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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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russia and bahrain are gradually developing cooperation in trade and express similar positions on many international issues, this was noted by vladimir putin, the president today. held negotiations with the king of bahrain in the kremlin. the meeting began in a limited format, then the leaders continued it in a closed format. among the main topics of the visit are contacts in the economy and culture, as well as the situation around the palestinian-israeli conflict. as for the level of trade relations, it is, unfortunately, still symbolic in nature, but the trends are good. this is the situation as far as investment cooperation is concerned.
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russia and bahrain signed a number of documents at the negotiations, these are memorandums of understanding between the ministries of health of the two countries, on cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical and medical industries, on mutual understanding between departments in the field of transit transport. in addition, we adopted a cooperation program through the ministries of culture for 2024-27 . the main period for taking the unified state exam has begun in russia. today we took our first exams chemistry, literature and geography. these are elective disciplines. they were written by approximately 150,000 people. the tasks took from 3 to 4 hours to complete, depending on the subject. the results are expected to be officially announced by june 6. let me remind you that updated rules are in effect this year. by order of the president, participants can retake one subject before the end of the admissions process. this option is only available to this year's graduates, including those who took the exams. early in march and april,
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retakes will take place in early july, next the unified state exam of the main period is scheduled for may 28. on this day, graduates will take the first mandatory exam in the russian language. now there is new data on the progress of the special operation, the village of andreevka in the donetsk people's republic has completely come under the control of the russian military, our ministry of defense reported this. the department was told that the settlement was liberated thanks to the active actions of a sub-deployment of the southern group of troops. the fighters also succeeded. improve the situation along the front line, as well as destroy the equipment and personnel of three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces at once. except in addition, in one day the russian military destroyed over fifty ukrainian drones, as well as six atakms missiles, four kharm missiles and three hammer bombs. over the course of 2 years, at the request of prosecutors, almost 300,000 sites removed information of a radical nature. these figures were announced by the prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov, speaking at a meeting of the department’s board. in the spotlight. there were issues
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of countering extremism, terrorism and ensuring the legality of migration. well, another topic is new ways of involving russians in crimes, which is what they are actually fighting against law enforcement agencies. krasnov also gave specific instructions. give priority attention to monitoring the early detection and suppression of signs of interethnic conflicts, as well as the prevention of terrorist threats. seek means of supervision from the authorities. regions to speedily complete the updating of safety data sheets for facilities with large numbers of people, critical transport civil infrastructure, supervisory means ensure proper execution by control authorities of direct responsibilities in the field of migration registration, including deregistration of migrants and initiation of their departure outside the russian federation. in tver, where a waste processing plant is on fire, an open fire has been extinguished, reports. the ministry of emergency situations reported this to the ministry of emergency situations, according to
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the department's information, the fire area is about 1.m2, the roof collapsed, 55 firefighters, 13 pieces of equipment are working on the site, information about the victims has not yet been received, finding out the causes of the emergency: also, the investigative committee reported that the building was rented out, already at the prosecutor's office stated that the house was not supplied with gas, and the tenant was renting out beds to foreigners without registration. they also report that a criminal case has been opened regarding the organization of illegal migration.
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a twenty-four-year-old citizen of the republic of uzbekistan was detained on suspicion of causing death by negligence as a result of a fire that occurred in a private household in the istra urban district. and tonight it happened in the house. fire and eight residents died, another is in the hospital. investigators and forensic experts continue to work at the fire site. with the participation of specialists, an inspection is carried out to determine the source and possible causes of the fire. currently, the tenant of the house has been brought to the investigator for questioning, the owner of the house, the chairman of the snt, and eyewitnesses are also being questioned, and a set of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at establishing all the causes and circumstances of the incident. the man earlier. rented this private house and provided it for accommodation to foreign citizens who do not have registration on the territory of the russian federation. in connection with this fact, a criminal case on organizing illegal migration. the progress of his investigation and the identification of other persons involved in the commission of this crime was taken under control by the istrinsk
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city prosecutor's office. let me remind you that eight people were literally burned alive. rescuers are currently working on the site, clearing away the rubble. eyewitnesses reported that one woman managed to escape by jumping out of a window. now. she managed to jump from the second floor, she broke everything, everything was burned, her documents, phone, personal belongings, nothing was left, her they barely took her through the neighboring areas, soon she was taken to the krasnogorsk hospital, the dog’s neighbor zalail saw it first, then she began calling everyone, they jumped into the gate to open it, to organize that process. entrance of fire trucks, and an ambulance from the ministry of emergency situations. the owner of the house, who rented it out, has already been taken to the investigative committee for questioning. alka komarova, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev, lead. at the
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kant baltic federal university, the construction of a modern student campus is in full swing, which called kantiana. first of all , the libraries, swimming pool and dormitory of the town will also be ready within a year. about the history of the university and its. people in a special report by zinaida kurbatova. it’s spring in kaliningrad, the courtyard of the baltic federal university is surrounded by greenery, but after a short break all the students are back at their desks with exams ahead. denis zhigulin, a teacher at the higher school of linguistics, teaches classes on simultaneous translation. from english the netherlands have passed a law which will bannelelectric cars starting in 2025. recently ikbfu has undergone a restructuring, now there are five clusters, one of them is the institute of education and humanities, which unites former departments. this is important
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for interdisciplinarity, multipolarity, in other words, a student who studied linguistics as an undergraduate can enroll in a master's degree in journalism. here at... in addition to traditional european languages, oriental languages ​​have recently been studied here. the program, for example, that we are opening this year is a two-year serious research program for a master's degree called experimental linguistics and artificial intelligence, it was developed together with colleagues from the kurchatov institute and... is dedicated to the study of the analysis of natural speech, the analysis of artificial languages ​​to create various algorithms for writing all kinds of programs that involve language as a link between man and artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence, as we
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understand, in any case must be based on something, and it relies in particular on speech, into language, now we are moving from the institute of education and...
