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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the exhibition focused on technological sovereignty, dedicated to the main activities and projects of the agency for strategic initiatives. after this, a meeting of the supervisory board of this autonomous non-profit organization was held under the chairmanship of the head of state. the president explained that he is needed to fulfill all the tasks facing the russian economy. we will, of course, solve the most ambitious tasks, ensure economic growth, and therefore prosperity. russian families if we continue to expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative teams, for volunteers and representatives of non-profit organizations, the non-profit sector, i think you yourself understand this, the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill - wishers to limit us, on the contrary.
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as our friends the pique vests would say, here you look, it’s clear that not only are they lying brutes, if we’re talking about the political, they’re also stupid, well, look, there’s no doubt a tragedy is happening, they’re dying outstanding figures of iranian statehood, a sea of ​​people in tehran, a farewell ceremony for the deceased president of russia, his comrades-in-arms, well, a sea of ​​people, just look, you and i cannot understand people’s attitude towards lynx, because well, russia is in a different information flow, and we, well, let’s speak objectively, we don’t know very well what is happening in iran, what iran is like, there are several specialists who understand this, but we don’t know broadly, we lived for a long time in such an american propaganda capsule, which, well, in fact, what can i say about the obscurantists, well, of course . here suddenly the truth gradually
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begins to emerge, so the iranian-american professor, seyd mohamed morandi, in an interview with british journalist piers morgan, says the following: your reaction is the death of the president of iran? obviously everyone i know is grieving, he was a very popular figure. a very humble man, not at all like the description you gave, he worked very hard for the disadvantaged, the working class, the disenfranchised, he traveled from city to city, from village to village, he constantly visited various provinces, which is why he was so popular among iranians, especially, as i said, among the disenfranchised middle class, lower middle class, obviously what you say is, to put it mildly,
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inaccurate, i would say that the butchers are in london, in washington, the people who destroyed iraq, afghanistan, yemen, during the shameful genocide there, grya.
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cannot be involved in them, then yes, the iranian people probably felt better, but in the post of president, and the fact that he didn’t say anything more about it in a statement, that’s right, i think we said this, today at the un they lowered the flag as a sign of mourning, you agree that it is a complete disgrace for the un to mourn the death of the tehran butcher, we, of course, do not mourn his death, as i said, you agree that this is disgraceful for the un. “i’ll look at what they did, we definitely wouldn’t have done that, what they did was lower the flag, it’s a shame, we would n’t have done that, i want to note, this shows the lack of leadership of the united states, butcher, this is what representatives of the countries are saying, who have their ears covered in blood, and
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we looked at all this and thought that this was normal."
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this is what linzdi graham says, explaining to those listening to the budget at the us state department why sanctions should be imposed against musa. i hope that together we will find a way to express our dissatisfaction with musa, because if they that 's what they do to israel, then we are the following. this group tried to attack our soldiers. yes, you can clap all you want, they tried to attack our soldiers in afghanistan, but reason prevailed, so at the end of the day, i hope this happens and. we are leading. mr. minister, yours yesterday. the statement was excellent, the president's statement was excellent, the statement senator schumer made at the meeting was excellent in terms of outrageous
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actions, they destroyed the concept of complementarity, they misled the people of the united states about their intentions, they must and will pay for it. mr. minister, i appreciate that you...
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donbass 10 years, 10 years, and already eight. killed civilians in ukraine, they did not invade . they did not commit a single terrorist attack, they did not invade foreign land, they did not commit the most terrible terrorist attack, they did not cut off the heads of women, did not rape children, did not take hostages, they were killed, they were taken hostage, their women were raped by the ukrainian nazis. and 8 years, 15,000 killed russian people,
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no one recognized them except us, after 8 years, and syria, by the way, it should be noted separately, syria recognized, by the way, before us, as the leader of syria told me, the world doesn’t want anything for to talk about this topic, that is, they recognize palestine, the palestinian people, i don’t want to say anything bad, i have no right, but to push for the recognition of palestine, it took a disgusting terrorist attack on the seventh, after which no less disgusting actions of the israeli military, when they killed tens of thousands of palestinian civilians, then the world shuddered and said: no, we must recognize the state of palestine, and 1500 killed russians, these people also take... and confiscate our money , the money of our taxpayers,
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let me remind you, this is our money, while europe is supposedly not at war with us, then on what basis do they confiscate our funds, this is an act of war, and if it is an act of war, then the masks are dropped, then not a single fat-ass the european bastard shouldn't feel that way. iran is a theocratic democracy, where the people directly elect the president, the secular government. russia is a democracy where the people directly elect the president. there is no such thing in britain. in germany.
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flows quickly that we manage to very quickly see how any statements that seemed to be true suddenly become a lie, we don’t have to wait 10, 15, 20, 30 years, everything passes literally within a year or two, including because of the events that we now see happening in ukraine in israel, and i want to say a few words in continuation of your topic about the british, today the british minister of defense sheps gave a keynote speech, yes or crazy.
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he was told that if the bear is nearby, it is better to hide or pretend to be dead, because the bear goes
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straight to the main entrance and looks eye to eye, even to its victim, and not to the enemy. he also made an interesting statement that we have moved from the post-war era to the pre-war era, so it must be said that the entire history of great britain teaches that they are only these military conditions were created, if you carefully study the formation of the anglo-saxon nation in the territory...
