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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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they wouldn’t have been heard either, this is such a parallel reality, pseudo-democracy. the russian army liberated the settlement of andreevka in the dpr. this is next to kleshcheevka,
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taken under control a day earlier, which will allow progress to the hour ravine, as well as access to taretsk. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and 12 other armored vehicles, including british-american production, were destroyed. 34 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems were eliminated, air defense forces shot down 53 combat drones, 10 american atacoms and harm missiles, as well as 47 reagent. the situation in the kharkov region is very difficult for kiev - this was stated by the commander of the 107th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel alexander bakulin. he gave an interview to abc news. believes that ukraine will sooner or later have to cede territory in order to end the conflict with russia. as an example, he cited the results of the war between the soviet union and finland. russia will develop cooperation in the field of technology, pharmaceuticals and construction in other areas. along
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with bahrain. vladimir putin held a meeting with king in the kremlin. andrey grigoriev will tell you what was the focus of attention. king hamad ibn isa al-khalifa arrived at the kremlin on a russian aurus, decorated with the flag of bahrain. at the entrance one is greeted by a guard standing tall at the counter. your majesty, deputy of koskovsky. this is his fourth time in russia, while the entire delegation, including the king’s personal bodyguards, runs calmly up the main staircase. rises by elevator, immediately ending up in a suite of kremlin halls. russian ministers are waiting in the green living room. by according to diplomatic protocol, an official visit is second in importance, higher only than a state visit, but this status is quite enough for all meetings to take place in the large kremlin palace. the entire top leadership of bahrain is in traditional bedouin costumes, gold-embroidered thobs and keffiyehs, which are secured with a rope and a kahl made of black goat and wool. handshake.
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russia regarding a fair resolution of arab problems. there is complete understanding and agreement regarding the need for a peaceful international conference, and russia will be the first country to which i will appeal to support the holding of this conference, because russia plays an important role and is also one of the most influential countries at the global level. from the side of the king, minister of foreign affairs and economics, head of the chancellery, national security advisor.
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russia and bahrain. trade turnover between countries. doubled, this is predominantly the it sphere. sports, healthcare, culture, industry, cooperation will expand in all sectors, a lot new investment projects that
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are planned for implementation and, in particular, the construction of a plant, for example, in bahrain for the production of platinum, company. bahrain, as well as pharmaceuticals and road construction; by the way, investors from bahrain have already invested about $15 billion in infrastructure projects in russia. in 2016, during a previous meeting, the leaders of the countries exchanged memorable gifts in sochi. this is the oholtyak horse khadzhibek from vladimir putin. in response from the king of bahrain.
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which calls event ninety genocide fifth year in srebrenica appoints serbs as guilty of the deaths of bosnians. but the general assembly still approved the document. the russian permanent representative called him a disgrace. daria grigorova found out why this resolution was so actively pushed and how the serbs reacted. the draft resolution was supported in new york. 19 states voted against, including our country and china. 68 countries abstained.
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my dear colleagues, then my question is how are you going to explain that killing 8 thousand is more significant than killing millions in the second world war, i hope that all other examples of genocide in connection with the 2015 resolution will also be recognized here, including gen...
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as a historical event, as well as actions glorifying those convicted by international courts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, that is , the resolution here primarily refers to the decision of the international tribunal on the former yugoslavia; no other bodies or courts recognized the events in serebryanitsa in 1995 as genocide, according to various estimates about 300 peaceful serbs became victims of bosnian muslim detachments in srebrenica and its surroundings, but this is not at all... the so-called massacre in serebryanica, which was discussed today at the un, despite the fact that this document has no actual force, it is not mandatory, there will be consequences, one thing is obvious, the initiators of today's decision are acting deliberately, pushing bosnia and herzegovina towards confrontation without
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regard to the price they paid during the civil war in the nineties, then 1000 people died in bloody tragedies this war in relation not only to the bashnyaks, but... to the country and the region as a whole, all this is cynical and hypocritical, however, what is even more surprising, the main sponsor of this resolution was decided to be germany, the country that in the 20th century sparked two world wars, killed millions of people in concentration camps, is responsible for mass crimes in africa and took an active part in the collapse of yugoslavia and the bombing of sarajevo in 1995, and is now trying to teach others from the rostrum of the general assembly. about the importance of national reconciliation, are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention
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the term genocide in relation to anything other than its heinous crimes. china also voted against the resolution today, as the country’s representative stated before the vote. a hasty vote on this project, where there are still such great differences, does not correspond to the spirit of reconciliation and harmony in bosnia and herzegovina in the region, and it does not correspond to the desire to maintain peace and stability. in the balkans in europe in general, and does not meet the original purpose. china has no alternative, and we vote against this project. we will monitor how events in the republika srpska develop; it is possible that people may take to the streets in protest today. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau. military exercises around taiwan were called a warning to external forces in china. the army is practicing various scenarios, including potential strikes on targets.
