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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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on the streets, flows of cars, cars, city services, public transport. by the way, trauma and bus traffic was opened with the support of st. petersburg. there is historical symbolism in this. the fact is that in 1942, it was mariupol that helped launch the tram in besieged leningrad. the revival of the azov pearl, which is rightfully considered mariupol, truly inspires optimism. inspires city residents, every month more and more mariupol residents, who were forced to leave their native lands, return home to full the restoration of artyomovsk is currently hampered by the proximity of the contact line and the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. nevertheless, demining is underway in the city, energy and food supplies have been established, and the dpr authorities plan to immediately begin construction work as soon as the military situation allows. in total, in the dpr, lpr, kherson za... regions
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, 170 multi-apartment residential buildings, more than 350 housing and communal services, energy, administrative, socio-cultural, and household facilities have been restored and built in the twenty-fourth year, as you know, a plan has been approved for the restoration and construction of more than 5,500 new facilities; the settlements of donbass, zaporozhye, kherson region have already been restored by our people, you know, after the nazi occupation.
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died, another was injured. on april 25 , 22, tsimbal, when shelling the village of nizhneye in the lpr, put the lives of its residents in mortal danger and caused significant damage to residential buildings, both were put on the wanted list. on may 16, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, held an operational meeting of the headquarters for the investigation of the crimes of the armed forces of ukraine against the civilian population of russian military personnel in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, a report was presented on the high-profile
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crimes of the kiev regime against the peace and security of mankind, despite the age of their commission in the donbass, the investigative committee will continue to identify and bring to justice all persons involved in them. the investigation also includes numerous evidence of the participation of mercenaries from different countries on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. head of the investigative committee of russia instructed to continue the fixation work. establishing the extent of the damage they caused, the criminal actions of ukrainian neo-nazis , despite all of the above, despite the terrorist acts committed by the kiev regime, despite the fact that russia opposes them in full and opposes this dehumanization of creation, despite the fact that that it’s obvious to everyone now... he was involved
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in terrorist attacks and other crimes of the kiev regime will be punished, the west is trying to do this or otherwise, in every possible way with the last of his strength, to literally demonstrate some support for that very course, i won’t even call it political, the course that the west has destined for ukraine. on may 20 , the next twenty-second meeting of the contact group to provide, as they call it, defense assistance to ukraine in the ramstein format, was urgently created via videoconference. the reason was the alarmist calls of the kiev regime for the provision of urgent massive military assistance, primarily by means air defense and various ammunition. the question was raised about the modalities of using the tranches allocated by washington in the amount of 2 billion dollars, about what...
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the kiev regime is somehow still able to pull them out, well, literally from the other world, including they are faced with the ceiling of the capabilities of their military the industrial complex is trying to find a way out by attracting the production resources of foreign partners to support the zelensky regime, in order to maintain the steadily declining morale of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is already obvious.
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everything that happens, in the end , the meeting did not bring any sensations, breakthrough decisions, the bankers’ despair about sending foreign military contingents or nato’s protection of the sky of ukraine from russian missiles did not come true, but the kiev regime is trying to come from different sides, they are using every opportunity to in order to demonstrate to the west a commitment to so -called western values, contrary to logic, historical truth, and common sense. here is another example: may 18 marked the 80th anniversary of the forced eviction of the crimean tatars from crimea. the kiev regime did not use this tragic page in the history of the people for its exclusively political and propaganda purposes. on this day , another memorial was laid in kiev
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. just imagine, the people who liberated the population of ukraine, ukraine itself from the nazis, monuments to these people, military leaders, public figures. is being demolished, history is being rewritten literally before our eyes, monuments and the memory of the great patriotic war are distorted from the point of view of their historical authenticity, endowed with some new meaning, but are being remade, well, you see what’s going on, it’s literally barbaric, but there is a place in ukraine for installing a new monument, at the ceremony zelensky, as usual, absolutely theatrically, well, as best he can, spoke about the horrors, as he did formulated the russian occupation of the peninsula, but the role of a zealous defender of the rights of national minorities, despite all his, so to speak, acting talents, he fails, all this looked false, precisely
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because everyone understands perfectly well what we are talking about, against the backdrop of the systemic mass violations of human rights, the destruction of these... rights in principle to the territory of ukraine during the years of zelensky’s rule, against the backdrop of a systemic and massive violation of the rights of ethnic minorities, the destruction of the russian language native to millions of citizens of the country, this is this ostentatious concern, this is this trepidation in connection with the situation of a separate ethnic, cultural, religious group, it looks hypocritical. who does not believe in this, the situation of the crimean tatars has never really worried the kiev regime, neither in prizelensk, nor under poroshenko, nor before, they were interested in this the topic is exclusively anti-russian, as an opportunity, how they actually treated the topic of the same famine, which engulfed
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a number of regions in the soviet union, and then, probably at the instigation of the westerners, was isolated as a topic exclusively related to ukraine, the same here most, despite numerous comments, recommendations, let me remind you, international human rights structures, including the committees on the elimination of racial discrimination, the human rights committee, the osce, the council of europe, which, let me remind you, have expressed concern about connection with the unresolved land, property, social and other problems of the crimean tatars, the lack of their representation in local authorities. the kiev regime never did anything, did not undertake anything to resolve the situation, to equalize rights, to resolve pressing issues. all identified problems began to be resolved only after the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia in 2014. let me remind you that from
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that time on, all programs for the resettlement of people who returned to their native places, mainly crimean tatars, included more than 18 billion rubles were allocated. in 10 years they were built for repatriates. kindergartens for 1,440 children, more than 223 km of gas, electricity, water supply, sewerage networks, multi-apartment residential buildings...
