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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including ninety-one children , were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit.
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mostly europeans and the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? became work, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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this can be done through the court at the expense of the property of the united states or american citizens in russia, including their shares in the capital of russian legal entities or securities. the mechanism of action is as follows: after the court accepts the application, it sends a request to the government commission for control of foreign investments, and it then sends it to its the queue will form a list of american property, which, importantly, can be used taking into account the principle of proportionality. most likely he will do this.
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this is how experts estimate foreign assets in russia, and of this amount, more than 220 billion comes from the european union? in general, and in general , for foreign assets that were also located here in russia at the beginning of the twenty- second year, this is also approximately 300 billion dollars, such estimates circulate in open sources, well, we must also remember that now all a... payments in favor of foreigners,
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including loans, credits, bonds, and this is also a fairly significant part, they are accumulated in accounts of type c, in rubles. earlier, deputy head of the ministry of finance alexey moiseev already stated that the volume of non-resident funds in c accounts is comparable to frozen russian assets. let me remind you that in 2022 they were estimated at about 300 billion dollars, of which about 200 billion are the assets of the bank of russia blocked in... the european union, the main part is in the central depository euroclear. recently, eu countries approved a plan for using the profits from these funds. in 2024 , this is about 90% of 3 billion euros. the european union is going to transfer the money to kiev. in general , according to forecasts, income from blocked russian assets will bring in approximately 5 billion annually. at the same time, ukraine will receive assistance twice a year. there is no unity on this issue within the european union itself. for
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example, the belgian group euroclear has already warned that the new scenario will be a negative signal for international investors. head of iraklir, appointed to early may, valery orben said. response actions after signing the decree , the government has a four-month period to make all necessary changes to the legislation.
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these british mercenaries are hiding in their camps with all their might, they set up one in the front-line zone of the kharkov region, they are training local police officers, border guards, and dry land workers,
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who, according to rotation, should have gone on vacation, but instead end up, as one of the travelers puts it, on educational vacation, in fact, the english the sun talks about employees of pmcs, former...nato military personnel, whose task is to prepare ukrainians so that they can last as long as possible at the front in clashes with russian fighters. we are the largest such organization operating in ukraine. we trained military doctors, infantry soldiers, and engineers. we cannot name the location for security reasons. unfortunately, the region where we are based and the operational situation is such that these zones often become targets for the russian military. exposing mercenaries as heroes who arrived in ukraine almost at the call of their hearts, and not for money, british journalists offer another interesting idea, saying that london is not sending an official contingent to help kiev, since from the liquidated british , the fifth article of nato should supposedly come into force with a collective response from the alliance , and this
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is unacceptable, so look at what brave guys are preventing the third world war from happening. talk about someone not sending something, someone being afraid of something, these are conversations. this is how paris organized terrorist training azov, banned in russia, among whom there was, for example, a character named denis, with the zik runes impaled on his temple in a mirror image and the letters ss above his eyebrow. and how many of these painted radicals were there among the 12 thousand members of the armed forces
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of ukraine who came to france for training. the same militant mentioned above was photographed with nazi symbols. by the way, after a few days he began to cover the tattoo with a bandage. european journalists report, but french generals and military officials have nothing wrong with they didn’t see this, they declare that ukrainian militants are coming to study, i quote our western methods, to try to turn the situation at the front around, what exactly western methods, mass executions, the use of civilians as human shields, scorched earth tactics, such western methods are well studied by such scoundrels who are photographed against the backdrop of hitler's graffiti in ukrainian cities. this nazi also studied in france, but whatever the foreign training courses, they will not help in cases where supplies are degrading, these predators they complain to a cnn journalist that they are using a soviet gun from the forties, from which they fire polish shells, but no more than ten shots a day, when in the fall
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there were 100, they describe problems with the fortifications, there was nothing prepared here, nothing at all. from absolutely nothing, all positions at once will be rushed by the power of the hand, well, after the training of professional military personnel, which can be done from their equipment, well, from theirs. the mercenaries themselves also complain about the results of clashes with russian soldiers. this eu citizen praised by the paris bfmtv, he was left without a leg after the battle; his american brother did not survive the attack. and now he’s crying to reporters that his data, like other foreigners, was leaked to telegram, russia recognized him as a terrorist and this could threaten his freedom of movement. the truth is silent that the data of war criminals, including many neo-nazis, most often ends up on the internet. in telegram - this can be said to be done almost automatically, as soon as such a basic registration that russians
