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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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own influence in the european region , at the same time contributing to its further militarization. of course, it is alarming that further expansion of the alliance’s potential is expected to be achieved by drawing neutral european states into its orbit. literally before our eyes , finland and sweden abandoned their long-standing policy of neutrality and non-alignment with military alliances. of course, they didn’t even ask their population, we are talking about a decision that was taken ...
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specifically in order to keep their own population, the population of these countries in ignorance, tell them about supposedly supporting peace, and so to speak, that they are, as before, adherents of the concept of neutrality of their states, and not, so to speak, participation in some kind of military political alliances, in reality everything is somewhat different, but the people of these countries, apparently, know this from the point of view of the capitals. it is not allowed, as the example
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of ireland shows, under the pretext of some illusory threats to the security and defense capability of the state, allegedly emanating from, what’s their name they are trying to convince russia, the country’s authorities are systematically increasing interaction with the alliance, while the irish government is considering, in particular, the possibility of softening the national legislation governing the use of the irish armed forces abroad, on the consequences of abandoning the policy of neutrality in dublin, it seems they simply prefer not ..
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a valid schengen visa issued by norway or another schengen country will be refused entry. this decision is stated to be, once again, it is stated that by the norwegian authorities, corresponds, well, we are quoting them now, to the position taken by norway on the need for a joint reaction with its allies in relation to russia. at the same time, however , norwegian officials have previously repeatedly stated that the restrictive measures taken by oslo are not directed against the russian people. how could it not be directed against the russian people? those loud words, as we again have the opportunity to see, do not correspond to reality, donkey’s new unfriendly step towards russian citizens is frank discriminatory in nature, specifically in relation to the citizens of our country, it is aimed at the final destruction of any ties between the peoples of russia and norway. we proceed from the fact that the norwegian leadership is aware that such unfriendly steps will be followed by retaliatory measures, and of course.
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we will develop and implement them, based on our interests, for our part we still do not intend to close ourselves off from norwegian citizens, we are always welcome to those who come to our country with good intentions, but like me once again let me emphasize, this does not mean that retaliatory measures will not be taken, they will be, here’s another question about, well, i can no longer call it hypocrisy, about double-dealing, about violation of their own obligations... rights, by representatives of the collective west. we have noticed information about mid denmark's plans to channel over $5.5 million over the next 2 years from the us agency for international development to what they say is the humanitarian work of the non-profit organization, white helmet. let me remind you that this pseudo-humanitarian organization operates on territories of the syrian arab republic not controlled by the syrian government. why are these territories uncontrolled? of the syrian arab
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republic, its government, and because it is the westerners who are not allowing them into their own syrian territories, the dat authorities are providing such support as they are in... i remember organizing provocations against the official syrian authorities, against the syrian people and to discredit russian counter-terrorism efforts in the syrian arab republic, for these purposes the united states of america, britain, the closest allies in the anti-syrian coalition,
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including germany, denmark and japan, as well as other countries, allocated a significant amount of foreign funding to the white helmets from 2013 to 2016. it is estimated at approximately 150 million us dollars, this is only the data that is generally open and specially, so to speak, propagated in the press; what really is there, how much and what kind of funds were supplied to them, i think, remains to be found out. for political and public promotion of white helmets, the founder of which, by the way, was the now deceased, retired british military man, head of the non-governmental organization, madeday rescue. james le merier, in fact, behind him is a private company registered in britain, sirien campaign, who owns it, you won’t believe it, it belongs to the breakthrough media agency, and since the twelfth year it has weeded more than 70
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non-governmental organizations, also of a humanitarian nature, on held by illegal armed groups territories of syria. what it is? this is a whole network, a corporate network created by this very deep state of the collective west, primarily britain and the united states of america, financed, again through the governments of britain and the collective countries of the collective west, organizations that pretended to be and are still pretending for humanitarian and non-governmental, in fact it is literally this... such, i don’t know, a community that carries out activities in the interests of special services britain and the usa. let me remind you who lemeruzier is, we will definitely add links to
