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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today , vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the king of bahrain, hamad bensa al-khalifa, who arrived in russia on an official visit. we haven't seen you. next year we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over these years a lot has been done in building relations between our states, we have good contacts along the line, on many issues
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on the international agenda our positions are close, most recently a week was held back, there was a meeting of the league of arab states, where bahrain is now presiding and of course i would be very interested to know your opinion on the situation in the middle east and how the discussion of these problems went, i believe that this is one of the happiest days.
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and russia will be the first country that i will appeal to support the holding of this conference, because russia plays an important role, can contribute to it, and is one of the most influential countries at the global level, i hope. then this conference
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will be held in bahrain, god willing, yes, of course, this meeting took place on the eve of the so-called ukrainian peace summit in switzerland, where they are trying to lure the countries of the global south, bahrain is one of them, it is very symbolic that the leader chose first to fly to moscow, and after that to beijing, today vladimir putin, by a special decree, authorized the confiscation of american property and assets in as compensation for damages from the united states.
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on foreign affairs of the house of representatives showed what i said, and what for some reason they disputed with me, because i consider blinken the most unprofessional person and a phenomenally stupid person, because the way blinken answered warren davidson’s questions, well, i can’t imagine any of all the people who were, and there were people of varying levels of intelligence, in that chair. in which blinkin is located, that
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answers were given that were so, well, i would say, even indecent in their weakness.
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in the second world war we were one of the rare people in south-eastern europe who were anti-nazi oriented and paid the ultimate price, more than a million serbs were killed by german or croatian nazis, why didn't they start with such a resolution,
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because they needed this, osrebrenica, resolution at this particular moment, i'm not talking about the gas sector or other events now, but no one... should underestimate the people here, because everything is everything understand. the initiator of the resolution to find serbia guilty of genocide, is that what they called it? yes, yes, the federal republic of germany is, just think about it, the germans have come to this point, the bastard scholz, who declared that the genocide of russian people in the donbass is ridiculous. has the impudence, these pathetic ones who have not redeemed themselves before humanity, the heirs of the nazis, have the audacity to talk about genocide, and no one in the general assembly said a word, why? no,
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well, i mean, of course, we and china, it’s clear there, but of those countries that have tarnished their reputation with this indelible stain...
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bosnia and herzegovina, which have absolutely no independent status, rwanda and germany, and of course the western ones countries. this is an absolute shame, an attempt to put pressure on the fraternal serbian people, to wring their hands, now everyone has something to say, i will give one opportunity, you know, i’m also watching how the world is being divided, scholz also wrote some article, how come i’m also a piece, no, i’m also a thinker, but he’s a thinker, like a pululi from shit, where is he going?
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all european business, they decided to play with us, they decided to steal the people's property, who invested billions here, everyone will be punished, so that they know, so that they go, you need your money, go to scholz, take it from him, uberbok take the money, to the italian authorities, who took revenge on russia for the fact that russia at the time of covid, when it was needed help, sent its specialists there. to save italy, yes, yeah, thanked in full, well done, colonial
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macron, and i also like this one who came, and there to explain, resolve, the pathetic insignificance of the colonial empire, britain, which rules the seas, give the houthis everything they need, scotland should be given everything it needs, northern ireland should be free to unite. everything is true, the population of sweden is 10.5 million
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people, the most powerful army is 24,400, 400 cannot be forgotten, mobile resources are 4.2 million, finland, 5.6 million people, 2,400 armies, 2.3 million-dollar resource, how do they count it in general, with a population, and what did they do? you, you pushed north korea and russia towards a very close union, let me remind you, we have common borders, earlier in russia, so that they would talk about possible contacts with north korea, we comply with the decision, the security council, sanctions, we don’t, yes, well, of course, now it’s like it was said by the leaders of north korea, we are in the same trench, you are in the same trench, place. from russia north korea added to us 26 million people, 26
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million, not 10.5, but 26, army 1.3 million, mobresurs, more than nine million, well, yes, instead of 48,000 fighters who speak slowly, but drive very quickly, since the brake pedal was invented. cowards, i don’t remember why 1.3000, iran, which had different options in relation to russia, but the americans did everything so that we were now with iran, shoulder to shoulder, in a variety of issues, 88 million people, an army of 610,000, mob resources under 50 million, but that’s not enough, grandfather, you destroyed ... it’s true, you made it so that russia and china now stand back to back, shoulder to
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shoulder. you made it so that today china is conducting an exercise, and the entire western press is already shouting that the final decision will begin in june, that is, fear will come in the eyes of the europeans, for them it will be such a day of judgment when it will be said to taiwan, welcome home. i’m not sure whether this is true or not, but you pushed russia and china to an unprecedented level of partnership with a one and a half billion two million army and...
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who will never allow russia and china to unite, never under any circumstances do everything possible, with the hands of russia fight with china, to tear russia away from china. biden, you have realized the most terrible, most terrible, apocalyptic premonitions of truly not stupid people. thank you for this, old fool, well, i’ll tell you this, but we have it. at the very top of the washington hierarchy, maybe now they are not in power, but maybe they are in power, because to imagine that they did it all themselves, this, by the way, is not trump, no, that’s just not, this is a useful idiot , excuse me, dmitry alegievich, trump is a useful idiot, and blinkin
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is useless, he is useless, and so that, as they say, whoever he said at the end, i will say at the beginning.