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go on television, even if we we show too many things on social networks, they will show, for example, the emblem of the ss division, a death’s head, this german showed up on social networks, and he was in an embrace with his brothers-in-arms, who, as they say, decided to settle him because of money, did not share the proceeds from selling drugs, and then such strays... the kiev regime praises them as heroes, they take a place in the ukrainian tone among the banderas, kannavolites and other evil spirits, they breed, which are often foreign specialists, dooming themselves and their charges to russian attacks. i've been waiting for you forever, i i was in such a hurry to meet you, she finally came. spring, warm, sunny. bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors
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of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history
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right now. hello. on may 24, 863, in the bulgarian city of pliska, the brothers cyril and methodius announced the invention of the slavic alphabet. they were from the byzantine city of thessalonica. now it is the greek city of thessaloniki. the brothers received a good education and became christians missionaries. preaching in great moravia, he and his disciples compiled. the slavic alphabet and translated the main liturgical books from greek into bulgarian: the gospel, the apostle of the psalms. their alphabet spread first to bulgaria, and then to croatia, serbia and ancient russia. cyril and methodius were considered a clique of saints shortly after their death; they are revered by both the orthodox and catholic churches. on the day of the announcement of the creation of the slavic alphabet, russia now celebrates the day of slavic writing and culture. there are similar holidays. in bulgaria, czech republic, slovakia and north macedonia. in bulgaria there is also the order of cyril and methodius.
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in russia, monuments to the equal-to-the-apostles teachers cyril and methodius were erected in moscow and sevastopol in khantemantsiysk. on may 24 , 1800, the funeral of the famous russian commander alexander suvorov took place. several guards regiments, one and a half hundred senior officials of the empire and a thousand people from various classes took part in the funeral process. suvorov rose from a guardsman to the rank of the first russian generalissimo, participated in all the major wars of his time, did not lose a single battle, there were more than 50 of them. he wrote a treatise: the science of winning, created an advanced system of military training, and raised many future famous military leaders, including mikhail kutuzov and peter bagration. during the swiss
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campaign, the same one where he transferred the army across the alps, suvorov fell ill and died in st. petersburg. emperor paul, unlike his mother catherine ii, did not like suvorov, whether he was at his funeral or not is even difficult to determine. eyewitness accounts are diametrically opposed: some in detail they describe how the emperor cried as he saw off the coffin, and others how he went about his business, away from the procession, suvorov was buried in the alexander nevsky lavra, a long epitaph was applied to the monument, but half a century later the commander’s grandson, with the permission of alexander ii, replaced the inscription. now there are only three words. here lies suvorov. on may 24, 1949 , the first soviet geophysical rocket v1a was launched into the suborbital space of the earth. from that moment on , regular scientific research into the upper layers
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of the atmosphere began. at that time it already became obvious that the achievements of soviet scientists make it possible to use ballistic missiles. and long-range, not only for military purposes, were launched at the kapustin yar training ground in the astrakhan region, to an altitude of 100 km, containers with measuring instruments weighing 80 kg each were packed into the head part. this is how they began to study the stratosphere and the upper layers of the atmosphere. the technology was as follows: upon reaching the required altitude, the container with the equipment was fired from the rocket, collected samples, and then landed softly by parachute. the first launch was completed. good luck, the parachutes could not withstand the weight of the containers and the instruments crashed, but the next one 4 days later was successful, reliable atmospheric parameters were obtained from an altitude of 102 km, and thus began an expanded program of geophysical research. on may 24, 2000 , israeli prime minister ehud barak announced the
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withdrawal of israeli troops from southern lebanon. this ended an invasion that had lasted 22 years. israel wanted to eliminate the bases of palestinian militants and solved this problem, but then got involved in a civil war that had been raging since the mid-seventies. clashes occurred between maronite christians, shia muslims and other political militant factions. israel relied on the army of south lebanon under its control, and shiite radicals from the amal organization and hezbollah fought against them. the protracted conflict led to increasingly greater casualties from everyone. on both sides, the situation reached a deadlock and barak, during the election campaigns, promised to leave lebanon. soon the last part of the idf left the south of the country and hezbollah firmly established itself there. the lebanese celebrate this date as a day resistance and liberation. this is what this day in history was like. where are you from? from 11 b, not that i am from the eleventh b. it's now 2.124
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years old. this is not fantasy, this is love. we have. as if i didn’t understand, you don’t mind, do you? 100 years ago. caviar is one of the most popular delicacies, but how can you make sure that you are buying a truly legal and safe product? from may 1 , caviar producers must supply it to stores with the honest sign system code already applied to the packaging. why do we need labeling on cans and other packaging containing caviar? we are about 5 about this we'll tell you the instructions in the program in a few minutes. now for the assessment. higher school of economics, the share of illegal products exceeds 20%. according to the ministry of finance, the situation is even more acute; more than a quarter of the market is in the shadows. in such conditions, it is difficult to monitor the quality of the product, recipe, compliance with shelf life and other important aspects. we are introducing labeling there, we have already seen a lot of things, how ekra can be imitated, how
