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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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covers a huge area of ​​several football fields, after each shot the crews quickly leave for their starting position and immediately begin to prepare for the next task. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. so colorful, bright, interesting! the jokes, the humor are breathtaking, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it a remake, a reshoot, a film absolutely independently, uh, walked away from me, this is an adventure, this is a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it. love,
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romance, that right now, yes, i ’m going to cry now, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something, the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future 100 years from now, everyone it is clear that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than it’s the color that helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and export in general, what is our product like?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. the russian guard and the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia signed a cooperation agreement. the document is aimed at spiritual education, patriotic and moral education of military personnel of the russian guard, as well as members of their families who profess islam.
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the agreement signed today is not just official consolidating our cooperation, it opens a new stage of joint activities aimed at further developing and strengthening close ties between the troops of the right order and the muslim clergy. the large muslim community plays a vital role in the life of the troops. defense of the homeland and spiritual nourishment of our soldiers is a duty. it has been like this for centuries, in difficult times. the peoples of our country, the followers of traditional faiths have always been united, it will continue to be so, and today together we are orthodox and muslims and followers of other traditional faiths in the troops have soldiers, and authority and complete respect, in the state duma there is a discussion of possible adjustments to some principles of taxation. in russia, what exactly will form
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the basis of a new bill or even bills, andrei makarov, head of the budget and taxes committee, told vedomosti in an interview. the government must introduce bills, we are talking about personal income taxes for organizations. according to makarov, the documents will be prepared by deputies taking into account that discussion and even work on specific figures, which have been going on in the duma for at least 3 months since the president’s address 29. the first task is to ensure that the progressive rate does not affect the vast majority of citizens and companies, only those who can pay more due to their income. secondly, it is very important that people understand what the state allocates taxes for, how efficiently and transparently it spends them. makarov recalled that such examples already exist in russian practice, in particular, increasing the personal income tax rate from 13 to 15% for those who earns more? additional
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funds were allocated for the treatment of children with orphan diseases, according to makarov, this was the factor that determined the attitude towards raising the rate, citizens of this step. all they need is this. hearings on improving tax legislation in the duma lasted more than four hours. the head of the ministry of finance, anton siluanov, was also willingly invited to attend. now, as speaker vyacheslav volodin said following the discussion, an important bill on this topic will be submitted to deputies for consideration. discuss it too
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will be open with the participation of experts and business. about proposals for assessments. maria slobodyanskaya. these are mainly social issues, support for motherhood and childhood, the fight against complex diseases and the development of social infrastructure. world practice shows the use of progression in
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the taxation of citizens' incomes, this is not an innovation, while the principle is applied in the countries of our neighbors, and where the upper part of the scale reaches...
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it will not affect the income of participants in a special military operation, they protect us, she, they defend the country, they receive rewards for exploits, destroyed equipment, the ministry of finance is ready to support this proposal, like some others that were voiced during the consultation, it is proposed to maintain the vat rate, since in the current conditions it can affect increased inflation is also proposed. maintain the level of personal income tax on income received in the form of interest on deposits, this will stimulate citizens to keep their savings and will not affect the majority of people who keep their savings in banks, we also talked about self-employed, self-employed, the regime that has collapsed, this, these are certainly the smallest, 10 million people today, we
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promised, we promised these people that we would not touch them for 10 years, is there a way to pay them more, yes of course, there are, but we promised not to touch them for 10 years, the state must keep its promises, this is the guarantee of trust between the state and the taxpayer. in terms of business, the changes will concern an increase in income tax, while the coefficient for its calculation is proposed to be changed so that it is paid with smaller taxable profit. the ministry of finance is also ready to discuss with business the abolition of exchange rate export duties in conjunction with an increase in income tax. wherein. all existing preferential regimes to which businesses were included will also be preserved, as for small businesses, there will also be minimal changes for them, 95% of enterprises will not be affected by the additional adjustment of the tax system, now i know, it is being discussed, this is a mechanism for the gradual development of taxpayers from
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small business to big business, and here of course, there should be not only fiscal measures, but also measures including new industrial parks, and he proposes some changes in terms of powers, for example, taxation on expensive objects and land plots, which will give the regions more of their own income. all proposals based on the results of these hearings will be sent to the government and, of course, considered. as all participants in the hearings noted, the changes should be very clear, but they must be adopted in the spring session in order to plan the budget project, so that everyone participants in the process had the opportunity to prepare for these changes, which are expected to come into force...
