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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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this person will be close to the rating of low-fat kefir, i don’t know what to do with it then, it’s so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film. these
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sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general we were delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that's it, love, romance, what right now? yes, i’m about to cry, this is amazing, this is world-class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, but ours. more brutal, there will be
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more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what’s going on in general with production, raw materials and export, what is our product. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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this question is always asked, especially recently, this question is about who is to blame in ukraine, mikhail mikhalovich, there is an answer, there is such a deputy of the supreme council, maryana bezuglaya, last name bezuglaya, by the way, she graduated with honors from school, with a caste diploma from a university, i checked, she says, i went along the fronts, she says this: i went along the fronts, looked, and what i want to tell you, syrsky is to blame for everything, this whole gang, general malt, the general is in plain text, now she’s been wet, wet, wet for the second day, why, because he didn’t build it, in general, in general, i don’t want to quote her, it’s syrsky’s fault, it’s the same bezuglya, she’s the one who deserves it before that, this is the same shameless one, until when, who six months ago exactly the same said that it was all the fault of the treacherous one, she went and walked
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, here you take the tracing paper, you take it, here i take it there six months ago, that she said the treacherous one, she, too, almost the same words are spoken only by me and my last name, but why? because there is a master ermak, who says, he is he and his and his man, he says: bad things, bad things, especially since zelensky came to kharkov, especially since he personally said that everything is great there, there are forts and so on and so on, you have to excuse it, even if it’s the stupid one... who says that sirsky is to blame, so zelensky tells me, that means sirsky reports, a day later, he reports to me, and this is with his right hand, he says, and with his left hand the stupid one helps and says come on fas fas, that’s how it works, this is the first, now the second thing that happened today in ukraine, that means, these are the first two cases when, in fact, the smernitsa region was called up from prison, two
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criminals were called up, yes, that is, they were released criminals early and sent to the national guard, that is, they adopted the experience of the russian federation, well, really , this is how they started in ukraine. you see, ramilevich, when berbak, here berbak came to ukraine seven times during the mtr, only now for the seventh time she began to say that zelensky is so legitimate, but why did she come six times before and not said, legitimate or illegitimate, it seems to me that in this way for any
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thinking person, even a german who listens to berbeck, can ask himself the question, what is she saying, that zelensky is legitimate, maybe he’s watching everything, they tell her varum, yes, he can do everything -so what’s wrong? regarding blinken, this is a very serious point, which means that some time has passed, signals are coming from kiev about what blinken actually said, what he demanded, and what actually happened, which means he demanded
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to remove the government, and the list is there one person should have stayed, but the main thing is that markarova, who is the us ambassador, should become prime minister, she would be the one who would be legitimate, because, firstly, she is... pro-american, and secondly, her valves, here power would pass through her, i think that this scenario would still work, so blinden demanded from zelensky, demanded, and according to the ukrainian constitution, the prime minister is the third figure in the state, as the third, he heads the executive branch, has the right to represent the state of international relationships, yes, yes, the third person, yes, and, but, that is, lower than the leaders of parliament, of course. zelensky said: “listen, blinken, and this is not the first time, he did not fulfill anything that blinke demanded, nothing, even there was nothing at all on corruption, that is, well, i don’t, i, i don’t know, how confident is he that the british are still protecting him, but nevertheless, but so harshly, second, and
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blinkin, besides what he demanded, he didn’t bring anything, he didn’t bring anything, no help, but a guitar , listen, this..." these are satanic songs, or whatever it was on that day, i don’t want to touch this topic, i just why vladimirovich blinky didn’t bring anything, not only that, berbak also didn’t bring anything, that is, she came and said that the legitimate one received the order left, but the order was before her they appropriated it and just now what i mean is that there are no missiles, no air defense , nothing, that is, she came, talked , talked, left, at least she brought some sausage , wait, vladimir. i don't know sausage, maybe, but it doesn't happen if people they just go to the country like that, well, that blincon at least demanded something, but it just says, it means something, it means, that is, it’s not without reason, no, no, no, and what does it mean, we yesterday we saw and today, here is the verkhovna rada, who are the people there, hetman, how he, how
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poroshenko felt that there were some problems with legitimacy, he is right there. immediately said that wait, wait, an investigative commission needs to be created, which means public television has been created, this is the second one, they have been reassigned to the fifth channel, that is, here i am yes, i am that he is no less a criminal than zelensky, that he is the worst, i don’t know which of them is the worst, but look at what topic poroshenko is torpedoing, he says that a law on destruction is urgently needed. of the ukrainian orthodox church, fuck off, that is, you understand, he already has blood on his hands, and yet he wants to come over zelensky, and his goal is to destroy the church, not to win, but to destroy the ukrainian orthodox church, well, that’s how they all are satanists, now there’s another
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smart guy who’s starting to fight with the church, but he and the apostolic church are fighting with the armenian church, they all have such a single manual, everyone...
