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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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stand, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam, and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, sing something, bluesley, alive, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, don’t bother, not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, machine gun, what to do, commander?
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russia attaches special importance to strengthening friendly relations with african partners; we are united by the desire to build a fair, multipolar a world order that is based on true equality and international supremacy. the russian leader noted that the holding of the second russia-africa summit in st. petersburg last year created conditions for building up fruitful, mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas. and today it became known that russia is planning to open an embassy in sierra leone, nigeria and south sudan in the near future. sergei
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lavrov announced this at a gala reception for heads of diplomatic missions. dynamically developing inter-parliamentary and inter-party relations. we are working to expand our diplomatic presence in africa. last december , the russian embassy in burkina faso resumed its activities. we are now preparing to open full-fledged diplomatic missions in sierra leone, nigeria and... the potential of russian-african cooperation in all areas is truly large-scale. we will continue to jointly implement it in order to bring our relations to the level of a true strategic partnership. well, our country will soon have a new law on technology policy in russia. details of the document that will contribute to the creation of competitive domestic high-tech products and the establishment of work with production. government
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policy, it will become the basis for achieving a bill on technological goals that were set by the president in his address to the federal assembly, well, in particular, which is very important, long-term planning for technology development is being introduced, uniform terminology is being established, approaches at all stages from research before delivery to the customer, in this process. now large scientific organizations, large companies will be involved, there is also a general procedure for supporting russian developers with a mandatory practical result, this is very important in order to complete everything to the end, to introduce into industry and the economy what was conceived during the production of scientific research and design work. we hope that the implementation of these measures will help create a competitive domestic industry. high-tech products
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and establishing work with production, this is the main condition in solving the most important socio-economic problems, and of course, first of all, in improving people’s living standards. a former corporate engineer who alleged negligence in the assembly of airliners in court committed suicide, american researchers have come to this conclusion. the informant's family is sure that it was the aircraft manufacturing giant who was to blame for... his death, and this is not the first death among those who exposed boeing. the topic will be continued by emil mirsaev. 300 aircraft, this is how many airliners have electrical equipment malfunctions, which in some cases can lead to explosions during flight. this disappointing verdict was delivered to the us federal aviation administration by the american corporation. it revealed problems with the 777 line. this is a long-haul one. coffee liners,
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each carrying an average of 500 passengers. thus, these aircraft can transport more than hundreds of thousands of people every day. we are already puzzled by the problems. v senate, where the company's informants had previously been invited. unless action is taken and executives are held accountable, every person who boards a booing aircraft is at risk. as follows from a report by us aviation authorities , an electrostatic discharge can occur near fuel tanks, which will lead first to a fire and then to an explosion of the aircraft. what is noteworthy is that the regulator sent such a warning to boeing back in... the batch and demanded an answer by the end of the first ten days of may, whether the company did this or not is still unclear, write journalists from the british mail, who paid attention to the document, but the day before the company said that the federal administration’s remark is part of the standard procedure, and in general boeing
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has no problems, they say, backup systems are working safety, although the cost of repairs in terms of the entire company is ridiculous, about one and a half to two million dollars. this reluctance to spend even such funds lies the whole essence of boeing’s attitude towards its customers. let me be clear when you if you try to improve productivity without the necessary resources and poor management focused only on finances, you cannot achieve the required level of security. moreover, there are constant problems in operation, which in recent years have become more frequent than ever. a recent case, an emergency landing of just such an airliner.
