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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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inclusion of maria slobodyanskaya from the okhotnoy row. the main period for passing the unified state exam has started in russia. today there are exams in chemistry, literature and geography. 150,000 people rent them, including abroad. when can i expect results? iran will not change its approaches to cooperation with russia after the death of president raisia. these are the words of representatives of the iranian foreign ministry and footage from the inter-heading where the plane with the body of president reisi arrived, what? there is a fire in the moscow region in a gardening community in istra, seven victims have already burned down , a two-story house where there was a hostel, is it legal? was he there? vladimir putin holds talks with the king of bahrain in the kremlin. he arrived in russia on an official visit. the main topic is the state of prospects for bilateral cooperation in the trade, economic, energy and humanitarian fields. the parties will also discuss
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issues on the international agenda, including the situation in the middle east. based on the results of the negotiations, documents will be signed. as far as the level of trade relations is concerned, unfortunately, it is still symbolic in nature, but the trends are good. as for investment cooperation, the situation here is more favorable.
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russia, with regard to a fair resolution of arab problems. and there is complete understanding and agreement regarding the need to hold a peaceful international conference. the progressive tax scale will not affect the participants of the svo, said the speaker of the current house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin. it is taking place in the state duma today. parliamentary hearings discussing tax legislation. finance minister anton selunov was willingly invited to the meeting my colleague, maria slobodyanskaya, works nearby. so, maria, hello, what tax scale is proposed to be introduced? alexey, hello, but the ministry of finance will propose a reasonable progression for personal income tax so that the tax system is competitive in comparison with neighboring countries, while, for example, the vat rate is proposed to be maintained and is also proposed. do not change the personal income tax rate on
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income received as interest on deposits. in general, the main goal of changes in the tax system, which today are being discussed in the state duma, to make it more fair and to better distribute the tax burden, the burden of the constitution, these changes should only be for those who earn a lot, but on the contrary, families with children should benefit from the changes, they will receive wider tax benefits through the tax deduction tool, and for those... for whom the personal income tax rate will be changed, they must clearly see what these additional funds are used for, priorities, this is the financing of social issues, support for motherhood and childhood, the fight against complex diseases and social infrastructure. world practice shows the use of progression in the taxation of citizens' income, this is not an innovation, while the principle is applied in the countries of our neighbors, and where the upper part of the scale reaches...
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which flew, this is, these are certainly the smallest, 10 million people today , we promised, we promised these people that we would not touch them for 10 years, is there a way to pay them more, yes of course there is, but we
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promised not to touch them for 10 years, the state must keep its promises, this is what it is a guarantee of trust between the state and the tax assessor, in terms of business from... tax regimes for russian business are also proposed to be preserved, here is a special regime for small businesses to analyze in such a way that 95% of enterprises work pay taxes as before, and those who, for example , used various loopholes in order to split up business and not pay taxes, a tax amnesty is expected, and deputies also propose tax preferences for those who invest in the country’s economy. in order for us to
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investments grew, we must make a system in this regard, of course, stimulating for people to invest and invest in business, of course. should put obstacles for those who create profits here in russia, and then take them to offshores, foreign ones, but those who invest here, of course, this investment tax deduction, i think i should work more actively, and i would like , of course, very much, so that on a large scale, great attention is also paid to equalizing the budgetary provision of the regions, in in particular, the ministry of finance proposes to give the regions more powers in terms of taxation on expensive objects and land...
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shed, today there will be a farewell ceremony in the mausales of mama risy, after which ibrahim raisy will be buried. currently, national mourning continues in the country. let me remind you that the politician’s helicopter crashed last sunday. in istra, moscow region , the circumstances of a fire on the territory of a gardening partnership are being clarified. a two-story house, where, according to preliminary data, there was a hostel, caught fire. eight people died. started criminal case. well, our correspondent is on site now. komarova. so, alika, greetings. well, it is reported that there were no fire protection systems in the house that caught fire. is it so? what data do you have on this matter and, in general, what do they say locally about the reasons why this happened? colleagues, hello, it is known that the house was not gasified. also, the ministry of emergency situations just literally
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reported that the death toll had indeed risen to eight people. rescuers are working on the scene right now. tragedy happened at the snigir gardening partnership, about four. in the morning, the fire engulfed a residential building with an area of ​​80 km. today at about 4 o'clock in the morning a fire occurred in a private residential building located in snt snegil. as a result of the incident, some people died; their identities are being established. the istra city prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the incident, as well as the progress and results of the investigation of the criminal case on this fact. in addition, it was established that a twenty-three-year-old man.
