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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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the russian army liberated the village of kreshcheevka, the most important stage in taking control of the entire territory of the dpr, since it is one of the main strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. now our army can ensure control over most of the access roads to artyomovsk, which opens up another road.
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a few minutes ago the ukrainian armed forces’ mortar fired, this gave it away, now the response will fly. our reconnaissance drone on the right bank of the dnieper discovered an enemy firing position, and now the crew of the d-30 howitzer is preparing high-explosive fragmentation projectile. they stopped counting the targets hit here a long time ago. during the year that the volunteer detachment has existed, its artillerymen have been systematically destroying enemy forces concentrated on the right bank of the dnieper. someone came for 2 months. ago,
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someone came 3 months ago, but basically there is a team, here are the platoon commanders, the batteries have been with them for a year now. the ukrainian kamikaze drone flew in to avenge the destroyed mortar, circles around the howitzer, you can even hear the noise of the propellers, the crew takes up a perimeter defense, but they won’t shoot it down artillerymen, in the detachment there is a professional drone fighter, a fighter with the call sign moss today recorded on his personal account the thirty-second downed enemy quadcopter, kamikaze, reconnaissance drones and...
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drones, where elastite was filled, a half-liter bottle with the same bearings that wounded injured me and my friend. first medical aid to all fighters of the volunteer detachment named after margelov is provided by him, a nizhny novgorod doctor with the call sign tokha. i ended up in the special operation zone in the summer of '22, and came to donetsk with humanitarian aid, and so it remained. in the world he was a traumatologist, but here he became a general practitioner. it is an old truth that a doctor of any specialty. during the war he becomes a bit of a surgeon or a multi-surgeon, that’s how it was with my ancestors, everything is the same, one, one was a gynecologist, her husband was an otolaryngologist, both became surgeons in 1939, and until the end of the second world war. this is footage of battles under the antonov bridge, last fall, attack aircraft of the margelov detachment, like other units, knocked out airborne group of the ukrainian armed forces. tokha was also there in the thick of it.
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margelov was awarded the order of courage, the volunteer’s contract expires in a month, like the stormtroopers of the volunteer detachment , but tokha has already decided that he will remain in the detachment, he, the father of four children, understands all the risks, but considers it his duty to be here, this is the second helmet in my life, the first one remained under the bridge, in a disassembled, destroyed state, it saved my life, and in general i would like to appeal to all soldiers, body armor, helmets and personal equipment in general. protection is at least some kind
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guarantee of our survival on the battlefield. tokha is preparing for the next combat mission, checking her backpack with medications, tourniquets, hemostatic agents, painkillers, everything she needs is here. together with the assault squad, he goes to the front line of the dnieper defense, where he will fight his battle, fight with death, saving our guys. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. british and american mercenaries are already training soldiers in so on the territory of ukraine - this is reported by the british san building. posted it a report filmed at a secret base in the kharkov region. there the british are training kiev militants. at the same time, english instructors complained that recently it has become too dangerous to work with ukrainians. over the past few weeks, since the russians began their offensive, our job has become much more difficult. we are forced
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to use many different places, secret positions, we have to hide all the time. unfortunately, the areas where our bases are located throughout ukraine regularly come under attack russians. vladimir putin. i heard a report from the governor of the lipetsk region, igor artamonov, on the situation in the region via video conference. artamonov has been heading the region since 2018. his term of office expires this year. the president supported the nomination of the current head of the region for a second term. your instructions for working with the families of the mobilized are being carried out, the introduction of a patronage system, where each family has a curator , has yielded very positive results. assessment from the children who are returning, from families, and we decided to extend this program to large families, for elderly people, that is , it is progressing successfully, we are already forming a fifth nominal division, four have been formed, and we made a decision taking into account the fact that in the police, well, there is
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a problem with staffing precinct police officers, to introduce regional surcharges, now we are discussing the same things with the russian guard, because well, public safety is very important to us. but i understand that not everything has been done in the region, much remains to be done and developed, i ask you to support my nomination for the post of governor of the lipetsk region for a second term. igor grigorevich, i want to wish you success, but i hope you are an experienced person, you need to work with people directly, you know this, especially during this election period, so go ahead, i wish you good luck. thank you for your trust, we will justify it.