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how is this solved, and in general, let these experts understand that where they studied, they taught there, so everything is fine , they won’t be able to find out anything unnecessary, and if we find traitors, we’ll deal with them, that’s all, see you tomorrow, in ukraine, which is not a day, a new problem, adding to the headache with mobilization. what are the consequences of this
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significant deficit? let's try to figure it out. ukraine is mobilizing tens of thousands of new troops. forbes columnist david ax, who specializes in ukraine, writes about this. he notes that the new brigades are infantry, when the armed forces of ukraine definitely needs mechanized units. 156. the 157, 158 and 159 infantry brigades are not infantry brigades, that is, they do not have tracked armored vehicles on which mechanized troops go into battle. the shortage of heavy vehicles in ukraine is so acute that the newly formed 153rd mechanized brigade has actually turned from a mechanized unit into infantry. that is, to put it simply, david ax, no matter how transparently he hints, fighting like this is like using a pitchfork against a tank. go ahead. now. ukraine is experiencing a shortage of armored vehicles, since a lot of them were
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lost during the so-called counter-offensive. the losses were such that , in fact, about 40% of the fleet was knocked out, this is what was lost on the battlefield, but we must also take into account that many pieces of equipment simply failed, so they turned out to be not up to standard, they failed, they turned out to be outdated. with poor preliminary preparation, that ukraine turned into a trash heap or a landfill where all the unnecessary rubbish was dumped, under the guise of fraternal help it has already been said more than once, the garbage is running out, but dear friends and comrades from the washington and european regional committees are in no hurry to supply modernized copies that are dear to both the pocket and the soul, as the author notes, added to all other problems is the fact that russian workshops have learned to knock out western equipment, which cannot but irritate.
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the republicans surrendered, lifted the blockade on the supply of new aid, and we will immediately handed over a hundred m2 combat vehicles to bradley, we’ll give them more, though when we don’t know, the author of the article immediately clarifies that these hundreds of vehicles are too few, and that if the ukrainian armed forces are still ever going to attack the russians, they will need more vehicles for all those new ones the troops that they mobilize, well, for example, the reformatting of 153 separate mechanized ones. brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the infantry became a precedent not so long ago, which indicates that even despite
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the new influx of soldiers for mobilization, there is essentially nothing to arm them with, and what in in the end? as a result, infantry brigades may continue to transform into 150, 151, 152 and other brigades, which means that the armed forces of ukraine in the twenty -fourth year will be forced to switch to a passive defensive strategy due to the lack of mechanized strike formations. the fact that armored divisions are actually being transferred to infantry divisions is a fact, the equipment is really getting out of hand, the supplies, for example, from the united states of america, were not normal. the czech republic produces something there and even some people there are trying to get it from anywhere in the world seventy deuces there, either from former yugoslavia or from kuwait, are already even thinking about something else from somewhere else, but
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nevertheless, their reserves are also already coming to an end, and therefore there really will be a shortage of armored vehicles.
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russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of the germalization of nazism. mostly europeans abstained; the united states voted against. a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment to people have been identified, even if these criminals are already dead. supporting small medium-sized enterprises is especially important in the context of unprecedented sanctions. by increasing efficiency, they can fill the niches of departed foreign companies. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the general director of the sme corporation alexander isaevich. development is facilitated by an increase to 25% of the volume of purchases that large businesses
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must make from small medium-sized enterprises from the register of such companies. and that is also very important for them. this is what they know about each other friend, because sometimes, it means that companies that provide certain services are in demand by the same companies from the register, it is simply unknown; this, by the way, is facilitated by the register of small businesses, which, by type of economic activity, by their categories, gives them the opportunity to find out each other about a friend very quickly very simply. the main task of the corporation is to help entrepreneurs obtain debt financing. now the process has been simplified, thanks to this last year.
