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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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that’s what concerns berbak’s visit, well, it’s a good exchange, yes, you came to declare that i am legitimate, i give you an order, listen, well, it’s easy, because it’s such a good one, an exchange in kind according to modern times, and, honestly, i don’t even know how , if german laws contain such provisions as she spoke about, i think she herself doesn’t know, well, that’s the... conditions of martial law, but how will those people who are in the occupied territories, and for zelensky, how did zelensky get elected if both crimea and donbass didn’t vote for him, it turns out it was possible, yes, but most of all i liked it, but how will the millions of refugees living in europe vote, so in my opinion there are no problems with them at all, right? well, that is, what’s difficult to organize
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somewhere where there are no problems with it, here you go, it’s obviously some ukrainian refugees at bandera’s grave who held their vote, yes, that is, that’s what’s stopping you, well, well, you have to still declare that he is legitimate, by the way, about bandera, now the original scandal occurred in the canadian parliament, they held a day of embroidered shirts there, as it happened there, it’s a big ukrainian one. some speaker from this same ukrainian community, because they found out that a year ago or 2 years ago she participated in the embroidered shirt for bandera event, you see, yes, the diaspora, but then they didn’t allow the main one there , why in the canadian parliament are now sensitive to this idea , including thanks to your program, you spoke, you paid attention when the speaker invited the honest one to the canadian parliament.
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i haven’t seen a single british media report from this camp, where ukrainians were trained for a year back then, i remember, then there were a lot of all kinds of reports, photo reports, now there are none, for some reason they disappeared somewhere, you know, i have a suspicion that the ukrainians are already in the cemetery, i have a suspicion that they are already afraid to export them to europe, you understand, yes, it’s worth bringing some kind of biomass there, no matter how they scatter, who will go where, they’d rather sit in britain, they’ll sit there.
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just with manic persistence, you know, he’s really trying to incite some nato country, or all nato countries, any absolutely right, in a direct conflict with russia, he provokes a direct clash and declares that, of course, putin will not use nuclear bombs, that you can shoot down planes, you can shoot down missiles, and excuse me, but by this logic we too can shoot down any planes, nata, if they fly, they threaten us. well, we believe that they can
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pose a threat anywhere, they will fly over, well, by the same logic, well, well, you see, he is doing everything to push western countries into direct conflict, into direct military clash with russia, and by the way, attention was paid to this, uh, well, such a reputable group of experts, political scientists, professors, today published a collective letter in the italian newspaper career delaser from different european countries, italians, germans were there - different and they called for the fastest , the speedy holding of a peace conference, but not according to zelensky’s formula, with the participation of russia and ukraine, but zelensky’s formula has changed a lot, that is, switzerland is no longer zelensky’s formula, that is, they offer some points that are about nothing at all, that is, it is unclear why they are gathering, zelensky’s formula is also about nothing, naturally, there he shouted 10 points, now there are three, which are simply about nothing, there are no borders, there is nothing,
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and the swiss conference is not about that, i understand, there there are no conditions, no, what is not , what they will sell to their own, who will buy in ukraine, they don’t need anything at this conference, except for one thing, for these people to get together and, as was rightly said, take a family photo, here everything, but what am i talking about, in this collective appeal, yes, here these professors, they are naive, calling on the future european parliament, which will soon... the european parliament, you can imagine such a mediator, but why do they justify this by the fact that the further this conflict develops, the closer we really are to
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a nuclear disaster, a direct clash between the west and russia, that is, zelensky doesn’t even understand that with these wild calls for western countries to go to war with russia in any way, he is thereby inciting pacifist sentiments there, which are not at all what he would like to incite, well a prize of the second freshness, what to take from it, the letter is overdue, a strange guy, mobilization has been going on in ukraine for the fifth day, and if we speak in mobilization language, then it is called m5, but so far no such tangible results are visible, and what is being noted in this regard already foreign media say that... there are not enough weapons and military equipment for the newly formed units and formations, on the other hand, if you ask the question: where should it come from in general? if, let's say, this is the beginning of hostilities, the initial period armed conflict, then usually for newly
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formed units and reserves, weapons are taken either from troop reserves, or from storage bases for weapons and equipment, or from arsenals. but when the conflict has been going on for some time, weapons and military equipment can only come from two places, this is an industrial enterprise and the repair and restoration bodies of the center; in fact, it is impossible to get more weapons and military equipment from anywhere, but in ukraine , again, the military industry there is no such thing, but there is no repair in the enterprises of the center either one can speak very tentatively.