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it can be faked, what it can be produced from, we are interested in ensuring that legal companies that are in this market fully. for the active participation of the industry there, more than 100 companies took part, these are not only manufacturers, but including such large companies, the russian sea, an anchor house, and a fishery. the world, but also other types of participants in the turnover, i mean the wholesale and retail link, but also actively, which
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was very important for us, the professional community took part in the person of - first of all, the entire russian association of fisheries enterprises, the cost of labeling is a penny manufacturers had enough time to set up the lines, support measures were also in place for small medium-sized businesses, the contribution of labeling to the price of products will be no more than a couple of rubles per package, but it will be easier for buyers to understand where this caviar came from, how long has it been on the counter? let me remind you that the average price of a kilogram of caviar is approximately 5,500 rubles. and the labeling for one can is valued there at a little more than a ruble, so there can’t be any negative influence here - there are also no problems with components or consumables, as of today much more than half. there, in my opinion, 80%, well , depending on the industry, and this is all equipment and consumables either russian or from friendly countries, that is, there is no dependence here and
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there will be no negative impact, moreover, in order to further reduce any possible risks for the company, we, as the operator of the crpt, as the operator of the honest sign marking system, have created a warehouse for six months, an irreducible volume of equipment, consumables for any type, may without marking will be sold as usual, until its expiration date will not expire, imported goods, if the supply contract was signed before may 1, will go through customs until the end of the month without any questions asked, sellers will have another year to set up all their cash registers and scanners, they... are obliged to inform about introduction and withdrawal of caviar from circulation from april 1 next 2025, i am sure that all manufacturers will strive
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to comply with these requirements in a timely manner, well, if only because there are already almost 20 million users in the private sign application, people are very they are actively checking and the game will definitely be checked as an expensive product, and we see this, for example, there are 17 industries where e-labeling has already been introduced, such expensive goods. are always checked with priority. every customer can check what kind of product is in front of him right in the store. this applies not only to caviar, but to many other types of products. to do this , you need to install an application on your phone with android or ios, check the product honestly. with its help, you can scan the code on the product and check whether the information on the code matches what they are trying to sell you. and in general, is there such a product in the system? if after scanning the green status is displayed, then it is valid. label, check what is written in the application and what is the product itself, if the label says one thing and another in the application, then the seller is trying to deceive the system,
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you can report this directly in the application, if the status is gray neutral, this means that the product has been taken out of the system as sold, if you haven’t bought it yet or the date of sale is different, then this is also a violation, if the status is red negative, that product has not passed inspection authenticity, it is dangerous to buy it, so, let us repeat: the main thing is that mandatory caviar labeling starts on may 1st. this step will make the market more transparent and safer and will have virtually no impact on the price for the end buyer. control over retail sales will begin in april next year. anyone can download the smartphone application. an honest sign: check the product and find out everything about it. moreover, we are talking not only about caviar, but about hundreds of types of other goods. do you want to know more about what other products are already labeled or will be labeled? write to us in telegram, we will ask your questions to experts and we will tell you everything in our next instructions.
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stand, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why not adam, i’m a chechen artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing like something, she’s alive, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, you can’t touch her, she’s not yours, well, you, god’s light. comet, no, what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i propose to change to the call sign of rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia.
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russia, russia, russia 24. when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, got off, for the first time they destroyed me there , they wounded me, all the bullets were out, one was in
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corina. i no longer had the strength to post, i i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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today , vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the king of bahrain, hamad benesa al-khalifa, who arrived in russia on an official visit. we have not seen you since 2016, although we were in contact all this time, just recently in march we once again talked on the phone, next year we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over the years a lot has been done, done in building relations between our states, we have good contacts
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very much along the lines...


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