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separatist forces and a serious warning against interference and provocations from
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external forces. their actions will meet with decisive resistance. anyone who advocates for taiwanese independence will have their heads bled. both countries were clearly preparing for such a development of events. and the chinese military, which already this morning posted online propaganda posters with a detailed description of all types of weapons involved, the latest jian-20, jian-16 fighters, ismin fighters and dongfeng missiles. and the taiwanese authorities, they knew exactly what beijing’s reaction would be to the speech of the new head of the island administration, that in the presence of american guests, including including former secretary of state pompeo, publicly crossed out the one-china principle, and today was forced to consider positions at the tau-yuan military base. i will stand on the front line with my brothers and sisters in the national army. the taiwanese military even scrambled f16 fighters for surveillance and redeployed them. mobile complexes with anti-ship missiles, having brought them into a combat position for firing, a little more
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and the strait will seethe, as it already happened after pilosi’s visit to taiwan, but this time everything more seriously, in the maneuver zone there is also a chain of islands adjacent to the mainland. while on army television, presenters in uniform and correspondents in uniform were broadcasting the latest messages right from the gathering of the warship. behind me is what is known as the gate to the northern part.
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usa and their allies. this is what worries the united states. congress demanded that the pentagon present its plan to blockade china, whose fleet today is already 24 miles from the island, which is less than 40 km. in addition, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese chip manufacturers do not rule out evacuation production in japan and the states and are ready to turn off all chip machines so as not to go to the prc. published by global press. in a state of heightened combat readiness, the chinese army continues maneuvers tomorrow , and launches of ballistic missiles are not excluded. the one-china principle is primary for beijing; americans are urged not to push the island to the red line. alexander baalsky and lvov nikolai petrov, lead the beijing bureau. vladimir putin signed a decree on a special procedure
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for compensation for damage caused by russia the central bank of russia in connection with the unfriendly actions of the united states. compensation may include property and securities of the united states or related persons in our country. the decree allows you to go to court in case of unjustified deprivation of rights to property in connection with decisions of state authorities. the government has been instructed to ensure that appropriate amendments are made to the laws within 4 months. the iranian general staff has provided the first data from the investigation into the crash of president ibrahim reisi's helicopter. the car reportedly caught fire after colliding with a mountain when the board began to gain altitude, no bullet holes or other means of destruction were found. emmanuel macron arrived in new caledonia. the french overseas territory is in turmoil over paris's decision to expand the rights of non-indigenous residents. amid pro-independence protests, macron has tried to make the case that france is in favor of
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dialogue, but can paris retain influence? - our european correspondent found out. the army, police and gendarmes remain on the island, if necessary, until the end august. they are tasked with dismantling the barricades, which, however, are quickly rebuilt, and also conducting raids in troubled neighborhoods. dozens of armed, black-clad law enforcement officers enforce the curfew. we
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would rather die standing than kneel to see every day. how we are oppressed, the young people want self-determination for their country because they have gone through many difficulties, the trigger was the decision of paris to extend the franchise to those who came to the island from the mainland, who, accordingly, against independence. secessionists met with macron but said there would be no negotiations until the new law that infringes on their rights is withdrawn. observers believe that the president can cut this knot within 12 hours of being on the island.
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was not accepted, although we raised this issue in the senate, in the report on the riots, now we are talking about limiting the operation of the mobile internet from 5g to 2g for all social networks in connection with the spread of tiktok, which was then widely used. while the internet was working and the president was getting to the zamursky territory, a cyber attack was carried out on new caledonia; according to tradition,
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russia was identified as the culprit. the first information we have is that... many of the ip addresses from which the attack on new caledonia was carried out were from russia. the investigation is ongoing. the military is in charge of protecting ports, air harbors and strategic facilities; during the visit , the island froze in anticipation. macron's tactics, as they believe in new caledonia, are in manual mode on the move to come up with a solution that is beneficial to paris, since it will allow further exploitation of the resource-rich land and will create the illusion for the local population that their interests will be taken into account. will it work this time? big question. anastasia popova, european news bureau. in russia, a new law on technology policy may soon be adopted, which will help create a completely russia.
