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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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to the government and of course considered, as all participants in the hearing noted, the changes should be very clear, but they need to be adopted in the spring session in order to plan the budget project, so that all participants in the process have the opportunity to prepare for these changes, which , is expected to come into force from january next year. maria slobodyanskaya, nikita korneev, alexander zarubov and danara kurmanova, discuss the houses. it's a big information evening, that's what we're talking about. we'll tell you in the next hour. they run from place to place, fearing russian missiles, the everyday life of british mercenaries in ukraine. why did the british begin to actively complain to their media about attacks on their bases in square? ukrainian intelligence is afraid of a new maidan. why does kiev throw out its own media conspiracy theories about the hand of moscow, which wants to overthrow zeletsky. prisoners of the armed forces of ukraine are like calluses for
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kiev. why out of 500 prisoners is the bank ready to take only 38. where do they want to use them and what do those who called in say about zelensky? volga? the hawks started to fly. the us proxy army is close to defeat. so makolou threatens russia with old american missiles. apparently, he doesn’t know how many atakom troops our air defense is shooting down. every day, perversions not only flow, but children are drawn into them. in france, dressed-up musicians dance in front of families in theaters in the united states, selling tickets to fight shows for schoolchildren. for what? metal barracks beds, tents and awnings, where weapons were apparently stored, are burning in the distance. silhouettes are visible, pairs of shocked
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soldiers who seem to have managed to jump out, although there are clearly many more of those who did not make it. allegedly, the epic footage was filmed in the vicinity of the city of rivne, where our iskanders visited on april 26. now, after the leak of so much eloquent video, it is widely available. it is clear that the target that night was a large location of the ukrainian armed forces. however, at the same time, there are certain doubts about whether ukrainian boys were stationed there. well, for example, an interesting remark in the military section of the image board.
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evgenia, hello, well, they say there is such a base in the kharkov region, alekseevich, hello, the base, whose instructors complain that it is difficult for them to hide from russian missiles, these british mercenaries are hiding their camps with all their might, they set up one in the front zone of the kharkov region, they are training local police officers, border guards, and dry-landers, who, on rotation, should go on vacation, but instead they end up, as one of the visitors on educational vacation puts it, in what is essentially the english sun. talks about pmc employees, former nato military personnel, whose task is to prepare ukrainians so that they lasted as long as possible at the front in clashes with russian fighters. we are the largest such organization operating in ukraine. we trained military doctors, infantry soldiers, engineers, we cannot name the place for security reasons, unfortunately, the region where we are based, the operational situation is such that these zones often become.
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does not send, someone is afraid of something, this is talk in favor of the poor, from the first day of the conflict, and most likely, long before this conflict, all these nato countries were present there, were based, and the military specialists, including sru specialists, have done a lot for this current degradation of ukraine, and to bring it to the state in which it is now, the french media, not without indignation, report which kind of warriors... western
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instructors are training real neo-nazis. so paris organized the training of terrorists from azov, banned in russia, among whom there was, for example, a character named denis, with tattoos. zik runes on the temple in a mirror image and the letters ss above the eyebrow. and how many are there? painted radicals were among the 12 thousand members of the ukrainian armed forces who came to france for training. the same militant mentioned above was photographed with nazi symbols. by the way, after a few days he began to cover the tattoo with a bandage, european journalists report. but french generals and military officials did not see anything wrong with this, they say that they were ukrainian.