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all the best to you, success. the more effective russia is in technological solutions, the more difficult it will be for ill-wishers to interfere with the country, vladimir putin said at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. the president instructed the agency to more actively promote products from russia abroad. what else was discussed? vera moroz will tell you. russia will be able to solve ambitious problems and ensure growth if there are opportunities for research and production. communities was noted by vladimir putin at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. the president instructed asya to more actively strengthen international partnerships to promote products from russia abroad. we can follow the path of developing cooperation with friendly states, with those who want
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to work together with us, create products and innovations that citizens of the economy need our countries. we will definitely discuss it within the framework of russia’s brix chairmanship. the agency's proposal on these topics to develop a joint plan of action for the future. in general, i ask the agency to more actively develop international partnerships. directions of its activities, participate in promoting the best russian practices, brands, and projects in the world. vladimir putin also proposed developing a system of incentives for companies that support participants in a special military operation, implement social projects contribute to strengthening technological sovereignty. a system of actually working incentives and support tools must be created for companies that make an effective contribution, strengthening technological and industrial sovereignty, creating new jobs,
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taking care of employees, implementing social and environmental programs, supporting participants in a special military operation, landscaping, and sometimes new modern cities and towns are being built. at the meeting, the president proposed to discuss standard of social capital of business, now the contribution to the development of our country, according to the recommendations of the central bank according to the standards of sustainable development of mineka, can be assessed according to five indicators: implementation of the national goal, social management, development of the region of presence, the relationship between the business strategy and the country as a whole and the environmental direction. the agency for strategic initiatives invites businesses to voluntarily submit reports to generate support at the regional and federal levels. companies that formulate these reports in this way within the framework of recommendations of the central bank and the ministry of economic development, they can simply submit this... reporting to the platform of the operator, which is the holder of this
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standard, where this reporting, well , is checked, then it is also the operator’s task to form a pool of support measures at the regional level, both administrative, and financial, at the federal level. in terms of regional development, we noted such a tool as an investment rating; it helps in creating favorable conditions for business. according to axis calculations, 55 regions improved theirs. results in this rating for 83 indicators. one of the key areas is supporting entrepreneurship by launching a competition for national brands; the revenue of companies that produce products made in russia, ranging from gastronomic to high technology, has grown from 50 to 200%. the agency for strategic initiatives notes that when companies export, they are recognized abroad. in essence, this is the strategic development between. in germany,
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an unknown person tried to ram the gates of the russian consulate general in beaune. the diplomatic mission confirmed it by posting these photos on its social media page. according to preliminary data , the driver was drunk or may have been under the influence of drugs. he is detained. the consulate general expects a professional investigation into the incident. the british prime minister suddenly announced early parliamentary elections on july 4, although the conservative party could remain in power for another year and a half. some experts consider this a strange decision because the conservatives' ratings are at their lowest point , about 20%, while labour's are twice as high. but sunok himself hopes for victory, assures that under his leadership britain is moving towards success. we were able to reduce inflation from 11 to 2%,
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thus we accomplished the task that has always been my priority, to return inflation to normal levels. we have shown the country that only the conservative party can provide economic stability, the basis for our national success. the economy is again growing faster than germany, france and u.s.a. salaries are growing faster.
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every little detail is a direct result of the chaos the tories have created in parliament. time after time, they have only pursued their own gain, ignoring the problems that affect your family. if you give them another 5 years, they will feel empowered to do the same. and nothing will change. we propose to restart the economy and politics so that they again serve the interests
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of working people. a tornado swept through the us state of iowa, there were deaths, etc. the small town of greenfield was completely destroyed, the rubble there had only just begun to be cleared, the tornado also affected illinois conscine, tens of thousands of homes were left without... she arrived empty-handed and did not promise anything concrete, this is exactly how germany reacted to the visit of the german foreign minister to kiev. the head of our bureau in berlin, mikhail antonov, will tell you why this happened. the wemer triangle, which consists of germany, france and poland, in european politics for a long time was similar to the geographical bermuda triangle,
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which everyone tried to bypass the country as damn place. however, after the removal of polish nationalists from power, it was decided to resume it. normal shipping. france, taking advantage of the fact that scholz and his yellow-green company are killing the national economy with sanctions, is challenging germany’s european hegemony. in this regard, both paris and berlin hope to situationally take advantage of warsaw, which, of course, also counts on bonuses from both sides. it is difficult to say how this scheme will work in the future, but now there is a powerful cementing factor in the form of a common enemy. ukrainians are protecting not only their own future.