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eyewitnesses reported that one woman managed to survive, she jumped out of a second-floor window and is now hospitalized. girl, masha, young, her. managed to jump from the second floor, she was completely broken, everything burned, her documents, phone, personal belongings, nothing was left, they took her, barely through the neighboring areas, soon she was taken to the krasnogorsk hospital, the gates jumped up, open, organize this process of supplying water, well, in the sense, not like the access of fire trucks, well, and the ambulance service of the ministry of emergency situations, that’s all. this is it, and the neighbor saw it first, the dogs barked, well, she got up, saw, then she
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started calling everyone, and i’ll also clarify that the owner of the house, who was renting it out, had already been taken for questioning to the investigative committee, colleagues, yes, alika, thank you, alika komarova, about the fire in near moscow, a house burned down there in the gardening partnership snegir, the authorities. israel announced today the expansion of its military operation in the palestinian city of arafah in the south of the gaza strip. the military reportedly attacked hamas rocket and mortar positions. there is also a checkpoint between the enclave in rafakhi. and egypt. as it became known, the united states wants to take control of it. the political publication reports that the states are negotiating this with the israelis through the mediation of the eu. the stated goal is to simplify the supply of humanitarian aid to the gas sector. but a number of commentators believe that the american side is, in fact, pursuing other goals; back in march, the american military began building a floating pier off the coast of the enclave,
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then it was also said that it was needed to transport humanitarian aid to the palestinians, but now, as the turkish reports sources, it turns out that this facility is used only for the supply of weapons to the israelis. at the same time , new supplies of humanitarian supplies have not yet reached the palestinians; last tuesday, the pentagon admitted this. now a short advertisement, then even more news. you are silent, like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only at a delicious point. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. sbercard - an adult approach, tell me no with silicone and yes with shampoo, shaoma
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it’s not easy to catch a fowl feast, but anyone can get a roast rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on the main period for taking the unified state exam has begun in russia. today are the first exams in chemistry, literature and geography. these are elective disciplines. approximately 150,000 people rent them. we’ll find out how the exam is going in moscow from our correspondent sofia sergieva. she is now in one of the capital's schools. so. sofia, greetings, how is the mood at school in general and how are the tests going? yes, alexey, greetings, but the mood at school is good, the tests themselves are taking place as usual, the fact is that by the time the tests begin, of course, all students already know the procedure, literally by heart, throughout the year in all regions of russia in schools training events, preparatory and trial exams took place,
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thanks to which today the graduate students feel calm, we work at the marine rosshi school. named after orlov, where - this is one of exam reception points , schoolchildren came here from 9:00 in the morning, we were able to communicate with some, find out how they prepare for the exam, someone brought a tanisman with them, someone generally did breathing exercises, a variety of ways to prepare, in in general, now we will find out their impressions. hello, i’m taking the unified state exam in literature, i’m in a good mood, fighting, write everything, pass everything. how do you assess your chances, what grade are you expecting? good? to make it easier to pass the exam, we try not to be nervous, somehow tune in to the fact that everything we know that we are ready for anything, passing the exam is , of course, a very important, exciting
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stage, nerves run wild, emotions take over, so here at the exam reception points there are psychologists who help children on... we support from all sides we set up for the positive, so that the guys have already approached the final tests and they will pass them with dignity, we give various techniques so that they can use them when nervous, such as breathing techniques and techniques in stressful situations. according to some graduates, this is not the way to take the exam now scary because they know that if they fail, they will be able to retake it in additional time. on the initiative of the president, let me remind you that july 4 and 5 are the days when, in the event of a failed attempt at passing the exam, it will be possible to retake it, and the previous attempt will be canceled, and accordingly the chances of success will be higher,
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and we were also told about other innovations today . the main innovation of this year is the scanning of work directly in the classroom after completing the examination work, that is, guys completed the work, hand it over to the organizers, the organizers immediately scan it in front of them in the classroom, the children will be informed of the exam results on june 6, i won’t look forward to them, of course, because not only the choice of university, but also the future profession, of course, will depend on this ways. alexey, yes, it’s a responsible event, sofia, thank you. our correspondent sofya sergieva was in direct contact with the studio. well, now a short advertisement, stay with us. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby.
