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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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on this network of distributors. in total, security forces seized 12 kg of chemicals worth 7 million rubles. now the production of male hormones has significantly decreased among manufacturers. the defendants are in pre-trial detention. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti duty department and honest detective. subscribe. also our investigations, daily releases on the “watch” platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. they run from place to place, fearing russian missiles, the everyday life of british mercenaries in ukraine. why did the british begin to actively complain?
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the us proxy army is close to defeat, so makol threatens russia with old american missiles, apparently he does not know how many attacks our air defense shoots down every day. not only do perversions flow, but children are drawn into them. in france, men in disguise dance in front of families, and us theaters sell tickets to fight shows for schoolchildren. for what?
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"metal barracks beds, tents and awnings are burning, where weapons were obviously stored, in the distance the silhouettes of a couple of shocked soldiers are visible, it seems, they managed to jump out, although those who did not have time are clearly much larger, as stated, these shots were filmed in the vicinity of the city exactly , where our iskanders visited on april 26, now after such an eloquent video was leaked to the public, it is clear that the target that night was a large location of the armed forces of ukraine. however, at the same time, there are certain doubts about whether. were ukrainian boys stationed there? well, for example, there is an interesting remark in the military section of the image board of reddit, one of whose users is interested in open data intelligence and writes that just then a large group of canadian instructors came to the rivne region. of course, we cannot yet confirm or refute such data, but in any case, the very existence of such bases, or, according to the official version of training centers, has long been no longer... a secret, and
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even the western media have begun to talk about them quite openly, as evidenced by the resonant material of the british tabloid the sun, which evgeny nipot carefully studied. these british mercenaries are hiding their camps with all their might, they set up one in the front-line zone of the kharkov region, they train local police officers, border guards, and dry land workers, who, according to rotation, should go on vacation, but instead end up, as one of the strays puts it, on an educational vacation. the english the sun talks about pmc employees, former nato military personnel, whose task is to prepare ukrainians so that they would last as long as possible at the front in clashes with russian fighters. we are the largest such organization operating in ukraine, we trained military doctors, infantry soldiers, engineers, but we cannot name the location for security reasons. unfortunately, the region where we are based, the operational situation is such that... these zones often
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become targets for the russian military, presenting mercenaries as heroes who arrived in ukraine, almost calling for hearts, not for money, british journalists offer another interesting idea, saying that london is not sending an official contingent to help kiev, since from the liquidated british , the fifth article of nato should supposedly come into force with a collective response from the alliance, and this is unacceptable, so look at what brave guys are preventing a world war from happening, talk about that... someone doesn’t send something, someone is afraid of something, this is talk in favor of the poor, from the first day of the conflict, and most likely, long before this conflict, all these nato countries were present there, were based, and military specialists, including stru specialists, have done a lot for this current degradation of ukraine and bringing it to the state in which it is now. the french media report, not without indignation, exactly what kind
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of real neo-nazis are being trained by western instructors, so paris organized the training of terrorists from azov, banned in russia, among whom was, for example, a character named denis, tattooed with zeke runes on his temple in a mirror image and the letters ss above the eyebrow. and how many such painted radicals were among the 12 thousand members of the armed forces of ukraine who came to france for training. the same militant mentioned above was photographed with nazi symbols. by the way, after a few days he began to cover the tattoo with a bandage, european journalists report. but french generals and military officials saw nothing wrong with this. they say they are ukrainian. militants come to study, i quote, our western methods, to try to turn the situation around at the front. which ones are western? methods, mass executions, the use of civilians as human shields, scorched earth tactics, such western methods are well studied by such scoundrels who
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are photographed against the backdrop of hitler's graffiti in ukrainian cities. this nazi also studied in france, but whatever the foreign training courses, they will not help in cases of supply. the mercenaries themselves complain about the results of clashes with russian soldiers; this eu citizen, raised by the parisian bfmtv, was left without a leg after the battle, his american brother did not attack survived, and now the reporter is crying that
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his data, like other foreigners, was leaked to telegram, russia recognized him as a terrorist and this could threaten his freedom of movement, although he is silent that the data of war criminals most often ends up on the internet. from the sale of drugs, and then such strays are praised by the kiev regime as heroes, they take a place in the ukrainian economy among the banderas, kannovalites and other evil spirits, which are often paid by foreign specialists, dooming themselves and their charges to russian attacks.
