americans are now satisfied with the job of the us president. biden's ratings have again reached the bottom they once reached. it was in july 2022. only then there were 2 and a half years left before the elections. now there are not even 6 months left. valentin bogdanov. well, in the usa there was a tornado in the state of iowa, there were dead and
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wounded. germany reacted to the visit of the minister of foreign affairs to kiev, and why this happened, the head of our bureau in berlin, mikhail antonov, will tell you. made up of germany, france and poland. in european politics, for a long time it was like the geographical bermuda triangle, which everyone tried to bypass the country as a cursed place. however, after the removal of polish nationalists from power
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, it was decided to resume normal shipping there. france, taking advantage of the fact that scholz and his yellow-green company are killing the national economy with sanctions, disputes european hegemony of germany. in this connection , both paris and berlin hope to situationally take advantage of warsaw, which, of course, is also calculated.
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that the german foreign minister arrived empty-handed on her seventh visit to ukraine. in april, burback launched an initiative called immediate air defense action with defense minister boris pistorius, but efforts by the two ministers to persuade nato partners to provide air defense systems have so far been largely unsuccessful. maybe, the disappointment would not have been so acute if the german media had learned in advance the fact that the meaning of the appearance. consisted of one thing: to support zelensky as president of ukraine after the expiration of his constitutional term of office. for the same purpose , she was awarded the order of yaroslav
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the wise. but now the german foreign minister does not admit that she met an acquaintance in kiev who gave her a brooch. zelensky is the legal, legitimate president of ukraine. however, no matter what you call zelensky, even hetman, this is does not affect the course of events in any way, if only because in the west. equipment and ammunition from the west and human material from the streets of ukrainian towns and villages, and in kiev they make it clear that both are working unsatisfactorily. so, if everything continues as before, you will lose the war? yes, that's exactly what i mean. kiev blackmail in europe falls on the blessed one. it finds an immediate response from those who pushed ukraine away from the path of signing the istanbul agreements, who wanted to inflict a strategic defeat on moscow battlefield undermine the russian economy
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germany has no money for it, and if germany doesn’t have it, then others don’t have it. everyone must step out of their comfort zone to look for a solution so that defense receives the necessary funding. after decades of half-starved existence, the western military-industrial complex intends to take its toll and feast to the fullest at the expense of taxpayers, but for this
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it is necessary. so that every european feels as acutely as possible the inevitability of the russian threat, there is no evidence, but it is constantly being thrown into the information field something that could fuel the general hysteria. last week a shopping center burned down in warsaw, so it looks like the russians set it on fire. we also have reason to assume today, we are checking the versions and they are quite likely, that russian services had something to do with the loud fire on the moreville street, therefore. work is underway piling up speculation about spies, saboteurs and other secret operations of russia should distract the attention of europeans from the fact that the green agenda is turning out to be a scam, all the dividends from it are unknown when, but already now it will lighten europe's pocket by 60 billion euros due to the loss of excise taxes on fossil fuels, or, for example, the danes, they probably will not notice that their country's gdp has suddenly collapsed by almost 2%. however, there is
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a well-known european one. germany habika. the industry does not go bankrupt, it simply stops working. and the fourteenth package of anti-russian sanctions hangs over europe, which they are in a hurry to adopt before the hungarian presidency of the eu in the second half of this year. this package plans to include restrictions on the import of russian liquefied natural gas. and perhaps the most amazing news of the day lies in the analysis of the consequences of such a step. germany and france did not turn to independent experts, but to the european commission itself. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya andrey putro, vesti berlin, germany.
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so that everyone involved


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