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stages from research to delivery to the customer, this process will now involve large scientific organizations, large companies, there is also a general procedure for supporting russian developers with a mandatory practical result, this is very important in order to fully complete everything and introduce into industry and the economy what was conceived during research and development work. we expect that the implementation of these measures will help create competitive domestic high-tech products and establish work with production, this
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is the main condition in solving the most important socio-economic problems, and of course primarily to improve people's living standards. the first tram without a pilot was launched in moscow. now it is being tested to see what is good about modern carriages on which routes. follows, maria valieva will tell you. this is so far only the first stage of the launch of an unmanned tram on route ten from kulakova street to the shchyukinskoye metro station; it runs without passengers. the driver is present in the cabin, and the system repeats 90% of his actions. on the horizon of several months , we will move to the second stage, when the system will be completely unmanned and the driver will just to be on the safe side. with passengers, we... are aiming for the beginning of the twenty-sixth year, the end of the twenty-fifth, the beginning of the twenty-sixth. the capital's transport complex is the center for the development and implementation of many innovative solutions that make
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passenger travel safer, faster and more convenient. you no longer need to activate the troika card through the yellow terminal if the travel was paid online; you just need to top up your balance using applications, for example, the moscow metro and bring the travel card to the turnstile. the doors will open immediately. for those, who. constantly loses his travel card, there is another new development - the troika virtual card. this method was completely developed in russia and is a russian development. aa virtual troika allows you to refuse plastic and use the same functions of a plastic card, but online. a fare payment system using biometrics is being developed, and this function is now available at mcd stations. zelenograd, kryukovo, likhobory, nakhabino area of ​​three stations. supervisor department of transport maxim leksutov demonstrated the operation of modern turnstiles, this is the most modern technology to date, which has everything, including
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biometrics, a camera inside, and therefore a card reader and, accordingly, a reader for a qr code. such a laboratory of ticketing systems is located in the new center for the development of electric transport and unmanned technologies, which opened in the west of the capital, nearby. moscow transport is the undisputed leader in moscow in terms of the level of innovative solutions , developed and operating on lines that transport passengers, some of the best trains in the world of commuter trains, metro, trams, electric buses and even water trams. we are specially for further. innovative solutions in the field of transport have created this wonderful center. the center brings together some of the best it specialists and mathematicians who have extensive experience,
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working in leading russian and international companies. maria valieva evgenia kirilenko, konstantin berzov, dmitry evdokimov and asya oslonyan, lead. well, now a message from the telegram channel of sergei aksenov, the head of crimea, as a result of an enemy missile attack on the peninsula. in the simferopol region, two bystanders were killed, i express my sincere condolences to the relatives of the victims. also in the gannet area, hits were recorded on an empty commercial property. emergency situations ministry employees are on site. i ask everyone to remain calm and trust only official information. the main period of unified state examinations has started in russia. almost 85,000 schoolchildren took chemistry and literature. 48,000, geography - 20,000. this year for the first time graduates can retake one of the subjects and improve their results even before the start of
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the university admissions campaign. what is the mood of the schoolchildren? came to the exams, sofia sergieva learned, so that all your wishes come true, the essay is written easily, without speech errors. this is how an eleventh grade graduate talks herself into luck at the unified state exam in literature. today , along with chemistry and geography, more than 150 thousand people in all regions of russia passed it, giving a start to the difficult, but so important for their future, stage of the state final certifications. a student can only come to the exam with a black gel pen. a passport and a small snack, so that it can be done as objectively as possible and under equal conditions for everyone, students are checked with the help of these metal detectors: we lay out that we have a phone and we won’t be able to pass with a smart watch, we also lay out that the first to write the exam were residents of the far east, they were the first to try this year's guidance : printing and scanning test materials in the classroom, in the presence of students, using special software, which made it possible to reduce information leakage to zero,
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was being prepared.
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we took our literature teacher with us. during the main period , about 7,000 students will take the unified state exam. this time they say it’s not so scary, because by order of the president , the elective exam can be retaken on july 4 and 5, that is, before the end of the admission process at universities. in moscow, those who do not agree with the assigned points will be able to file an appeal through their personal account on the moсru portal. the long-awaited results will come there, from which will depend not only on the choice of university,
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profession, but also on the future. sofia, ivan panmarenko, andrey verishchagin, news. apply for a loan at sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive monthly cashback - 2% interest rate. more profitable with sberp. how are you there? take glycine reneval. renival parks. we trust renival. we choose renival. professional coloring sios. permanent cream paint. rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine for colored hair. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. remember that they told you when you decided to open a business. custom jewelry. who's going to buy it? notes.
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