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the un general assembly today nevertheless adopted a scandalous resolution that recognizes the events of 1995 in srebrenica as genocide, and accordingly. blames the serbs for the deaths of the bosnians. aleksandar vucic has already called the document openly biased and suggested that its goal is to add additional pressure on belgrade, whose independent policy is categorically not suitable for the west. in addition, vucic drew attention to the cynical actions of the german delegation. it was she who represented the country responsible for the present genocide during the second world war, the current anti-serbian solution was especially actively promoted. as a result, 84 delegations, mostly from the western bloc, voted in favor. russia, china, hungary, as well as a number of countries in africa and central america. against the backdrop of the adoption of a resolution about the risk of the collapse of bosnia and herzegovina, the head of republika srpska milorad dodik warned. according to him, now
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the serbs simply will not be able to live within the same borders as the bosnians, and the russian permanent representative to the un, vasily nebendi, called the decision of the general assembly shameful. obviously.
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the rostrum of the general assembly to teach others about the importance of national reconciliation. we are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than its monstrous monsters. ipso is working, russia is not stopping, the ukrainian guru is complaining about certain non-military operations that our country is allegedly conducting on the territory of independence. in an interview with a ukrainian tv channel, an intelligence representative complained that the agency right now is heroically resisting the kremlin on several directions of the information front, including protecting the kiev regime from the consequences of a secret operation called troubles. which, according to gur, is shaking the situation from the inside. there's probably nothing new here. the ukrainian authorities have long been justifying everything,
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everything is purely an internal problem of some kind of russian disinformation. however, it turned out that the growing dissatisfaction with zelensky, his usurpation of power, and rumors about a third maidan are also nothing more than the machinations of moscow. on the one hand, such recognition of intelligence can it would be perceived as some kind of oath, probably after the completion of the legitimate term of the kiev leader, but on the other hand, conspiracy theory. about the new maidan is used for a completely understandable purpose, and anton potkovenko will explain what it is. russia is preparing maidan 3 in ukraine. confident in the department of the terrorist budanov, the guru of the ukrainian ministry of defense broadcasts his fears to the media, but somehow too willingly, as if moscow wants to overthrow zelensky, masquerading as popular unrest. gur representative andrey yusov talks about some kind of multi-layer operation. it's multi-layered the propaganda operation maidan 3, it
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continues, in general , the enemy did not get the effect that the enemy was counting on. budanov also spoke about this in almost the same words, saying that the coup was a camouflage under the guise of social tension. this was heard in the media, and given that all the media in ukraine is under zelensky’s control, the question is: why does the office of an already illegitimate president need all this conspiracy theory? well, now he has become an impostor, but what? in this way, you can, say, strengthen his political positions, tell him that a coup is being prepared there some kind and so on, all this is absolutely obvious, a real provocation to explain forceful methods of suppression, reprisals against the population, in connection with violent mobilization, and to attract the attention of foreigners, i don’t see any signs of even any maidan three, perhaps the gur still doesn’t say something, the kiev regime... is afraid of the so-called maidan 3 not in the form of popular unrest, which is what
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zelensky is afraid of and what yarmak is afraid of, they are not afraid of mass protests on the streets of people, and of course there are not tents, barrels, who beat tires and fires, no, they are afraid of a coup, in their eyes today maidan 3 is an attempt at a political or military coup in the country to overthrow zelensky, they are stopping in advance the possibility of popular support for this coup. intimidating people. zelensky’s rating, according to various non-ukrainian assessments, is lower than that of former commander-in-chief zaluzhny, for example. so the kiev regime comes up with media crutches for itself. we started back in february. the intelligence committee under zelensky was pumping up the idea that maidan 3 would reach its peak in the spring, that right in may everything will begin, but may ends, and there is no maidan. why then does the media campaign continue? maybe the independent owners want it? they say
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that, in my opinion, american and british actors have decided, among other things , to try to pump up the option of a change of power in ukraine through some kind of ukrainian expression of will that is already familiar to the european american man in the street, respectively, the idea with the maidan, it... may come into the heads of american british customers, and nothing more, we need to look at things realistically, the pro-russian maidan is now in ukraine is hardly possible, given the brutal mobilization, total censorship and the ferocious sbu, rada speaker stefanchuk recently expressed it unequivocally. everyone who questions the legitimacy of president zelensky are enemies of ukraine. make jokes there.
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barriers, maybe that’s why the ukrainian special services are so uncomfortable, the authorities in ukraine keep public protest with a tight rein, they are doing this.
