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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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because this is the basis of any national statehood, it is important that everyone who is involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels all series , movies and cartoons, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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in moscow, half past ten and beyond, briefly about the main thing at this hour. in the state duma today. large parliamentary hearings are being held to improve the tax system system, the adjustment will take place in three directions: taxes on individuals, on business, and the distribution of funds between regional and municipal budgets. as parliamentarians note, the changes will not affect the majority of citizens of the country; they will not have to pay more taxes. france has tested an upgraded supersonic cruise missile that can carry nuclear weapons. we are talking about what is called asmp. it
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is designed to be launched from the rafal fighter. the authorities intend to spend about 13% of the military budget on nuclear deterrence in the coming years. in the kherson direction of the special operation , an msu reconnaissance drone was shot down. the crew of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system worked on the target. russian su-34 bombers hit an enemy stronghold, strike esli alya bomba. with a planning module, our paratroopers eliminated a western -made tracked robot that was delivering ammunition to ukrainian positions. it's a busy time for russian schoolchildren to take the unified state examination. today there are exams in literature, chemistry and geography. these are elective disciplines. they are rented out approximately 150,000 people. the results will be known by june 6, the exams will be held in all regions of russia, as well as in schools abroad. now
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they are eagerly coming to news marked urgently, i would like to remind you that the lower house of parliament is currently holding parliamentary hearings on changes to tax legislation and its improvement. so, now finance minister anton silanov has already stated that the ministry of finance supports the proposal of deputies and businesses not to increase the vat rate, otherwise this could accelerate inflation. in addition, he added that the tax the profit will... be paid on a smaller amount of taxable profit. the ministry of finance is also considering the possibility of converting the resort fee into a tourist tax, and anton selanov added that investment deductions for investments in high-tech production will be increased. we will, of course , return to this topic; we are waiting for our correspondent to speak directly a little later; she now works in the state duma. scientists from sechensky university have created the world's first classroom. from
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the membrane that surrounds the heart, it is a unique development in the future can help thousands of people with heart disease, alika komarova will tell you how the first operation was performed. we decided to name her peppa, and i want to note that these are very smart animals, after all, by the evening, after we called her peppa hundreds of times, she had already responded to her name. this pig has a chance to make history today. at sechenov moscow university, peppa was given a new heart device. valve, it is made from a donor pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart. patient for surgery selected by weight, according to scientists, the dna of pigs and humans coincides by almost 98%. we have the same structure of internal organs, blood composition and general mechanisms of the body. we were able to calculate what an ideal native sash should be like. as a result, we were able to develop the size of the valve, which can be and... the main problem
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of valves already existing on the market is the deposition of calcium in the walls of the arteries, the human body does not accept foreign... the pericardium or pericardial sac is a strong formation of connective tissues, they surround the heart on all sides, at sechenov university for several years now they have been creating valves from the biological tissue of the patients themselves right during surgery, now they want to produce canned food, pre-form valves from the membrane of healthy donors,
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freeze them in a special solution and transplant them. if everything in the experiment on animals works for a sufficient amount of time and... more than half of the guys are already working according to their profile in clinics, but ilya aims to be an academician, he previously worked with the archive, and assisted the professor in operations. i'm working under under the guidance of professor roman nikolaevich, starting from the fourth year, i have been carrying out scientific work at the department
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of surgery for the third year. starting this year, i became a research intern at the department and am building my entire career path in the future in terms of cardiosurgical surgery. now let's look at the dynamics of the animal's condition. in the future, it can save millions of lives, in russia alone , 20 thousand children are born every year with congenital heart defects, now they are supported by old-style valves, they need to be replaced every 25 years, the development seychinovsky university continues to serve the patient for 40 years or more. alika komarova, news, there is still one. western media report an acute shortage of military equipment from the kiev regime; they write that after the announcement of total mobilization in ukraine , new brigades are being formed, but these are all foot units. stanislav bernowald looked into how such a deficit could turn out.
