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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
well, i understand why he is doing this, he is doing this in order to rock the boat, to rock the boat as much as possible during the most vulnerable period in the political sense of the word before the elections, before june 28, there have already been absolutely disgusting populist statements in the states , they really like this engage in liberda, here is the iranian one, and not only, they say, if the ayatollahs would have behaved differently, the sanctions would have been lifted from them, they would have flown on... helicopters and no one would have crashed, an abomination, well, just an abomination, but this will happen again again, and about tehran butcher, they will constantly remind the iranians, who , unfortunately, yes, well, no, i can’t say that they don’t know their history there, but when we talk about youth, i often meet young people, my age, even younger , who, for example, do not know about the explosion in which mr....
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this is a butcher died, this is how they greet him, this is how they cry for him, well, excuse me, if this is not recognition of the merits of mr. reisi, then what is it? thank you very much, now advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition, here’s an opinion: what does time heal? 512
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people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit. all residents of the village were burned for contact with the partisans. the ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize the genocide against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact.
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or on the website.
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"today i came across a video from kharkov, well, people are filming it themselves, and besides , there is a siren, and the tskashniks insulted a woman, for her some man stood up, they beat him, they beat him terribly, disgustingly, disgustingly, i people hate atska so much, it’s actually amazing, so ukraine managed to create. the gestapa itself, that is, in terms of the level of hatred of people, well, there are few people who hate as much as the tetsekashniks, because they really are some amazing monsters, that is , there are almost 100,000 of them there, yes, if not more, yes, tetsekashniks, there are some - they name terrible numbers, and in reality
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they will start killing them, of course, that is, it will all end with them simply being killed, the main thing is, i don’t understand, what idiot in this world could still think that ukraine is a democracy? so the tcc operates on the basis of what laws? that there is a court for them, there are some rules for them, they grab whoever they want on the street, they beat them, they are accountable to no one, well, well, in principle they really are like that, well, this is the gestapa, in its pure form gestapa, well these were political investigations, and these were some kind of special investigation, that is, there was politics. it doesn’t smell, the country is ruled by a dictator, and this, well, is understood by everyone who has at least a basic awareness, this is what mergery teilar green writes, now zelensky is a dictator in ukraine,
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since the official term expired yesterday and he canceled the elections, this is not democracy . american taxpayers should not be forced to fund the government of ukraine with a billion dollars a month. this will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country, that is, we now have the woman from the trampoline as an absolute replacement for the constitutional court, well, he gave her an order for this, he gave her an order of the third degree for this, because
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she praised him poorly, but this think about it, that is, a trampoline woman without any education, let me remind you, she has no education in...
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so the question is: does this fool not know at all that there is nothing like that in the ukrainian constitution? no, that is, nothing at all, or is it a fool who thinks that there is one constitution for everyone, that if in germany, in the basic law, they don’t have a constitution, it’s written, it applies to everyone, take the fool off the trampoline, well, it’s impossible, she jumps up all the time, well, germany can’t embarrass itself like that, well, at least find someone with at least some education, well, it’s impossible. at they say that these are our agents, no, only some other yellow-bladed bastards can think of such nonsense, desecrate the grave of a complete bastard, on which
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to write, we need elections, we need them, who needs them, well, bandera too. oh, after all, they really understand everything, everyone really understands everything, well, maybe, of course, idiots, like the british minister there. sheps, shveps, shmeps, shreps, well, well, well, really, that is, every time i use such bad words, idiots, but it’s real, well, how did they manage to do this? they had to choose, that is, they had to go around the world, choose the stupidest people, hold competitions for them and take only those who took second place, because they are so stupid that they are even first they can’t take a place in the competition for fools, appoint them to some positions, these are not stupid guys, very serious, like founders. i think
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the ukrainians really didn’t like what he said. my question is, this is all complex and delicate, and i understand to some extent, but i don't understand how it's possible send kamala haris to the munich security conference and tell zelensky on camera in front of the press: we want you to join nato. they only say this if they want war, they want the russians to invade. why do they need this? i maybe, maybe they're just so dumb, i don't think i think they're dumb, i mean they're definitely dumb, tony blinken is really dumb. let's have a rock concert in kiev during large-scale hostilities, when the ukrainian army is defeated. he came there on a visit and walked up the stage. u we have a video. he was on stage with a guitar, reminiscent of niron playing the violin during the fire in rome. so yeah, obviously he's a child, an angry destructive child, but what
