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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the heating season has completely ended in more than sixty regions of russia. its results were summed up today at a government meeting. we’ll find out all the details from dmitry morocco. he joins the facts live. dmitry, welcome. yes, dmitry, welcome. here is the most important question: have there been fewer accidents? hello, of course there were some accidents, but the time to eliminate them was reduced by almost 20%. thanks to high-quality preparation, the current heating season in the country went as expected regime, prime minister mikhail mishustin summed up its results at a government meeting. to date, with the onset of warm weather, the season has ended in sixty- one regions. during all this time , about 9.00 accidents occurred, which is relatively few throughout the country, while the time to resolve incidents at housing and communal services facilities was reduced by 18%. but it is necessary to concentrate efforts on carrying out restoration work even faster, the prime minister emphasized. in general
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, electric power industry and housing and communal services enterprises farms went through it as normal, but not without accidents, which were primarily caused by abnormal climatic conditions, or equipment failure. despite the fact that the average time to resolve incidents at housing and communal services facilities is decreasing by almost 18%, it is , of course, necessary to reduce it, promptly respond to emergency situations, and, what is very important, in detail. analyze all incidents and take measures to prevent them in the future. to provide consumers with heat and light , significant work has been done, including renovations housing and communal services facilities and construction of new networks , creation of fuel reserves. in those settlements where there were difficulties with its supply, logistics were improved. in total , more than 300 billion rubles were allocated to prepare for the winter period at the regional level alone to provide heat to new regions from the federal level.
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the main cause of accidents in the housing and communal services sector today is wear and tear of networks. this problem is planned to be solved through a comprehensive program for modernizing public utility infrastructure. she will allow by the thirtieth year to ensure improved quality of services for 20 million people, reduce accident rates by 18%. the first stage has already been launched, it covered 473,000 people, and it was possible to update 570 km of networks. a thousand more will be modernized this year.
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it will make it possible by the thirtieth year to ensure an improvement in the quality of public services provided to up to 20 million people and a reduction in accident rates by 18.4%. the first stage of this program was already launched last year for 473,000 people and the quality of public services has been improved, more than 570 km of networks have been updated, more will be modernized this year 38 objects and 1.00 km of networks. today , plans are already being formed to prepare for the next heating season, as prime minister mikhail mishustin noted, they will be kept under constant control, since the work of all sectors of the economy and the quality of people’s lives depend on it. now economic news, briefly. vladimir putin allowed the use of american assets to compensate for damages from the united states. the president signed a decree to respond to the unfriendly actions of the united states towards. russian courts
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received the right to use american property to compensate for the loss of assets in america. we are talking about movable and immovable property of the united states, american companies. and citizens, as well as about securities and shares in the capital of companies. a government commission will determine the exact list of assets. the ministry of finance supported the proposal not to increase vat, finance minister anton siluanov stated this while speaking at parliamentary hearings in the state duma. the fact is that an increase in vat can lead to an increase in inflation in the country, the head of the department explained. now the government and the state duma are preparing changes to the tax system. it should become more balanced in this regard. that citizens and will only affect those whose high taxes will not affect the majority of their incomes. the central bank has recorded a slowdown in the growth rate of mortgages in russia; for the second month in a row it does not exceed one and a half percent, this was stated by the director of the financial stability department of the central bank,
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elizaveta danilova. according to her, this summer, after the end of the preferential program, mortgages will slow down even more, but this will not prevent growth of 7-12% according to the results. of the year. as frank rg previously reported, in april banks issued mortgage loans worth rub 460 billion. the increase is only 4% versus 34 the month before . and china immediately increased the supply of passenger cars to russia by a third; in 4 months , 237.00 cars worth $3.5 billion entered our market. rionovosti writes about this with reference to chinese statistics. russia's share in china's passenger car exports is close to 15%. for china, this is the largest market, followed by mexico and brazil. it was economic news. short. well, now about weather, because of the warm weather in central russia, the swimming season began ahead of schedule, how long will the warmth last? let's ask