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let's see who is at the head of the current israeli government, here is the well-known minister of national security bengvir, we have already talked about him several times, who today climbed the temple mount as a symbol , to declare that we will never recognize the recognition of the palestinian state by a number of countries, he also says this, i say it literally word for word, and one more thing, we will go in raffah to the end, bengvir. in 2007 there was convicted by a court of anti-arab racism; in 1994 he was a member of the well-known terrorist israeli organization kah, which was banned in the united states, europe, and israel. in 1995, i gave an example, he became known to the public
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for what, he showed, it means, the cadillac emblem torn from the car of isakharabin, who was killed after... two or three weeks and said: “we got to the car, we’ll get to you too.” ". after some time he was killed. and until recently, before the parliamentary elections, him in his main office, in his office behind him hung a huge portrait of a certain barach golztein, it is known that in the ninety- fourth year he committed one of such high-profile terrorist acts, he was a doctor of american origin, he killed during his childhood. in my opinion, 29 palestinians and wounded 150, he hung behind his back for 30 years, so i want to say who the terrorists are in power at the moment, in general in the israeli press, the bengvirs are nothing but fascists, we are not called nazis, they are completely they are now discrediting the entire jewish, jewish idea, it is surprising how, strictly
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speaking, the israeli people still react so calmly, because what will happen in the future is generally difficult to predict. and all this comes from the british, and now they teach everyone, i recently gave an example, even in modern times, when the mauritius achieved independence, the british, it means they took away the chagas archipelago, the island, i forgot the name of the island, diaz, somehow rodriguez , where they founded a naval base together with the americans, the americans told them, we will take it from you for rent on the condition that you evict all the people living there, they collected... africa, here you go, the british, even in 2000 the english court recognized that, in fact, it is necessary to give independence to this chagoss archipelago, look how cynical the british are they said, we are for sovereignty, and we will provide it to you, but after we ourselves
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renounce it, that’s all their policy, and double standards, and cynicism, lying, of course, they are now going crazy. but here, it means that after i gave the information, when the french joked, there cheerfully, citing hamas that the pilot was israeli.
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the media can’t figure it out, but they own, you know, a proxy of ownership through a gasket, but they still understand that this and i, of course, benefit the acquirer, who is, who receives, well, it’s all
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obvious, but there was a hint then has already been laid, a hint that this is a terrorist attack and that the problem apparently was in the american helicopter, well, let's wait for the official investigation, but these stuffings are always not accidental, at least the weather is now obviously not risk factor. dmitry, well, in general, a feature of today’s information situation is that many jokes, memes, photoshops, then it turns out that these are not memes or jokes or photoshops, but these are hints. either a cover operation or a cover operation. however, the volume of turbidity due to the disaster.
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may days in the twentieth , the first such real battles began in the donbass, around the twentieth, and indeed, taking into account after knowledge , it was clear that a very big story was flaring up, and it was flaring up in many ways, naturally, and in many ways artificial, but no one was particularly interested in this, everyone was interested in the division of the power pie in kiev at that time, because, of course, the phrase
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victorialand offended the europeans, and of course, people, you mean the phrase fuck the eu , well, yes, and of course, in europe they actually took this very painfully, they say, what about us, we threw everyone away here, then it turns out that we had nothing to do with it, i ’ll tell you this, right then, exactly then on the twentieth of may 2014 10 years ago this world of total dehumanization arose in relation to russians, those who consider themselves russians, and those who do not want to fight with russians, because the peculiarity of today’s world is not that they kill about...
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not immediately, but in historically short timing, as one politician said, a direct big war with russia will fly into this...
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cities, we understand that the city exists only to rob it, this is in moscow, on my volgina street, this is on ligovka, in leningrad, this is in sverdlovsk, this is a single rule, so why
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are we performing? in the role of terpils, whose wallet can be taken away with impunity, and this terpilo ​​will be wiped away, it is we who provoke them with our persistent inability to stop them by force, but we explain to them what year it is, that we will not do anything in response to them. at their actions, but why are we offended by them then? well, yes, they fucked us, they will fuck us again, but what are we doing in response? ah-ah-ah, here we are already, and they know that we are not already, they know that we will not do anything, they have already stated that even when they lift the sanctions, they will not return our money,
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oops. then you can talk about a peaceful settlement, about readiness for negotiations, whatever you want, your wallet has already been taken away, or rather, you took it and gave it to them, it is now their wallet, not yours, but i will still say one thing, about iran, and i watched blinken, i have two reactions, well , or rather three, the first is that, after all, what an idiot he is, yes, and sometimes, well, this is such a completely natural, well, i would say, already in relation to blinkin has an almost biological reaction, yes, you know, an unconditioned reflex, yes, but you still need to be able to in some places he was silent, but
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he remained silent. nuclear deals, they were negotiating de-escalation, it was these people who conducted these negotiations, only some are now dead, and others are still alive, this is how to perceive this, that is, blinken and his colleagues from the state department entered into negotiations with a person whom they obviously believed butcher. oh how interesting,
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isn't it? and we all understand, including those who support now going to negotiations on freezing the conflict in ukraine, that they are talking to us in exactly the same way as to the butchers whom they are going to kill them at the first opportunity or send them to the hague, someone understands this. whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at blinkin again, well , i have a second thought, so i’m looking at what ’s going on with them, and their deep state is splitting up, it’s completely obvious that blinkin isn’t really acting like that himself, and part the big one really doesn’t want to leave this deep state...


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