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every day in ukraine there is a new problem. in addition to headaches with mobilization , another syndrome is added, which accompanies the development of a serious illness; ukraine is catastrophically there is not enough military equipment. even despite the renewed western supplies. what are the consequences of this significant deficit? let's try to figure it out. ukraine is mobilizing tens of thousands of new troops. forbes columnist david ax, who specializes in ukraine, writes about this. he notes the new brigades - these are infantry. then, when the armed forces of ukraine definitely needs mechanized units. the 156th, 157th, 158th and 159th infantry brigades are not infantry brigades.
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they dumped all the unnecessary rubbish, under the guise of brotherly help it has already been said more than once, the garbage is running out, and modernized copies that are dear to both the pocket and the soul, friends and comrades from the washington and european regional committees are in no particular hurry to deliver, as the author notes, just like all other problems , the fact that russian workshops
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have learned to knock out western equipment is added to, which cannot but irritate, and we cannot but be pleased with the active work of our artillery, aviation and also... the ukrainian army, it will become mechanized and transformed into infantry. the author of the article reassures ukrainians, they say, don’t worry, friends, big brother will always help, now the republicans have surrendered, lifted the blockade on the supply of new aid, and we have already immediately given you a hundred m2 bradley fighting vehicles, we will give you more, however, when we don’t know, the author of the article immediately clarifies that these hundreds of vehicles are too few, and they say if in the ssu they are still going to attack someday,
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the infantry is a fact, the equipment is really getting out of hand, there have been no normal supplies, for example, from the united states of america since september, only now they have started again, but it also seems like abramsov is not shining there , for leopards too. for some reason we don’t hear new broadcasts of seventy deuces in europe, not that there are, but the czech republic
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produces something there, and even some are trying to get seventy deuces from the bottom of the barrel all over the world, either from former yugoslavia or from kuwait, they are even thinking then from somewhere else, but nevertheless, their reserves are also already coming to an end, and therefore there really will be a shortage of armored vehicles. well, in general , it turns out, yes, i would be happy to help, but there’s nothing to forgive , excuse the shortage of scrap metal, the problem is obvious and how to solve it for the owners of ukraine we haven’t figured out the course of action yet, but we have to fight, according to washington’s logic, there is no equipment, but the ukrainians still exist, so let them go forward with equipment instead, you don’t feel sorry for them. investigators are looking into the causes of the fire in the istra district of the moscow region, where six people died. the fire destroyed a two-story building in which, according to preliminary data, khosl was located and a large number of temporary workers lived. on may 23, 2024
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, a fire occurred in a private three-story household located in snt snegil, the village of padikova, istra urban district. during liquidation the bodies of six people were found in the fire, another victim was hospitalized in a medical facility. the exact number of victims is being clarified. the investigative department for the city of istra of the state investigative directorate of russia for the moscow region has opened a criminal case on this fact. regarding the third part of article 109. the construction of a student campus is in full swing at the kant baltic federal university, they will already move there next year. next is a special report from dinaid kurbatovo, with this i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you, good news. in russian lato we will raffle off country houses in honor of the anniversary with a golden barrel,
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of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. i'm the chef of cote aganesa. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier. the right sauce is important. and story, now it’s definitely delicious. looking for the stay of your future dreams? don't be cruel to me. my principle is to give your best both in sports and in music, even if everything does not go according to plan, flash-up will charge you with energy to move on, flash-up energy is always charged, if the possible has boundaries, i want to cross them, if there is freedom of choice,
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i want to experience it, if the light has an edge, i want to cry for it. new jqj8, sure, this is for real, it’s not easy to catch the pyro firebird, but everyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on! in kalining, spring in the baltic courtyard the federal university is surrounded by greenery, but after a short break all the students are back at their desks with exams ahead. denis zhigulin, a teacher at the higher school of linguistics, teaches classes on simultaneous translation from english. recently, the ikbfu underwent
