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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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new positions of militants were destroyed by fighters of the eastern group of troops in the southern donetsk direction. footage from before the war from our war correspondent. a travel agency, a cafe and even a football club. on the verge of closure in
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germany due to the crisis, companies go bankrupt every day, let's talk about the chaos in europe due to support for the armed forces of ukraine. dozens of people died in the gaza strip after the israeli strike. almost all of them are women and children who took refuge in the mosque. what negotiations are taking place around the rafah checkpoint to ensure border security? serious warning: army china has launched comprehensive military exercises in the taiwan area. what is the task? of these maneuvers, we begin the release with the progress of a special military operation: russian aerospace forces aircraft carried out new airstrikes against the enemy. the crews of fighters and bombers in the su-34 went on missions. the pilots were given the goal of destroying the fortifications and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy was hit with universal air bombs.
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she has also been with us for 2 years. the rapier for this gunner crew has long been a member of the family. the cat accompanies the soldiers every trip. a fighter with the call sign kazanka has been at the front since the first day of the special military operation. he came here from buryatia. now works as an operator of the grad multiple launch rocket system. sometimes we shoot and it flies here, but it’s true that it doesn’t hit us right away. well, it falls nearby. well, quickly we work out the target, the weapon, twist it and. we're leaving quickly for a firing position. over the course of 2 years, hail has repeatedly come under fire, and there are holes from shrapnel around the entire perimeter of the body. fortunately, the crew was never harmed. there are a lot of holes, here you can take the first one from the other side , there are also a lot of holes, well, we fix it, we always repair it. well, take all these splinter holes on this side, too, that’s all, the small splinters were all flying around. what was this shot from? 155ka. eastern groups work in
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the southern donetsk direction, help infantry and armored units to open enemy defensive positions, the firing range is about 20 km, they carry out combat missions and crews every day, including at night. we directly carry out tasks to suppress enemy manpower, as well as work on lightly armored vehicles, strongholds, has it become calmer or more tense, lately we have had to stop. calmer than even these were, well, when they had a large-scale offensive, we held back this offensive with all our might, did not allow the enemy to advance far to our rear. with the onset of spring , working with the rszzo grad crew has become much easier, because the vehicles do not get stuck and therefore can move much faster, but on the other hand, in such clear weather there are a lot of drones in the sky kamikaze, so settlements never stay in one place for too long. constantly
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maneuvering. hailstorms can develop anywhere. no special preparation is required. this is why they are difficult to detect. the hall, when actively installed , covers a huge area of ​​several football fields, after each shot, the crews quickly leave for the starting position and immediately begin to prepare for the next task. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and now to the situation in the middle east: almost several dozens of people were killed after the israeli defense forces struck a mosque in the gaza strip. the tv channel reported this. it is clarified that among the dead there are children, the journalist cites the words of witnesses, the victims are mainly women and minors who took refuge in the mosque. there was also a school in the same building. according to rescuers, the death toll may increase further. and now
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scary footage from mexico from telegram channels, during the speech of mexican presidential candidates jorge mayanas. the wind brought down the back part of the stage structure, it covered the performers, and then completely caught fire. it is reported that the politician survived, but at least four rally participants were killed and dozens of people were injured. budget revenues of the lipetsk region have doubled over the past 5 years; in the kurgan region , the unemployment rate has been reduced by 25 times in 5 years. the state of affairs in these regions was reported to the president by the governors, working meetings took place via video conference, my colleague margarita semenyuk has all the details. the first topic with which i started my report by governor of the lipetsk region igor artamonov - support for the participants of the special operation and their families, the patronage system, which
