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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in kaliningrad, a former deputy will stand trial in the case of multimillion-dollar cigarette smuggling. according to investigators, ex-detacht of the kaliningrad regional duma ivan gribov created a group that for a year was engaged in the production, storage and sale of unlabeled tobacco products. cigarettes. of excise stamps were not sold
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only in russia, but abroad. according to forged documents, the people's representative, together with possible accomplices, allegedly secretly smuggled almost 4 million packs of counterfeit cigarettes with a total value of 237 million rubles into the territory of the european union. as part of the investigation, investigators carried out a full-scale amount of work, interrogated more than 60 witnesses, carried out on-site verifications of testimony, commercial forensic examinations, customs studies, and others. investigative and procedural actions. in addition, the former deputy owed to the state over 72 million rubles. evading customs duties. gribov himself insists on his innocence. justice arrived two decades later. in the moscow region, a sentence was passed on the participants in an armed raid that cost the life of a policeman and a money carrier. the robbers' loot amounted to 800,000 rubles. the investigation stalled for years due to a strange witness, until a new lead appeared in the case. word. this promenade along the corridors
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of the montishche city court for konstantin shuvalov and ruslan yanchenko is the last one before sentence. fenina must decide the fate of those accused of murder and robbery committed back in the early 2000s. did they teach you that you shouldn’t kill people, that it’s bad, they told you as a child, maybe at least not? the meeting is open, nashuvalov and yanchenko are not happy about the presence of the press. the defendants don’t want to be seen, they turned away from our cameras, but they won’t be able to turn away from justice either. ago, these two, along with another accomplice, waylaid a courier who was leaving the store with a large sum of money, about eight hundred thousand rubles, but the robbers were in for a surprise, the collector was accompanied by a policeman, so to speak, he was working part-time during his free time, this confused the cards for the raiders and led to a massacre. the organizer of the crime, let's call him, participant number one, he saw a man in a policeman's uniform and, accordingly, without hesitation, carried out the crime. opened fire, killed
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a policeman, then, according to the investigation, konstantin shuvalov decided that he had nothing more to lose and began shooting at the fleeing collector, by the way, shuvalov, a graduate military university, so... didn’t miss, fired about two or three shots, when he fell, so i ran to him, i fired another shot, from a distance, i don’t know, 15, 20 meters, hit, after that the raiders disappeared, using a pedestrian tunnel to escape, at that moment there was a witness nearby who testified, either by accident or intentionally, the man pointed out as one of the participants in the attack on a completely innocent person, this is a mistake for... the detectives are at a dead end, the case did not move for a long time, until the operatives had a new lead, through the efforts of employees of the internal security department of the main internal affairs directorate for the moscow region, the vsin of the moscow region , investigators of the main investigation department for the moscow region
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, the involvement of three persons in this crime has been established, the name of the suspect who shot the policeman with a sawn-off shotgun has not yet been disclosed, his case has been put into separate proceedings , here are his... accomplices the court has already found guilty of robbery and murder, to say, why are you so embarrassed by the cameras, why weren’t you embarrassed when they were killing people? remained by the court decision the prosecution is satisfied, the robbers received as much as the prosecutor's office requested. taking into account the position of the state prosecutors , a punishment was imposed for the crime in the form of 16 years of imprisonment, however, taking into account the unserved punishments for which they were convicted after committing the crime, yanchenko was finally determined to serve in the form of imprisonment for a term of 23. shuvalovo in form of 22 years of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony, so soon yanchenko and shuvalov will go to prison such remote and familiar places. this verdict clearly shows the inevitability of justice. shvalov and yanchenko probably couldn’t even think that the unsolved case would come to life after so much
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time, but femido reminded herself when they weren’t expecting it. here's a greeting from the dark past. dmitry chernikov, anton sitnikov, lead. duty department. the russian guard is the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia. signed a cooperation agreement, the document was certified by the director of the department viktor zolotov and the supreme mufti talgad safata judin. the agreement defines cooperation that will be aimed at spiritual education, patriotic and moral education of military personnel of the national guard who profess islam. the agreement signed today is not just an official consolidation of our cooperation, it opens a new stage of joint activities aimed at further developing and strengthening close ties between the troops.