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and we regret that the norwegian leadership has chosen this path, the deterioration of our bilateral relations, which have not been shining with their quality lately, and not on our initiative. norway tightened the rules for issuing visas for russians in the spring of 2022, after which the issuance of tourist visas virtually ceased. now the possibilities of entry into norway for... russians are further limited to those who came to tourist or other non -essential purposes will be denied
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entry when crossing the border; only russians who are traveling to visit close relatives, or those who study or work in norway or other schengen countries will be allowed into the country. and, as stated by the norwegian minister of justice and public security, the decision to limit entry is consistent with norway’s position on the need to respond to russia’s aggression against. ukraine's russian foreign ministry said that moscow would be forced to respond. previously norwegian officials have repeatedly stated that the restrictive measures taken by oslo are not directed against the russian people, so how could they not be directed against the russian people? these big words, as we again have the opportunity to see, do not correspond to reality. for our part, we still do not intend to close ourselves off from norwegian citizens; we always welcome those who come. a country with good intentions, but as i will emphasize once again, this does not mean that
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retaliatory measures will not be taken, they will be. moscow took first place in the ranking of regions in terms of the level of development of public-private partnerships for 2023. these results were announced by the ministry of economic development. my colleague, marya kudryavtseva, found out what criteria were used to evaluate and what other regions are on the list of leaders? long-term partnerships, which are beneficial to both the state and business, were assessed by the ministry of economic development by the regions according to the level of development of public-private partnerships. three key factors were taken into account: how many projects were launched for what amount or implemented in 2023, accumulated experience in the field of ppp and so-called feedback on how open the authorities are to dialogue with investors. the top three included moscow, the nizhny novgorod region and st. petersburg, and... by a wide margin, almost 99 points out of 100. of course, the ppp rating in the first
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place is a rating that is a marker for those regions that actively attract private investors, instantly replacing regional investments with private investments, and moscow, without reducing the volume of regional investments, created an investment environment that allows you to attract investors, not only large investors, but also... medium and small investors, both foreign and domestic. experts have prepared an assessment for individual tracks, for example, the dynamics of ppp projects based on the results of last year. here , the volume of investments, the launch of new projects or entering the operation stage were taken into account; the leaders were those regions that launched large infrastructure projects in 2023. in the leningrad region this is a concession agreement for the construction of shirotnaya high-speed highways with an investment volume of over 110 billion. there are several more concession agreements in nizhny novgorod, including the construction of a backup for
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gagarin avenue. in moscow, in the fall of 2023, president vladimir putin and mayor sergei sobyanin opened traffic along vagartion avenue. the journey from mkat to moscow network along the new route takes 15 minutes. in addition to the kutuzovsky prospekt backup, agreements have been concluded to ensure the commissioning of other facilities. the most important thing we do for business is to create transparent rules. games, for business this is extremely important, since every invested ruble is predictable, it is always clear how the investment in the city economy will end. public-private partnership mechanism: business invests in infrastructure that is important for the country, and then operates the facility and recoups the costs, while the state can share part of the costs with investors. in russia, this mechanism is quite popular ; the volume of contracted investments under concessions in 2022 is 924 billion rubles. and in 2023 there will be about 30 billion more. the most
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a big point of attraction is the social sphere, including. it is important that authorities in regions and municipalities work more actively to attract investment in ppp projects to create a favorable environment for doing business and living for citizens. another important feature of ppp projects is that they allow you to maintain a balance between the interests of the parties. the participation of state capital provides additional guarantees for business. over the past
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few years, we have already concluded many such projects, several thousand, most of them is being successfully implemented. and a trillion rubles of investment, almost 5 trillion rubles in total, and at least 2/3 of them are private investments, yes, that means that for one budget ruble it is possible to attract leverage to build more than one school, three schools or four schools, build not one road, but several roads, the benefits for the state are obvious, public-private partnerships are usually long-term projects, as a result , private funds, money go there... from the budget can be used to finance others priority projects that can become new points of economic growth, you are a great audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank.
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just profitable, alpha profitable. if you exist, be the first, the first, whoever you are, from songs, the best songs, from books, real books, and don’t listen to the cowardly, you will blow them away like foam, if you exist, be the best, if you exist, be first. gdr fuel unlocks the potential of the engine and is tested in racing conditions for those who strive to be first. gdrive, be the first! egoist, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take gosit. fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes, trenibal, what we bring from trips with
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avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito trip, everything will go as booked with cashback, bonuses, domklik, find a property that suits you, it's a cliquetsber's house, move. testing of the first unmanned tram has begun on the streets of moscow, so far without passengers, the capital's transport is the leader in the level of innovation, today they launched several projects at once, more about them...