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restructuring. now there are five clusters, one of them is the institute of education and humanities, which unites former departments. this is important for interdisciplinarity, multipolarity, in other words, a student who studied linguistics as an undergraduate can enter master's degree in journalism. it is welcomed here when a student additionally listens to lectures that are not included in the program of his course; the graduate has several qualifications in his diploma: linguist, teacher and translator. artificial intelligence, it was developed together with colleagues from the kurchatov institute, and is dedicated to the study of issues of analysis of natural speech, analysis
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of artificial languages, to create various algorithms, write all kinds of programs, there was once a shoe production here, on the other hand it is a metaphor, because it a factory of innovative, sometimes brilliant ideas. here, too, work is at the intersection of sciences: chemistry, physics, medicine. elizaveta demishkevich is in her first year of graduate school and is leading the creation of an optical sensor that should help patients control the concentration of the drug metatrixate. i like the fact
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that i am aimed not only at gaining knowledge, which i... the structure, well, for example, the molecular structure, any, then it can be analyzed by this spectrometer and you can understand the substance, if the substance has a chemical for the substance. dasha silikova - the second-year student is already the ceo of a startup, she is developing threads for microsurgery, her classmate dasha gerasimova came up with a new material for implants. vitaly zhukov is already conducting experiments on
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animals with new biocompatible implants. in other words, students create smart materials in the laboratory. textiles, where customers come, these are real customers who come to us with the task of either modifying an existing material, or creating a material with unique programmable properties, we are this material we are developing, developing a technology for its production using this technology, they can already produce products with specified properties from these materials at their factories, the restructuring of the equipment of classroom laboratories became possible due to the fact that the baltic federal university in 2021 entered into the national program of academic leadership and support for universities priority and received only a billion from the federal budget. the most western. federal university, actually intellectual an outpost of our country, on student day , january 25 of this year, the president of the country visited. in our country, over the centuries, we have constantly
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paid great attention and attached great importance to the development of education, because the future state certainly depends on the level of education. and in these shots the president examines a large model of kantiana. ikbfu rector alexander fedorov tells him about an ambitious project for a world-class university campus. right now we are talking with the rector in his office, and outside the window there is the noise of a grandiose construction project. the president is for we were just glad that everything worked out for us. and during his recent visit, he also introduced a new dimension to campus construction, because a library of a completely unique design will appear on the campus. this word uniqueness suits this well. the object that we are creating is truly a university that meets the task of producing the future, and the uniqueness of the campus lies in
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the fact that everyone will find their place in it, and a place, first of all, for thinking, a place to put their life-educational route. the campus was among the eight winners of a large-scale federal competition for the development of university campuses in 2021, essentially a city of the future is being built, its total area is 29 hectares, inside there are cozy, stylized buildings, an open square, it is already known that it will be named in honor of lomonosov, construction began in 2023, at the end of 2025 these laboratories, dormitories, gyms, libraries, and a large park will be filled with students. rector of the bfo, philosopher, doctor of sciences, intellectuals read his latest book production of the future. philosophical ideas are at the heart of the campus project, this is obvious. the campus is taking on features that are rather thrown forward, you know, about 50 years ago. the fact
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that here technologically now, when it all works, by entering one door, you can actually walk around all 110,000 km that we stand without going outside, this was a fundamental task . and it is not aimed at connecting work with life, it is aimed at something else, to form a life-educational route in which there is no question of what you you owe something, but here you want something, this is the campus of desire, yes, if you want to develop, come here, if you want peace, come here. no need in 1947 in kaliningrad, which 2 years earlier became a soviet city, a pedagogical institute was founded, the newly created kaliningrad region