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rub. high-tech companies more than 170 billion rubles hotel business - 25 billion rubles. sme. with the assistance of the corporation using the umbrella guarantee mechanism , entrepreneurs were also able to attract more than 50 thousand loans amounting to half a trillion rubles. and yet there remain those who were forced to take out a consumer loan at high rates. in this regard , a special program of preferential lending was launched with a focus on industry, logistics and tourism. business receives only for investment purposes, the rate is three to four times lower than the market rate, with the help of the program almost 1,500 entrepreneurs were able to attract more than 150 billion rubles. special attention to regions where there was a drawdown in the issuance of loans. the corporation analyzed such entities and helped businesses structure transactions. the provision of additional state support helped to
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almost double loans. no less important, as mikhail mishustin noted, is the development of smes in new territories. they must have everything. those support tools that are available in any region of the country. the first is the preferential lending program of the ministry of economic development, entrepreneurs from new regions can attract mutual money at 10% while simultaneously covering guarantees from the corporation. this has already allowed us to receive almost 600 million rubles. by the end of the year , another 2 billion rubles will be distributed to entrepreneurs. this work is being carried out together with banks, these are psb, phc and cmr banks. preferential leasing of industrial equipment. the sme corporation at 6.8%, allowed seven projects to raise money for 119 million. another direction is supporting smes in border areas for. regions the corporation launched a separate element umbrella guarantees, out of a volume of 20 billion rubles in 3 months, entrepreneurs have already attracted 8 and a half,
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another 20 billion have been reserved for the second half of the year. also, for businesses in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions, an additional program of preferential lending is being developed ; a preferential leasing program is being launched for the purchase of used equipment and the purchase of domestic transport and cargo vehicles. we approved the special economic zone regime. corresponding benefits and elements of preferential regimes will also be there work, it's important to pair them with the tools you offer if you want to do anything to help them have all the tools they need to grow their business, or at least maintain it. the main thing, as the prime minister noted, is to monitor the investment climate in the country, and it should be assessed by independent associations of entrepreneurs. at the same time, private initiative needs to be developed more strongly so that there is more and more government support per ruble. business's own investments. we watch to know everything about russia. best historical series. let's see. let's see. in the application or
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on the website. you can now transfer money between your accounts in almost any amount without commission. about what rules and tariffs the bank of russia has established in the fast payment system. we will tell you in 5 minutes in the instructions. from may 1st you can transfer. up to 30 million rubles per month without restrictions without commissions on these operations; how to manage the limit is up to you: there are no daily restrictions on the amount. the only thing is that one operation cannot exceed a million. if you need to collect money in one account, for example, for a large purchase of several million, you will have to make several transfers in a row. according to the law, banks do not have the right to limit the number of transfers or set commissions on them if the amount of all transactions does not exceed 30 million per month. if the bar is passed, the commission is half a percent, but not more than one and a half thousand per transfer. if your bank has a limit on the daily volume of transfers, even between your sbp accounts,
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additional steps may be required. within the framework of the current legislation, from may 1, a person can transfer between his accounts completely free of charge, without any restrictions, to different banks, transactions amounting to up to 30 million rubles. the bank does not have the right to establish any... in terms of quantity, amount of transfers, frequency of transfers, moreover, banks do not have the right to establish any obligations for clients, but in order to take advantage of free transfers to oneself in different banks , buy, connect any other bank service, for example, biometrics, with the rule about zero commission there are two exceptions: first: if the operation takes place in a bank branch, since this is more labor-intensive, second, if you transfer using a card number rather than a phone number, but in this case it is no longer sbp, before transferring
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money and confirming it in your mobile application operation, a person must once again pay attention to what phone number he has chosen, and what system he has chosen, for example, if a person... wants to transfer money using the fast payment system, then he chooses a phone number, his own or his friend’s, to whom he wants to translate be sure to use the option in the transfer by phone number section, where the logo of the fast payment system is shown, if the client makes a transfer to himself, between different banks in his mobile application within the framework. yes, as established by law, i repeat, this is up to 30 million rubles. then in the commission section there should be a zero, because these transfers to yourself in different banks, in
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accordance with the law, are free. limit on transfers to other people 100.00 rubles per month, if you do not meet the limit, you will need to pay half a percent on the excess commission, but not more than one and a half thousand for one transfer. the history of transfers between relatives is actually now active. is developing in russia, many banks are investing in this, positioning their services as services for family transactions, and a certain social graph of the family, basically, there are no restrictions between relatives, these are standard transactions for 100,000 rubles per month of transfers, a number of banks are trying to develop create conditions for so that these relatives are somehow fixed logically at the level. banking systems. how can increasing the limit and eliminating commission help you? the main advantage is that it has now become much easier to transfer your savings between banks and you can choose which financial
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organizations. offer more favorable conditions. by the way, clients should receive reminders that your deposit is expiring at least 5 days in advance. this requirement is in the very law that established an increased limit on free transfers. how to decide in which account you want to store money and, in general, how you are going to use it dispose of. in addition to the websites and applications of the banks themselves, special portals and financial platforms will help you. they are free for individuals, and their work is monitored. bank of russia. there are currently nine platforms operating in the country that are included in a special register of the central bank. not all of them may suit you personally; we advise you to go in and choose for yourself. it is important that a deposit opened using a financial platform will be protected, and you will find information about it in your profile on government services. the high key rate allows us to now use different tools that professional membership papers offer. and
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their profitability. will be comparable, even higher than bank deposits, and the risk is not much higher, for example, money market exchange-traded funds, in general, their returns are comparable to bank deposits, the risks there are extremely low, they can be purchased through a broker, many management companies have such exchange-traded funds in with their product line they are in great demand among our investors. so, let’s repeat the main thing: transfer to yourself through the system fast payments without commission are possible. up to 30 million rubles per month, for other individuals up to 100 thousand. the number of transfers to yourself is not limited. now it has become easier to manage your money, for example, transfer it to the bank that offers a higher return on your deposit. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how to choose financing instruments or about tax benefits for investors, write to us on telegram and suggest topics. we will ask the experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions.
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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, for the first time there they wounded me, there were all the bullets to fly, there was only one. conquest, i didn’t have the strength to fast anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where he came from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll be grateful to the stranger.
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the russian army liberated the settlement of kreshcheevka, the most important stage in taking control of the entire territory of the dpr, since it is one of the main strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine in the artyomovsk direction. now our army can ensure control over most of the access roads of kartyom.


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