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but someone is frying potatoes in the fireplace of the federal district of a mansion in virginia on the twenty -third - why is it only on december 23, and on december 20, without this, well, because imagine what, in general, showing miracles of sanity and resourcefulness, the american deep state arranged with its country, that's it. it itself led to power, this is not just biden, this is a generation of degenerates, excuse me for this play on words, i can’t, but i’m against it extremist decisions, yes, i don’t consider it necessary to confiscate the property,
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so to speak, of representatives of investors from the collective west, i consider this unnecessary, but... all property, it should remain theirs, all property of investors, both institutional and private individuals, must be convertible into russian government securities, all income from which goes to support our troops, social military, and every investor, institutional, individual... every american grandmother who has invested in a pension a fund that has invested something here is also here, you just need to look, or an investment fund, yes, accordingly, on february 23, or on december 20, or on may 9, should receive from us by
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electronic means receipt that the interest on your securities, which you... out of thoughtlessness or vice versa due to strategic thinking, are now in russia, they amounted to so much and were spent, yes, if you want, we can name the armored personnel carrier after you, dear rozik, there is someone from the state there, sorry for the rude russian the word is oklahoma, and so your money is intact, yes, but if anything happens, you can call the white house and ask how things are going there, well... now, by the way, it’s a very good idea, to give a lot, but what does it have to do with yourself well, here there is a huge number, a huge number of pension funds, and we all know, they were bought. burned with your money, 34 abrams, 26 leopards, destroyed, three sevens in number, well , the problem, dmitry oregovich, is that
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american society does not even imagine how much support costs it specifically ukraine, because these billions and trillions are an abstract thing, and we have to turn them into concrete, that’s what i like about the global yu, by the way, a wonderful visit with very representatives very... as concrete as possible, we won’t confiscate assets at all, in particular , yes, tom jones, there, yes, you had 100 dollars, they were all together,
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but you understand, 9 dollars went somewhere where it was needed, now to serious things, although this is also not the same in general, not such a joke, but i'll tell you this, i'm very the deepest impression was made by yesterday's performance in the studio evening with... vladimir solovyov, kan georgivech shakhnazarov. he expressed an absolutely, i would say, fundamental thing that the hegemon is not going to die, he himself will not fall. the hegemon called america-centric, we can call it the anglo-saxon world, will not fall on its own. moreover, he himself, of course, understands that he has problems, but he himself is not going to die. so push the one who is falling. that’s what we’re talking about, but we must understand that this hegemon is still not only idiots of the current american administration, and this hegemon, being smart,
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will at some point decide that he can take a step back, when he decides this, but very, this, this, this is absolutely clear to me, at that the moment when they will go into the furnace of a big european war, they will go... precisely the europeans, while they are going there, excuse me, representatives, yes, of the former soviet ukraine, the hegemon will not be ready to take a step back, at the moment when the real european military personnel will go there into the furnace nato countries, then they will be ready to take a step back, why? because this hegemon will fight for survival, this hegemon has matured to the idea that war...
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in understanding the brutal nature of the confrontation with the west, so they will build their plans for it, now we must
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begin to fight for. february 22 until february 24, 2022, when all these programs that were not written by us, educational institutions, are preserved, when in ideologically significant faculties a significant part of the leadership is hung with foreign citizenships and residence permits like christmas trees, when not the principles of scientometrics are changing, here
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of course the question arises: what is pushing into the third world war, and that its main task is to prevent a third world war, by the way, i haven’t heard this slogan for a long time, i just haven’t heard it, well, how, well , he disappeared somewhere, this slogan, but as he shouted, the entire twenty -second most of the twenty-third year, well, in the twenty-third he shouted, and the twenty- second shouted all the time, that’s what crazy
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biden is leading the world to the third world war. trump's job is to prevent this from happening. and somewhere is it all gone? by the way, along with the problem of the southern border with mexico. both theses have disappeared somewhere. the only thing i care about is the election campaign. i wonder what was more exciting then than the election campaign.
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trying to micromanage ukraine's actions is not the best strategy for us. well, this man goes and consults with trump, right? well, at least it was clearly shown that he was consulted on the most important final decision, or what? and by the way, well, there i understand that there is marzhari taylor greene, she in principle, one, will cover up all the flaws of, damn it, the republican party, there trump, everything else, if necessary, it will tear
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this very one apart just like that. in the image of freedom she will go to the barricades, i understand all this, well, she has such a function, here’s a question - to those who are there, well, they told all this for a long time, how they are against the war, how they will not give anything to ukraine, suddenly they gave everything, moreover, well, it turns out that the republican party is even more radical in relation to, well, war, you now... tell me, well, this is what they now want for this is a way to beat trump, but this is what dmitry will answer to this, you will find out immediately after the advertisement, so colorful, bright, interesting,


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