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a lover of the beautiful life from the tax service, she is suspected in receiving a large bribe from a local businessman, using all her professional experience, the businessman masterfully evaded taxes, by the way, he too detained, for the hard work of the lady, of course, she was entitled to rest. according to investigators, the tax service employee received a bribe from the head of a number of commercial organizations in the form of providing property services, which included paying for a tourist voucher. worth more than 180,000 rubles. the fsb does not
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specify whether the resort girl had time to soak up the golden beaches, but she shares self-explanatory footage of a search in the modest home of a tax officer, an unremarkable house, a modest fence, just two floors of chaos in the courtyard. in general, honest work. the main anti-corruption fighter of the sverdlovsk region was burned by corruption. in yekaterinburg , the head of the department of economic security and anti -corruption of the regional police was arrested. head of the department of economic security and anti-corruption, regional main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs, behind iron bars,
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the colonel’s charm abruptly gave way to excitement, diakov is accused of exceeding official powers and receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, and what is the volume of the bribe, 200 or something? yes, i took 5 million rubles a month, if you calculate 200 million, it’s just some kind of nonsense. exactly how tax fraud is connected with the name of the colonel, no one has officially reported: the trial for choosing a preventive measure was held behind closed doors, and the main department of the investigative committee, which is investigating the case, has so far refrained from commenting; only assumptions appear in a number of media. investigative actions may be related to the detention of his ex-wife, the son of the ex-head of yekaterinburg arkady chernetsky. anastasia chernetskaya. was arrested on march 21 after a series of searches in yekaterinburg.
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entrepreneurs vasily petrov and alexey shakhmaev are defendants in the same criminal case. entrepreneurs chernetsk petrov and shakhmaev are accused of filing a declaration with false information, due to this, they allegedly received tax deductions for huge amounts, only about 500 million rubles. this is footage of one of the searches in march of this year, security forces visited the kleverk business center. at the trial , a high-ranking police officer. you say you saw chernetskaya once at what circumstances? she came with my friend, with pyotr vasily, this is the field, but they just came to visit, they traveled around the pena region. in addition to 200 million rubles. according to investigators, diyakov also received a bottle of champagne as a bribe, and aleksey shakhmaev allegedly gave him the above allowance. it was he who testified against dyakov. the leninsky court of yekaterinburg
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sent the colonel of the ministry of internal affairs to pre-trial detention for 2 months during the investigation of the criminal case. alright enough.
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went crazy, when with the whole family, when alone they visited the pensioner under various pretexts, most often they saw the head of the family here. the attacker lived in this apartment with alexandra petrovna for several days, and in order to create the appearance of a warm relationship, he even printed out a photograph of him with her, and installed cameras on the walls in order to monitor the pensioner’s every step while he was away . the investigation believes that the scammers tried to steal alexandra petrovna’s passport; when that didn’t work, they persuaded her to write a statement. butere and get a new swindler, swindler, swindler, a real swindler, so i’m afraid, of course, i live alone, he’ll take the apartment, hop, and push me somewhere. footage from surveillance cameras from the mfc shows how an elderly woman is being led by her friends to receive a document, and then she gives her passport to new acquaintances. later, alexandra petrovna herself told her neighbor about this. as a result, we found out that the passport was received,
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we went to sberbank, which means that her accounts were transferred, her pension was transferred, in addition.