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achieving any clear victories is, well
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, impossible in a modern war, so even all these efforts to mobilize, to form, to replenish the staff, but this, strictly speaking, is, by and large, only a prolongation of suffering. because you can’t create an air force by directive decrees either in a month or in six months, it’s still years of work, years of work, and without them you can’t attack, and you can’t even defend effectively, so somehow this is efficiency i still have great doubts about the ongoing mobilization efforts that this will end, well, somehow, again, you always need to set some strategic goals and achieve their implementation, and not all this for the sake of the process.
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well, it can’t be, well, someone apparently came into the office of some prominent specialist in organizing anti-missile cover for the fighter yarmak, but yermak doesn’t let anyone in, that’s the main problem. and zelensky does not receive any objective information at all and does not have neither the level of intelligence nor the level of knowledge necessary, from a military-technical point of view, this is more than an illusory undertaking, because you and i said that with rocket launchers, well, an extremely narrow strip along the border will be covered, and you can drag them into this war, this from a military-technical point of view, from a military-political point of view, then with such proposals it is very easy to drag poland, romania, and even moldova into the war, through which... these same missiles or anti-aircraft or aircraft will fly, but the effectiveness
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of this, well, it will be close to zero, because if there is a goal to cover some important object there on the territory of ukraine, then it must be covered with completely different solutions, methods, that is, create an all-round defense that is equally strong in effectiveness with solving all problems in fighter aircraft, he knows the missile cover, everyone should create all the necessary means of radio reconnaissance, but only then this problem...
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the army cut-off positions and so on and the engineering equipment begins, which is carried out under his leadership of the military commander, commander of the engineering troops, as for the fact that the ukrainians gave money to someone, attracted some kind of contracting organizations, and it is possible to attract the local population for defensive work, and resources, economic equipment, but again this is under the leadership of the relevant military commander in accordance with his plan. and, what about you, how did it happen then, if the money is stolen,
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there are no boundaries, where are you the boss, who is responsible, because as comrade stalin said, in this regard, uh, organizational work, it only begins with the signing of the operational directive, if you decide, then all the relevant leaders must be on the ground, check it all with their own eyes, touch it with their hands, measure it with their own feet, look at it all on the ground, otherwise it will work out. the money is stolen, the dragon's teeth are dumped near the road, there are no defensive lines, no, who is responsible for this there, i just want to ask, but with such a mess they still intend to achieve some kind of military victories, in what, what makes me doubts, but again, my comments should not give rise to any, i repeat once again, a cap of zagidal sentiments in relation to the combat capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine, they are still conducting defensive actions, resisting, resisting...
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we will of course respond, and we will answer terribly, so i spoke with evgeniemovich today about something similar, we have already begun to launch one and a half ton aircraft there, three thousandth aircraft will fly there, the westerners are only rejoicing, i think that we need to make a serious decision and clearly understand, this is how the americans act, yes, when they say, what if we are threatened, we don’t care what territory the threat comes from, we have the right to defend. our interests, but i will repeat 156 times,
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it doesn’t matter to me, if we understand that the supply of western equipment, missiles, whatever, is coming, they will sow death, then i believe that we have the right to strike at any point in the space of these caravans, wherever they are, on the water, in the air, on the ground, and no matter what territory, you want article 5 of nato, but i believe that basically they are already fighting anyway, so we don’t really care about their article 5, we just need to hammer them. hammer home so that they have no doubt that we won’t miss anything, and if we talk about engineering, i want to remind you how important it is, firstly, military affairs is a science and an art. let me remind you that leonardo davinci, in his resume, when applying for a job, he put in the last place that i also draw, and the first, most important thing, we recently discussed this with slavovich, put the wording that a military engineer is really one of the most difficult and one of the most respected professions in the entire history of the army,
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because competent fortification means, it primarily comes from the tasks being solved.