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the head of state ordered to implement in the regions, is expanding. there was a very positive assessment from the children who are returning from their families, and we decided to extend this program to families with many children. for older people, that is, it works successfully. the governor reported on the work done, so the budget revenues of the lipetsk region have doubled over 5 years, the special economic zone has been expanded, through which the main investments are made, for during the five-year period, twice as much money was allocated for the construction and overhaul of schools, kindergartens, and healthcare facilities; in the agricultural sector, exports amounted to a billion dollars, an increase of three times over 5 years. but i understand that not everything has been done in the region, there is a lot... to be done, developed, i ask you to support my nomination for the post of governor of the lipetsk region for a second term. igor grigorevich, i want to wish you success, but i hope you are an experienced person, you need to work with people directly, you know this, so especially during this period
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election, so go ahead, i wish you good luck. the governor of the kurgan region, vadim shumkov, also reported on the situation in the region. the main topic was spring floods and liquidation of the consequences of the flood. high water flooded fifty settlements, over 13 thousand people were affected, now more than 2,500 hectares and almost 4,500 houses have been freed from water, what is the state of your interaction with the federal authorities in this regard, with the ministry of emergency situations, there with the government, clearly, absolutely substantively, specifically, literally within 3 days after the videoconferencing the issue with you was resolved allocation of an over-limit subsidy to the region to determine the consequences of pa... as for the socio-economic development of the region, the region now ranks second in the country in terms of industrial production dynamics. over 5 years, we managed to reduce the
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unemployment rate by 25 times. five industrial parks have been built in the kurgan region, three more are under construction and five are being designed. this year marks the end of an almost six-year cycle of my work. you are planning, and for my part i wish you all the best and success. vladimir putin supported the plans of regional leaders to run for a new term in september.
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margarita semenyuk, news. the fsb declassified archival documents about the crimes of the us and french military in berlin after the surrender of germany in may 1945. published. in particular, memos and special messages from representatives of the soviet military administration. they describe facts of looting, robbery, violence, as well as attacks by allied soldiers on civilians. the german capital, as one of the reports describes the artist’s history kalina paula. he stood up for a woman who was attempted to be raped by american soldiers. as a result, he was beaten, his head was broken and his nose was broken. the article also describes the consequences of the speech made by british prime minister churchel in march 1946. historians believe that it was she who marked the beginning of the cold war. reports from that period noted an increase in intelligence activity. the former allies recruited those released from them as spies.
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emmanuel macron arrived in riot-ridden new caledonia, he said that will do everything to restore calm to the island and the french republic as a whole. in addition, the french security villages will remain in calidonia as long as necessary. macron also paid tribute to those killed during the unrest. previously, the island refused to hold a joint video conference with the french. invitations to paris for negotiations remained completely unanswered. let me remind you that the french pacific territory opposes the bill to expand the voter list. according to indigenous people, the innovation could weaken them political position. ukraine can decide for itself whether to strike deep into russia, us secretary of state anthony blin said. washington is trying to put pressure on its allies and demands that the european union intervene in the conflict. all this. wreaking havoc in european countries. the british are being prepared for a national crisis, and because of ukraine, macron’s rating is rapidly
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falling, and scholz is even suspected of working for moscow. maria skorodilka will tell you all the details of these scandals. armed with a map as loud as possible, american officials are scaring the world. chairman of the committee the us house of representatives for foreign affairs, one of the main russophobes, makol , openly demands that ukraine be allowed to use american weapons on stupid people. the ukrainian conflict, experts said, is being decided hastily, and this despite the fact that
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the american army will not be able to compete with the russian army on the battlefield, analysts say. on the battlefield, russian troops will win, they are battle-hardened, and we are not just talking about combat hardening, they have experience in using modern technologies, tactics and methods of warfare, they know how to use defend against drones that the americans did not have to deal with. experts assure. most americans believe that biden cannot govern the country, he is embarrassed in public, falls, does not remember words, the problems of the united states, he simply does not see, he is a hero, a soap hopper, not a president, they laugh on the internet. any major information will instantly be used on the internet by the worst.