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john barnett. a few days ago, the investigation announced that he actually committed suicide, unable to withstand pressure from the corporation. former engineer full time was subjected to illegal surveillance and received threats from the management of the aircraft manufacturing
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giant. at the end of the suicide note, a text that cannot be quoted on television, it says, bury me face down so that boeing can be kissed by their deceitful leaders. his colleagues in the shop say that they fully understand the range of problems that the departed faced. like other engineers at the corporation, i constantly felt pressure from management; my task was to control product quality, but management did not want to hear about inconvenient facts, and therefore asked me to juggle. there is no doubt that the company will continue to do anything to save face when we are talking about billions of dollars in american business, on which national exports are also built, there is no place for compassion or truth, money at any cost , even at the cost of human
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lives, be it employees or passengers, the main period of the unified state exam has begun throughout the country; more than... 700,000 schoolchildren will take the unified state exam this year. today exams in chemistry, literature and geography. the subjects are not the most popular, but nevertheless they start with them. chemistry was chosen by 85,000 people, literature by 48, and geography by 20,000 people. the official announcement of the results must take place no later than june 6. next, those who chose to take russian will prepare, this will be on may 28, mathematics on may 31, social studies and physics on june 4. on june 7 and 8, a foreign language orally, as well as computer science, then a foreign language in writing, history and biology, reserve days from june 13 to june 21, retake, if necessary july 4th and 5th. hello, i’m taking the unified state exam in
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literature, i’m in a good mood, fighting, write everything, pass everything. how do you assess your chances, what grade are you expecting? a good assessment, god willing. we tried to get enough sleep, we were waiting for a good option, we prepared for a long time, studied everything, read, and definitely had breakfast in the morning to make it easier to pass the exam. we try not to be nervous, somehow tune in to the fact that we know everything, we are ready for anything, by the way, about retakes, this year there is an innovation, from this year graduates can take advantage of the right to retake one subject the unified state exam until the end of the admission process, the president instructed to provide this opportunity during his address to the federal assembly. well, by the way, the most popular subjects among schoolchildren traditionally remain social studies, which more than 40% of students pass, as well as computer science and biology. this year, by presidential decree , additional dates were set for july 4 and 5; on
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these dates, the guys will be able to retake one of any subjects they wish, in which they believe that their result is, well, not satisfactory, while the previous result in this the item will be cancelled. there is another innovation: scanning of works. the main innovation of this year is the scanning of work directly in the classroom after completing the examination work, that is, the guys have completed the work, hand it over to the organizers, and the organizers immediately scan it in front of them in the classroom. first of all, this is safety, of course, secondly, it speeds up the process of transfer for processing and verification. more than 6,000 unified state examination points have been organized throughout the country. first
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the unified state exam will be held in the zaporozhye region and the kherson region. last year it was not held for security reasons, but those who wished could take the unified state exam in other territories of the region, in particular in crimea. in the lugansk people's republic, the number of students taking the unified state exam this year has tripled compared to the twenty-third year. this is data from the ministry of education of the republic. according to the law, let me remind you that graduates from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions until 2026 have the right not to publish the unified state exam and not write essays, receive a certificate based on the results of current assessments. the un general assembly voted to recognize the 1995 events in srebrenica as genocide. 84 countries supported the resolution, 19 were against it, and 68 countries abstained. our european will tell you all the details.
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today, serbian president aleksandar vucic, who was in new york at the meeting, noted during the meeting that this resolution
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is politicized and opens a pandora's box, i suggest you listen. why would you threaten member countries that don't want to vote? for this resolution. why say that if they do not vote for this resolution, they will not receive your support, your help on economic and other issues. what are these, european values, democratic values? this resolution will open the box. pandora, you will be faced with dozens of similar resolutions on the issue of genocide, my dear colleagues, then my question is how are you going to explain that the murder of 8.000 is more significant than the murder of millions in the second world war, hope that all other examples of genocide in connection with the resolution 2015 will also be recognized here, including the genocide of the serbian people. the resolution is formally called the international day of reflection and remembrance. on the genocide of the ninety-fifth year srebryanitsa, in the draft resolution, which has already been adopted, it is noted that the twenty-fifth
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year marks the thirty-year anniversary of these events, and the document consists of seven points, the first of which decides to proclaim july 11 as an international day of reflection in memory of the events srebrenica, and this resolution proposes to celebrate it annually, and also the resolution condemns any denial of genocides as a historical event, as well as... actions glorifying those who were convicted by international courts for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, that is, the resolution here primarily refers to the decision of the international tribunal on the former yugoslavia. authorities and courts did not recognize the events in serebryanitsa in 1995 as genocide, but even statistics say that the gaga tribunal cannot be called impartial; only representatives of the serbian army, 67 serbs were convicted, only 18 croats, only five bosnian muslims, the total amount
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of imprisonment for the serbs in the kaah tribunal was 1347 years, while those accused, for example, of nadservskie crimes, the population received only 64 years, so of course very complex and the ambiguous events of ninety-five, in serebryanitsa have not yet been convicted, all participants, it has not yet been established what actually happened there, unfortunately, today’s resolution is only complicates further historical assessment of these events, and it is known that atrocities against civilians took place in the so-called protected zone under the control of the netherlands. un peacekeepers took place in the villages around srebryanica, the extermination of the serbs over the course of three years, according to various estimates , about 3.00 serb civilians became victims of bosnian muslim detachments in srebrenica and its surrounding area, but this is not at all the so -called massacre in serebryanica, which was discussed today at the un , in general, i
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repeat, it is very difficult historically and after this resolution is very difficult to evaluate historically, and all the events that are being discussed today, the serbian country itself has never denied the fact of a war crime, but the goals of today’s resolution are clearly political goals, despite the fact that this document has no actual force, it is not binding, the consequences will be about what this document leads to, said russia’s representative to the un, vasily nebendya. one thing is clear: the initiators of today’s decision are acting deliberately, pushing bosnia and herzegovina to confrontation without...