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the current text of the briefing, at the briefing five years ago, when we talked about this in detail, but now... briefly, i will still remind you, the fact is that on november 11 2019, le méruzier was found dead in istanbul under mysterious circumstances, literally 3 days before his death he distributed an email to foreign donors of white helmets, in this letter he admitted his responsibility for the laundering mechanisms carried out by the company made the... and rescuing with funds that were allocated to finance this so-called organization. so he wrote such a letter, distributed it, and 3 days later, under mysterious, not fully clarified circumstances, he died. let me remind you that at that time
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the anglo-saxon ideologists tried to pin this on us, even on our side, but then, of course, they shut up, because in general, all this was... so self-exposing for them that they considered it necessary to curtail this topic. belokasechniki directly interacted with international terrorists who helped them create false, seemingly evidence of crimes, as they formulated it for the assad regime. in particular, they developed particularly close ties with militant thugs from the middle eastern branch of al-qaeda from jabhat nusra, now renamed hayat tahrirasham. all this is prohibited, all this is illegal and all this continues to be actively operating in the idlip de-escalation zone. belokachnikov was repeatedly caught fabricating the introduction of frank people into the information space fakes, including staged news about the use of chemical weapons against civilians by the syrian military, they
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stained themselves with participation in actions to intimidate the local population, they engaged in arson, and a water blockade of a number of settlements, committing war crimes in... they participated in executions , in torture of military and civilians. it is a known fact that with the help of opaque frauds under. corruption, but gradually the white helmets openly discredited themselves with their deceitful
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activities, especially after the failure of their attempts to stage chemical attacks, do you remember these terrible footage of how they supposedly rescue children, try to wash their faces, eyes, mouths with water, then it turned out that this was all a staged act and there was no chemical attack, which allegedly was carried out by the syrian government and was not, at the same time western sponsors appeared... so to speak, it has already been tested in battles, why refuse it, then the danish government turned up, danish officials
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agreed to allocate 5.5.6 million dollars usa, through another two-year program, this time specially invented for its implementation by the white helmets, supposedly to provide assistance to the civilian population suffering from the consequences of the natural disaster of the ongoing syrian conflict, judging by the numbers, but these are, of course, crumbs based on... previous western wills in a white helmet, now that the direct political return from their activities in syria is not very visible, it is apparently possible to keep them on a more strict financial diet with the participation of copenhagen, but not refuse their services in principle. denmark's financing of terrorist accomplices in syria is a clear example of how copenhagen, in a reckless desire to please the united states, directly participates in washington's equivalent activities aimed at destabilizing unwanted sovereign... states, sponsoring white cash registers, as well as other irresponsible steps of the danish authorities, including pumping up arms
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neo-nazi kiev regime has long undermined trust in denmark, which positions itself as champions of international rights applying for election to non-permanent members of the un security council for the period from twenty-fifth to twenty-six . well, i believe that this is exactly the point at which history, modernity and the future enter. the next material, the next topic, concerns the response of the german ministry of foreign affairs to the note from the russian embassy in berlin. let me remind you once again that this is the same german government that is telling the story now, including in various international structures and corresponding to its calling the name of pseudo international legal organizations, but one way or another , germany’s protests everywhere repeat the same thing, that... the mistakes, the lessons that germany, the people of this country, and, accordingly, the ruling
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elites learned from the tragedy, the century when the country became, literally spread the monstrous ideology of nazism, and pushed the world to the brink of a terrible catastrophe from which the planet was pulled out. which they learned well and the work on mistakes that they did for the sake of future
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generations, that’s all they do regularly refer. so the german authorities stubbornly refuse to officially recognize as acts of genocide of the peoples of the soviet union the crimes against humanity committed by the third reich in the ussr during the great patriotic war. first of all, they refuse to recognize the blockade of leningrad. this follows from the recent response of the federal republic of germany to the node. russia in germany meets the requirements of the russian side, while the german side shows outright hypocrisy, duplicity, and well, i think it violates everything, ethics, morality, legality. since it previously confirmed at the political level that acts of genocide are such terrible atrocities of the german state as the extermination of jews during the second world war, the deliberate extermination of african peoples, guerera, namo, in the period from 1904 to 1908. it seems that berlin is trying to impose on the international community a certain gradation