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scholz claims he is forcing kiev to make peace with moscow. in london they habitually blame any of their troubles on russia, but in order to relieve themselves it’s all over now, they announced the dissolution of parliament just before the elections in early july. thus, the negligence of the british government will simply be nullified. in relation to ukraine has caused your electricity bills to spiral upward. the british are being prepared for a global crisis and are being asked to stock up on water and canned food, writes the times. and again it's all because. the indifference of the french to ukraine and the eu is nullifying macron’s election campaign, states the politician. the french are much more concerned about security within their own borders than global security - the article says and it seems that the world is not only tired of the ukrainian topic, it is sinking into depression, and this advertisement on the streets of kiev is confirmation: there is no way out of depression, it will only get worse, life has no meaning, it is written on the billboards.
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maria skorodilka, news. and now the footage. russia will receive individual development programs, tell us what funds are allocated from the budget for this. tatyana, 10 billion rubles a year for 5 years, i will continue the topic. the russian government needs until october 1 approve individual socio-economic development programs for ten regions that need to improve their performance. this instruction was given by vladimir
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putin. the measure will affect the republics of altai, kalmykia, mariel, tyva, khakassia, and the chuvash republic. altai territory, kirov, kurgan and pskov regions. the programs will operate from next year until 2030. their implementation will require an additional 10 billion rubles from the federal budget annually. the national living infrastructure project plans to launch before the end of the year. its basis has already been prepared. deputy prime minister marad khusnulin spoke about this in an interview with maria kudryavtseva. he emphasized that the task of the new project is to integrate it as much as possible into a single master.
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the tour for life should be reported in may. watch the full version of the interview with deputy prime minister marat khusnulin on our channel today after 11:00 moscow time. germany is against the confiscation of blocked russian assets to support ukraine. according to the official representative of the german cabinet, we can only talk about income from these funds. in turn, the united states insists on using the assets themselves as... collateral for issuing loans to kiev. washington wants to move forward on this issue by the middle of next month, said us secretary of state antony blinken. i hope that by the time the group of seven meets, which the president will attend, we will be able to make progress on this issue. the possibility that we are considering is to use the principal amount as collateral when issuing
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a loan, which will allow us to obtain significant funds for the restoration of ukraine. the passenger flow at russian airports in january-april increased by 7% and exceeded 60 million people. of these , over 47.5 million used the services of domestic airlines. a little more than 13 million people were transported on international flights. about a third of the total volume of passengers came from moscow airports. at the end of the issue, i would like to remind you of the exchange rates for today: dollar 90 rubles. 18 kopecks euro 97.80.
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and in russia today the main period for passing the unified state exam starts. today, the first exams in chemistry, literature and geography are disciplines in
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choice. approximately 150 thousand people rent them. works are written in the far east before others. the tasks are given from 3 to 4 hours to complete, depending on the subject. they promise to officially announce the results by june 6. let me remind you that updated rules are in effect this year. until the end of the admission period, participants can retake one of the subjects; this option is available only to graduates of this year, including those who took exams ahead of schedule in march and april. the retake procedure is in early july. and at khabarovsk airport, where it ends construction of a new terminal, installation of elevators and escalators has already begun. the completion date of the project was postponed several times due to sanctions. and now, according to builders, it is 80% ready. anna leonova found out when the first flights would arrive. this is how the hum of arriving and departing planes, without disrupting the airport’s operations for a minute,
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changes the international terminal before our eyes and reaches the finish line. now we have reached the third floor, this is where the journey of the passenger who will fly on international airlines will begin. on the site which is clearly visible from the future departure zone, containers with equipment are neatly standing, because of which it is not... initially, we were supposed to use equipment from a finnish company, the contract was concluded, the advance was paid, the twenty-second year came, which means our performance under this contract was suspended, the supply of equipment was refused, the contract was terminated, the advance was returned, but the khabarovsk airport was reoriented to a new supplier. vertical transport and other components china, part domestically produced equipment, now contractors have no reason to delay the completion of the terminal on time. we
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are defining the schedule a little, as it is planned to put the facility into operation in the fourth quarter of this year and so it will be. the installation of escalators and elevators is in full swing, boarding bridges will be delivered in the fall, a two-level baggage handling system for 600 passengers per hour, there are constant stings in the old terminal. complex, we tried to make sure that these areas were sufficient and sufficient so that no more questions would arise. despite pressure from sanctions, contractors did not exceed the budget of more than 6 billion rubles. cost of the resident tasr terminal project. the priority investment project will very soon become the largest. including the area of ​​the far east airport. the first passengers are expected to fly at the beginning of 2025. the attraction of new players to the air transportation market will begin immediately. the terminal
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allows the simultaneous acceptance and servicing of several aircraft at once, then the international route network will expand, oriented, naturally, to primarily to the east of the asia-pacific region. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. united russia sent the first batch of humanitarian aid to the liberated areas of the kharkov region. the kits were delivered by fighters from the group of russian troops north. in total, 2.5 tons of food were brought. in the future they plan to make regular deliveries twice a week. let me note that party members have been helping residents of front-line areas since the first days of the special military operation. 110,000 tons of humanitarian cargo have already been transferred, plus front support. for purchase.
