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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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all sorts of non-binary characters were officially recognized as mentally ill, local rainbow perverts have already spoken out against, but this is unlikely to help win back, but however, if adequate people took to the streets of europe now to speak out against trans madness, they would not be heard either, this is such a parallel reality, pseudo-democracy, anastasia ivanova, its international abomination. the delegations of russia, china, hungary and sixteen other countries voted against the un resolution, which is called genocide, calls the events of 1995 in srebrenica names the serbs as allegedly responsible for the deaths of the bosniaks. serdsky president vuchit
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considers the resolution biased and aimed at suppressing the independent policy of belgrade, however, through the efforts of western states and the ukraine that joined them, the general assembly nevertheless adopted the scandalous document. the russian permanent representative called the resolution a disgrace, and regarding germany, which promoted this document, vasily nebenze said that germany has the right to use the word genocide only when talking about its own crimes from belgrade, daria grigorov. the draft resolution was supported in new york by 19 states.
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that if they do not vote for this resolution, they will not receive your support, your help on economic and other issues, are these european values, democratic values? this resolution will open pandora's box, you will come across dozens of similar resolutions on the issue of genocide, my dear colleagues, then my question is how are you going to explain that killing 8 thousand is more significant than killing millions in the second world war, i hope that all others examples of genocides with...
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execution, there will be consequences. one thing is clear, the initiators of today’s decision are acting deliberately, pushing bosnia and herzegovina towards confrontation without regard to the price they paid during the civil war in the nineties, when they died.
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we are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than its heinous crimes.
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in a wide variety of industries from metallurgy and pharmaceuticals to information technology and construction, such statements today were voiced in the kremlin at a meeting between vladimir putin and the king of a middle eastern state, which, by the way, now presides over the league of arab states, so the agenda of the negotiations was not limited to bilateral relations. details in the material by andrey grigoriev. king hamad
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ibn isa al-khalifa arrived at the kremlin on a russian aurus, decorated with the flag of bahrain. at the entrance one is greeted by standing guards standing at attention. the main staircase, calmly ascends the elevator, ending up immediately in the suite of kremlin halls. in green russian ministers are waiting in the living room. according to diplomatic protocol, an official visit is second in importance, higher only than a state visit, but this status is quite enough for all meetings to take place in the large kremlin palace. all senior management of bahrain. traditional bedouin costumes, gold-embroidered tobahs and keffiyehs, which are fastened with a rope and kala made of black goat and wool. the leaders' handshake is friendly between russia and bahrain for a long time now there are no translation difficulties, here vladimir putin shows with gestures how put on an earphone. your majesty, we have not
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seen you since 2016, although we were in contact all this time, and just recently in march we talked again. by phone, next year we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over these years a lot has been done, done in building relations between our states, we have good contacts, very polynymidah on many issues on the international agenda, our positions are close. bahrain is a small country, an archipelago in the persian gulf, but with its own metallurgical and oil production complex, so the investment attractiveness is mutual. approximately 30 large projects are being implemented, the total volume of the package is approximately $500 million. we have good relations in the field of culture. this year we intend to hold bahrain days in russia; next year, as far as i
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know, colleagues have agreed that russian seasons will be held in your country. in addition, bahrain currently holds the presidency of the arab league. states, which deals with issues of international politics.
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only in the last year has doubled, this is mainly the it sector. sports, healthcare, culture, industry, cooperation will expand in all sectors. there are a lot of new investment projects that are planned for implementation , and in particular, the construction of a plant,
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for example, in bahrain for the production of platinum, the nickel company is planning, there are projects related to repairs, there are already agreements with the repair of russian ships. in the shipyards of bahrain, as well as pharmaceuticals and construction of roads, by the way, investors from bahrain have already invested about $15 billion in infrastructure projects in russia.