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explosive forensics experts have come on shift, they are collecting fragments from the collapsed drone, all this will be needed for the investigation of a criminal case, the neighbors are in shock, they were friends, they went to visit each other, she was a good woman, people were building, they were building houses here, and these are the consequences of the morning attack by ukrainian armed forces militants on peaceful houses of the belgorod border, pieces of asphalt fell on the roof of neighboring houses, fragments from a ukrainian shell are found by residents of this village near yourself in the garden. apparently, this is one of the fragments from the ammunition of the czech rszzo vampire. the blast wave from the detonation of the ukrainian shell knocked out and as if turned through a meat grinder the fence of this house. there were traces of scattered fragments on the façade. the double-glazed windows flew out intact because they were sealed with armor film. the owner survived; he managed to take refuge in the dressing room in time. tree branches were cut
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by iron scattered from the explosion, car bodies were pierced through. another attack from ukraine began around 60 am. the door was locked, it was torn from its hinges and the door opened, can you imagine, from the blast wave, then they realized that some glass had flown, it came again, the police blocked traffic, bomb technicians went around the courtyards, no explosions no fragments posing a threat were found, repair crews are already on site, windows, multiple facades of houses were damaged by the scattering of fragments, well, in some places roofs, fences will hurt, yes, so today we will start measuring. city ​​hospital number two in the city of belgorod , an elderly woman suffered shrapnel wounds to the head
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and shoulder to the shebekinsky central district hospital, she was taken by a passing car, all the necessary medical care is provided. defeat, so makol threatens russia with old american missiles, apparently he doesn’t know how many atacamaans are shot down by our air defense each day.
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pavel prokopenko will talk about the role of the engineering troops. heavy kamaz trucks the dust of donbass roads is being raised, engineers from the center group of troops are rushing to build bridges. our equipment needs to overcome this lake as quickly as possible. this is happening , three of them are trying to do it, guys, and what is the weight, what is the weight of panton, almost 7 tons, almost 7 tons, they say, this is how you need to hold it simply by the strength of your hands, behind the first link on the water the second and third ones open, noise, splashes, links are fastened, all this takes no more than 10 minutes, the result is a single design, screw, screw doesn’t go anywhere...
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and the number one goal for the enemy, according to at the crossing, the enemy attacked from more than 100 directions, but this did not stop us, not a single fighter officer ran, at the end we
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were bombarded with phosphorus, but the task was completed... the task was completed on time, the troops were transported to the opposite bank, behind our engineers hundreds of such successful water operations. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. a stooped back, shabby clothes and an absolutely confused look. a short video from the ukrainian segment of tiktok, which is good shows the mood of those who were not lucky enough to get into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. inspiration on the face of a man approaching retirement age. the sheer hopelessness is unnoticed, and even the so-called brothers are openly mocking them while filming this video, his name is duncan macleod, a highlander, but unlike the immortal character of the television series, they do not promise any invulnerability to ukrainian militants, but what if such an one was clearly captured somewhere on on the street the dry lander is captured, then
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kiev will simply write him off as scrap. proven by hundreds of prisoners of war, whom ukraine for some reason refuses to take the exchange, according to obbudsman tatyana maskolkova, for several months now kiev, for far-fetched reasons, has been unable to approve a list of 500 military personnel whom their relatives and friends are waiting for, instead of exchanging everyone, notes only a small number of selected ones, evgenia petrukhina will explain why this is so. captured sushniks are like calluses for kiev, those who were caught on the streets. fighters, who were thrown into the trenches, who ended up in the meat grinder of the front line, who are now on the lists for exchange, kiev does not need this list, its published by margarit simonyan, there are 500 people here, but kiev is ready to take away, attention only 38 of them, and why, if the entire front line of the armed forces of ukraine is in holes, why not take away all five thousand people, so who are these 38 especially valuable sushniks? kiev chose 38 people, are they
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here is a captured soldier from the ukrainian armed forces named sherbukha, mobilized in 1923, who says that he didn’t want to go to war, they forced him, he was even trained for a month and a half in germany. sherbukha took part in the counter-offensive on zaporozhye, and on may 13 his unit was sent to the kharkov front, it was then that it began to fall: shcherbukha was captured in volchansk. he has difficulty remembering the name of this city. did you know about this, that russian troops are advancing? no, we were told to take up defense, in general, the city forgot. but an interview with another prisoner is published by the telegram channel of the archangel-special forces, a certain alexander stegny, who fought, as he says for a year,
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forces drove him to the front, threatening him with prison. stegney surrendered in belogorovka, and before that he fired a mortar towards lesechansk, fought in the infantry near the chasovary. behind me, elders shouts, let's open fire, because now they will attack, i'll be honest, i released, yes, four magazines, because the one behind me shouted, he says, let's shoot, open fire, half of our people were killed, our vehicle was sent back, they said, then it's on shoot back yourself and how... whatever you want, survive, in the end, when i was moving out, my machine gun jammed, those who surrender, the ukrainian command orders to fire from a tank, here is what prisoner alexander lenitsky says, they left us , they tried to hit us with tank, thank god they never hit, although there were, well, at least there were two attempts, they hit...


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