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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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today, if we again take analogues with antiquity, for them we are carthage, remember, coton, yes, a senator who every speech, carthage must fall, and carthage, despite the fact that it had a ganebal, despite the fact that it he had magnificent victories ,
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okay, among us among politicians and political scientists, it’s like sometimes it’s even so indecent, it’s really, okay, it seems like everything, well, it seems like everything, yes, yes, everything is like that, it’s bad the weather or whatever, a helicopter crashed, there’s a madman, or a poet, who the hell knows, or someone else, or a security guard in store, well, morinal, yes pre'.
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walked in a row, nothing on the other side, but there ’s a lot more, my colleagues will probably add here, they might know better, there’s an assassination attempt, they’ll seem to say, well, well, you’ve already bent it, well, you’ve bent it, then explain, so doesn’t happen, i don’t know how it happens, but any schoolchild in the world who watches hollywood movies knows that this happens, because every second film is dedicated to the fact that some...
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uses political murders, in particular on the territory of iran, as a means of struggle, considering it legal, iran fundamentally does not use terrorist methods, and we do not know that even a single person on israeli territory has fallen at the hands of the iranian intelligence services, even no one has ever been accused of this, but at the same time iran is considered terrorist or a sponsor of terrorism there, as it says israel, and israel is considered a democracy, it's like... well , to finish, the idea is very simple, but there should be some kind of, it seems to me, strategic plan that would be designed for debt, and it should absorb here, include all aspects of life, by the way, we need to learn a little in this sense from the chinese, they are in this, we don’t have the main thing in this regard, which we talk about a million times. absolutely true, absolutely true,
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because i repeat, this plan should include ideology, education, about this bell it will ring quite seriously, karina georgievich just cited a quote from churchel, which in essence, well, so as not to repeat it, means that you can fight an enemy if you have appointed him as an enemy , you consider him an enemy, by any means, everything, everything, everything will do, everything will do. i wanted
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to remember one more quote from churchel: “history will be favorable to me, because i write it myself,” said churchel, well, in my opinion, it’s great, this is what we observe, in fact, yes, when we entered them. this means that if we see that norway, spain, finland, sweden, but do not have state sovereignty, this can be seen in a situation where they suddenly begin actions against us that are generally disadvantageous to them, well, completely disadvantageous, let’s see their lack of independence in general so when we
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we say that today norway suddenly recognized the state of palestine, we of course agree with this, because russia also recognizes the state of palestine, but norway did not do it because the norwegian leadership can no longer see pictures of white bags with murdered children and women, not because the heart they are bleeding, they decided to spit on all their european solidarity and do what their norwegian conscience calls for, they did it because they received a signal from washington that now they need to do it, this political expediency for the united states, but for norway it is also political expediency.
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that the entire israeli security service, the army, all this went somewhere, so that there would not be these conversations that at the beginning they said, you know, women, members of the israeli army warned about what was happening, but they were not listened to, because it women, this is nonsense, they publish this, this is political expediency, from this point of view, let's look at everything that is happening, move on, iran, it is expedient for...