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's going on? where is everything going? we are sending ukraine another 60 billion dollars. much of that money goes to america's five largest defense contractors to replace weapons that cost five times more than what we've already sent to the ukrainians. that is, if we send them something that was made 10 years ago, now it will cost four to five times more. so again, this is a massive scam, paid for by the pentagon, who don't know how to buy things at minimal cost, it won't change the outcome of the battle, the war should have ended, it shouldn't have been started, they should have made a deal, should they freeze non-contact after 6 months, they tried, but the biden administration believed that all these american weapons would save the situation, it didn’t, and the situation is bad, and the russians, russian commanders are not idiots, they... knows the story: the kurdish battle that took place in north of where the fighting is now taking place,
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became the largest tank battle in history. this was the last offensive operation of the german army against the ussr. they tried to put pressure on this position from the north and south. it was a salient and the russians knew that reich troops were approaching. and so they built many lines of defense. they did the same thing last summer, resulting in the loss of all that equipment. meanwhile, the late vovka is begging
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everyone for some kind of weapon, with the approach: well, give it, do you feel sorry for something, well, give it, give, well, yes, give, give, well, give, or shoot them down yourself, well, listen, if you shoot down missiles that hit the energy sector, you can raise your planes, and you are raising them anyway, you should know that nato countries and so they are raised, but the missiles go towards our western partners, our border neighbors are like that... planes, then my question is what is the problem, why can’t we shoot them down, this is defense, yes, this is an attack on russia, no , you shoot down russian planes, you kill russian pilots, russian pilots, no, so what’s the point? the question of involving nato countries in the war, there is no such question, this is defense, tomorrow all these missiles will fly to these countries, no doubt, it’s a matter of time, why not shoot down the missiles, what is the involvement here, when we talk about the fact that countries nato is discussing sending a contingent to the territory, these are living people. i’m simply answering you, let’s move on to the first steps, very practical ones: shoot down what is
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in the skies over ukraine, and give us weapons to use against russian troops who are on the borders. well really it’s overdue, yes, it’s overdue, he also says, it’s obvious that he’s also supplying the dope that’s expired, somehow the delay leads to the delay, well, excuse me, i ’ll stop talking for a while after this, but that’s impossible, i haven’t heard anything for a long time. most ukrainians are trained in the uk. the reason why training is not carried out in ukraine is twofold. one of them is that britain cannot send troops to ukraine. this could be a trigger to invoke nato's article 5. what do i mean by this? if british soldiers will be killed during military operations by russia, this can and will be
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regarded as an act of war against great britain, as an attack on great britain, on a british asset. we already killed so many of your people there, they took part in a lot of things and in the attempt to take the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station, no, there at the station, but they didn’t try to get out, we killed so many of your people there, so with unionjack on the hills, you already recruited them, that’s why don’t worry,
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you want the fifth article, you want the fourth, you want the sixth, you want an article from the newspaper, really, you want from the newspaper, as...
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you know, in my opinion, he will soon, well, for now , nominally he is called the representative of ukraine in the un security council, no, the representative of the un security council, because they are not included in the security council now, they only invite, like a special guest star , he is invited to a discussion of ukrainian issues, but he hasn’t yet descended into public abuse, well, he hasn’t started communicating with obscenities yet, so he basically already said everything else, yes, that is, he told who there where to go, that means
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who is there there is someone where to look, here we go other things, but he devoted a large part of his speech to this one... he
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begins to say: we are so concerned about the situation in kharkov, we are simply suffering, we are all exhausted, we just don’t know what to tell you, you know, only a couple of states who were at the security council meeting, it is clear that not everyone is there, there are only 15 states, but a couple of states, they remembered, guys, wait, but there is belgorod, in this belgorod people have serious problems, yes, and russian troops started the movement to create this sanitary zone precisely because you’ve been ironing these territories for 2.5 months now, just like you’ve lost your senses, when... i spent almost the entire week last week in the belgorod region, where grayvaron glotovo is - in belgorod itself, this just 30 km from the border and everything flies from there. everything there means belgorod must be given its due, you know, after all, the local authorities, they are so excited, they are so, they have gathered like a mainspring, because they are ready to respond
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to any challenge, now the whole of belgorod, yes, it lined with these shelters, there are pharmacies everywhere, the authorities have created these evacuation teams everywhere, when i arrive at the temporary detention center and one of the grandmothers tells me, you know, she says, we were desperate, we called the governor, and 2 hours later he arrived along with...