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needed, first of all, teachers who were willing to study, but three faculties were sorely short of teachers, these shots were taken in 1960 -x, just on july 16 , 1966, the pedagogical institute became the kaliningrad state university, may 23... the fifth university was named in honor of imanuel kant. the great philosopher was born 300 years ago in this city. then it was called koniksberg and was the capital of prussia. kant taught at the künexberg university of natural sciences. and this huge botanical garden of the ikbfu would clearly please him. the university's research base is a botanical garden. more than 3.0 plant varieties. of course, students, botanists, biologists study here, but there is another meaning. the university wears. the name of kant, the 16th century philosopher, is an era enlightenment, when interest in natural sciences arose. in 2010 , the university became a baltic federal university,
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expanding, it began to annex the lyceum, so on the basis of the medical college, a research and educational center for dentistry arose here. a new training program for dentists opened in 2023. there are 83 students studying here, and there are guys from eight foreign countries who were preparing for the opening of this center. it has been clear for a long time that the direction has been chosen correctly, because in the first year, instead of the expected thirty , 80 people entered here; university, must not only master the classical basic skills that are included in the federal educational standard, but also additional skills, in particular working with modern advanced equipment, which is not included in the educational standard today, yes, that is , this is like additional training, but our rector, he is a man... should, upon graduation, not feel the need for additional mastery of any programs. in other words,
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when dentists come to work. clinic, then you must often begin to master new materials, technologies, equipment, thanks to the priority program, ikbfu dentists can work with digital equipment, with phantom simulators, where the oral cavity is completely simulated, there is everything necessary for a wide range of actions, from fillings to implantations. first-year students affectionately call this phantom simulator “stasik.” jannette kurbanova came here to study from kazakhstan and immediately became friends with aygukhadku.
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the university pays a lot of attention to culture, the new campus will have a swimming pool, popular team sports, now two teams are playing in the hall: the regional student team of the ikbfu kantiana in an orange uniform. kantiana, created this year, has already won the small cup of the college basketball association championship. lev vodopyanov, coach of the university team. firstly, there is a very excellent sports base, the university provides a lot of opportunities, the university infrastructure is developing, we... we invite a lot of students from all over russia, because we have a very good city, very good conditions in university. the university is relatively young, not even 80 years old, it combines the new, advanced, and history, nanotechnology, and scientific antiquity. the new campus will have a library, a book collection of 550,000 volumes, and 500 people will be able to work there at the same time. books will be both paper and digital. the building of this auditorium library is marked by
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a clock tower. however, the old library with a fund will also remain, where there are even incunabula, that is, books created in the era of the beginning of printing. rare book hall of the library, baltic federal university. not all universities can boast of such. it is interesting that each student, on the recommendation of a professor, can ask to be given books for work. we asked for the bulletin of europe, published by nikolai koramzin, 1803, the battle between the mind and beauty. the international kant congress brought together scientists from all over the world in kaliningrad; it opened on april 22, the day of the great philosopher’s tercentenary. 2 months before the congress itself, more than 700 applications were received, of which 80, 80 or so, were from foreign countries, and these , of course, included the brix countries, china, india, brazil and argentina, by the way. but
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these are also european countries, people who do not succumb to the mainstream, people who would gladly come to russia, want to come to russia in order to talk about kant, to make sure that russia today is the country where kant’s legacy is safe. most of the meetings took place at the ikbfu; he became the operator of the congress. on the occasion of the anniversary , kant university opened the first phase of its global campus. level of improvement of the tax system in the state duma, parliamentary hearings are being held on how they will redistribute the load, our correspondent will tell you, we are waiting for the direct
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connection. converging row. it's a hot time for graduates. the main period for taking the unified state exam has started in russia. today there are exams in chemistry, literature and geography. when will the results be? in the omsk region, near tobolsk , the level of the itysh river in yakutia is rising, and ice drift on the lena river. where the water has already receded and how restoration work is going. new neighborhoods and thousands of kilometers of modern roads. how is the recovery going? new regions about this and more in an interview with deputy prime minister khusnulin in the middle of the hour. an election rally that ended in tragedy, during a speech by a mexican presidential candidate , the stage collapsed, killing nine people and injuring about 80. the progressive tax scale will not
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affect participants in the special military.


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