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the leading specialist of the fos center, evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, hello, we recently talked about how may is the coldest month, there was snow and thunderstorms, and there was so much more. it's already swimming season, weren't the residents in a hurry with the opening of this swimming season? good afternoon, colleagues, the air temperature on the russian plain is now really quite june, and the geography of summer will only expand, but swim so far it is possible only on the black and azov seas. employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the kostram region are concerned about the appearance of people on the beaches and reservoirs of the region. according to rescuers, the water has not yet warmed up enough, its temperature does not exceed 13-16. at the same time, on monday tuesday in kostrama the thermometer rose above +25. meanwhile, residents and guests of st. petersburg are sunbathing. the thermometer in the northern capital today managed to rise to +24. the region
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has been experiencing unseasonably warm weather for a week now. for contrast: footage from regions where winter lurks. the sunny region of the khabarovsk territory was covered with snow today. snowfalls in the morning went like this. in ugra in the north of the tomsk region, although during the day all the snow that fell melted. in krasnoyarsk, the temperature was brought down by the first thunderstorm shower in may. as usual, the lowlands immediately filled with water and it was difficult to drive through them. in some areas , cars literally floated. huge puddles also hid huge holes. a small truck flew into one of them at full speed. fortunately, there were no serious consequences and the driver was able to continue driving. it's not just the rain. and the following footage is from the arkhangelsk region: villages in the north of the region are also drowning, but not because of rain and hail, but because of warming. in the mezinsky
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district , rivers overflowed their banks due to ice jams. the easiest way to navigate the streets now is by boat. and warming in the russian north will continue. if today. arkhangelsk may +15, then tomorrow there will be a sharp temperature jump into july, during the day in the capital of the russian north it will reach +22. in central russia, daytime temperatures on friday will be +20-25, in the south again 25-30° above zero. on average in the volga region, it is still 15:20, extremely cool, only + 10:15 above zero. on friday , the synoptic map of the russian plain will be represented by a vast anticyclone centered over the ryazan region. this means that in most of the east european plain, from the waters of pomerania to the interfluve of the volga and don, and from bratsk belarus to the volga and orenburg over an area of ​​more than 3 million km, sunny, dry summer-like warm weather is expected, and only at the extreme the north, the caucasus,
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the urals, siberia cannot do without local precipitation. in addition, mosaic thunderstorms will occur in the zaporozhye, kherson, rostov regions, stavropol, kalmykia and the republics of the north caucasus. in addition, in the south of our country, in the zone of confrontation between the cyclonic depression and the anticyclone, the wind will increase with pre-storm gusts of 15-20 m/s, on the black sea coast of the caucasus. up to dangerous 22 m/s. it was a little fresher in moscow today, but in conditions of almost clear weather, by 3 p.m. the air had warmed up to +20-21. on friday the weather will remain partly cloudy in the morning +68, in the middle days + 20-22. a repeat of the 1992 maximum atmospheric pressure record is likely . barometers will again show 762 mmhg . saturday is sunny and dry. afternoon +23:25, on sunday - 25:27 above
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zero. it’s usually only this warm at the peak of summer. the prime minister of georgia said that one of the european commissioners physically assaulted him. according to eracle kabakhidzey, at that moment they were discussing the law on foreign agents, which european functionaries really did not like. one of them turned to direct threats, reminding of fate prime minister of slovakia. and according to kabakhidze, he literally stated the following: you see what happened to robert fitz, you should be very careful, he did not specify his name. the prime minister also added that the georgian people are already accustomed to blackmail from high-ranking foreign politicians. france will send additional armored vehicles and military helicopters to new caledonia, where riots continue. this was stated by the president of the fifth republic, emmanuel macron, at a press conference following the visit.