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during the day, ukrainian militants fired almost 20 drones and at least 130 ammunition into the belgorod region. these statistics were published today by the regional authorities. a woman was killed after a drone strike in the yakovlevsky district. two more civilians were wounded as a result of shelling of the village of novaya volzhanka. among the targets of ukrainian militants are not only residential areas, but also social infrastructure. in in the grayvaron urban district, a drone attacked a school. the situation in the region in the report. a ukrainian drone crashed into the roof of a private house , the ceilings were formed on the second floor of the building, at that moment there was a pensioner there, the doctors were unable to save her, another victim of the terror of the armed forces of ukraine, they opened up, they were neighbors, they came in, they thought maybe there was someone else there , and there was a woman lying on the street, this shell flew straight into the house from her bed, that is, it carried her straight out, the neighbors helped put it out. there was a fire, they were clearing away the rubble, the deceased husband was at work, now psychologists are not moving away from him; the roof,
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pieces of insulation, and concrete blocks have been scattered around the area by an explosion. now the rescuers have finished their work at the scene of the tragedy, and they have been replaced by criminologists and explosives experts, they are collecting fragments from the collapsed drone, all this will be needed for the investigation of the criminal case. the neighbors are shocked, they were friends, they went to visit each other, she was a good woman, people built, built these houses on... and these are the consequences of the morning attack by ukrainian armed forces militants on peaceful houses of the belgorod border. pieces of asphalt fell on the roof of neighboring houses. residents of this village find shrapnel from a ukrainian shell in their gardens. apparently, this is one of the fragments from the ammunition of the czech rszzo vampire. the blast wave from the detonation of the ukrainian shell knocked out and as if turned through a meat grinder the fence of this house. there were traces of scattered fragments on the façade. the double-glazed windows flew out intact because they were sealed with armor.
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no threat was found, repair crews are already on site. the scattering of fragments damaged multiple windows, facades of houses, well, in some places roofing, fences and you see, yes, so today we will start measuring windows and restoring these households. today, the ukrainian armed forces shelled the village of novaya tovolzhanka in the shebekinsky urban district from a multiple launch rocket system. according to preliminary information, two civilians were injured. an elderly man has multiple shrapnel wounds in the lumbar region of the brigade. he is soon taken to city hospital number two in belgorod. an elderly woman has shrapnel wounds to her head and shoulder.
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she was taken to the shebekinsky central district hospital by passing car. all necessary medical care is provided. in total, according to the ministry of defense of our air defense system, in addition to vampires, alha missiles and several drones were shot down. the exact damage caused by these attacks to private homes and infrastructure in the region has not yet been calculated. alexander ivnov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. vesti, belgorod region. china's army is conducting exercises around taiwan, involving ground air and naval forces as well as missile forces. the military command called the maneuver a serious warning for separatist forces. taiwan responded by announcing that it was putting its military units on alert. a report from our correspondent in china, alexander baletsky, with details. this could be taken as the beginning of a full-scale operation, when more than three dozen ships headed away at the alarm signal. near taiwan, and at the same time along the entire coast of the strait , the chinese army deployed multiple
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launch rocket systems. no war, just exercises calmed down on the morning news. urgent message starting at 7:45 today the eastern command of the people's liberation army of china will conduct joint exercises in the taiwan strait, northern, eastern and southern parts of the island of taiwan. in the joint sword maneuvers 2024a, beijing immediately used it. this is a serious punishment for the separatist forces and a serious warning against interference and provocations from external forces, their actions will be resolutely resisted. anyone who advocates for taiwanese independence will have their heads bled. both sides were clearly preparing for such a development of events, and the chinese military, which already this morning posted online propaganda posters with detailed
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descriptions of all types of weapons involved, the latest dzian-20 and dzian-16 fighter jets. and the dongfeng missiles, and the taiwanese authorities, they knew exactly what beijing’s reaction would be to the speech of the new head of the island administration, which in the presence of american guests, including former secretary of state pompeo, publicly crossed out the one-china principle, and today was forced to consider positions at the tayuan military base. i will stand on the front line with by their brothers and sisters in the national army. the taiwanese military even raised the air. f-16 fighters for observation and deployed mobile systems with anti-ship missiles, bringing them into a combat position for firing, a little more and the strait will seethe, as it already did after pilosi’s visit to taiwan, but this time everything is more serious, in the maneuver zone there is also a chain of islands adjacent to the mainland. while on army television, hosts in uniform and