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the mercenaries themselves also complain about the results of clashes with russian soldiers. this eu citizen, raised by paris bfmtv, was left without a leg after battle. his american brother did not survive the attack. and now the reporter is crying
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that his data, like other foreigners, was leaked to telegram, russia recognized him as a terrorist and this could threaten his freedom of movement. the truth is silent that data most often ends up on the internet. almost automatically, as soon as we go on television, even if we show too many things on social networks, they will show, for example, chevrons with the nazi coat of arms on a red and black background, the emblem of an ss division, a death’s head, this one was posted on social networks a german, and he was in an embrace with... his brothers-in-arms, who, as they say, decided on him because of money, did not share the proceeds from the sale of drugs, and then the kiev regime glorifies such strays as heroes, they occupy a place among the ukrainian pantheon bandera, kannovaltsy and other evil spirits,
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which are often spawned by foreign specialists, dooming themselves and their charges to russian attacks. evgenia nipat nato members. in ukraine. in the dpr, fighters from the southern group of our troops liberated another settlement - andreevka, which is located near kleshcheevka, taken under control the day before. accordingly, there is already a familiar tendency for russian fighters to occupy more advantageous positions. while the formation of the armed forces of ukraine continues to suffer serious losses. in the donetsk direction alone , almost 500 personnel were killed, and up to 120 more were destroyed in yuzhnodonetsk. about the situation, report by eduard punigov. who is this? and this is our rapier cat, call sign rapier, has also been with us for 2 years, the rapier for this artillery crew has long been a member families, a cat accompanies soldiers on every mission, a fighter with the call sign kazanka has been at the front since the first day of a special military operation,
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he came here from buryatia, now he works as an operator of the grad multiple launch rocket system, it used to be that we shoot and it flies here, but the truth is not right at us right away , well, it falls nearby. well, quickly, we work on the target , we twist the gun, we leave quickly, well , the firing position for 2 years, hail has repeatedly come under fire along the entire perimeter of the body, there are holes from shrapnel, fortunately the crew was never hurt, there are a lot of holes, here’s the first one you can take them from that side, too, there are a lot of them, well, we fix them, we always repair them, well , take all these splinter holes from this side, too, that’s all, small splinters , they were all flying, what are they made of?
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it didn’t, and recently the stop has become calmer than it was, even these, well, they had a large-scale offensive, we held back this offensive with all our might. we did not allow the enemy to advance far behind us. with the onset of spring, working with the rszzo grad calculation became much easier, because the cars don’t get stuck and therefore can move much faster, but on the other hand, in such clear weather there are a lot of kamikaze drones in the sky, so the crews never stay in one place for long, they constantly maneuver. the hail may unfold. anywhere, no special preparation is required, which is why they are difficult to detect and destroy.
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when actively installed, the hall covers a huge area the size of several football fields. after each shot, the crews quickly leave for the starting position and immediately begin to prepare for to the next task. eduard kunigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. ipso works, russia does not stop. complaints of the ukrainian gur on. some non-military operations that our country allegedly conducts on the territory of the independent. in an interview with a ukrainian tv channel, an intelligence representative complained that the agency is right now heroically resisting the kremlin on several directions of the information front, including protecting the kiev regime from the consequences of a secret operation called troubles, the goal which, according to gur, is to rock the situation from the inside. there is, perhaps, nothing new here; the ukrainian authorities have long been justifying all purely internal problems of some sort of russian one. information, however, it turned out that the growing dissatisfaction with zelensky, his
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usurpation of power and rumors about the third maidan are also nothing more than the machinations of moscow. on the one hand, such recognition by intelligence could be perceived as a kind of oath of allegiance after the end of the legitimate term of the kiev leader, but on the other hand, conspiracy theories about the new maidan are used with a completely understandable purpose, which anton potkovenko will explain. anton, good evening, well, apparently, it would be easier to declare everyone dissatisfied and...
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this is a conspiracy theory, well, now he has become an impostor, yes, how can one, say, strengthen his political position, tell him that a coup is being prepared there some kind and so on, all this is absolutely obvious, a real provocation to explain forceful methods of suppression, reprisals against the population in connection with violent mobilization, and to attract attention of foreigners, i don’t even see any signs... the kiev regime fears
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the so-called maidan 3 not in the form of popular unrest, which is what zelensky is afraid of and what yarmak is afraid of, they are not afraid of mass protests on the streets of people, and of course there are not tents, barrels, in which they hit and fire tires, no, they are afraid of a coup, in their eyes today maidan 3 is an attempt. everything will begin right in may, but may ends, and there is no maidan. why then
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does the media campaign continue? maybe the owners of square want to move zelensky, but is talk about moscow just an information screen? the statement that a kind of maidan 3 may be brewing in ukraine suggests that, in my opinion, american and british actors have decided, among other things, to try to pump up the option of a change of power. in ukraine, through some kind of ukrainian expression of will that is already familiar to the european-american man in the street, accordingly, the idea of ​​​​the maidan, it may come to the minds of american british...