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what do experts say about this? yes, natalya, hello, now i’ll definitely tell you about everything, but first i want to. it should be noted that we are located next to the center for the development of electric transport and unmanned technologies, where highly qualified specialists work, some of the best developers and mathematicians with extensive experience in top russian it companies and international ones, and of course, their ideas are impressive, this center was opened today by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin, it is located in the west of the capital, within walking distance from the metro. and from the metro, from - within walking distance from
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the metro station, from the large circle line, also - to the center designed for more than 400 jobs. moscow transport is undeniable in terms of its level of innovative solutions. leader in moscow developed and works on lines, carries passengers, some of the best trains in the world of commuter trains, metro, trams, electric buses and even water trams. we created this wonderful center specifically for the further development of innovative solutions in the field of transport, and today we are launching several projects at once. according to vks, sergei sobyanin today launched the capital's first unmanned tram, while
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there will be a driver in the cab, he will control it, naturally, they will test the system, then the tram will be controlled artificial intelligence, when everything is worked out to the smallest detail, then... the tram will be able to transport passengers, while the tram will run along the tenth route from kulakova street to the shchyukinskaya metro station, here is another unique development that we were told about in the new center, now you no longer need to activate the card with a troika, if its passengers pay online through yellow terminals, it will be enough to simply top up the balance through the application, including through the moscow metro application... and then bring it pass to the turnstile and the doors will open immediately. today, in the new center , they presented the troika virtual card.
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this method was completely developed in russia and is a russian development. virtual troika allows you to refuse plastic and use the same functions of a plastic card, but online. of course, a lot of attention in the capital is paid to paying for travel using biometrics. maxim leksutov today showed how modern turnstiles work. this is the most modern so far day technology, where there is everything, including biometrics, a camera inside, a card reader and , accordingly, a reader for a qr code. now, using biometric data, passengers will be able to go to four mcd stations and to the station.
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colleagues, yes, thank you, it will be interesting to take a ride, maria valieva spoke about the transport of the future in moscow. meanwhile, the main period of the unified state exam began throughout the country. more than 700 thousand schoolchildren will take the unified state exam this year. today there are exams in chemistry, literature and geography. the items are not the most popular. but nevertheless, this is where they start: 85 thousand people chose chemistry, 48 thousand people chose literature, and 20,000 people chose geography. the official announcement of the results must take place no later than june 6. next, get ready for those who chose to take russian, this is on may 28, mathematics on may 31, social studies and physics on june 4. on june 7 and 8, a foreign language orally, as well as computer science. next is a foreign language in
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writing, history and biology. reserve days from june 13 to 21, retake, if necessary, on july 4 and 5. hello, i am taking the unified state exam literature, good mood, fighting spirit, write everything, pass everything, how do you assess your chances, what grade are you expecting? a good grade, god willing, we tried to get enough sleep, we are waiting, a good option, yes, we prepared for a long time, studied everything, read, yes. is it mandatory until tomorrow morning to make it easier to pass the exam, we try not to be nervous, somehow tune in to the fact that we know everything, are ready for anything, by the way, about retakes, this year there are innovations, from this year graduates can take advantage of the right to retake one item the unified state exam until the end of the admissions campaign, the president instructed to provide this opportunity during his address to the federal assembly. by the way, the most popular subjects among schoolchildren traditionally remain social studies, which pass more than 40%
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. another innovation is scanning of work. the main innovation of this year is the scanning of work directly in the classroom after completing the examination work, that is, the guys have completed the work, hand it over to the organizers, and the organizers immediately scan it in front of them in the classroom. first of all it is safety, of course, secondly, it speeds up
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the transfer process. for processing, for verification. more than 6.00 unified state examination points have been organized throughout the country. for the first time, the unified state exam will be held in the zaporozhye region and kherson region. last year it was not held for security reasons, but those who wished could take the unified state exam in other territories of the region, in particular in crimea. in the lugansk people's republic, the number of students taking the unified state exam this year, compared to the twenty-third year... is three times, this is data from the ministry of education republics, by law, let me remind you, graduates from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions until 2026 have the right not to publish the unified state exam and not to write essays, to receive a certificate based on the results of current assessments.
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vladimir putin signed a decree on a special procedure for compensation for damage caused to russia and the country’s central bank in connection with the unfriendly actions of the united states. the document has already been published; it says, in particular, that us property and securities can be used for compensation. persons associated with them in our country. the decree allows russia and the central bank should go to court if their rights to property are unjustifiably deprived of in connection with decisions of the us authorities and courts. the government has been instructed to ensure that laws are amended to implement the decree within four months. the russian president and the king of bahrain held talks today. the meeting took place in a limited number of people in the green living room of the large kremlin palace. let me remind you.


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