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it won’t, this is too risky a tactic, so, in fact, following the results of the visit, he stated this, that nothing will be done forcefully, but at the same time, paris is not ready to cede territory to supporters of independence, so there can be no return to the results of the third referendum on the independence of new caledonia , as for the sensational law on expanding voting rights for those french who came there from the mainland, here macron was very careful, he did not say that ... he would abandon this idea, he said that this was quite consistent
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logic of modern law and that this can be discussed up to a certain point, he provided a certain calendar for negotiations to begin, but as for the supporters of independence, after a meeting with macron they said that there could be no negotiations if this law is in its current version will not be completely withdrawn, well , in fact, macron tried to manually, so to speak, cut this knot, improve the situation, but nevertheless said that he was, of course, ready for political dialogue, but no specifics for there were essentially no supporters of independence, this is how he tried to get out of such a difficult situation, these are his words. our goal is twofold, on the one hand, we will not make any concessions to those who have been organizing violence for... 11 days, it has no place in our republic, on the other hand, we strive
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to achieve peace and resume dialogue as quickly as possible, our main the task is to return order to security, the faster the better, to pacify, in fact, in disorder, the army, police, and the gendarmerie, all these additional forces that were pulled into new caledonia, they remain on the island, and, interestingly, they remain until the end. olympic games, that is, that is, until the end of august, and as for the state of emergency, the curfew that was introduced, this is still a controversial issue, macron will think about how to act, perhaps his state of emergency will be lifted, but for this macron is waiting for concessions from supporters of independence, that they will dismantle the barricades, well, now these the very barricades are police, they simply demolish them, sweep them away, new barricades appear.
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today we participated in riots, in what they call riots, we call it a revival, a youth revival, we prefer to die standing than to kneel every day to see how we are oppressed, young people want self-determination for their country because they went through many difficulties for this, they want it, they want it now, another option
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to calm down the unrest is to ban tiktok and completely turn off the mobile internet, this is the option. was considered, but it didn’t come to that, and yet they say that before macron’s arrival a massive cyber attack was carried out on new caledonia, naturally, according to tradition, who is blamed for this, russia. the first information we have is that many of the ip addresses from which the attack on new caledonia was carried out were from russia. i remain cautious as cybercrimes are being investigated nationally. the damage has already amounted billion euros, but the situation is far from being resolved, from being politically resolved, while macron has gained a little time, but how long this fragile peace will last is a big question. yes, anastasia, thank you, our european correspondent, anastasia popova, was in direct contact with the facts. a former engineer of
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the boeing corporation, who claimed in court about negligence in assembling airliners, committed suicide, how to come to this conclusion? american researchers came, the family of the informant, meanwhile, is sure that it was the aircraft manufacturing giant that was to blame for his death, and this this is far from the first death among those who exposed boeing. the topic will be continued by emil mirsaev. 300 aircraft, this is exactly the number of airliners, have electrical equipment malfunctions, which in some cases can lead to an explosion during flight. this disappointing verdict was delivered by the american corporation booing in...
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the usa, an electrostatic discharge may occur near fuel tanks, which will lead first to a fire and then to an explosion of the aircraft. what is noteworthy is that the regulator sent such a warning to boeing in march he demanded an answer by the end of the first ten days of may. whether the company did this or not is still unclear, write journalists from the british daily mail, which contacted the company. attention to the document, however, the day before the company stated that the remark from the federal administration is part of the standard procedure, and in general boeing has no problems, they say, backup security systems are working, although the cost of repairs in terms of the entire company is ridiculous, about one and a half to two million dollars , in this reluctance to spend even such
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means lies the whole essence of boeing's relationship with its customers. let me be clear. when you try to increase productivity without the necessary resources and guided by poor management focused only on finances, you cannot achieve the required level of safety, hence the constant problems in operation, which have become more frequent than ever in recent years, a recent case, an emergency landing of just such liner of the three-seven family at bangkok airport, the reason is severe turbulence, two people killed, more than seventy injured, recently a similar incident... happened with a boeing 787 model, which suddenly lost altitude while flying over the oceans. at first, experts also said it was all due to strong wind, but later it turned out that the problem was a technical problem. a seemingly insignificant part turned out to be faulty: the handle on the pilot’s seat. my neighbor ended up on the roof of the plane, or rather right under the ceiling, literally
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a moment later he collapsed on the floor, this is madness. and those who openly talk about violations during assembly of liners. die mysteriously. at the beginning of the month , 40-year-old josh dean, a former quality control auditor and , incidentally, a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, suddenly died of staphylococcal pneumonia. previously, the informant was also a former employee of the company, who allegedly shot himself in his van right before the next interrogation in court in the boeing case, john barnett. a few days ago, the investigation announced that he did not commit suicide. keeping pressure from the corporation. former engineer full time was subjected to illegal surveillance and received threats from the management of the aircraft manufacturing giant. at the end of the suicide note, the text of which was broadcast on television...