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sentiments, which means it’s impossible, you spoke russian on the bus, there will be an informer, who, therefore, reported that you are talking about the enemy language, so, of course, they are these sentiments, but they are in a state, of course, oppressed, a police state in conditions of usurpation of power, what kind of popular protest is there, however, the attitude towards the regime still seeps through, even with... through media barriers, maybe that’s why the ukrainian special services are so uncomfortable? the authorities in ukraine keep public protest under a tight rein; the sbu deals with this, first of all, of course, people who support russia and do not they support the bandera regime in the territory of the former ukraine, of course, a lot, but we will get to know them only when
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we liberate these territories. apparently , horror stories gur. as for the hand of moscow, the kiev regime is trying to strengthen its power in the country, which is very significant; how insecure you have to be to be afraid of even the ghost of the maidan. anton potkovenko, and the curse of the maidan. in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the central group of our armed forces to the west of davdeevka, five more are reflected counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces' assault detachments in the semyonovka and novgorod regions inflicted massive fire damage on the enemy. all this led to the fact that the kiev regime lost over 400 combatants. at the same time, the russian military has again found an opportunity to improve its own position along the front line; pavel prokapenko will talk about the role the engineering troops play. heavy kamaz trucks are raising dust on donbass roads, engineers from the center group of troops are rushing to build bridges, our equipment needs to cross this lake as quickly as possible. fonton like this
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thrown into the water, the fonton opened. hold it here on ropes, this is happening, the three of them are trying to do it, guys, what weight, what weight does the ponton have? almost 7 tons, they say, this is how you need to hold it simply by the strength of your hands. after the first link, the second and third ones open on the water, noise, splashes, the links are fastened, all this takes no more than 10 minutes, the result is a single structure. it’s wrong, it’s wrong, it’s not going anywhere, everything is clear, now we’ll set the april and we’ll be able to catch up with the technology. three connected. units can withstand up to 60 tons in one company six such pantones. the first car comes in like this, slowly, slowly, slowly, like this, the ural moves along the entire pontoon. panton takes the boat in tow; at the stern, two engines from an infantry fighting vehicle are already buzzing and cutting through the waves. there is no land route; often
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this is the only way troops can move forward by crossing water obstacles. we are now clearing and transporting.
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they don’t promise ukrainian militants, but if such a clearly captured vsushnik somewhere on the street is captured, then kiev will simply write him off as scrap, as has been proven by hundreds of prisoners of war, which ukraine for some reason refuses. pick up by exchange, according to obbutsman tatyana maskolkova, for several months now, kiev, for far-fetched reasons, has not been able to approve the list of 500 military personnel whom their relatives and friends are waiting for, instead
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of blaming everyone, notes only a small number of selected ones, why did evgenia find out petrukhina, evgenia, greetings, on what principle is this choice being made, alexey, hello, kiev wants to take away, first of all, notorious nationalists, captives with dry skin, like calluses for... kiev, those who were caught on the streets by military personnel, who were thrown into the trenches, who ended up in the meat grinder of the front line, who are now on the lists for exchange, kiev does not need, here is this list, it was published by margarit simonyan, there are 500 people here, but kiev is ready to take away, attention, only 38 of them, and why, if the entire front line of the ukrainian armed forces is in holes, why not take away all five thousand people, so who are these 38 especially valuable vsushnikovs? kiev chose 38 people, these are former fighters of the azov battalion and other terrorist groups, that is
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kiev first of all returns notorious nationalists, the same terrorist kraken, for example, the real punishers, why will kiev punish its own in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, they will be in the detachment, of course they will undergo polygraphs there. they are building it so that they will not be fsb agents there, if they are officers, they will assign them to key areas, kharkov is very painful for them today, so reinforcement is needed there just in the barrier detachment, for the rest of the 462 people remaining on the list for exchange , kiev doesn’t give a damn, really, even in are they not needed as cannon fodder at the front, or are they now dangerous for kiev, well, because they have... a real picture of what is happening? they are dangerous after they saw all the deception that the kiev regime says, they were captured, they
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saw that they were being treated well, so their motivation for taking risks has already changed. here is a captured fighter from the armed forces of ukraine named shcherbukha, mobilized in 23, he says that he didn’t want to go to fight, they forced him even for a month and a half... germany trained, shcherbukha participated in the counter-offensive on zaporozhye, and on may 13 his unit was sent to the kharkov front, and that’s when it fell apart: shcherbukha was captured in volchansk, he has difficulty remembering the name of this city. did you know about this, that russian troops are advancing? no, we were told to take up defensive positions; in general, the city forgot.
