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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the situation remains, of course, tense, but as for the fact that, by and large , it doesn’t matter who trump or biden is, a democrat or a republican, this is already an axiom, in my opinion, it’s not surprising that blinky. says the same thing that
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johnson says, because there are deep-seated trends and these trends, even if the biden administration has a desire to overcome these trends, but it doesn’t work out, the middle east is again proof of this, several examples, as soon as biden came to power, that he did regarding the houthis, he quickly crossed them off from the upcoming updated black list. terrorist organizations, said: “no, trump was wrong, we are now removing them before all these legislative procedures are over, because, because we need to talk to the houthis. how did it end? it ended in a confrontation, just like this it happened under the republicans, and the houthis were again returned to the us terrorist blacklist, where they had almost been under trump. but the houthis don’t care, but
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however, what i mean is that there are some deep-seated trends that continue to operate, despite who is in power in america, or another example with the international criminal court, now they, the americans, are threatening sanctions, and this court , and personally to judge karim khan, a british man of pakistani origin, a member, by the way, of the ahmadi muslim sect, you see how interesting everything is there.
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prosecutor, that is, fotubin court from the blacklists, allow her to receive visas and so on, that is, the sanctions were lifted, what are we now we come again to the same thing, they propose to impose sanctions, or take iran, under trump, the americans destroyed qasim sulaymaniyah, and during his official visit to raq, when he was met by iraqi officials who also died during the attack that we now... under the biden administration, he imposed sanctions, condemned the american aggressors, no, no, of course, he died there, he didn’t die, too, the ambassador was called, not only the iranian general died, iraqi officials died, what we now see, we see , we see how israelis, with the connivance of the americans , are killing iranian generals, we see...
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it turned out that the weather was normal, the pilot was very experienced, just suddenly there was a cloud, and then he caught fire, about the fact that this all looks very suspicious, despite the fact what will be the results of the iranian official investigation, most of the field commanders who came to the funeral of reisi, abdalahian, the minister of foreign affairs and others who died in this disaster are now saying, because it is a funeral.
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after all, these ceremonies are another reason for in order to bring together everyone who knew raisi, abdalahian, and the commanders, leaders of the same houthis, hezbollah, representatives of islamic jihad, representatives of hamas came there, they held a meeting, held meetings with several iranian generals, including the head of the iranian corps guards of the islamic revolution and the elite quds force jerusalem, and so at this meeting, as far as i know, there were very strong calls to stop this strategy of patience, which iran has already
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said goodbye, but which economic potential is incomparable, which will not be tolerated, which iran continues, they are just hammering. and what are these leaders talking about, they say, if something is not done, then we may be next, and this can no longer be tolerated, therefore, paradoxically, the us policy in the region leads to the fact that the situation is only getting worse, in in the same iran, consolidation is taking place, why am i talking about the us policy, because even in america itself, many people say that... the americans are conniving, it’s the americans who are accomplices with their military and financial assistance, and when linzdie graham says at a meeting that something needs to be done with the international criminal court, otherwise the americans will be next, he’s right in some ways, but today i listened to
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andrew napolitan’s dialogue and george maschmeyer, well, they say the same thing, they criticize of course. blinken, of course, made many absurdities not only about russia and ukraine, but also about what he said about israel and palestine in senate hearings at a meeting with congressmen and others. this is out of the ordinary coming out, starting from the fact that he cynically said this stupid phrase that the iranian people should rejoice that their leaders were killed, and ending with the fact that he sealed up the gas pipeline, he said that
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america continues to push through a deal between saudi arabia arabia and israel, and part of that deal is to discuss the future. proposed this transport corridor, which, in defiance of iran and in defiance of china, should pass from the ports of india, through the territory of saudi arabia, through the territory of the emirates, through the territory of israel to reach the sector gas in order to create an equipped port there. isn’t
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that what we’re talking about, but then it’s even more cynicism. let's start with deepstate and democracy, but let's deal with some of them.
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it also seems to me a very, well, at least not strategic position that everything
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is controlled in america, it turns out the deep state, yes, that america is ruled by the republican democratic party, which of them comes does not matter, and in general, nothing seems to change in america, more besides, she will never, never sag, she will never have significant transformational changes and so on, in my opinion this is not so, it doesn’t say, just wait, yes it does. let me sharpen it, you sharpen it, i ’ll sharpen it too, only if you say that i didn’t say that nothing changes, that they will never sag, in fact, in my opinion, so to speak, i’ll try to stand, but what exactly it is necessary to specifically suggest what to do, in my opinion, a significant part of the leadership.
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that’s why blinkin incompetence is one and the same thing, by the way, regarding salevan, salevan initially, of course, from the point of view of ideological savvy in making plans, what to do, he seemed to be a much more knowledgeable person, but salemon is not a democrat and not even a deepist, salemon belongs to the clan.