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maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15.00 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. hello, this is l1. my principle is to give my best both in sports and in music. even if everything doesn’t go according to plan, flash-up will charge you. you have the energy to move on, flash-up energy is always charged, now in a new design, what unites us, bright emotions, kind. traditions and favorite lottery, in russian lotto we will play in country houses in honor of the golden anniversary a barrel is an additional chance to become
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a millionaire in each draw, buy tickets on the website in branded stores, watch sportsmaster broadcasts in the app, these are expert reviews and favorite brands that we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito travel will be fine as for... the safest operator, you know, and i ’m actually not a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, but how much do you pay at psb for account maintenance, cash withdrawal? and translations pour out up to 10 million rubles free of charge. go to the island and pronate. breakaway, shoes. among millions of
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hotels apartments. the holiday begins on the island. pairs of roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. in italian: delicious, period. moscow took first place in the ranking. regions by level of development of state public-private partnerships in 2023 . these results were announced at the ministry of development. my colleague maria kudryavtseva found out what criteria were used to evaluate and what other regions were on the list of leaders. long-term partnership that is profitable and the state, business, and the ministry of economic development assessed the regions according to the level of development of public-private partnerships, taking into account three key ones. factor, how many projects for what amount were launched or implemented in 2023, accumulated experience in the field of ppp and so-called feedback, how open the authorities are to dialogue with
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investors. the top three included moscow, the nizhny novgorod region and st. petersburg, with moscow by a wide margin, almost 99 points out of 100. of course, the ppp rating is, first of all, a rating that is marker for those regions that are actively attracting. investments, launching new projects or entering the operation stage, the leaders are those regions that launched large infrastructure projects in 2023, in the leningrad
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region this is a concession agreement for the construction of a latitudinal high-speed highway with an investment volume of over 110 billion. in the nizhny novgorod region there are several more concession agreements, in including the construction of dublior, gagarin avenue. in moscow in the fall of 2023, president vladimir putin and mayor sergei sabya. economy. the essence of the public-private partnership mechanism: business invests in infrastructure that is important for the country, and then operates the facility and recoups the costs. at the same time, the state can
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share part of the costs with investors. in russia this mechanism is quite popular. the volume of contracted investments under concessions in 2022 is 924 billion rubles. and in 2023 there will be about 30 billion more. the biggest point of attraction is the social sphere. including the construction of schools and campuses, now this area accounts for almost 40% of investments and another 32% of transport and 29% of housing and communal services. however, the ministry of economic development is working to ensure that using the ppp mechanism it is possible to attract funds from private companies to new areas. in the twenty-third year, a bill was adopted aimed at increasing the transparency of the ppp mechanism. this year we expect the adoption of amendments that will allow the use of the space mechanism. sphere and industry. it is important that authorities in regions and municipalities work more actively to attract investment in ppp project to create a favorable environment
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for doing business and living for citizens. another important feature: ppp projects allow you to maintain a balance for the interests of the parties. the participation of state capital provides additional guarantees for business. over the past few years, we have already concluded many such projects, several thousand, most of them are being successfully implemented. a trillion rubles of investment, almost 5 trillion rubles in total, and of this, at least 2/3 is private investment, yes, that is. means that for one budget ruble it turns out to attract leverage to build not one school, three schools or four schools, to build not one road, but several roads. the benefits for the state are obvious: public-private partnerships are, as a rule, long-term projects, as a result private funds go there, and money from the budget can be used to finance other priority projects that can become new points of economic growth.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we they were storming, they entered, for the first time they got tired there, they wounded me, all the bullets hit the cutout, one was a root. i didn’t have the strength to fast anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy,
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now economic news, in short: the ministry of finance supported the proposal not increase vat, announced this. finance minister anton siluanov, speaking at parliamentary hearings in the state duma. the fact is that an increase in vat can lead to an increase in inflation in the country - explained the head of the department. now the government and the state duma are preparing changes to the tax system; it should become more balanced, while it is planned that the tax increase will not affect the majority of citizens and will affect only those with high incomes. the russian airport received more than 60 million people in 4 months. growth
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compared to the same period. last year 7%, reported the federal air transport agency. on domestic flights, the number of passengers increased by 3.5%. on international routes immediately to 22. as a russian newspaper previously wrote, this year airlines want to increase the frequency of existing flights and launch new ones. as a result, they expect to increase passenger traffic by about 8%. china immediately increased supplies of passenger cars to russia by a third. it arrived on our market within 4 months. 237,000 cars worth 3.5 billion dollars, they write about this with reference to chinese statistics. russia's share in china's passenger car exports is close to 15%. for china, this is the largest market, followed by mexico and brazil. in the first quarter, ivk increased revenue by a quarter to almost 34 billion rub. this is data from the internet holding’s ifrs report. the main driver of growth was
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online advertising, which accounted for more than half of the income. the average daily audience of vk services reached 78 million users. against the backdrop of reporting, the company's shares grew within 2%. it was economic news. short.


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