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portable, installation that can record the spectrum of any substance. if a substance has a chemical structure, well, for example, any molecular structure, then it can be analyzed by this spectrometer and you can understand what kind of substance it is. dasha selikova, a second-year student, is already the ceo of a startup; she is developing threads for microsurgery; her classmate dasha gerasimova came up with a new material for implants. vitaly zhukov is already conducting experiments at animals with new biocompatible implants. in other words, students create smart materials in the smart text laboratory.
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primarily for thinking, a place to lay out your life and educational
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route. the campus was among the eight winners of a large-scale federal competition for the development of university campuses in 2021. in essence, a city of the future is being built, its total area is 29 hectares, inside a cozy, stylized building, an open square, it is already known that it will be named in honor of lomonosov. construction started in 2023 year, at the end of 2025, these... laboratories, dormitories, gyms and libraries, a large park, will be filled with students. rector of the baltic federal district, philosopher, doctor of science. intellectuals read out their latest book about the production of the future, the philosophical ideas at the heart of the campus project, this is obvious. the campus takes on features that are rather thrown forward, you know, 50 years ago, what is here technologically now, when...
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life, it is aimed at something else, to form a life-educational route in which there is no question of what you owe something. and here you want something, this is the campus of desire, yes, if you want to develop, you come here, if you want peace, you don’t need to come here. in 1947 , a pedagogical institute was founded in kaliningrad, which 2 years earlier had become a soviet city. the newly created kaliningrad region required, first of all, teachers who were willing to study, but there was a catastrophic shortage of teachers in three faculties. these shots were taken in 1960, just on july 16, 1966, the pedagogical institute became
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kaliningrad state university. may 23, 2005 moose was named in honor of imanuel kant. the great philosopher was born 300 years ago in this city, then it was called kennixberg and was the capital of prussia. kant taught natural sciences at the university of künecksberg. and this huge botanical garden of the ikbfu would clearly please him. the university's research base is a botanical garden. more than 3.00 varieties of plants. of course, students, botanists, biologists study here, but there is another meaning. the university bears the name. century is the era of enlightenment, when interest in natural sciences arose. in in 2010, the university became a baltic federal university, expanding, it began to annex the lyceum, so on the basis of the medical college, a research and educational center for dentistry arose here. a new training program for dentists opened in 2023. there are 83 students studying here,
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there are guys from eight foreign countries who have been preparing for the opening of this center for a long time. upon completion, you should not feel the need for additional mastery of any programs. in other words, when dentists come to work in a clinic, they must often start mastering new materials, technologies, techniques. thanks to the priority program, ikbfu dentists can work with digital equipment, with phantom
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simulators, where the oral cavity is completely simulated and has everything necessary for a wide range of actions from... to implantation. first-year students affectionately call such a phantom simulator stasik. jannette kurbanova came here to study from kazakhstan and immediately became friends with aigul khotkova. now they are filling stasik’s teeth together. we can see exactly the structure of the teeth, and we can look at the acclusal surface, twist and turn it, look at the structure of the tooth and generally learn, well, to work with it step by step. we can address him as a patient. a person of the future, a student at ikbfu must be not only smart, but also dexterous. physical education is given a lot of attention at the university. the new campus will have a swimming pool and popular team sports. now there are two teams playing in the hall. ikbfu kantiana regional student team in orange uniform. kantiana
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was created this year and has already won the small cup basque student association championship. will be 550,000 volumes, 500 people will be able to work in it at the same time, there will be both paper and digital books, the building of this auditorium library will be marked by a clock tower, but the old library with a fund will also remain, where there are even incunabula, that is, books created in the era of the beginning of printing. rare book hall of the library of the baltic federal
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university, not all universities can boast of such. interestingly, every student is recommended by a professor. may ask for extradition we asked him to give him books for work, we asked for the bulletin of europe, published by nikolai karamzin, 1803, the battle between the mind and beauty. the international kant congress brought together scientists from all over the world in kaleningrad; it opened on april 22, the day of the great philosopher’s tercentenary. 2 months before the congress itself, more than 700 applications were received, of which 80 or more were from foreign countries. and these are, of course, the brix countries, and china, and india, brazil, argentina, and, by the way, but these... and european countries, people who do not succumb to the mainstream, people who they would be happy to come to russia, they want