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they always moved out, ate everyone, sorry, this comrade blew everything, this is actually also incompetence, because clinton, if the secretaries of state of the united states, today vladimir rudolfovich remembered our great enemy kisenger, very smart and worthy, then of course it’s like, well, blinken, what a secretary of state, and these are clintonites, when everyone who always knew how to carry out their apparatus affairs defeat everyone even from the most uncomfortable position, oscarids, nits clintonites, and arrange a good line. blinken noted in response to questions from congressmen,
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they can’t do anything, moreover, when the only move he made was absolutely accurate and calculated, that’s when burns asked him, and he’s also one of the clintons, they asked him, burns told me there that this red line, what year was this, like where are these clintons now, this is the only one the thing that needed to be paid attention to, everything else is there, you don’t want to pay attention to it, so i would recommend america to watch, here is raisi’s funeral, right? بالا بیار دست بالا بیار مرگ بر آمریکا مرگ بر آمریکا مرگ بر امریکاری کار!
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also, but, but really smes, i don’t know, countries of the world majority, smes, yes, everyone is like that, what is this, in fact, they really face very serious difficulties, and by the way, it seems to me so, from this moment, i will go into something unusual for myself function, a little bit, so to speak, i will present some conspiracy hypotheses, phew, finally, that’s it, well, thank god,
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listen, well done, it means, well, that the democratic party is now suspiciously silent about what will happen to the party party.. . because he is hated there now, probably by everyone in the party, or he knows something about the state of the markets, the so-called global economy, that he decided that he definitely doesn’t wait until november, so to speak, until january, that’s it. or the whole matter was strongly advised to him, because he was no longer economic theater, as it were, in some other theater such
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serious things will happen that in general it would be nice to have a coalition government, and a government that will be appointed... by the reigning house, yes, how, well, by the royal house, yes , in such a way that it would be, well, initially, here it is, so that a royal, and maybe, finally, a monarchical coup, well, it will be, maybe, finally, an aged prince, who has become a not a young king, decides to turn back the course of history, but that means i don’t know who it really will be to do, karl or wilhelm, that’s it, but karl, who stole coral from clara, will start, so.
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in the normal european sense, so to speak, and in general, as if in the eurasian sense, as if absolutism had never existed there, well , after such a portrait, charles has nothing to lose
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where he is all in red, that’s what i think so to speak, the island has stirred oh oh it’s not in vain that it definitely means, well, about scholz, a few words, that means, well, everything about the genocide has been said correctly, that’s really it, it is necessary, we must, by the way, insist every day that not only leningrad, but in general germany’s actions towards the soviet people bore clear signs of genocide, that it was simply genocide, it doesn’t matter who put forward this original idea, it’s just this is a fact, we must insist on it, and the fact that whoever will accept it at the un, not at the un, is enough, as it were, in this direction in general. countries that do not want to live in a global world built, so to speak, by america after the second world war, and these are countries with which it makes sense to deal with, by the way, bahrain abstained from voting on
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this resolution, so i looked at it, and came here, and i came and said that this is the very day of life, so we need to look, and by the way, i paid attention to bahrain, well, scholz, by the way, is also quite a curious thing, because he owns this term that was invented for him, his pronunciation is correct. well, that is, somehow he seemed to blend in a little, he probably translated the highback from english into german, he used to do translations i was dealing with, so to speak, internal american affairs, okay, i won’t
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take up much time, but clearly things are moving towards the fact that the court either needs to be dissolved, or trump should be imprisoned, that is, everything should start, so to speak, a little earlier the appointed date, january 20, 2025, to begin, as it were , an internal conflict, i strongly doubt it, i understand that there is a huge one who says, listen, nothing will happen there, it seems to me that... it very well will, i’m interested, they are very close to this, and now i don’t know, the civil war now looks like practically a civil war, you know what it’s all about, it really looks almost inevitable now, and what’s more , it would be a different question, well, they definitely won’t get by without conflict there, and now about where everything is going, yes , it really turned out that, as if by the way, many people in the west are talking about this , primarily in the anglo-saxon west.
