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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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predictable us behavior becomes real, we cannot assume with a high degree of probability that they will do the following. advertising. colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t say it’s a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, it got away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you have no chance at all.
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we were delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is slush, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something real the whole film is in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, to take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in their questions, what’s going on with production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. thank you, that means, with regard to the recognition of the palestinian state, these countries, ireland, spain, which means norway, yes,
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this is with these three countries, 146 countries have already recognized the palestinian state, and many have diplomatic relations as with the state, and not as with the palestinian national. autonomy and 193 countries - that means members of the un, but the fact is that you can 192 countries recognize, but the united states recognizes it as a full-blooded state, which means the palestinian state will not be a member of the world community, why? because we need a un security council, where naturally the americans will always be there, which means vetoing, and for the last time, or correctly to say, the last time, when algeria led, put on the agenda of the security council the issue of recognizing a palestinian... state, even england and france abstained, and the united states vetoed when the un general assembly, which means the country's 143rd vote, means voted in favor of granting additional powers to the palestinian state as an observer at the un, nine voted against, well, there is micronesia, there is a popula
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of guinea, and of course the united states, even countries such as britain and france, and they either prefer or abstain or in some other way , yes, but now in reality, you know, you can admit as much as you like, right? by the way, the reaction of saudi arabia is interesting, it is deeply positive, it assessed this as a rebuke, which means the statement of biden, who said, while the state of israel does not recognize we will not admit it, yes, that is, it says that this plan of blinkin’s to once again sign, using some methods, a peace agreement between israel and saudi arabia, what they hope for in exchange for this and that , as i said last time, this is not a implemented thing, it will not be implemented, no one will go for it now, and, you know, when diplomats do all this, i now ask the question: is it possible to simulate the situation? i have spoken many times about the problem of territories, this is extremely important, a country cannot exist without territory, but look, if israel under no circumstances leaves the west bank of the jordan river and east jerusalem, why? well , the fact is that then israel
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will become militarily more than vulnerable with the country, and today over 6 million people live on the west bank of the jordan river with the gas sector, this is an area of ​​over 500 km, right? another 2 million somewhere palestinians, pharaohs, whoever you like, live on the territory of israel proper, in total there are 14 million palestinians in the world, yes, some of them will return, because at one time they were the so-called palestinian charter was adopted , according to which it is clearly defined who can be a citizen of palestine in the future, paragraph 5 says that a citizen of a palestinian state, perhaps, means palestinians who lived before the creation of the state... it is called a little differently there , yes, or their paternal descendants , paragraph 6 says that jews can live in the palestinian state only those who lived before the creation of the state of israel, and now imagine how much you can need it will be that not only migrants, settlers on the western bank of the jordan river or the eastern ones
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leave, but the bulk there are those who arrived much later, you can imagine that this will happen, yes in this regard, not to mention that yes it is correct , 80%, they say that they support, but this... not only hamas, hamas 2.3 months ago, i said last time, above 60% supported, against 18 small percent before the start of this conflict, the rest support the palestinian islamic jihan, popular front from palestine and a number of other marsist groups, which are actually now consolidating among themselves, but now it means that mahmoud abbas recently appointed a new prime minister of the palestinians - well, i don’t know , the state is not considered a president , a man of 89 years old will be in november and will be now the question of changing it too. yes, he appointed mahmud mustafa from fatah, without coordinating this with anyone, now the palestinian islamic jihad, and hamas and the left, these marrakist groups, which are also included in the palestinian organization was indignant, that is , they are consolidating, in other words, if tomorrow someone decides to hold some kind of
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elections in a palestinian state, they will win, that’s it, it will be radicalism, it will be hamas, and well, conditionally, well, let’s put it this way, hamas, palestinian islamist and so on, well, the main one , of course, is hamas, yes. which has acquired enormous authority, yes, that is, radicalization is taking place not only in israel, but is going on in palestine, and what to do, it means it’s war, war, war, yes, and indeed, in this case, a palestinian state is able to create there will be a fairly decent army, moreover , now the jews and the palestinians have the same slogan of a state from sea to sea, to sea, in the mediterranean, yes, that is, no chance, of course, there are others there, but radical views prevail. both here and there, that is, this is a war with all the ensuing, meaning consequences, with this, with this, let’s ask a question, because in the middle east the situation has become sharply clear, why the americans are now trying to somehow flirt with iran, negotiating through oman, yes there and so, that and that, yes because they
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they really don’t know, but how to behave, tell me, well, how can the united states start a war against iran, 10 years ago, if not more, it was calculated that in order to occupy iran, yes, you need from 500,000 to 1 million. listen, but after afghanistan and especially after iraq, a guerrilla war in iran is guaranteed, i will say more than that, they are preparing everything for this, they have a base that numbers either 9 or 10 million people, of which there are up to 2000 people on purpose who are prepared for guerrilla warfare, in the states it is they know, there, there’s not only this thunder or whatever, he’s a narrow-minded person, he’s talking god knows what, and so on, there’s colonel smith, there’s john, there’s someone else who writes, it’s impossible, we’re just . if we lose, we will suffer serious losses. you see, over the years iran has created these proxies that