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to come to russia in order to talk about kant to make sure that russia today is a country where kant’s legacy is safe. most of the meetings took place at the ikbfu, it became the operator of the congress, on the anniversary days, kant university opened the first stage of its world-class campus. vladimir putin signed a decree on a special procedure for compensation for damage caused by russia and the central bank of our country in connection with the unfriendly actions of the united states. the document has already been published. it says in particular, that the property and securities of the united states or related persons in russia may be used for compensation. the decree allows russia and the central bank to go to court in case of unjustified deprivation of their rights to property, in connection with decisions of the us authorities and courts. the government has also been instructed to ensure, within 4 months , that amendments are made to the laws to implement the stated requirements. the hearing in the state duma
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on improving tax legislation lasted more than 4 hours today. the head of the ministry of finance, anton siluanov, was also willingly invited to attend. now how speaker vyacheslav volodin announced following the discussion that a bill on this topic will be submitted to deputies for consideration. it will also be discussed openly with the participation of experts and business. about proposals for evaluations marya. slobodenskaya proposes to introduce a progressive tax scale, but there were a lot of statements, as state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin noted, the flat tax scale, which has been in effect for almost 20 years, has solved its problem, now there is a need to fine-tune the tax system, the main goal is to make it more fair, to level out the tax burden due to progression, but, as the head of the ministry of finance anton silanov noted, the changes should only affect those with high incomes. at the same time, for example, those with low incomes, as well as families with children, should receive preferences as a result of these tax changes; for those whose personal income tax threshold rate will be changed, there must be a clear
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understanding of what the additional funds are used for , mainly these are social issues, support for motherhood and childhood, the fight against complex diseases and development of social infrastructure. world practice shows the use of progression in the taxation of income to citizens, this is not an innovation, but the principle is applied - in the countries of our neighbors, and where the upper part of the scale reaches 25%, in non -cis countries, where we know, the upper tax scale rises to 45 -55%. when determining approaches to improving the taxation of dfl, we suggest being guided by the following: the vast majority of citizens change tax rates should not be affected. the basic parameters for adjusting the tax system should be.
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i hope that you will support this proposal, let’s say right away that it will not affect the income of the participants in the special military operation, they protect us, they protect the country, they receive rewards for their exploits, destroyed equipment, the ministry of finance is ready to support this proposal, like some others, that were voiced during the consultation are proposed to be retained.
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we won’t touch them for 10 years, is there any way to pay them more? yes, sure, there are, but we promised not to touch them for 10 years, the state must keep its promises, this is the key to trust between the state and the tax authorities, in terms of business, the changes will affect the increase in income tax, while the coefficient for calculating it is proposed to be changed so that it is paid with a smaller amount of taxable profit, the ministry of finance and business are also ready... to discuss the abolition of exchange rate export duties in conjunction with an increase in income tax, while all existing preferential regimes that businesses were included in will also be preserved. what as for small businesses, then for them
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there will also be... minimal changes 95% of enterprises will not be affected by the additional adjustment of the tax system, now i know, it is being discussed, this is a mechanism for the gradual development of taxpayers from small businesses to large businesses, and here, of course, there should be not only fiscal measures , but also measures, including new industrial parks, technology parks, and now there will be a new big project, an effective and competitive economy. and i think that we should also discuss this point. the ministry of finance also offers some changes in terms of powers, for example, taxation on expensive objects and land plots, which will give the regions more of their own income. all proposals based on the results of these hearings will be sent to the government and, of course, considered, as all participants in the hearings noted, the changes should be very clear, but they must be adopted in the spring session in order to
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plan the budget project, so that... everyone participants in the process had the opportunity to prepare for these changes, which are expected to come into force from january next year. maria slobodyanskaya, nikita korneev, alexander zarubov and danara kurmanova. news. the state duma will be discussed in the spring and held. when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order. we stormed and got off for the first time. all the bullets were fired, one was rooting, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful to a stranger.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, me, why adam and not adam, chechen, me, artist . you can sing a rose, i can, you can sing some kind, i shave, i’m alive, we don’t need names, it’s not worth it, or what, it’s not worth it, it’s not yours, well, you, little hand, god’s light, komen, to the machine gun, there’s something to do , commander, that's it, that's it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to call sign rebin, no, that's love my brother, you remain a passenger,
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that’s for sure. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. now economic news, briefly: the ministry of finance supported a proposal not to increase vat, finance minister anton siluanov announced this while speaking at parliamentary hearings in the state duma. the fact is that an increase in vat can lead to an increase in inflation in the country, the head of the department explained. now the government and the state duma are preparing changes to the tax system, it should become more balanced, while it is planned that tax increases will not affect the majority of citizens.


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