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yaroslav aulov and oleg dobin. vesti is the duty unit. the case of the largest bribe in history modern russia has come to trial. the moscow researcher could receive a bribe of one and a half million dollars, more than 7 billion rubles in bitcoins. according to kommersant, the former head of the investigation
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department for the tver region, marad tambiev, will appear before themis in the near future. he allegedly received 10 large bribes, but truly astronomical amounts. from members of the hacker group. in the twenty -first year , they became defendants in a criminal case after they created an illegal a store selling bank card data and social security numbers of foreigners. the investigation believes that the cybercriminals paid tambiev so that they could be under house arrest, not in a pre-trial detention center, and so that their accounts with billions on their balance would not be seized. in the trans-baikal territory, security forces defeated an international organized crime group whose members illegally mined gold and then sold precious bullion. abroad, who the black miners turned out to be. this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, watch the investigation of eduard petrov, obsessed with gold. officially every year in transbaikalia.
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how were the smuggling of precious metal organized? based on the case materials, you admitted your guilt, so what? second style. how much did treasure hunters earn? they are heavy, each weighing one and a half kilograms. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. in istra near moscow, security forces are interrogating the tenant of an illegal hostel in which eight people died during a fire. according to preliminary data, the young visitor rented it. private house, lived there himself, and rented out the free space to others migrants, while local residents complained about the hostel many times, material by alina skachova, comrades, we have a fire, footage
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of a terrible fire in istra near moscow, 4:00 in the morning the flames caught people while they were still sleeping, eight people died, only one girl miraculously managed to escape, the girl masha, young, she managed to jump from the second floor, she was completely broken, everything burned down, her documents, phone, personal belongings. there was nothing left, the locals seemed to sense that sooner or later something would happen in this house, the owner rented it out to visitors and shift workers, 15 people slept on two-tier bunks, that is, in fact it was an illegal hotel, its guests in the village were treated with caution, but as soon as trouble came, the neighbors without hesitation rushed to put out the fire, here are the guards of the neighboring equestrian club behaved differently when residents asked for help, and the matter was urgent, the firefighters were running out of water, the sleepy security guards allegedly did not react in any way, they wandered on, to take care of their peace, they approached the security, but they refused, they said, come during working hours, now everyone is resting, we can’t help, at this time
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the fire quickly cut off the exit routes, the three-story cottage became a fire trap, the burnt house is located on the outskirts of the village, right behind this barrier tape, the police officers are not allowing anyone close, there at the site of the fire from the very early in the morning , the rubble is still being cleared, investigators are working on the ashes... they are trying to reconstruct the picture of the tragedy every minute. there were no smoke detectors, no fire extinguisher, no water sprinklers inside, extreme negligence on the part of the owner. i regularly collected money from guests, 100,000 a month, and decided to save on security. moreover, the lease agreement was also drawn up very cunningly, there was not a word about the hostal in it, which means that it simply did not exist for the inspection authorities. it was established that a twenty-three-year-old man had previously rented this private house and provided it for living. foreign citizens who do not have registration on the territory of the russian federation, during the investigation of the criminal case, the causes of the fire will be established, as well as other persons involved in the organization
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illegal migration. such invisible hostels regularly end up in crime reports. so, 2 years ago in the capital, a fire in the same secret shelter had already claimed the lives of eight people. owners who knew about the violations but ignored them were punished. now the tenant of the house from the moscow region has become a defendant in the criminal case. he is already answering questions from investigators. how many people did you accommodate? well, when i talked then, there were 15 people. on suspicion of causing death by negligence as a result of a fire that occurred in private household in the istra urban district, a twenty-four-year-old citizen of the republic of uzbekistan was detained. meanwhile, investigators are drawing their first conclusions; preliminary, the cause of the fire that claimed the lives of eight people could have been a faulty heater. alena skachkova, dmitry kanovalov, duty officer. honor nadictoy alphabet, then we ourselves. a fake migrant school was exposed in the irkutsk region; its graduates received certificates of proficiency in russian. of course,