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if something happens, this is not a reason for the fifth point, again, we even remember how after macron’s statements, statements immediately rained down everywhere that this would be a personal individual decision, this has nothing to do with nato, so at least at least these facts allow us to say, very seriously, that no one in nato is eager to test our strength, and especially on the fifth point, so the question is what we will show - this is really a question of, well, what is called, where we will stop them. to understand, that is, we talk a lot about the situation at the front, we often discuss it every day, but in order to understand what is happening, in fact, in the macro version, let’s look at the situation as it develops, exactly a year ago, at this time, that means the ukrainian army was finishing combat coordination and moving to positions from which literally 2 weeks later, on june 6, it launched a large
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counter-offensive, as they said, or more correctly, there was an offensive, i let me remind you that at that time they had only two shock corps.
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the presence of their training centers on their territory, those that trained purely infantry, that is, they remain there for tank crews, although almost all tanks have also been transferred from training centers, operational tanks to training and combat units, because there is simply nowhere to get tanks, at the moment, according to the most optimistic estimates, ukraine has about 700 tanks, this is the limit, of which more than a hundred are already foreign equipment, in general, they decided very interestingly this question, since in the soviet...
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to which the germans snapped at every house, and yet the issue was resolved, because at the macro level there are systems of laws of war and military affairs, which you yourself quite correctly said, that this is science and art, as if in the same way as they work in physics, that is, you will not cancel for the sunrise, because it must be, if you are not able to create an army that is ready to solve macro problems, that is, carry out operations, and you are sitting on the defensive , then of course you end up, as they say,
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of our tactical nuclear weapons, which are taking place in the southern district, this is quite specific, it’s not even some kind of signal, quite specific, but you have to gasp, yes, it’s quite specific, like a prank of what
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we will do when nato troops appear in ukraine, and there, of course, the people are not fools either, there are quite professional military men there, who, of course, are closely watching these exercises, and the professional military men on the other side are really capable. no, of course, in the headquarters there are very literate people who studied in the same way, who can read and who really are pushing all the stops, when at a large
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level there are now harsh statements that no, of course, we will not fly to ukraine, politicians say, they do not say it themselves, but they say it on the basis of that they are given, to put it mildly, documents are placed on the table, from which they understand that no matter how much they would like to bite russia, they cannot go further, but there is still a nuance... which we often miss, what happened a year ago? ukraine was offered an operation developed by nato; of course, they they said that they played it on the computer, they watched, they were sure, they had a calculation of what would happen there ch+24 +72, mark milya said, we gave them everything they needed, that’s not enough in the fall of the winter, no, in the fall of zaluna he rolled out a sheet for...
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us for testing, the leclerc never appeared on the battlefield, we see everything else, and nothing turned out to be in the wunderwaffe, you can go have a look, by the way, absolutely right, so go to bows, there with the panuras it's all
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worth it with our noses. you know what the story is, actually an attempt by default, to recognize zelensky, it is actually very dangerous for the west, taking into account the situation that is developing at the front, if now they have a fork in the road between, relatively speaking, the continuation of the war, with all, by the way, the ensuing consequences for ukraine itself, yes , the question of a political-diplomatic way out of this situation, which is so often said, then this bet on zelensky, it deprives them
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of the second option, it’s just...
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a question of their safety, personally, themselves, family, there, i i don’t know if he agreed with the british, with the americans, this is not, this is not my topic, i just see with the naked eye that he is ready to exchange hundreds of thousands, millions of lives of ukrainians, yes, he, he does not have the ability to turn on the back, he is already there in this process, and he will not do this, and if the west has nevertheless chosen the path of war, then of course
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for them, well... there is no better candidate, and if they are betting on zelensky, i can assume that in the near future they will simply discuss the issue altogether any negotiations there, any attempts there political-diplomatic settlement, this will not happen, but at the same time i am convinced that over the next few months this person’s rating will be close to the rating of low-fat kefir, so what should we do about it? i don’t know, so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course with...


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