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we talked about, let’s imagine that these proxies would not exist, would it be such a difficult situation for israel, for shash? yes, of course not. look, we are talking about hamas in the gaza strip. we are already accustomed to the fact that in the northern no one in israel pays any attention to the border between lebanon and lebanon; there is constant war going on there, shelling, shelling, shelling, and so on. yes, and israel is forced to keep half of its own there. special forces, more than half of the entire army, a significant part of the air force, because hezbollah is much more serious than hamas, yes, speaking of the fact that ansarala, again in such a normal mode, strikes, strikes, it is useless to tell everyone when the americans, they have some kind of hobby, they are somehow very american drones are not they love, they are knocking down something and knocking down one after another, i once again propose to let the ansarala delegation into crimea. moreover, they shoot down with our old missiles, this is an excuse for the s200 vego missile system, this is
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what the soviet union installed, you can imagine, they are accomplishing something there, they shoot down these drones, which should not be shot down at all, as it seems to the americans, yes , they shoot down, today again, which means that strikes were carried out simultaneously on haifa, on the severn, on the dutch heights and at the same time under the ilats, only blocking ilata 3 months ago , israel lost the figure of 22 billion dollars, you can imagine what it actually... did during this time, its rating was lowered twice, yes, that is, the situation is different, it has completely arrived, the americans understand this, they are forced to maneuver, they can to insult in the us congress, that means, the deceased, that means, the president of iran, there is something else, but they cannot ignore it, this is the paradox of the current situation in the middle east, that shiite iran, which has 10 shiites in the world at most 15% , if you collect them all, they are quite different from alovitov, yes. and so on, became the dominant force not only in the middle east, throughout
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the muslim world, it established itself, having significantly less economic military potential, incomparably less, because what is it, on what is iran’s military doctrine based, drones, missiles and means well, unfortunately, they have piloted aircraft, it’s more different, they have it weakly, hypersound has already appeared, well, this is hypersound, i ’m talking about missiles, which means it means... a very interesting factor, yes, they managed to not in two decades to create a situation in which the united states and the main soviet israel found themselves in a dead end, now i’m sorry, just interesting news came, erdogan, while the western powers support netanyahu, it is impossible to stop the massacre in palestine, i openly say that our world is waiting for new conflicts if zionist expansionism in gaza continues. poor erdogan, who said 100 times hamas, hamas, hamas,
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we, they say, no, it’s iran, erdogan says, it’s us, we, he says, he said, support hamas, give money to hamas, then it will be bad, the organization for the liberation of palestine, the europeans gave money to hamas, the americans gave money to hamas, now they say hamas is the new hitler. in turkey, the ruling artagan party, these are the muslim brothers, yes, i’ll tell you this more, like this, maybe someone hasn’t paid attention, there is always
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a certain conference of a certain structure held in istanbul almost every year, i won’t call it a servant, which unites to take muslims, only in istanbul, just now blinkin says, don’t listen to erdogan, this is a country, he is wrong, this is iran, that’s for sure iran, some small historical time, during the civil war in syria, hamas defected, names will be called. fought with hezbollah against hezbollah, against hezbollah, against iran and is called objective against us, defected to the side of turkey and qatar, yes, but then they became crazy, went, bowed, said, listen, well... it happens, but so, no, just they, we must always remember the wise formulation, you can’t buy, you can rent, yes, that’s why the situation here is quite complicated, that’s why there’s a big war, it is inevitable in the middle east, now they are saying who will be the president of iran, believe me, the president of iran will be the one who needs to be, the president of iran will be the one who will be chosen by the iranian people, the iranian people, but
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before choosing the iranian people, any presidential candidate goes through some kind of process, which means, well, i don’t know how, it means approval, there is such a structure called the constitutional guardian council, so they determine who should be a presidential candidate, there are many of them, they are in the second round - this is a normal phenomenon for them, yes, it determines who should be in parliament, who will be the minister, and there are very wise people sitting there who say: this approach, this is not suitable, therefore there will be elections in iran, they will choose the one who is needed, which means that he will be there, yes , but iran cannot abandon the strategy that it has chosen in the middle east, a lot of money, resources and... iran's bosses have spent on this, yes, i'm finishing up, that means that's when they say, for example, that iran, when the raid was, it means, drones, well, that means it’s a well-known thing, by the way, now in the israeli press there are a lot of reproaches against the americans, it turns out that the americans intercepted only 25% of the missiles for that section that they did not respond to, the rest flew, yes, but you know, when he says, let zelensky succeed,
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he usually has everything shot down, like, what damage was suffered, at least according to the report. at the airbase of one, the other, at the nuclear center in nigefemon, all this, you know, pales when this filming, which, when iranian drones fly over the temple mount at night, you know, it’s worth more than being hit, uh, that means, novatim at the air force base, israel and something else, this is a fantastic thing that many in the middle east perceive as an eastern mentality, it’s not even possible to put it together, there is a tendency towards some such things. it turns out that after a little less than 1,500 years, the iranians are again in jerusalem. let me remind you that before this the prisanids were in jerusalem, then the great byzantine emperor ierakli was the first to oust them from there, i don’t want to offend anyone, but apparently, in time, the least number of jews were in jerusalem, well, at least
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the statehood of jerusalem was the least was under the jewish state.