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it was not necessary to know him. subsequently, the data certificates were presented by foreigners to obtain patents, temporary residence permits or residence permits. the scoundrel’s teachers did not require him to memorize catchphrases and history laws. cribs hung at every step. but now let’s remember for ourselves: the doors to prison are wide, but the doors back are narrow. the criminal code also has something to say about this. you will have to know at least a few articles by heart. at slaughterhouses - a huge scandal in the united states. there , several large corporations were taught to use child labor in the most difficult cases. conditions. at night, surrounded by butchered cattle carcasses, the boys washed away pools of blood and
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caustic agents. more and more new cases are emerging, because paying a fine for such bestiality is much easier than providing an adult employee with a decent salary. ekaterina likhomanova, more details. the footage is not for the faint of heart, this is one of the workshops at an american slaughterhouse, the entire floor is covered in blood fat, the so-called cutting room, by the morning everything should be clean and ready for work. using caustic chemicals , employees clean up equally dangerous electrical equipment, including with adults, a little boy in sight. this photo was taken by representatives of the us department of labor, who conducted their own investigation. the child worked as a cleaner at a slaughterhouse in nebraska, one of the largest in the entire country. i have never seen child labor abused to such an extent, just the sheer number of children who were working. there are almost one and a half meat processing plants in the united states; many employees work at night. the work is hard, dangerous and poorly paid. such
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enterprises can only be established adults, but factory owners, for the sake of additional profit, neglect even this: cheap child labor - this, of course, is illegal migrants, teenagers who come to the states to earn money and feed their families. the picture shows sixteen-year-old duvan perez, one of the most notorious cases of violation of child labor laws in the united states. duvan came to mississippi from guatemala to work at a poultry farm. he died while cleaning equipment in his homeland; he left behind a large family. which the boy provided with financial support: i go there every day after lunch, i go there to see my sister, she is broken because this is her first son. meat producers then simply stated that they did not know how old their employee was. the recruitment was allegedly carried out by a recruitment agency , and the teenager handed over false documents and said that he was 32 years old, but it is obvious that the person in this photo is still a child, the company’s employees could not
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help but understand this. this is a sad reality within which everyone operates employers in the usa. the investigation into duvan's death is still ongoing continues, against the backdrop of which new scandals with illegal child labor are breaking out. thus, stenesia's company will have to pay an impressive fine ($650,000) for representing children as employees to clean meat processing plants in iowa, virginia. these are such beautiful commercials - for the public, in fact, behind them is the hard work of thirteen-year-old boys who sweated in slaughterhouses. according to the us department of labor , almost 30 illegal teenagers were illegally hired. on the official the department's website has already commented on this case. the fair labor standards act was passed in 1938 because of children working in hazardous jobs. yet in 2024, american companies still employ children in risky jobs, compromising their safety for profit. representatives of the company
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who provided. employees fully admitted their guilt and are ready to compensate for the damage, but this is unlikely to have a significant impact on the overall statistics; at the end of last year alone , almost 6,000 people were illegally employed in the united states children, and yes, these are only those cases about which the auditors became aware. according to current legislation in the united states , violating the child labor law only carries a fine of up to 15 thousand dollars. now american officials are planning to increase it in order to at least try to stop the cynical business. ekaterina likhomanova, mikhail zhilin, lead the duty department. siberian power. in novosibirsk customs officers of the fsb of the ministry of internal affairs exposed a muscle factory. testosterone dealers brought special reagents from asia and at home laboratories, turned them into powerful hormonal preparations for unclean athletes. they packaged and pasted over the illegal products produced by handicraft methods with the labels of their own brands for sale via the internet and a network
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of distributors. in total, security forces seized 12 kg of chemicals worth 7 million rubles. now the producers of male hormones have significantly reduced their production, and the defendants are in pre-trial detention. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and part by the detective. subscribe, also ours we watch investigations and daily releases on the platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. they run from place to place, fearing russian missiles, the everyday life of british mercenaries.


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