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i’ll be honest, i released, yes, four magazines, because the one behind me shouted, he said, let’s shoot, open fire, half of our people were killed, our theorta retreated back, they said, then it’s up to us shoot back and survive as you wish, as a result, when i was aiming, my machine gun jammed, the ukrainian command orders those who surrender to be fired from a tank. here prisoner alexander lenitsky tells us, they left us, they tried to hit us with a tank, thank god they never hit us, although there were, well, although
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there were two attempts, they hit near the blending, but they never hit us, and then they stopped going out altogether, we see ordinary men, lately it’s just semi-colleagues who are taken there by their fathers. or there are drivers who are already under 70 years old, bus drivers, we see that now the cities of ukraine have been abandoned, in principle, and the men are either in the cemetery, or at the front, or have fled, many ukrainian fighters are now, in my opinion, ready to simply turn around weapons and remain as volunteers on the side of russia, because they felt where the truth is, where they rinse their brains with nazi propaganda, you... the ashes
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can rub painfully. evgeniy petrukhina, the forgotten independent. to the fighters who are now undergoing rehabilitation at the vishnevsky military hospital and were presented with state awards, including the order of courage of st. george. medals of courage, as well as medals of zhukov and suvorov. in addition, almost fifty participants in the special operation received housing certificates. about heroes. margarita semenyuk. the address of the residential premises is indicated. yes. photographs of the living quarters selected for you after rehabilitation in the hospital, wrestler yuri goncharov decided to continue serving in the south of russia in crimea in a medical institution received a special education, and now an apartment next to a military unit. after being seriously wounded in svatokremensk, he will work in the military registration and enlistment office. we walked out of the forest through heavy bombing, in fact, one of our fighters was crushed. we started
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digging with a log, we couldn’t lift it up, we dug it out, and accordingly, it landed under the knee, the shrapnel shattered the entire bone. in the vishnevsky hospital, all participants in the special operation with severe wounds, they undergo treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions, the military receive special education, and after determined by the place of service, you can choose any region of russia, the ministry of defense will provide housing. service living quarters are provided. and at the same time , the composition of the family, one-room, two-room, three-room living quarters are taken into account. in the event of a refusal by military personnel, there are various reasons; in the case of a refusal by military personnel to provide them with official residential premises, military personnel may also receive compensation for renting residential premises, that is, they can choose, choose any residential premises that satisfy them requirements and, accordingly, the ministry of defense will be compensated. 48 officers and contract soldiers received housing documents and will soon go
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to military registration and enlistment offices at selection points. stormtrooper sergei bakurov took this letter during the evacuation after being wounded, the fighter liberated avdeevka, was wounded several times during the next stormtrooper , enemy artillery covered him, sergei lost his arm, and because these, i won’t express it as bad people, fired at civilians , parents died, sons, there was a mother, well it’s like no, it was ugly on their part, so it made me angry and i went there.
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signed the contract and went. major general igor muravlyannikov presented state departmental awards to the fighters who are now undergoing professional treatment and rehabilitation. nine military personnel were awarded the order of courage. the rest were awarded the order of st. george, medals of zhukov and suvorov, and medals for the courage of a participant in a special military operation. margarita semenyuk, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, news. your career. now there's a short commercial, that's what will be further on our broadcast. the hawks began to spread their wings. the us proxy army is close to defeat. so makola threatens russia with old american missiles. apparently, he doesn’t know how many atakonians our air defense shoots down every day. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries
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. look, look, in the application or on the website, you have the opinion that time heals, 512 people, including the 91st child, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, a village of all residents was burned for communication with the partisans, it was developed ost plan, according to which no less than... 30 million sluvians were to be destroyed. why is recognition important?


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