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the president of the country, the united states likes this country, doesn’t like it, he stood up, expressed condolences, this is normal, this is human, but the devil explained everything to us, we don’t need anything human, they appointed us as an enemy, this frees you from morality, from ethics, but this is the
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same thing that hitler told his soldiers, i am freeing you from the chimeras of conscience, western politicians freed themselves from this chimera much earlier than the ss members, which, in fact , we... let's move on with this understanding that we have mu- warrant from the international criminal court, but i am sure that there is hardly an expert in the studio who believes that... a brave, principled, and also some other conscientious prosecutor of this international criminal court suddenly decided to issue a warrant, i think there is not one here a person who generally reads mus as anything other than a piece of pathetic crap, quite rightly believes that this is political expediency, now to the same netanyahu to send another signal that if you do not now do what they tell you: from washington, you will try biden , democracy or it’s all there, all the united states should be drawn into
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their own in solving their problems, so this can happen to you, political expediency and hypocrisy, not a single judge of this musa, who is an instrument of the court, this khan himself, by the way, said this, to judge africa, latin america and russia gather there, period, that's it, end of quote, everything else is impossible, so he suddenly takes such a step, but who is he? after all, he asked and explained to him that he would not get anything for this, we live in the world of a hegemon who simply refuses all the rules that happens, no, sometimes it happens to be an excess of the performer, the fool thought that something depended on him and he could do it himself, it happens, well , they quickly correct it, so they correct him now, they tell him, what are you, who are you on, that is these are the fingers that faxed right away, this is necessary, we can discuss here, the main thing is that you and i understand that... he couldn’t do it just like that, they can set him up, say, come on, come on, and then like netanyahu ,
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you will find yourself a little extreme in what you did with the money, this is very interesting an important point, which of course, well, as soon as we all discuss it, we understand that we don’t want to justify what happened, under no circumstances, we can’t, but we have said many times before that when russia surrendered its sovereignty to the west, it actually ended up. .. how, well , i don’t know, russia during the time of alexander nevsky in relation to the horde, and it was a tribute, just in accordance with all these new cunning ideas, so alexander nevsky would have taken the tribute to the horde, and they would have given him a receipt, we we will return it all to you with interest, it would be called order securities, that’s how it will be put forward, because all this was done according to the law on the central bank, this law says: yes, only these funds can be invested, i do not justify the employees
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of the central bank, as they say, there are separate claims against them , but it was all done according to the law, this law was adopted and then all the events accepted what kind of law on the central bank, in which this is stated, i think that these are some kind of internal instructions that determine the standards, it is written there which bonds to what extent aa, 3a p
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of all the anger of the russian economic machine, there is no answer to this question, there is an answer to this question, everyone has an answer to this question has a last name, first name, patronymic, in this sense , of course there is such a question, please, yes, i wanted to i would like to talk about how quickly our world is changing, look, just recently we were all convinced that the world had entered the era of globalization, that this... national or as it was called westphalian sovereignty, it was dying out, soon there won't be one at all, because national the state, the conditions of globalization, well, this is an outdated institution, very soon, it will die out, and the world will be ruled by transnational corporations, non-governmental organizations, someone else, so to speak, advanced public opinion, yes yes, that’s it, so
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to speak, i’m not joking , this is all written in those university textbooks, according to which they still have...
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yes, the usa is the hegemon, yes, but it is a benevolent hegemon, that’s it, history is over, history is over, yes, everything is fine, the main thing is that it’s so say there is an economic crisis prosperity, so to speak, order and stability in the world, everything is generally fine, then suddenly it turned out that this hegemon, he is not such a benevolent hegemon, so to speak, when this hegemon suddenly somehow got into these endless wars, wars that ultimately... were even condemned by the american establishment itself, so to speak, recognizing them as erroneous, incorrect, and so on and so forth, but still, so to speak, they explained to us that, well, okay, but they really did this there mistakes, but what is the alternative, there is no alternative, suddenly it now turns out that there is an alternative, so to speak, and this alternative
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is functioning quite normally, i mean, recently there was
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a more favorable one than what the united states and its closest allies are offering, this, so to speak, is this globalization without the destruction of national sovereignty, without regime change, without imposing a green transition, lgbt plus agenda and the like, and for many this seems much more attractive than what the united states offers, brussels and other western capitals.