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europa league as part of the italian atalanta. tell us how it happened. what details? tatyana atalanta crushingly beat bayern 3:0, and for alexey meranchuk this is the sixth title in his career. the first five titles were still part of the moscow locomotive. so, the italian atalanta became the winner of the europa league. in the final in dublin , the izbergam team beat the german bayar with a score of 3:0. niger scored all three goals.
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51 matches without defeat. as part of atalanta, the russian became the winner of the europa league midfielder alexey miranchuk, however, by decision of the coach, he did not take part in yesterday’s final. for alexey mironchuk, this is the sixth trophy in his career. he won all the previous ones back in lokomotiv. alexey miranchuk is the tenth russian in history to win the european cup as part of a foreign team. well , for atalanta, winning the europa league is only the second trophy in the club’s history. 61 years ago atalanta won the italian cup. kazan unics became the second finalist of the vtb united league. on the eve of the kazan team in the seventh match of the semi-final series on their floor beat lokomotiv-kuban. one and a half minutes before the final siren, the score was equal to 83:83 and the end of this match was the time of unix leader nenad dimitrievich. the macedonian regained the lead for his team in the pass, after which he scored a mid-range shot with a foul and then showed composure in converting free throws. thanks to the exploits of dimitrievich,
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literally in just over a minute, unix broke away from the opponent by seven points. unix eventually won with a difference of +5, 9287 reached the final series of the united league for the second time in a row vtb. dimitrievich scored 31 points yesterday, repeating the scoring record in the current playoffs. unix is ​​the current champion of the united league, winner of the regular season, so in the final against cska, kazan will have home court advantage. the final series of unix tsk will begin in kazan. baskethall on sunday may 26th. in moscow, matches are guaranteed to take place on may 31 and june 2. the maximum final episode will last until june 11. it was on this day in kazan that the potential seventh match was scheduled. last night the stanley cup was played game 1 of the eastern conference finals. the winner of the regular season, the new york rangers, hosted florida and lost in the first match of the series with a score of 0-3. the winning goal
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was scored at the end of the first period. in fact, this is a classic own goal, but in hockey there are no own goals, so the puck was credited to carter verhaeghe, he was the one who made the pass. florida goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky, who kept a clean sheet last night, became the best player of the match, and bobrovsky made one of his saves with his head. sergei hit the puck, then why his mask fell off. except for the florida rangers. let me remind you that edmonton and dallos are vying for the stanley cup. in total , six russian hockey players play for these teams. second russian medal at the world judo championships. the bronze medal of the tournament in abu dhabi was won by madina taymazova, one of the most famous and recognizable judaists on our team. the russian woman competes in the weight category up to 70 kg. in the final for the bout, or rather for bronze, twenty-four-year-old madina taymazova defeated the greek
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athlete. elizaveta teltsida, for the bronze medalist of the tokyo olympics, the bronze of the tournament in abu dhabi is the first personal medal in her career at the world championships. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not called it a remake, re-shooting, the film is absolutely independent, uh, moved away from me, this and adventure, this is a very interesting comedy.
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you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud , it was something like the whole movie in one breath, we’ll meet in the future. 100 years ahead, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions are taken to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, will be more than what exactly does the figure help with?


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