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why are they not interested in the future of our children, why are they not interested, why that in gorlovka children have been studying remotely for at least 4 years, at least, yes, these are hundreds of children, these are thousands, tens of thousands of children, that is, this, but it's no one's business, none of them are talking about it i didn’t even remember, they remembered that there is, that there is donetsk, that there is gorlovka, that... there is belgorod, that there is chebekin and graivar, well, just no one is interested, about 7,500 are apartment buildings that were destroyed, or destroyed or damaged, again in just these less than 5 months, this is the real situation that now exists in belgorod, in belgorod every half hour now a siren goes off, which forces people to simply mobilize and literally retreat, because in they're flying that way czech vampires have been installed, all sorts of... szo with fillings of turkish, american, british, yes, yes, with everything you want are flying there, all this is flying in that direction when you are discussing on your platforms about how ukraine needs to be greatly helped, how we all need
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to get ready to send there, i’ll tell you that 28 thousand of these that you sent, it flew to civilian targets, it flew to houses, here’s a house in belgorod, which was formed, it flew by bus, yesterday it arrived in donetsk a drone just flew into the windshield. which is just an ordinary city bus, this is what they should see and after that, you know, when you listen to the people who are presenting, sitting at these tables on the meeting platforms, i have the impression that instead of their foreheads they have this kind of armor, through which simply nothing gets through, they are our diplomats, including vasily nebendze, he’s even just, excuse me, trolling them, yes, that is, he says: guys, you’re now going to say this, this, this, blame russia is in aggression, tell me, why is he doing this, why is he helping us?
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is being implemented there, and not to indulge, not to indulge the americans, who are now straining their brains and saying: you know, we need to build a strategy for 10, 20 years on how ukraine will work as an incubator, ukrainian women will give birth to more and more new new militants, which we will dispose of on the front line, plugging holes with them, well, for now let’s start collecting alcoholics and drug addicts, for whom we will plug all the holes on the front line, then let ukrainian women still give birth, because somehow the west is too this is necessary, this is not important.
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red control point for zaitsev, i say how long we will go, well, before we would have traveled an hour and a half, but now it’s about 20-25 minutes, well, that is, when you already think that before this geography with a rugged line here there, you have to run around, you understand , that we now need to relearn the geography of donbass, because according to the map everything is close, but before it was close, you won’t get there. now it turns out that it’s already possible to get there, what am i talking about, kharkov residents need to remember well that from belgorod to kharkov is 70 km, before there
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many... residents of belgorod went on weekends, had a lot of good time, shopped, soon we will be back in our russian kharkov, but what to do, they don’t know how to behave, we’ll have to teach.
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wait, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me. director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why isn’t adam adam, chechen, i’m an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing sometime, gryusli, zhila, names we don’t need to, don’t bother her, or what, don’t ruin yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to bullet gun, what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign.
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you mentioned here that britain has radioactive dust, yes i saw, no, no, water,
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radioactive tsunami, yes. i just saw today the instructions that the british government is now distributing, advising residents to stock up, that is, stock up on canned meat, well , canned food, that means drinking water and batteries, in case of emergencies, it always helps in case of a nuclear threat, it is so, it helps so much , and explain why it is necessary when this quickly heats up from the nuclear one in case of an emergency.
4:00 am
it will be in russian in english, that’s what concerns berbak’s visit, well, it’s a good exchange, yes, you came to say that i’m legitimate, i’ll give you an order, listen, well, it’s easy, because it’s such a good, natural exchange in a modern way, moreover, i honestly don’t even know how, whether there are such provisions in german laws that she talked about, i think she herself doesn’t know, well that’s the point, but at the same time i like how the new york times , to whom zelensky gave an interview,


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