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homosexuality, endless forms of perversion, that is, somehow everything turned out to be completely different from what we thought, and you will forgive me, i will say, to the end, i just haven’t been to this country yet, so while you have such an inner feeling, don’t you think that the sparta of modern times is north korea, if we are considering such analogues, then perhaps this is... well, this means that we can have 1,300 spartans on the front line, well, so as to explain to the ukrainian nazis where crayfish spend the winter,
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please, well , since i'm closing the circle, i'll take a walk according to the theses that i remember most, my colleague mentioned brix, and i will remind you that the russian president who crashed in a helicopter actively pursued the idea of ​​a single currency. further, i, like nikolai, do not believe in the sincerity of the europeans, the scandinavians, who suddenly became so concerned about the fate of the palestinians. what i see, and i see fear, i see panic, they are afraid of moral bankruptcy, yes, not even moral, there is no morality there, reputational bankruptcy, it would be more correct, because who now committed genocide in palestine is not the russian barbarians, right? whom they have been demonizing all these years, not bearded arab radicals, this was arranged by white people from the democratic crowd from that same garden of eden, surrounded
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by the jungle in bareilles, something needs to be done about this, this trickster needs to be calmed down somehow, i absolutely i agree with the general idea, of course you can argue with the details, but the general idea is that we need to put pressure and pressure from different sides in order for this to stop, for this to stop, then we return to iran. semyon arkaevich has already talked about what i understand, you just came from there, yes, i arrived today, semyon arkavich said that any iranian who wants to participate in big politics, and not in big politics, needs to go through a selection process, this is really so, well, not democratic, some dog will say, but the death of the president is not capable of leading the country to collapse, i will explain what i mean, indeed, if you want to participate in the political life of the country in iran, you must... compete, you must climb, this is where democracy is built in, yes, they will look at you, they will study, moreover, there is, as it were, a double power, there is
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a spiritual part, a religious part, there is a part of the world. so they don’t place politicians there, they climb there, they compete, you know, i’ll say a kingly thing, but i prefer the power of the majority, which very often slides into ahlocracy, the power of the best, that’s the power of the best, and for the majority, it seems to me , i am convinced of this, you will excuse me, but for the majority, the best in power is a blessing, and those who are in power are, well, this
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is ruin, so they came to power in israel. ultra-right schizophrenics, in my opinion, are absolutely crazy people, they tore off the flask, and look what this led to, well, it’s obvious that they were provoked to do exactly this, just as the iranians were provoked to the same reaction, but the iranians did not succumb, they succumbed to tanyagu, what did this lead to, today there is an arrest warrant, he is under pressure, and i think his fate is unenviable, although i would not identify netanyahu with israel as a state, israel as a state for the west, for the united states of america, this is a red line, here i seem... no collapse, again, i don’t expect it, at least as long as the united states of america exists. next, we said the theran butcher several times here. and let me tell you in general what this means, on june 28, 1981 , an explosion occurred. it was a terrorist attack organized by terrorists from the mujahideen ehalk group. seyyed died in this terrorist attack, yes.
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signed death sentences for terrorists who, how many of them were there, were they called a local? there were many of them, there were many of them, there were really many of them, after the victory of the islamic revolution, they declared the islamic revolution, for which the majority voted, war, in this war they did not disdain anything, they blew up, they killed, they kidnapped, and mr. raisi signed death sentences for these people, who were no different from those who carried out the terrorist attack in crocus, and what in this is such a thing, who is against it? i
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personally don’t mind, yes, in our country there is a moratorium on the death penalty, i won’t get involved, i don’t decide anything here, but in iran there is no such moratorium, and they execute people there, why should we somehow comment on this and express what - there is dissatisfaction with this, it’s theirs rules, again, these rules are voted for, indeed, as you correctly noted, vladimirovich noted in theocratic democracy, the last one, i am finishing, by the way, the twenty- eighth... yes, june 1981, june 28, 2024 , elections will be held in the islamic republic of iran, and i i completely disagree that blinkin is an idiot, he’s a fool, and yes, what he says sounds ridiculous, but it would seem that you ’re rubbish, what right do you have to say what ’s good for the iranians and what’s bad for the iranians, you’re a butcher, a representative the bloodiest state, terrorist state, well, i
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understand why he does this. he is doing this in order to rock the boat, to rock the boat as much as possible during the most vulnerable period in the political sense of the word, before the elections, before june 28, absolutely disgusting populist statements have already been made, in the states, they really like to do this, liberda, here is the iranian and not only, let’s say, they would have behaved differently, and i would have behaved differently, the sanctions would have been lifted from them and they would have flown on new helicopters and no one would have crashed, you vile thing. well, it's just disgusting, but it's will be repeated again, and they will constantly remind the iranians about the tehran local, who, unfortunately, yes, well, no, i can’t say that they don’t know their history there, but when we talk about youth, i often meet young people my age, even younger, who...


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