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here, so to speak, a little less, but it’s interesting that the elections in britain will be held right after the independence day of the united states, well, this is true curious, as for china. they still suggest not to get ahead of yourself, because i remember how many experts here also told us that there would be elections in taiwan in january, there would be a severe escalation, there would be a third front and so on, well, the elections were over, and
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before that there was a meeting even between joe biden and shizen pina, in general , they agreed, but no escapation happened then, well, now the inauguration of a new president, this william lai, here again they promise us some kind of large-scale escapation, although, by the way, the exercises that china is conducting now are still smaller in scale than what happened with the visit in august 22... but then again, maybe we’ll see something there, but i would there, of course, i didn’t delude myself and hope that now china will definitely come in, that’s what concerns britain, well, i have a completely different point of view, of course, the liborists don’t need any coalition government there, they’re quietly taking away, i think, places 350-400, or even more, here are the conservatives they simply remain with a minimal faction, probably there for 200 years of the existence of their history, and in the next few years they will carry out a state of simply internal civil war, that’s irisha sunok. made a decision, yes, a very funny date, july 4th is us independence day, well, in fact, it’s quite logical, considering that sunak himself still has a green card there, like his wife, there, by the way, it’s already possible that he even
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has american citizenship, well, at least. there were certain conversations and there after the 4th of july he happily leaves really to develop in california, as it has already become known, well, at least there is information about it there, and his own headhund fund in the field of development of it projects and artificial intelligence, so this connects finance and it, fintech, that’s like his favorite topic, for the sake of this he even held two summits on artificial intelligence in britain, it is obvious that he will develop in this topic, by the way, a fun fact, why is it on the 4th of july, the reception begins in august. american schools and he wants to leave in time with his family and , as it were, so that his children can already be accepted in california, so what a far-sighted person, so you understand how, how easily everything really can be explained, even without a certain conspiracy theory, of course, many conservative deputies are outraged that he wasn’t going to hold elections at the end of the year, because they still planned to sit there for another six months in their warm positions, but they decided that after all, such a terrible end now is better than this endless horror, but in
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principle... it’s as if the outcome of everything is already a foregone conclusion, well, now, by the way, many people there are saying that rishu sunok is trying to somehow pull the rug out from under the feet of the laborists, well, it’s obvious that this of course won’t work, but he really pulled the rug out from under the feet of this right-wing, non-systemic opposition that existed in relation to the conservatives, this is the reform party of nige farage, yes, because nige farage is now actively working in america, helping trump get elected, earning a lot of money there communicating interaction with republican different. oligarchs, right now at the moment he will not participate in this campaign, accordingly , the reform party will gain, well, not such a large percentage, there 10-11%, most likely, that is, it will become a spoiler for the conservatives, well, it will not completely destroy this party, as if at least some positive news for rich sunak and the remaining conservative deputies there, who will retain their positions there after these elections, is that they will not have some 6-8 people left in their faction, but how some
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they assumed, well, there might be 70. 80 seats they would retain, that’s what concerns, by the way, david cameron, yes, well , he really has certain ambitions there, yes, to lead this small conservative faction after their total defeat, so well, i’m not sure what will happen, given that, of course, a person has a colossal anti-rating, and in fact, those people who will vote in the primary, well, they just hate him, that’s as much as you can hate your politician there, they they hate david cameron, by the way, being a lord, he most likely won’t be able to do just poetic questions there, of course , to do all this, that is... they will look for some safe constituency for him in early elections somewhere in 2025 , well, this is exactly what you already know, the life of the insect lords, why should you participate, because it is unethical and undemocratic, that well, being in an unelected position in the lords’ party, yes , according to the law, this is formally possible, but again listen, well, he won’t get 5 % on these the primaries of the conservative party will quietly merge in 25. david cameron will engage in lobbying and help
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bypass china. those sanctions that he accepted during this year and a half or a year of being in charge, but again we’ll see, let’s not argue, they will judge us soon, well, by the way, not allowing the return of some leaf once , for example, a person will stay, but she has a safe district, she is not in danger of defeat in her own district, but some grandshaps is most likely for sure will merge, so of course we will observe such a funny life of insects there, but it was correctly noted that of course it is worth keeping an eye on this, because well, there are indeed certain processes of transformation... there are yes in the usa in britain, well, from the change of one party to another, especially in the united kingdom, nothing monumental will change for us, yes, between libarists and conservatives, unfortunately, there is complete consensus there regarding the continuation of all this militarism against russia, yes, of course, among the libarists there will be some nuances in their foreign policy, and there relations with asia, with china will change slightly, they are more europhiles, so i think that, of course, israel... and
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it will not be as easy to work in these conditions as it is now in britain, and so on, and of course the main question is how these same labor members are going to work together with the possible future us president donald trump, yes, if he wins the election, because we all remember, of course, this wonderful connection of the beginning noughties bush blair, but there after all, there was a different era, the politicians were of a slightly different formation, in britain, of course, kirstarmer, a man who would soon be there. prime minister of the united kingdom, this is such a blairist in the square and in the cube, and a person who, in everything, follows the agenda that tony blair defends, and even there the tony blair institute actually turns into the most influential lobbying office in britain, by the way, it’s quite interesting to see how the fundraising of this very organization increased, there last year they poured almost 250 million pounds.


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