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germany, a country that in the 20th century sparked two world wars, killed millions of people in concentration camps, is responsible for mass crimes in africa, and took an active part in the collapse of yugoslavia and the bombing of sarajevo in 1995, is now trying from the rostrum of the general assembly to teach others about the importance of national reconciliation. are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than its heinous crimes. also china voted against the resolution today, as the country’s representative stated before the vote. a hasty vote on this project, where there are still such big
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differences, does not correspond to the spirit of reconciliation of consent in bosnia and herzegovina in the region, and this is not the answer. according to the department, from april 2016 to october 2023, shamarin received money from the general director of perm telephone plant telta llc, alexey vysoky, and the chief accountant of the same company. and
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today the investigative committee stated that the department asks to change the preventive measure. ivan popov is under house arrest. he is suspected of fraud. investigators believe popova was involved in the theft of more than 1,700 tons of metal products purchased by zaporozhye as humanitarian aid. on may 17, popov was arrested by the 235th garrison military court. and now reports have just appeared that the court arrested vladimir vertseletsky, an employee of the department for ensuring state defense orders of the russian ministry of defense. according to investigators, he accepted uncompleted work under a government contract and caused harm to the state u. damage exceeded 70 million rubles.
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the hearing on improving tax legislation in the duma lasted more than 4 hours, about proposals, estimates maria slobodyanskaya. it is proposed to introduce a progressive tax scale, but there have been a lot of statements, as state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin noted, the flat tax scale, which has been in effect for almost 20 years , has solved its problem, now there is a need to fine-tune the tax system, the main goal... is to make it fairer , to equalize the tax burden due to progression, but, as noted by the head of the ministry of finance anton silanov, the changes should only those with high incomes, while, for example, those with low incomes, as
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well as families. where the upper part of the scale reaches 25% in non-cis countries, there we know that the upper scale for taxation rises to 45-55%. when determining approaches to improving personal income tax taxation, we propose to be guided by the following: the vast majority of citizens should not be affected by changes in tax rates. the main parameters for adjusting the tax system must be fixed until 2030
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. let's say right away that she won't touch income of participants in a special military operation, they protect us, they protect the country, they receive rewards for exploits, destroyed equipment, the ministry of finance is ready to support this proposal, like some others that were voiced during the consultation, it is proposed to maintain the vat rate, since in the current conditions, it
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may affect... it is proposed to change it so that it is paid from a smaller amount of taxable profit, and the ministry of finance and business are ready to discuss the abolition of exchange rate export duties in
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linked with... a mechanism for the gradual development of taxpayers from small businesses to large businesses, and here, of course , there should be not only fiscal measures, but also measures. including new industrial parks, technology parks, now there will be a new big project, an effective and competitive economy, and i think that we should also discuss this point. the ministry of finance also proposes some changes in terms of powers, for example, taxation on expensive properties and land plots, which will give the regions more of their own income. all proposals based on the results of these hearings will be sent to the government and, of course
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, considered, as ... all participants in the hearings noted, the changes should be very clear, but they must be adopted in the spring session in order to plan the budget project, so that everyone participants in the process had the opportunity to prepare for these changes, which are expected to come into force from january next year. maria slobodyanskaya, nikita korneev, alexander zarubov and danara kurmanova, news! this is great information evening, we... and this is what we will tell you about in the next hour. they run from place to place, fearing russian missiles. everyday life of british mercenaries in ukraine. why did the british begin to actively complain to their media about attacks on their bases in square? is ukrainian intelligence afraid of a new maidan? why does kiev throw out its own media conspiracy theories about the hand of moscow, which wants to overthrow zeletsky.


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