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of atrocities that is convenient for itself, a gradation of crimes against. constantly pushed and literally forced this story to be forgotten, now we understand why, but we remember it, and we never let us forget, we strongly condemn and reject the position of the german authorities on this issue, it evokes, we have such an expression, mixed feelings, no, it
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evokes a persistent feeling of disgust. because she is immoral. berlin revealed the true background of its political approaches to the dark historical past of germany, the careful study of which german politicians and diplomats so love to boast. the actions of the federal republic of germany are aimed at eroding and accusing germany of historical guilt in committing terrible crimes against millions of soviet citizens of various nationalities and religions. and religion, but we are talking not only about ourselves, we also do not forget about other peoples of the world. russia will continue to strive at all levels and international platforms to restore the historical justice of official recognition of the obvious fact of genocide by the third reich of the peoples of the soviet union. yes, they wanted to rewrite us
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more than once, they wanted to eradicate us and abolish us more than once. destroy our culture, now broadcast from the kremlin.
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this is the case . okay,
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okay, your majesty, dear friends, let me cordially welcome you to russia, your majesty, we have not seen you since 2016, although we were in contact all this time, just recently in march we talked again by phone, next year we celebrate 35 years. establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over the years a lot has been done, done in building relations between our states, we have good... contacts are very much along the lines of foreign affairs; on many issues on the international agenda, our positions are close. just recently, a week
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ago, there was a meeting of the league of arab states, where bahrain now chairs, and of course i would be very interested to know your opinion about the situation in the middle east, about how these problems were discussed. this year we intend to hold the days of bahrain in russia, next year, as far as i know, colleagues agreed that russian seasons will be held in your
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country, other humanitarian contacts are also developing, primarily in the field of education, science, and there are also good prospects here, in general, we are very glad to see you, welcome simply your quality, hello, mr. president, i believe that this day is one of the happiest in my life, and i am meeting with you on this day, thank you very much for your invitation, for the warm welcome, and we really were in moscow for a very long time in this beautiful city and we missed you very much, that’s why.
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russia will be the first country to which i i would like to appeal to you to support the holding
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of this conference, because russia plays an important role, and one of the most influential countries at the world level can help it, i hope so.
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and we want an end to the war in this part of the globe, in order to save the lives of civilians, many people, hundreds of thousands were forced to leave their homes because of this conflict, this is a country, this is just a locality . 40 km long, 12 km wide, women huddle on this land, children shoot at them.
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i emphasize that we are talking about peaceful people, about innocent people, as for disputes, disagreements, they are historical. we, of course, will not touch upon the military course of action, we are talking about the peaceful component. the position of the arab countries during the lac summit was almost for the first time unanimity.
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a hearing in the state duma, a conversation about improving the tax system, the head of the ministry of finance seluanov arrived, they are discussing how to redistribute the load, and what will change for individuals and businesses, we are
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eagerly awaiting the inclusion of maria slobodyanskaya. the main period for passing the unified state exam has started in russia. today exams in chemistry, literature and geography. 150 thousand people rent them out, including abroad. when can i expect results? iran will not change its approaches to cooperation with russia after the death of president raisiya. these are the words of representatives of the iranian foreign ministry and footage from the inter-head, where the plane with the body of president reisiya arrived. what is happening there? and a fire in the moscow region in a gardening partnership in istra, there were already seven victims, a two-story house where there was a hostel burned down. was he there legally ? vladimir putin in the kremlin holds negotiations with the king of bahrain. he arrived in russia on an official visit. the main topic is the state of prospects for bilateral cooperation in the trade, economic, energy and humanitarian fields.


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