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was to control the quality of products, but management did not want to hear about inconvenient facts, and therefore asked me to falsify reports. there is no doubt that the company will continue to do anything to save face when we are talking about billions of dollars in american business, on which national exports are also built, there is no room for compassion or truth, money at any cost, even at the cost of human lives, be it employees or passengers. how artificial intelligence will change the transport industry in the future, this issue was discussed today at the skolkovo innovation center;
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anna voronina will talk about unmanned trains and cars and computer vision technologies. autopilot, full control of the road and zero accident rate, this is how russian developers see the country's transport sector today when they introduce artificial intelligence into it, which... an example of the introduction of artificial intelligence on russian roads there is the m11 highway between moscow and st. petersburg.
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unmanned truck traffic was launched here in june last year. during this time, 14 trucks without drivers traveled 2 million kilometers and transported 220,000 cubic meters of cargo without causing a single accident. by the end of the year, the fleet will grow to 43 trucks. by the twenty-sixth year we plan to expand geography. natskat and m12, increase the total number of trucks to 100. the next project for the successful implementation of artificial intelligence is the system analysis of the driver’s psychophysical state. now, as part of this project, mosgortrans has equipped 100% of its fleet, and so you understand, the effect of accidents has dropped by 65%.
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in the next 2 years, it is planned to install
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12 more such complexes on russian railways . anna voronina, oleg ivanov, anton solovyov, news. today is an important day for thousands of graduating parents. start of the established period of the unified state exam. today, schoolchildren showed their knowledge in three disciplines: chemistry,
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this is happening so that now children can printing in the classroom, scanning papers, we now do it ourselves, that is, this has never happened before, i feel very great, confident, i go to the exam with such positive emotions, we are all joking with the guys now, calmly, we bear it enough to we are defusing the situation, the overall mood is very good, graduates of schools in the border areas of the belgorod region were exempted from the unified state examination this year, they can enter universities based on the results of entrance
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exams, but... in which children could find shelter. to everyone prepared for the exam test in different ways: some crammed terms and formulas in the morning, others preferred not to open the book the day before. i am a believer, probably the most important thing for me was to pray in the morning. from the left foot, we entered from the left foot. well, we met with our close friends, acquaintances, i think, and took our literature teacher with us. during the main period
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, about 700 will take the unified state exam on july 4 and 5, that is, before the end of the admission period at universities. in moscow, those who do not agree with the points given will be able to file an appeal through your personal account on the mos portal. the long-awaited results will come there, on which not only the choice of university, profession, but also the future will depend. sophie serge and ivan panmarenko andrey velishchagin to conduct. head of the main department. communications of the russian armed forces, vadim shamarin is accused of receiving a bribe of 36 million rubles. this was stated by the investigative committee. according to the department, from april 2016 to october 2023. shamarin received money from the general director of ojsc perm telephone plant telta, alexey high and chief accountant of the same company. and today the investigative committee announced that the department is asking to change the preventive measure against general ivan
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popov to house arrest. he is suspected of fraud. investigators believe popov was involved in the theft of more than 1,700 tons of metal products purchased by zaporozhye as humanitarian aid. on may 17 , popov was arrested by the 235th garrison military court.
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vladimir putin signed a decree on a special procedure for compensation for damage caused by russia and the central bank of russia in connection with unfriendly actions of the united states. the document has already been published. it states, in particular, that the property and securities of america or related persons in our country can be used for compensation. the decree allows it. russia and the central bank should go to court if their rights to property are unjustifiably deprived of in connection with decisions of the us authorities and courts. the government has been instructed to ensure that laws are amended to implement the decree within 4 months. the russian president and the king of bahrain held talks today, discussed the prospects for cooperation between russia and bahrain in trade and economic...


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