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then we were there with pleasure for some time, i remember a novel, a wonderful novel by khamengue, there are such words there, if you hear a bell ringing, don’t ask for whom it rings, it rings for you, so we all listened like a bell - then he calls, and they thought that he was calling for someone else, so he called for us, now we are seeing this to a degree, i think that the united states occupies the same place in the modern world as the ancient roman empire occupied, in the ancient world, and ancient roman the empire claimed to own the whole world, but at that time among the naminores there was
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in their understanding the whole world, well, the united states claims to own the whole world. history shows that they will not stop on their own, it’s just impossible, they are, they cannot sign their own death warrant, any empire of this scale cannot accept the fact that somewhere someone does not agree with its opinion and rebels against her, she must see it through to the end, even if she understands that it is for it is also dangerous, so it is necessary... no, not the hegemon, they remain the hegemon, the world is already a multipolar world, nothing else, they continue to rule this world in many ways,
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everyone listens to them one way or another, in general they do what they want, they still do what they want, well, yes, not counting us, we are like, we are like spartak. the ancient world, we rebelled against this world, well, we were never their slaves, so we were not slaves after all, but it’s difficult for us, spartacus was also not a slave essentially, he was a gladiator, so let’s put it another way, a gladiator rebelled, but he was, by the way, he was never a slave, he was immediately a gladiator, so to speak, so to speak, here’s what i’m talking about. that we should not delude ourselves, that is, i often said that i am sure that any empire of this scale must collapse and this is inevitable,
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but it will fight, i just don’t like the ending in the story of spartak, and in the story with spartak i don’t like the ending, we are just winners, but yes, we must prevent this ending, absolutely true, but this is for you have to look at things realistically. because i repeat when we say that they are not the hegemon, that everything is already a multipolar world, but it seems to me that we are somewhat - yes, we are exaggerating somewhat, exaggerating, because we see the brix countries there with all that they sit down with us, but they still maneuver, they still try to somehow preserve - one way or another, well , of course, this is enormous power. which is primarily based on uh primarily on the financial system that they created, which entangled the whole world, and this power
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is confirmed by powerful armed forces, perfectly equipped, no matter how much we say that they are so stupid, yes, but nevertheless it is a fact, and by the network of bases that they have entangled the whole world, which actually controls any point in the world, therefore.. you have to really look at these things, but why am i saying this? i’m not saying that the ending will be like spartak’s, but that if you evaluate this situation, you can draw the necessary conclusions from this, the first conclusion that i draw for myself is that this is a long war, the ukrainian war, which they, of course, provoked, there is no doubt, they provoked it, it is... beneficial to them today, they are exhausting us in this way, this is only an episode in this great struggle, and of course, it is advisable to
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end this episode as early as possible for us by military means and, of course, a victory, but we must understand that after this nothing will end, and the fact that they actually requisitioned our gold and foreign exchange reserves, what can you say, they have already blown up the northern flows, that is.
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early fight, we once discussed here, that we have for the eg on russian literature and language, they want to introduce links to...
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it somehow, apparently, worked inertia, then there was no longer any plan, further, further there was no feeling that this confrontation would continue.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals,
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today, if we again take analogies with antiquity, we are carthage for them, remember, coton, yes, a senator who stands for every speech he makes carthage must fall.


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