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we all need to be more aware that we don't have time. time is playing into russia's hands, and moscow proceeds from the fact that there is no unity between us. ukraine cannot defend itself with words. the west has not woken up, it still does not deliver what it can, this applies to germany. it is incomprehensible that the federal chancellor, who is responsible, cannot do more, although we can afford to do so. the scholz have been left behind with the taurus for now, perhaps. which he refuses give german cruise missiles to kyiv. in this case we would be directly involved in the war, so europe and the us
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said no. there is no common sense in saying now: “let’s do it anyway, but the no-fly zone will only be 70 or 100 km. we must concentrate on supporting ukraine, but we ourselves do not want to become a party to the conflict, and we do not we will become it, neither we nor europe. the degree of germany’s concentration on supporting ukraine is evidenced by the results of the negotiations between defense minister pistorius and colleague from the ministry of finance lindner. pistorius demanded about 10 billion euros additionally. 2/3 of them were supposed to go to the rearmament of the bundusfer and another 3.8 billion for military assistance to ukraine. lindner agreed to allocate funds for kiev, but the german army will have to wait until better times in the german budget, there is no money for it. and if... germany doesn’t, then others even more so. everyone must step out of their comfort zone to find a solution to ensure that defense receives the funding it needs. after decades of half-starvation,
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the western military-industrial complex intends to take its toll, to feast to the fullest at the expense of taxpayers, but for this it is necessary that every european feels as keenly as possible the inevitability of the russian threat. there is no evidence, but something is constantly being thrown into the information field that can fuel the general hysteria. last week in... when, but already now, it will lighten europe's pocket by 60 billion euros due to the loss of excise taxes on fossil fuels, or, for example, the danes, they probably will not notice that
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their country's gdp has suddenly fallen by almost 2 %. however, there is a well-known european wisdom, authored by the german minister of economics habik. the industry does not go bankrupt, it simply stops working. and the fourteenth package of anti-russian sanctions looms over europe, which they are in a hurry to adopt. before the hungarian eu presidency in the second half of this year. this package plans to introduce restrictions on the import of russian liquefied natural gas. and probably the most amazing news of the day is that after analyzing the consequences of such a step, belgium, germany and france did not turn to independent experts, but to the european commission itself. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. “i have been waiting for you for an eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm,
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sunny, bright, the russia exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, than. ..” i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on may 23, 1618 , the thirty years' war began, the first armed conflict to affect all countries. europe. it all started as a religious clash between protestants and catholics. on that day in prague, protestant nobles killed the governors of the holy roman empire. the main hostilities took place on the lands of modern germany. as a result , a document was signed. the world on its basis the entire modern system of international relations was born, it was called wisphalian, two new states appeared on the map of europe:
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the republic of the united provinces of the netherlands and the swiss union. france strengthened its authority and became a european hegemon. spain was in decline. sweden gained dominance in the baltic and became an empire for almost a century. in religious terms , a principle was proclaimed. since then , international relations have been based on compliance with treaties. on may 23, 1934 , the first flight of a cruise missile in the ussr took place; it was a missile designed by sergei korolev, who was then only 27, and his colleague evgeniy. the first rocket weighed 30 kg , took off from horizontal guides like an airplane, flew only 200 m, but a start had been made, already the second modification weighed
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three times longer had an estimated range of up to 15 km. the first missiles looked like small airplanes, with a two-fin tail, tanks in the center of the fuselage, engines in the tail, and all the automation and ammunition in the nose. korolev came up with the idea of ​​placing a rocket in the nose during testing, not a warhead, but a parachute; when it was fired, the rocket was not destroyed, smoothly fell to the ground, and could be reused. even then, korolev wrote: that the rocket, thanks to its speed and high ceiling, would be a very serious weapon, so the soviet scientist for decades forward predicted the path of weapons development, although in those years no one yet imagined the full power of cruise and ballistic missiles of today. on may 23, 1949 , the federal republic of germany (frg) was founded after the second world war as the victorious power.
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the ussr, usa, great britain and france divided germany into four zones of occupation by 1949. as the confrontation between the former allies grew, western countries united the administration of their zones into the so-called trizonia, while eastern germany remained under soviet control. the parliamentary council meeting in bon officially announced the creation of the federal republic of germany. it included all the german lands that were part of trizonia. and its constitution. immediately provided for the possibility of extending its action to other territories of germany, since berlin was also divided into four zones, had a special status, and a rather provincial bon was chosen as the administrative center of germany. six months later , the gdr officially appeared on the site of the soviet occupation zone. german democratic republic. germany remained divided into two countries until 1990, when the ussr, represented by mikhail gorbachev, gave the go-ahead for
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unification. germany. according to the agreement, the gdr was liquidated, its entire territory became part of the federal republic of germany. the capital returned to berlin. on may 23, 1980, stanley kubrick's film the shining, based on the novel by stephen king, was released in the united states. today the film is considered a classic of the horror genre, but not everyone liked it back then, since it was very different from the literary basis. according to the plot, the main character played by jack nicholson and his wife. with his son, he gets a job as a caretaker in a hotel that is closed during the low season and gradually, under the influence of his own psychological problems and the dark forces living in the hotel, he goes crazy. kubrick shot many scenes in dozens of takes, driving the actors and staff into hysterics in an attempt to achieve what he considered to be the perfect
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shots. one of... for the first time, kubrick used the steadicam system here, this is shooting in motion with a camera in hand. kubrick's film has become one of the most famous stephen king adaptations, but here's what... the writer didn't like it. he felt that the director had greatly simplified his concept and called hubrik, quote, a man who thinks too much and feels too little. this is what this day in history was like.
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