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correspondents in uniform were broadcasting the latest news directly from aboard a warship. messages. it's behind me. the pentagon to present its blockade plan . this worries the united states, congress demanded that china, whose fleet today is already 24 miles from the island, is less than 40 km, besides, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese
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chip manufacturers do not rule out the evacuation of production to japan, the states, and are ready to turn off all the chip machines, just to... the global press publication, which, citing a certain source , reports beijing’s plans to take taiwan in early june, although it looks like a hoax, now it all depends on endurance. this night in the taiwan strait will not be calm, the military on the island has been put on high alert, the chinese army continues maneuvers, and ballistic missile launches are not ruled out tomorrow. the one-china principle is primary for beijing; americans are urged not to push the island to the red line. alexander baalsky ana lvova nikolay petrov, news: beijing bureau. emmanuel macron flew to new caledonia today to put out the fire of an anti-colonial riot. french overseas territory covered unrest over reform that expands rights for non-indigenous people. against the backdrop of protests from supporters of independence, macron tried to convince the local population that france does not want to act by force and is in favor of dialogue,
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but whether words would be enough to remove the barricades and maintain the influence of paris in the south pacific, our europeans were finding out. in order for the situation to normalize and a transition to dialogue to take place, political dialogue must begin immediately. the army, police and gendarmes remain on the island, if necessary, until the end of august. they are tasked with dismantling the barricades, which, however , are quickly rebuilt, and also conducting raids in troubled neighborhoods. dozens of armed , black-clad law enforcement officers enforce the curfew. we
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would rather die standing than kneeling. the trigger was the decision of paris to expand voting rights for those who came to the island from the mainland and who, accordingly, are against independence. secessionists met with macron, but said that there would be no negotiations, until a new law that infringes on their rights is withdrawn. observers believe that it will take 12 hours to stay on the island to cut this knot. it was macron's methods that led to this conflict, which could have been prevented. 8 months ago i met with kanaga trade unions, who even then told me: you’ll see, nothing good
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will come of it. empty store shelves, pharmacies, shortages of medicines in hospitals, about 400 businesses were destroyed. the rebels are preparing to resume decisive action if the visit is of no use. i would like to say young people to calm them down. due to the spread of tiktok, which was then widely used. while the internet was working and the president was getting to the overseas territory, a cyber attack was launched on new caledonia. traditionally,
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russia has been identified as the culprit. what we have is that many of the ip addresses from which the attack on new caledonia was carried out were from russia. the investigation is ongoing. the military is responsible for protecting ports, air harbors, and strategic facilities. paris, since it will allow further exploitation resource-rich land will create the illusion for the local population that their interests will be taken into account, whether the big question will work this time. anastasia popova, european news bureau. in argentine cities today , the usual protests are taking place, the participants of which are demanding that the authorities raise wages.
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miley again sang a song about himself as about a lion, and among his supporters there were many dressed as lions or like miley himself. karenie luna such people came to the presentation of his new book, which they did not allow him to host, because the organizers of the decorous event were set against him buenos aires book fair. the main idea of ​​meley's new book is this. there is no such thing as market failure. what are the readers of his new book?
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according to miley, his corrupt wife, spain has now recalled its ambassador from argentina. in milea's camp, this was dismissed as just another "madness" quote. is it any wonder that miley has driven his opponents to such knees today that his bill on the rest of the shock therapy is stuck in the senate. accordingly, the signing of a pact on common actions, a pact, which miley proposed to conclude to all parties this saturday, may 25, the main argentine holiday. but.
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it was mainly the europeans who held back, the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field, on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead.
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