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a circle of murderers, is incapable of not creating, not truly creating, not defending goodness, it can only destroy, this is already clear , angrily gritting his teeth, he literally takes revenge on the crimeans for the choice they made in 1914 in favor of a future with russia, for the fact that this choice was supported not only emotionally...
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after the coup in february 1914 years and the beginning of persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church, clouds began to gather over it, and the ministry of culture of ukraine demanded the demolition of the chapel, unexpectedly declaring its construction illegal, since it allegedly, this is a direct quote from the ukrainian ministry of culture, is located in the buffer zone of unesco monuments, where it is prohibited new construction, and also disrupts the historical ensemble...
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political reliability. on may 16, the moldovan parliament adopted amendments to the law on... under western sanctions. thus, as local experts note, the authorities have the opportunity to take away citizenship from members of the opposition, excluding them from the political process. wow, democratic western values. the attack on freedom of speech in moldova continues. may 16 advice. for television and radio broadcasting initiated the procedure for checking the tv channel tvc21, in connection with the flourishing disinformation there, as it was said, the reason was the materials that were broadcast by the channel in the form of a statement by the opposition politician , the former head of ggauzia, irina vlah, that
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a dictatorship had been established in moldova, as she said, and that moldovan citizens were being accepted afraid. he even talks at home. the country's authorities are increasing pressure on the leadership of ggauzia and are making attempts to block the construction of a family amusement park. the facility is subject to unreasonable additional checks for the general contractor and subcontractors are subject to administrative pressure, this is apparently from the category of western values ​​in the form of freedom of competition in the economy, economic relations, right? the shameful practice of hours-long checks at the chisinau airport of persons, including citizens of moldova, who were in russia, deserves special mention. according to eyewitnesses, in response to a request to bring water, for example,
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on may 16, the authorities changed the wording of the question being submitted to the referendum on european integration, which should take place on october 20. so, if earlier it was specific and formulated as follows: you are for the entry of the republic of moldova into the european union, now the wording is more than ambiguous. do you support changes to the constitution in order for moldova to join the european union? according to moldovan experts, thus the moldovan leadership.
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no one has ever seen, this country and this and this people are being asked to renounce themselves, their language, and now they have gone even further, now they are saying that there is no such nationality, it is simply being proposed people are asked to betray their ancestors, themselves, today, and their future generations, their children. but so to speak, the miracles of this self-destruction associated with the west, they continue, it’s hard
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to believe it, but now the yesovites say that they never spoke about the desire and desire to defeat russia on the battlefield, and those who allegedly refer to such statements mislead the public. officially. brussels is turning things around so that the eu retains its supposedly peaceful philosophy in regarding the ukrainian conflict, comes to direct forgeries and manipulations, and this has all become, in general, a characteristic feature of eu diplomacy, for example, during the press briefing of the european commission on may 13, when asked by a journalist about the desire of the european union to resolve the conflict on the battlefield, the official european commission spokesman eric mamer answered literally. he answered the question with a question: who wants to resolve the situation on
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the battlefield? this is russia, this is not the european union. wow, people are already denying the obvious, because the internet remembers everything, and we we remember that the internet remembers everything and from... in particular, the spaniard insisted on this thesis 9 11 april 21, 2020 may 5
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, 23 7 and...
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an economically beneficial project , a militaristic appendage of the usa and nato, this was reflected in the joint declaration european union nato dated january 10 , 2023, we will definitely post a link to our commentary, which was hot on the heels of that decision. so, paragraph eight of this very joint enato declaration directly states that the european the alliance is an addition to the north atlantic alliance. to nato. everyone sees how the european union is rewriting history on a global scale. and now it turns out that this story, the current one, is developing literally before our eyes on live television. this is part of that very western-centric concept of a rules-based world order that we have repeatedly talked about. there are no rules, they are invented on the fly, and then
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abandoned on the fly. you know, more and more questions arise: how, exactly? speaking, in principle, it is possible to negotiate with them if they already refuse not only the promises they made, they even refuse their own words, the theses on which they based their speeches, statements, philosophical, political, and economic concepts too, here in these months , such partners do not deserve any trust, but...
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she opened, described the five stages of accepting the inevitable, even published a whole book about death and dying, what these five stages were, i will remind you: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. considering that the european union began to deny, apparently they are at the first of five stages. i wish them to quickly move to the fifth stage of acceptance. here, too, from the category of obvious, incredible, we drew attention to the announcement, circulated by the media in britain, of the speech of the head of the british defense department, grant schabs, at a defense conference in london, in which he will allegedly insist on the accession to nato of those countries that have not yet are included in its composition. we consider such intentions as just another confirmation of the desire of the british authorities to use nato as a tool to strengthen their own influence in the european
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region. it is precisely the means of its further militarization that, of course, causes concern that the further increase in the potential of the alliance is supposed to be achieved by drawing neutral european states into its orbit. literally before our eyes , finland and sweden abandoned their long-term policy of neutrality and non-alignment with military alliances; of course, they didn’t even ask their population, we are talking about a decision that was made by the leadership of these countries. the expansion of cooperation and deepening of relations with austria, ireland, malta, switzerland continues, and a number of these countries continue to insist in the public space that they still remain neutral and retain the bonuses of this status. at the same time, we understand perfectly well, so to speak, what processes are taking place there. we are convinced that this in no way leads to strengthening, even those very elements that...


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